8-1 The Project would result in longer term 8. Planning and Land Use benefits for the economy and tourism in the area due to improved accessibility following The Planning and Land Use Assessment the duplication of the highway. It would also examined the potential effects of the Project deliver benefits for Buangor in particular, due on land use, zoning and public infrastructure to the diversion of freight and other vehicles and consistency with the Pyrenees Planning out of the town centre, thereby improving the Scheme and the Ararat Planning Scheme and safety and amenity of the town. other relevant planning strategies. The Planning and Land Use Assessment The study area spans part of Pyrenees Shire concluded that the Project as a whole would and Ararat Rural City. It includes land that has not result in any significant inconsistency with been developed for grazing, cropping, planning policy, nor would it result in any plantations, residential and rural residential broad change of land use within the study purposes. The Ballarat – Ararat Railway line is area. On balance, Option 2 has less land within the study area, following a similar severance impacts than Option 1 because it alignment to that of the existing highway. aligns more closely with property boundaries, the existing highway and the railway line. The assessment found that most land use and planning related impacts would be experienced in the construction phase and so 8.1 EES Objectives they are short term only. These include potential impacts on existing infrastructure The EES objectives relevant to the Planning and due to the temporary relocation and/or Land Use Assessment are: disconnection of services, potential impacts on To avoid or minimise disruption and other amenity such as noise and dust emissions, adverse effects on infrastructure, land use traffic disruptions and changes to landscape (including agriculture and residential) and due to removal of vegetation. Noise, dust, households, as well as road users resulting from traffic and landscape impacts have been the construction and operation of the highway investigated through specific studies in this duplication. EES and would be managed to an acceptable level through the implementation of the This chapter discusses planning and land use within Project Construction Environmental the EES study area, the potential impacts from the Management Plan (CEMP). Project on planning and land use, and the management measures proposed to be implemented Smaller isolated allotments created as a result to minimise these impacts. More specifically, this of land acquisition for the Project that are chapter: below the minimum lot size of the relevant zone, could be subject to development Characterises the project area in terms of land pressure for a dwelling. These smaller use and development (existing and likely), zoning allotments, if required for a use other than and public infrastructure that support current agriculture, would be considered for patterns of economic and social activity. consolidation with adjoining lots. The potential Describes the consistency of the proposed works for a reduction in the long term economic and relevant alternatives with the provisions of viability of allotments subject to acquisition the Ararat and Pyrenees Planning Schemes and due to severance and/or changed access other relevant planning strategies. This includes arrangements has been investigated through an analysis of the proposed works and relevant the agricultural assessment. It is considered alternatives against relevant planning scheme unlikely that the Project would significantly provisions, which highlights potential Project affect long term agricultural productivity of implications in light of the relevant provisions. the locality. Property specific mitigation measures such as reinstatement of existing Identifies potential long-term and short-term property infrastructure, structures, drainage effects of the Project on existing and potential and access, after construction is complete, future land uses, development and zoning and should mitigate most impacts on farming public infrastructure. Attention is given to operations in the long term. potential effects of the Project on residential uses, agricultural uses including blue gum Overall, land acquisition impacts on individual plantations, wind farm infrastructure, the land holdings have been minimised as both Ballarat-Ararat railway line, the Buangor Primary Options 1 and 2 generally extend adjacent to School and Ararat Aerodrome. The assessment existing property boundaries or fence lines. also includes an identification of key affected Compensation for land acquisition impacts stakeholders, potential implications for future would be provided in accordance with the shifts in patterns of economic and social activity Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986. 8-2 and associated implications for land use and 8.3 Methodology development. The Planning and Land Use Assessment has been Identifies measures to avoid, mitigate and prepared largely by desktop methods, involving the manage any potential land use effects. review of relevant legislation, policies and strategies. Identifies residual effects of the Project on The assessment also involved the review of land existing and potential future land uses. titles and aerial photography, provided by VicRoads. This chapter also identifies whether any Planning Meetings were also conducted with planning officers Scheme Amendments (PSAs) and/or planning from Ararat Rural City Council and Pyrenees Shire permits are required to facilitate the Project, outlines Council, and the regional office of the Department of what the amendment/permit proposes, and includes Planning and Community Development (DPCD), who an assessment of the amendment and Project provided information regarding current and future against any relevant considerations and/or strategic projects and developments in their requirements, where appropriate. respective municipalities or region. This chapter is based on a Planning and Land Use A site inspection of the study area was undertaken Assessment report completed by GHD Pty Ltd to confirm existing land uses and subdivision (2012a), that is included in Technical Appendix C. patterns in the study area. The chapter also draws upon other relevant Other tasks completed were: assessments, including Economic (refer Chapter 19), Social (refer Chapter 18), Biodiversity and Habitat Participation in an environmental risk assessment (refer Chapter 13), and Cultural Heritage (refer process. Chapter 14). Consideration of potential impacts on planning and land use during construction of the Project. 8.2 Study Area Consideration of potential ongoing impacts of the The study area, for the purposes of the EES, Project on planning and land use after encompasses a corridor extending approximately construction. 1500m either side (north and south) of the edge of the existing Western Highway (encompassing the extent of alignment Options 1 and 2). Figure 8-1 shows the study area, and the precincts which are relevant to the Planning and Land Use chapter. Areial view looking north-east towards Buangor PlanningandLandUsestudyarea Figure 8-1 y w H s e e n re y P B U C K R ING E d HA I V le R M C R o M un t Co RE S EK A P C R d O IN R Warra G t V k Rd s C r A W ER u R V h ARARAT E IMM RI E R A m E l K E - Eliz abeth S n t la g HOP a K R IN S R I V E B R u LANGI GHIRAN STATE PARK MOUNT BUANGOR STATE PARK T a R n g A o W r - A R B L e a g L n l A a N n CR e - E E E CAP v l K TA i m INS C s R h E G R E CR u d K ORRIN E d r R E s t e K R tr d a e h it h ARARAT RURAL CITY p S CREEK m ON A CKS JA BUANGOR RAGLAN W PYRENEES SHIRE est d er R n H wy n la g a R M d - R n a i m ee n d u b MIDDLE CREEK m L c R i a e l r l Eu a a d h oon C R y G d t ee K a lo EE T n g R Rd C E L D FIE D RY CR I EEK M d R d y R m le BEAUFORT a ir h Sh t ld a O He re lendoit t e Rd S - n BEAUFORT RESERVOIR e e d b R m a d R h r ill t u r H E o d r N a y n k 052.5 o c o o t y LEGEND t S Kilometres a T d Study Area Highway Major water area d R Map Projection: Transverse Mercator R n Municipal boundary Sealed road (arterial & local) Major water course Horizontalo Datum: GDA 1994 n o o Grid: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 54 t y t Unsealed road Rail p i EES copyrighta and disclaimer applies k T S G:\31\27558\GIS\Maps\Deliverables\Stage 2\EES REPORT\08 Planning and Land Use\3127558_S2_001_Study_Area_A4L.mxd Data source: GHD, 2012; DSE, VicMap, 2012; VicRoads, 2012 8-3 8-4 8.4 Legislation and Policy The relevant legislation and government policies and strategies for planning and land use are shown in Table 8-1. Table 8-1 Relevant planning and land use legislation and policies Legislation/Policy Description State Planning and Environment The Act establishes a framework for planning the use, development and protection of land in Act 1987 Victoria in the present and long-term interest of all Victorians. The Act sets out the legislative basis to ensure that standard planning provisions are prepared and approved throughout Victoria. The Act sets out procedures for preparing and amending the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP) and planning schemes, obtaining permits under planning schemes, settling disputes, enforcing compliance with planning schemes, and other administrative procedures.
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