Y NT COLLEGE BRYANT HOST TO ((The Status of Women in America" N.E. B. E. A. EVENT A Symposium and Convocation November 18 THE 61st annual convention of the New England Business Educators O N OCTOBER 1'1 President John F . Kennedy will receive a report culminating two Association will convene Saturday, No­ years of study by a Commission on The Status of Women in America and on vember 16, at Bryant. November 18 Bryant College will devote its major Centennial Convocatio~ to the "Business Education-Critical Issues" same subject. The chairman of the President's Commission, Mrs. Esther Peterson, is the chosen theme for this affair. The Assistant Secretary of Labor, will preside over a symposium and panel discussion on keynote speaker will 'be Dr. Louis the topic in our auditorium. The panel of women will represent business, politics, Nanassey, Professor of Business Educa­ education, civic groups, religion, and medicine. tion at Montclair (N. J .) State College. When President E . Gardner J acobs opens the symposium on November 18 at NEBEA President Eleanor M. Lambert­ 9 a.m., he will begin the first major national event to honor the achievements of son expects more than 400 business women following The Status of Women in America report. Excitement among teachers will be on hand. community committees is running high, as it well might. Miss Marion Stephenson, Vice President of the National Broadcasting Company, IS general chairman for the Symposium and Convocation, and will preside at the Convocation. As you may remember, she is the first woman vice president of N. B. C., and received an honorary degree at our commencement in July. ,Mrs. Margaret Ackroyd, Commissioner of Minimum Wage for Rhode Island is chairman of the Women's Symposium Committee. This committee was invited' by the College to assist in planning the event and consists of prominent women in the community. Miss Moulton Dean Gulski Miss Claire Ernstof '29 and D~ Grace This convention will begin at 9:15 Glynn '62H are members of the ~po­ a. m. and conclude by mid-afternoon. sium Committee. Claire is office -;:;j";'m­ Dr. E. Gardner Jacobs will be host to agel' of Cadillac Textiles, Inc., in Cum­ the members. Miss Priscilla Moulton is berland. Dr. Glynn is Rhode Island As­ chairman of the Hospitality Committee; sociate Commissioner of Education. Mr. Joseph Reynolds and Mr. Robert The degree of Doctor of Science in O'Connell have charge of the Exhibits. Business Administration, honoris causa, will be conferred upon Assistant Secre­ Dean Nelson J. Gulski will chair the tary Peterson at the convocation in the College level section of discussions in afternoon. the morning related to business admin­ istration and accounting. U. S. Senator John E. Fogarty '59H will be the principal speaker at the convoca­ The Luncheon speaker will be Dr. tion. In the capacity of chairman of the Huston Smith, Professor of Philosophy House 'Committee on Health, Education, at M. 1. T. in Cambridge. Dr. Smith's and Welfare, Mr. Fogarty plays an in­ topic will be "The Nature of Man: Some fluential role with regard to legislation Recent Evidence from Science." Mrs. Esther Peterson affecting women. All Teacher Education alumni are An academic procession, preceding the invited. convening <>f the convocation at 4 p.m., ADVANCED DEGREES will include representatives from many I T is always a pleasure and a rewarding area colleges, faculty, and dist1nguished IN THIS ISSUE .. experience to learn of the conferring guests. 1963 Business-Study Tour.................. Page 2 of advanced degrees upon our alumni. Invitations have been sent to all R. 1. Sports Schedule ................. _...... .......... _.. ...... Page 3 Patience and much endurance character­ alumni. Graduate Study Questionnaire......... Page 3 ize all of these degree recipients and our Promotions ........ _.... _................... _.................... Page 5 If you do not re-ide in R. 1. and wish Faculty News ................................................... Page 5 best wishes are extended to them all. to receive an invitation to this outstand­ MalTiages ............................................................... Page 6 Janet J . Anisewski 62TT will receive ing Centennial event, please direct your Alumni Council News.......................... ....... Page 7 the master of arts degree in educational request to Dr. Charles H. Russell, Vice Supplement to Directory........ ................ Page 7 psychology from Teachers College, Co­ President for Academic Affairs, Bryant Class and General News........................ Page 8 Deaths .... ................................................................. Page 8 lumbia University, on December 1'8. She College, 154 Hope Street, Providence, (Continued on Page 7) Rhode Island 02906. lively group of students will gather evening about the relationship of Italy London's Victoria Station by boat train A at the home of faculty member to the Common ,Market. It was his gen­ left them almost a week to tour the Na­ Wallace Camper this month to recap­ eral feeling that Italy considers it wise tional Museum, Buckingham Palace, take ture some of the nostalgia, local flavor, to do business with Communist nations, in some plays, and do a great deal of and what-have-you of their recent 41- even though politically she is not aligned shopping. day business-study tour of Europe. with the communist bloc, and does not A visit to the International Division of Our description will content itself with feel that she will become dependent upon Midland Bank, one of England's largest, the highlights of the tour. this trade. prompted a discussion on France's re­ Tour guide Camper spent the winter Several motor scooter rides later, the fusal to allow England into the Common briefing these young people through the group left for Pizzaro on the Adriatic Market. The British Federation of Trade use of slides, talks, and language prac- Sea, a coastal town that offered excellent & Industry also provided a representative THE 1963 BRYANT bathing and beach facilities. to tell of the state of industry in In Venice-more than 100,000 other England. tice and continued his orientation on the tourists were there this particular week Just a week before the new school S. S. France as the group sailed from -they toured a glass factory just off New York City on July 26. year began, they returned on the S. S. A week later, and a shipboard ping­ BUSINESS-STUDY France to New York City. pong championship for Camper, Paris un­ San Marco Square. Swimming at Lido Tour participants with Wally Camper folded her charms to them. Aside from Beach, reached by motor launch from were: Edwina (Winnie) Carroll, Stam­ visiting tourist attractions in the City Venice, was thoroughly enjoyable amd ford, Conn.; Arlene Fishman, Pawtucket, I.; of Light, they toured Ricard & Company, refreshing. R. Manuel Gorriaran, Providence, wine merchants, and were guests of Mon­ Travelling through the Brenner Pass, SUMMER TOUR sieur Ricard for dinner at his chateau, with an overnight stop at Innsbruck, the "La Vocine", in Clairefontaine, about 45 group welcomed the sight of the pic­ R. I.; Sheila Gorriaran, Providence, miles outside Paris. turesque scenery of Germany. Outside R. I.; Richard Longo, Cedarhurst, N. Y.; The overnight train ride to Geneva, Munich, a visit to the Linderhof Castle Kathleen O'Hara, Danbury, Conn.; Cyn­ Switzerland, brought picture-book scen­ recalled the splendor of former years of thia Riva, Canaan, Conn.; Jeanne St. ery to life and a chance to swim in Lake rule under the Bismarcks. Amand, Hartford, Conn.; Phyllis Salli, Geneva. From this time on until they The following day in Stuttgart, Ger­ Fairview, Mass.; Irene Townsend, Wap­ left Oostende, Belgium, four weeks later, many, the Daimler-Benz Corporation pingers Falls, N. Y.; Kenneth Middleton, this happy group would share a bus with permitted them to see their plant, from Pawtucket, R. I. a Swiss driver named Robert Pflander. raw material to finished product, fol­ If you are interested in planning to Following an overnight stay in Zer­ lowed by lunch in the executive dining participate in the 1964 Tour, send your matt at the foot of the Materhorn, they room. inquiry to: Wallace Camper, Bryant Col­ travelled to Milan, Italy. In Metonopoli, When the group arrived in Dusseldorf lege Business-Study Tour, Bryant Col­ outside Milan, they observed a self-con­ for sightseeing, they were met by a lege, Providence, Rhode Island 02906. tained city for 10,000 employees, the ad­ group of German students who acted as ministrative offices and laboratories of their guides and escorts for a night on Astroiet Stewardess the government created E. N. 1., the the town. Here was an opportunity and Italian State Corporation for oil and challenge to exchange ideas and to meet natural gas. the German people. Challenge accepted. In Florence, Italy, noted for its leather During the canal ride around the har­ goods and cultural sights, and in Rome, bor of Amsterdam, they were able to the Eternal City, they captured the feel­ see the home of Anne Frank and later ing of the traditions and culture that visited a diamond factory. U . S . Deputy inspire everyone who visits. As guests Commissioner William Hamilton met of the Italian government, they visited them in Brussels and lectured about the the Leonardo da Vinci International Air­ United States' relationship to the Com­ port, the third busiest airport in the mon Market. world and a busy center of commerce and Going on to Oostende in Belgium, then trade. by steamer across the English Channel, Dr. Paolucci de Calboli of the Ministry they caught their first glimpse of the of Foreign Affairs lectured to them one white Cliffs of Dover. From Dover to American Airlines has assigned Eleo­ nora "Ellie" Cardarelli '61 to their Astro­ 2nd Lieutena nts, U. S. A. F. ond lieutenants in the United States Air jets flying out of New York City.
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