E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2011 No. 20 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2011, at 4 p.m. House of Representatives WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2011 The House met at 10 a.m. and was to our kids and our grandkids and sidies in the agriculture bill for five called to order by the Speaker pro tem- won’t be paid off over 30 years. Some of crops grown in eight States that are in pore (Mr. WEBSTER). this debt will weigh upon the country. surplus and paying people not to grow f But the question is, how do we get things. That’s off-limits. That’s man- there? The deficit this year will be $1.5 datory spending. That can’t be consid- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO trillion, an unimaginable amount of ered for cuts, paying people to not TEMPORE money, borrowed, a lot of it from grow things. We can’t do away with The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- China, and that is just virtually that. We’re going to borrow the money fore the House the following commu- unfathomable. so they can get paid to not grow nication from the Speaker: Now, they’re going to dink around es- things. sentially and pretend they’re doing WASHINGTON, DC, All right. Well, how about the oil February 9, 2011. something meaningful next week. I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL They’re going to take out after a Fed- companies? Now, Exxon Mobil reported WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on eral budget of $3.7 trillion—and remem- the largest quarterly profit for a cor- this day. ber, $1.5 trillion of that is with bor- poration in the history of the world the JOHN A. BOEHNER, rowed money—they are going to dis- last quarter of last year, $9 billion, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. cuss cuts to actually $446 billion of they didn’t pay any taxes in the U.S. f that. So a $3.7 trillion budget, but the last year. None. They pay a lot of taxes MORNING-HOUR DEBATE only place you can cut is $446 billion of around the world, but not in the United that. Hmm, let’s see, if we eliminated States. We actually gave them a tax re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- that entire $446 billion of expenditures, fund because of the loopholes in the tax ant to the order of the House of Janu- we’d still have a deficit of over $1 tril- laws. That’s called a tax expenditure. ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- lion. We’re borrowing money to give to the nize Members from lists submitted by Now, that doesn’t seem quite to Exxon Mobil Corporation, which had a the majority and minority leaders for work. So perhaps they’ve made a few $9 billion profit by gouging consumers morning-hour debate. too many things off-limits in terms of in America. Now, that’s pretty extraor- The Chair will alternate recognition where we might look to cut. dinary; but, no, we can’t talk about between the parties, with each party Then there’s one other thing they’ve eliminating the subsidy to Exxon limited to 1 hour and each Member done which is totally bizarre and I Mobil. The Republicans have put that other than the majority and minority don’t think many Americans would off-limits. That would be called a tax leaders and the minority whip limited think very honest. They’re saying if we increase. You know, by plugging that to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall decrease the income of the Government loophole, that’s a tax increase, can’t debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. of the United States, i.e., cut taxes, talk about that. f give you back your money, and we don’t reduce expenditures in the same Let’s look at one other aspect of this. THE DEFICIT amount, that doesn’t count as new debt We were headed for a lower deficit this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The or deficit. You’ve got to borrow the year. It would have been lower than Chair recognizes the gentleman from money, probably from China; and you last year, $1.3 trillion last year. We Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. can send the debt forward but it were headed toward $1.1 trillion, a good Mr. DEFAZIO. Well, we hear now doesn’t count. So they’re not going to glide path, $200 billion reduction in 1 that the Republican majority is serious look at something called tax expendi- year. If we could do that for 5 more about the deficit, and that’s good news tures. years, we’d be down to virtually zero. because we are running up a huge pile So, you know, we can’t begin to ad- But with one vote, one vote, with a of debt which is going to be handed on dress things like the $20 billion of sub- deal cut between the Republicans and b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H555 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:40 Feb 10, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE7.000 H09FEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE H556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 9, 2011 the President of the United States, we But here’s how it works, Mr. Speak- they don’t even like us. There was a increased the deficit by $400 billion this er, and this rule needs to be changed. poll done by FOX News yesterday that year. Yep, the tax cuts. But remember, When a country wants foreign aid, all said 82 percent of the people in Egypt tax cuts don’t count. Now, they in- of the foreign aid that America gives is don’t even like Americans. Well, why crease the deficit by $400 billion. We put into one bill. In other words, when do we keep giving them money? We didn’t cut expenditures by $400 billion. we write a check, we’re writing a check don’t need to pay them to hate us. As So the money is going to be borrowed on one bill. For example, we don’t sepa- my friend LOUIE GOHMERT from Texas for those tax cuts, from China and else- rate the countries one at a time and says: ‘‘We don’t need to pay them to where; and it’s going to be passed on to vote up or down on whether they ought hate us. They can do it on their own.’’ our kids and our grandkids, part of the to get American money. I think if we So it’s time we reconsider foreign aid national debt. did that, most of these countries in red and save American taxpayers money. But that doesn’t count in the Repub- wouldn’t be seeing any American We are at war in two countries now. lican world. Reducing the income of money. With the way the rule works, This debt is tremendous. We have a lot the government while not reducing ex- we put all 150-plus countries in one of issues in this country, and we need penditures by the same amount doesn’t package, and we vote for all of them. to start taking care of America before count. They pretend. Now, I personally think it’s good for we start sending American money to Let’s not pretend. This is deadly seri- the United States foreign policy that countries throughout the world. It’s a ous. Let’s not go after programs that we support Israel, that we send them time to reconsider foreign aid. are essential to America. They’re going foreign aid and military aid. We ought And that’s just the way it is. to put things like Pell Grants that are to keep doing that. But if we want to f helping people get a college education continue to send aid to Israel, we’ve POLITICAL UNREST IN EGYPT and become more educated so they will got to send it to other countries like have better lifetime earnings and our Egypt and Pakistan and some others. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The country will be more competitive, edu- Chair recognizes the gentleman from b 1010 cate the next generation of folks to Virginia (Mr. MORAN) for 5 minutes. lead our Nation—that’s on the table Right now in the crisis in Egypt, Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I was next week. We’ll probably see some maybe it’s time that we reconsider going to talk about jobs, but I think in cuts there. Other programs like that sending aid to Egypt. You know, if the light of the last address on the other will be on the table. Subsidies to oil Muslim Brotherhood takes over that side of the aisle, I will talk a bit about companies? Tax cuts, yes, we can do country of Egypt, the world’s in a lot foreign policy and specifically Egypt. more of those and increase the deficit.
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