420 Hereford - Bromyard DRM Coaches Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions 1 Notes s Lugwardine, adj St Mary’s RC School 1515 Tupsley, adj Cock of Tupsley 1520 Hereford, Country Bus Station (Stand 10) 0855 1055 1610 1610 1745 Hereford, Shire Hall (Stand 3) 0900 1100 § Hereford, adj Moreland Avenue 0901 1101 1611 1611 1746 § Aylestone Hill, adj Venn’s Lane 0902 1102 1612 1612 1747 Aylestone Hill, Broadlands Lane (NW-bound) 1615 1615 1630 § Aylestone Hill, opp The Shires 0902 1102 1615 1615 1630 1747 § Aylestone Hill, adj The Swan 0903 1103 1615 1615 1631 1748 § Hereford, Lugg Bridge (E-bound) 0905 1105 1616 1616 1633 1750 Withington, adj Village Hall 0910 1110 1620 1620 1755 Withington Marsh, opp Cross Keys 0915 1115 1625 1625 1640 1800 § Preston Wynne, Little Hastings Crossroads (NE-bound) 0916 1116 1626 1626 1641 1801 § Burley Gate, opp Ocle Pychard Turn 0919 1119 1629 1629 1644 1804 § Burley Gate, A465 Roundabout (NE-bound) 0919 1119 1629 1629 1644 1804 Burley Gate, opp Telephone Exchange 0920 1120 1630 1630 1645 1805 § Stoke Lacy, adj Plough Inn 0925 1125 1635 1635 1650 1810 § Stoke Lacy, Crick’s Green (N-bound) 0926 1126 1636 1636 1651 1811 Flaggoner’s Green, opp Shop 0930 1130 1640 1640 1655 1815 § Bromyard, adj Clover Road 0933 1133 1643 1643 1658 1815 Bromyard, opp Tower Hill 0934 1645 1645 1700 1817 Bromyard, Pump Street (S-bound) 0940 1140 1300 § Linton, opp Linton Court 0941 1301 1701 § Linton, Malvern Turn 0942 1302 1702 § Bromyard Downs, opp Caravan Club 0943 1303 1702 § Bringsty, opp Cafe 0946 1306 1704 Whitbourne, adj School 0952 1312 17071 § Sapey Bridge, adj Wheatsheaf Inn 0954 1314 1709 Knightwick, adj Surgery 0955 1315 1710 Martley, adj The Crown Inn 1715 Great Witley, adj Village Hall 1720 Broadwas, adj Post Box 1001 1321 Crown East, adj Crown East Lane 1008 1328 Rushwick, Claphill Lane (S-bound) 1010 1330 0 § Rushwick, opp Christine Avenue 1011 1331 § St John’s, Bypass Island (NE-bound) 1012 1332 § St John’s, Laugherne Brook (E-bound) 1012 1332 § St John’s, Boughton Avenue (NE-bound) 1013 1333 § St John’s, opp Portobello Inn 1014 1334 § St John’s, adj Blakefield Road 1015 1335 § St John’s, opp School Road 1015 1335 § St John’s, adj Graham Road 1015 1335 § St John’s, St John’s (N-bound) 1016 1336 § St John’s, Bull Ring (E-bound) 1017 1337 Worcester, adj Angel Place 1020 1340 Service Restrictions: 1 - to 17.12.21, not 25.10.21 to 29.10. Notes: s - Sets down only 1 - sets down only § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown Herefordshire County Council23/09/2021 1709 420 Hereford - Bromyard DRM Coaches Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Notes s Lugwardine, adj St Mary’s RC School 1515 Tupsley, adj Cock of Tupsley 1520 Hereford, Country Bus Station (Stand 10) 0855 1055 1610 1610 1745 Hereford, Shire Hall (Stand 3) 0900 1100 § Hereford, adj Moreland Avenue 0901 1101 1611 1611 1746 § Aylestone Hill, adj Venn’s Lane 0902 1102 1612 1612 1747 Aylestone Hill, Broadlands Lane (NW-bound) 1615 1615 1630 § Aylestone Hill, opp The Shires 0902 1102 1615 1615 1630 1747 § Aylestone Hill, adj The Swan 0903 1103 1615 1615 1631 1748 § Hereford, Lugg Bridge (E-bound) 0905 1105 1616 1616 1633 1750 Withington, adj Village Hall 0910 1110 1620 1620 1755 Withington Marsh, opp Cross Keys 0915 1115 1625 1625 1640 1800 § Preston Wynne, Little Hastings Crossroads (NE-bound) 0916 1116 1626 1626 1641 1801 § Burley Gate, opp Ocle Pychard Turn 0919 1119 1629 1629 1644 1804 § Burley Gate, A465 Roundabout (NE-bound) 0919 1119 1629 1629 1644 1804 Burley Gate, opp Telephone Exchange 0920 1120 1630 1630 1645 1805 § Stoke Lacy, adj Plough Inn 0925 1125 1635 1635 1650 1810 § Stoke Lacy, Crick’s Green (N-bound) 0926 1126 1636 1636 1651 1811 Flaggoner’s Green, opp Shop 0930 1130 1640 1640 1655 1815 § Bromyard, adj Clover Road 0933 1133 1643 1643 1658 1815 Bromyard, opp Tower Hill 0934 1645 1645 1700 1817 Bromyard, Pump Street (S-bound) 0940 1140 1300 1440 § Linton, opp Linton Court 0941 1301 1441 1701 § Linton, Malvern Turn 0942 1302 1442 1702 § Bromyard Downs, opp Caravan Club 0943 1303 1443 1702 § Bringsty, opp Cafe 0946 1306 1446 1704 Whitbourne, adj School 0952 1312 1452 17071 § Sapey Bridge, adj Wheatsheaf Inn 0954 1314 1454 1709 Knightwick, adj Surgery 0955 1315 1455 1710 Martley, adj The Crown Inn 1715 Great Witley, adj Village Hall 1720 Broadwas, adj Post Box 1001 1321 1501 Crown East, adj Crown East Lane 1008 1328 1508 Rushwick, Claphill Lane (S-bound) 1010 1330 1510 § Rushwick, opp Christine Avenue 1011 1331 1511 1 § St John’s, Bypass Island (NE-bound) 1012 1332 1512 § St John’s, Laugherne Brook (E-bound) 1012 1332 1512 § St John’s, Boughton Avenue (NE-bound) 1013 1333 1513 § St John’s, opp Portobello Inn 1014 1334 1514 § St John’s, adj Blakefield Road 1015 1335 1515 § St John’s, opp School Road 1015 1335 1515 § St John’s, adj Graham Road 1015 1335 1515 § St John’s, St John’s (N-bound) 1016 1336 1516 § St John’s, Bull Ring (E-bound) 1017 1337 1517 Worcester, adj Angel Place 1020 1340 1520 Sundays Hereford, Country Bus Station (Stand 10) 1055 1325 1610 Hereford, Shire Hall (Stand 3) 1100 1330 § Hereford, adj Moreland Avenue 1101 1331 1611 § Aylestone Hill, adj Venn’s Lane 1102 1332 1612 § Aylestone Hill, opp The Shires 1102 1332 1615 § Aylestone Hill, adj The Swan 1103 1333 1615 § Hereford, Lugg Bridge (E-bound) 1105 1335 1616 Withington, adj Village Hall 1110 1340 1620 Withington Marsh, opp Cross Keys 1115 1345 1625 § Preston Wynne, Little Hastings Crossroads (NE-bound) 1116 1346 1626 § Burley Gate, opp Ocle Pychard Turn 1119 1349 1629 § Burley Gate, A465 Roundabout (NE-bound) 1119 1349 1629 Burley Gate, opp Telephone Exchange 1120 1350 1630 § Stoke Lacy, adj Plough Inn 1125 1355 1635 § Stoke Lacy, Crick’s Green (N-bound) 1126 1356 1636 Flaggoner’s Green, opp Shop 1130 1400 1640 § Bromyard, adj Clover Road 1132 1402 1642 Bromyard, opp Tower Hill 1133 1403 1643 Bromyard, Pump Street (S-bound) 1140 1410 Notes: s - Sets down only 1 - sets down only § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown 420 Bromyard - Hereford DRM Coaches Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions 1 2 1 1 2 Notes Sch NSch Sch Sch NSch Worcester, Crowngate Bus Station (Stand M) 1030 1350 § St John’s, Bull Ring (W-bound) 1031 1351 § St John’s, opp Graham Road 1031 1351 § St John’s, adj School Road 1032 1352 § St John’s, opp Blakefield Road 1032 1352 § St John’s, adj Portobello Inn 1032 1352 § St John’s, Boughton Avenue (SW-bound) 1033 1353 § St John’s, Laugherne Brook (W-bound) 1033 1353 § St John’s, Bypass Island (SW-bound) 1033 1353 § Rushwick, adj Christine Avenue 1034 1354 Rushwick, Claphill Lane (S-bound) 1040 1400 § Rushwick, adj Grange Lane 1040 1400 Crown East, adj Crown East Lane 1042 1402 § Crown East, adj Church 1044 1404 § Upper Broadheath, opp Crown East Houses 1045 1405 § Upper Broadheath, opp The Plough 1045 1405 § Cotheridge, adj Lightwood Turn 1046 1406 Broadwas, opp Post Box 1049 1409 Great Witley, adj Village Hall 0710 Martley, opp The Crown Inn 0715 Knightwick, opp Surgery 0723 1053 1414 § Sapey Bridge, Wheatsheaf Inn 0727 1056 1416 Whitbourne, adj School 0730 1058 1418 § Bringsty, adj Cafe 0732 1102 1423 § Bromyard Downs, adj Caravan Club 0738 1108 1429 § Linton, adj Malvern Turn 0739 1109 1429 § Linton, adj Linton Court 0739 1109 1429 § Bromyard, adj Linton Lane 0739 1109 1429 Bromyard, Pump Street (S-bound) 0710 0730 1115 1140 1430 1430 1700 Bromyard, adj Tower Hill 0745 0825 § Bromyard, opp Clover Road 0711 0731 0746 0826 1141 1431 1431 1701 Flaggoner’s Green, adj Shop 0713 0733 0748 0828 1143 1433 1433 1703 § Flaggoner’s Green, adj Queen Elizabeth School 0713 0733 0748 0828 1143 1433 1433 1703 § Stoke Lacy, Crick’s Green (S-bound) 0717 0737 0752 0832 1147 1437 1437 1707 2 § Stoke Lacy, opp Plough Inn 0719 0739 0754 0834 1149 1439 1439 1709 Burley Gate, adj Telephone Exchange 0723 0745 0758 0838 1153 1443 1443 1713 § Burley Gate, A465 Roundabout (SW-bound) 0725 0745 0800 0840 1153 1443 1443 1713 § Burley Gate, adj Ocle Pychard Turn 0725 0745 0800 0840 1153 1443 1443 1713 § Preston Wynne, Little Hastings Crossroads (SW-bound) 0727 0748 0802 0842 1156 1446 1446 1716 Withington Marsh, adj Cross Keys 0728 0750 0803 0843 1158 1448 1448 1718 Withington, opp Village Hall 0730 0800 0848 1202 1453 1453 1723 § Hereford, Lugg Bridge (W-bound) 0739 0804 0814 0852 1207 1457 1457 1728 § Aylestone Hill, opp The Swan 0739 0806 0814 0854 1209 1458 1458 1730 § Aylestone Hill, o/s The Shires 0739 0807 0814 0855 1210 1459 1459 1731 § Aylestone Hill, opp Venn’s Lane 0739 0808 0814 0856 1211 1500 1500 1732 Tupsley, adj Hereford Colleges 0815 Tupsley, adj Bishops School 0820 Lugwardine, adj St Mary’s RC School 0825 § Hereford, opp Moreland Avenue 0739 0811 0859 1212 1501 1501 1733 § Hereford, opp Station Approach Bridge 0739 0814 0859 1213 1502 1502 1734 Hereford, Country Bus Station (Stand 3) 0740 0815 0900 1215 1503 1503 1735 § Hereford, adj The Hop Pole 0818 Hereford, Shire Hall (Stand 3) 0820 1218 Service Restrictions: 1 - to 17.12.21, not 25.10.21 to 29.10.
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