Puppet Master Summer Camps Food for Thought Wonderland of A Comprehensive Boro6 to Expand Fun in Dobbs Directory of Local Wine Bar Menu Ferry Options for Kids with Boro6 Kitchen PAGE 8 PAGE 16-21 PAGE 35 Your Community Newspaper Since 2006 March 2020 | VOL. XV NO. 3 Tarrytown • Sleepy Hollow • Irvington • Scarborough-on-Hudson • Ardsley-on-Hudson • Dobbs Ferry thehudsonindependent.com Business Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown Join Effective Approach Forces on Census 2020 Makers Central Cultivates Cre- ativity by Char Weigel Story» Page 9 he fi rst mailing of Census 2020 may not reach house- Photo By: Char Weigel Tholds until mid-March, but the villages of Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown are already at work to ensure a successful and complete count. Th e Sleepy Hollow-Tarry- town Census 2020 Committee is comprised of both village govern- Sports ments, the Public Schools of the Tarrytowns, Warner Library, the Track Champs Diana Loja, Village of Sleepy Hollow Community Liaison, coordinated a Census 2020 media event Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow Cham- Bulldogs Win First Crown in 31 February 23 for Spanish-language media outlets and many other print and social media entities. MORE» on page 2 Years Photo By: Sunny McLean Story» Page 25 Environmental News Community Reminder: Environmental New York’s plastic Taking the Plunge bag ban begins 3/1. Festival Bring your own bag Irvington Th eatre to Host Ac- claimed Documentary. wherever you shop. Story» Page 27 PAGE 12 PAID PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE U.S. PERMIT NO. 971 PERMIT NO. WHITE PLAINS, NY WHITE PLAINS, Tribute About 50 men, women and teenagers ran into the Hudson River February 15 for the Third Annual Escape from Sing Sing Local Librarian Polar Plunge, raising $17,300 to support Gullotta House. Adults, Children Remember Cheryl Matthews. Story» Page 30 Protests Prompt Irvington Board to Delay Rezoning Vote by Barrett Seaman or scrap the legislation altogether. Coming as they did more than eight months af- n a night when the Irvington Board of Trust- ter the bill was introduced last June and following ees was poised to enact major zoning changes eight subsequent public hearings in which various Ofor the village’s North Broadway Corridor stakeholders requested changes, the 11th-hour chal- What’s Happening (see e Hudson Independent, February 2020 is- lenges left Mayor Brian Smith and fellow trustees sue), a group of residents submitted petitions and frustrated. In a Facebook exchange with several of Calendar Listing followed them with comments at the board’s the legislation’s opponents, Smith reminded them of February 20th meeting, calling for the board to the extensive outreach that had gone before. “I have of Events vastly alter the allowable uses of the property sent emails,” he MORE» on Page 3 Story» Page 32-33 counted every 10 years. Students at the EF “OUR GOAL IS THAT EVERY RESIDENT OF BOTH Census School? Yes. Residents of group homes and Continued from page 1 VILLAGES IS COUNTED AND THAT EVERYONE nursing homes? Yes. Non-family members UNDERSTANDS WHY THE CENSUS IS in the same dwelling? A baby born on the ber of Commerce, the police departments day the household fi lls out the census? Res- IMPORTANT TO THEIR LIVES.” and other community and non-profi t rep- idents who are not citizens? Yes to all and —Rebecca McGovern, Committee member and Tarrytown Trustee resentatives. “Our goal,” said Committee many more, including just about anyone member and Tarrytown Trustee Rebecca living in Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown. McGovern, “is that every resident of both Th e Committee is reaching out to busi- ment entities. By law, responses will only communications will include the Census villages is counted and that everyone un- nesses and community organizations with be used for statistical purposes.” She wants 2020 logo, and anyone affi liated with the derstands why the census is important to presentations, fl yers and posters to raise everyone to know they can safely respond. census will carry Census 2020 identifi ca- their lives.” awareness, and is launching a local social Th e Committee is recruiting familiar faces tion. It is possible that a Census employee Despite considerable outreach and com- media campaign. Th e Public Schools of in undercounted neighborhoods as vol- may call you to clarify your response, but munication during the 2010 census, sev- the Tarrytowns (TUFSD) is a key partner unteers to walk with Census enumerators only after you have submitted your com- eral neighborhoods in Sleepy Hollow and – incorporating census education into the during in-person visits to reduce confusion pleted Census. Police Chiefs John Barbelet Tarrytown were among the most under- curriculum, sending fl yers home in back- and anxiety. of Tarrytown and Anthony Bueti of Sleepy counted in New York State. Th e cost of a packs, and educating families through Th e Committee has already heard con- Hollow urge residents to report any suspi- similar undercounting in 2020 would be email blasts. Soon, banners will be posted cerns about scams and identity theft, and cious outreach in the name of the census to high. Each uncounted person results in a at prominent locations around the villages reports of some misleading political mail- the police departments. loss of $2,500 in government funding per in English and in Spanish. Th e goal is that ings that appear to be part of Census 2020. McGovern emphasized, “We all win year. Th at means money from taxes paid by the census is top of mind to everyone. Th e census will send the invitations to if we all count. So fi ll out your census or village residents will be sent to other parts Th e new online platform is a plus for households only through the U.S. mail, reach out for help if you need it. Every- of the state rather than supporting local some but a barrier for others. Th e Com- not by email or phone. Households that one counts!” Visit www.2020census.gov or roads, village programs and other services. mittee is working with Warner Library, have not responded will receive an in-per- email [email protected] In addition, for every uncounted person, places of worship, businesses, health or- son visit between May and July. All census with questions. residents of both villages will lose represen- ganizations, the Community Food Pan- tation in Albany and Washington, giving try and many more organizations to raise greater voice to other areas of the state. Th e awareness and provide laptop support for Pictured on the front cover: Committee is working to avoid these losses online submission. Th ere are also options by counting every resident. to fi le by phone (with translation services) Diana Loja, Village of Sleepy Hollow Community Liaison, coordinated a Census Th e census is short, only nine questions and on a paper form mailed to residents 2020 media event February 23 for Spanish-language media outlets and many (see the questions at https://2020census. who have not responded by mid-April. other print and social media entities. Speakers included Maritza Mora, Ecuador- gov/en/about-questions.html), but there Confi dentiality is a concern for some. ian Cónsul, Queens; Ken Wray, Mayor of Sleepy Hollow; Tito Davila, Community are many hurdles to a complete count. Diana Loja, Committee member and Vil- Liaison for State Senator Pete Harckham; Ana Restrepo, Neighbor’s Link; Maria One barrier is confusion about who needs lage of Sleepy Hollow Community Liai- Portilla, Westchester County Department of Social Services; Heriberto Con- to be counted. Th e Constitution and the son, said, “Th e census is confi dential and treras, Westchester County Census Coordinator; Luis Yumbla, a leader of the 14th Amendment require every resident, cannot be released to anyone or shared Westchester Latino Community; and others. regardless of age or citizenship status, to be with law enforcement or other govern- Get in the Running — the Race is On A Conversation with A Conversation with ELLEN CRANE, MARY FENNEL, LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN JOHN MAGGIOTTO, Join Doug Coe in a discussion about Beethoven’s compositional & SUSAN RICHMAN process through a close analysis of th Four local photographers discuss one piece included in the concert Saturday, March 28 , 9:30 am their creative processes, the evolution immediately to follow. of their work, and more. No prior musical expertise required. Enter today at rivertownrunners.org SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2 PM SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2 PM For reservations and information: For reservations and information: riverarts.org/conversation riverarts.org/beethoven Photo by Ellen Crane, 2015 *** CASH AWARDS *** Admission for our artist conversations is $10. to the top 3 Male and Female Finishers We also offer our Beethoven conversation for $5 with the purchase of a ticket to the April 19 concert. Seating is limited. Reservations strongly recommended. TECHNICAL SHIRT to the All Racers 2020 SHHM Medal to All Finishers PLUS Awards & Prizes to Top Category Winners · Electronic Timing Water/Gatorade® · USATF Certified Course & More Sponsored by: Thanks to all the runners, RTR has donated over $360,000 to local community charities 2 Th e Hudson Independent March 2020 www.thehudsonindependent.com Vote Delay Continued from page 1 wrote. “There have been other articles. living facility in the zone. They echoed We have incorporated the input received concerns raised by the two previous ap- over the last nine months from neighbors, plications—the Continuum facility on residents and property owners into the South Broadway and four years later the draft…” Brightview plan for the Carrafiello prop- “I just found out about it a few days be- erty. These included size, traffic, parking fore the February 3rd meeting,” explained and increased demand for village services, Peter Budeiri of Meadowbrook Road, just especially EMT.
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