The Eclectic Theosophist ... FOLLOWING THE BLAVATSKY AND POINT LOMA TRADITION ISSUED BI-MONTHLY BY POINT LOMA PUBLICATIONS, INC. Subscription (6 issues) P.O. Box 9966 — San Diego, California 92109 $2.50; foreign $3.00 Editors: W. Emmett Small, Helen Todd Per Copy 50c WHAT IS THEOSOPHY AND eternal truth with ‘an inspiration of his own’ to solve WHO ARE THE THEOSOPHISTS? the universal problems.” Those quoted words, ‘an inspiration of his own,’ re­ fer to a definition of a Theosophist given by the English All words are, of course, labels, conveying relative medieval philosopher and true Rosicrucian, Henry sense and enlightenment to the mind that hears or reads Vaughan. “A Theosophist,” he says, “is one who gives them. And so “Theosophy” is a label, a name—though you a theory of God or the works of God, which has a noble one. But one must get behind the word to what not revelation, but an inspiration of his own for its it represents. That is what people want—meaning. They basis.” And in the article “What is Theosophy?” H.P.B. want the universe to make sense—to them and about declares: “In this view every great thinker and philoso­ them. And so we say, getting as far away from labels pher, especially every founder of a new religion, school as we can, that Theosophy is a representation, report, or philosophy, or sect, is necessarily a Theosophist . .” or statement of the truths of Being. It is the way the “With every man” (she says in “What Are the The­ universe is, or behaves or works or operates. It is also osophists?”) “that is searching in his own way after a a description of the intricate (and, may we say, in­ knowledge of the Divine Principle, of jman’s relations finite? ) being that man is—who, what, and why he is. to it, and nature’s manifestations of it, Theosophy is It also tells the story of evolution, not an end-on Dar­ allied. It is likewise the ally of honest science . And winian product, not a God-made-out-of-nothing “crea­ it is also the ally of every honest religion ...” tion”, but a beginningless and endless unfolding from Let this broad statement encourage in us a truer global the Divine of that very divine which is inherent in every ’ view as we struggle with our own more immediate the- . particle of space. osophical problems. Let us take heart that, as in the From this great store of wisdom each takes what he past so today, there are those that form this wider---- can, depending on his own essential self, his own awak­ brotherhood, who labor in their own fields inspired by ening; and it will be colored by the individual’s way their own inner vision. And let us remind ourselves that of viewing life, either through the flow of religion, or their thought, when lifted to and so to say drawn from philosophy, or science, or a combination of all three. that plane of Ideation which is the storehouse of Great And, let us say in passing, essentially religion is no bet­ Ideas, filters through for the general benefit of man­ ter—or worse—than science, and science or philosophy kind. than religion: they are all ways towards an “end”. And let us, with renewed courage and good cheer, Where they meet, their apex, that is the real thing, for pursue our own dharma. Our duty, it seems "clear in this which we can give no exact name other than being or age of opportunity as well as upheaval, is to know law or truth. It is the search for that, the study of that, Theosophy in ever growing and deepening measure. A---- that is Theosophy. mental-spiritual force thus magnetically comes to life And that is what we would have the world respect and which can become a mighty power to be felt by those understand as Theosophy, not psychic extravaganzas, unknown others ready to receive yet working in their mostly fantasy with perhaps a modicum of truth; not own way. It is not numbers but depth and dedication individual pet theories, no matter how sincere their that are above all needed—depth in understanding the proponents; but that which can be tested by the strength Teachings as originally given by H.P.B. and her Teach­ and quality of its very- universality. ers, and those others who have faithfully followed; Perhaps the broadest, and in some ways the most dedication to their preservation, to their explication, appealing, answers to the questions heading this article and to their living. may be found in the first number of The Theosophist, —W.E.S. issued from Bombay, India, October 1879, in H. P. Bla­ vatsky’s two articles “What is Theosophy?” and “What Are The Theosophists?” How alive her words still are, "A NEW CONTINENT OF THOUGHT" how stirring! “All original thinkers and investigators of Helen Todd the hidden side of nature,” she writes in the last article: “were and are, properly, Theosophists . Be what The Convention for celebrating the centenary of the he may, once that a student abandons the old and founding of the modern Theosophical Society is now . trodden highway of routine, and enters upon the soli­ part of history. In that history is recorded the affirma­ tary path of independent thought—Godward—he is tion of good will among many branches of the present a Theosophist; an original thinker, a seeker after the theosophical effort; accomplishments reviewed and Page 2 THE ECLECTIC THEOSOPHIST January 15, 1977 evaluated; and recognition of a general feeling of opti­ man’s constitution, either beneficent or otherwise. It mism for the future. Naturally, in the minds of many might belong to the realms of “God”, or, to some, it is the question: What is our future to be? What is the could even refer to something less attractive—spirits in key thought for the years ahead? The words of the the lower realms. Mahatma K.H. surely contain a significant answer to ‘Soul’ can stand for almost anything. It is a very ef­ our question. fective word in poetic endeavors! But to be really ‘modem’ one would be likely to toss it out as having “ . And we will go on in that periodical work of no substantial value, certainly not in scientific circles! ours. We will not allow ourselves to be baffled in our ‘Body’. Yes, the body is very much with us. In this philanthropic attempts until that day when the area science reigns supreme and its dicta are readily foundations of a new continent of thought are so firm­ accepted as authentic., even the,interpretations of their ly built that no amount of opposition and ignorant findings: Mind becomes a function of the brain; Emo­ malice guided by the Brethren of the Shadow will be tions? Science is now studying the behavior of the Apes found to prevail.” in order to discover the motivations of human beings! — (The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, p. 51) Individuality is entirely structured by the genetic code. That, then, is our goal. We as Theosophists are privi­ And what about the virtues? Altruism has been de­ leged to co-operate in upholding and furthering that fined by an authority as probably no more the expres­ effort. sion of an urge to. expiate, some guilt feelings! Other It is not by chance that the Great Effort is being re­ virtues have been described by a modem authority as enunciated at this period of man’s evolutionary history. based on self-interest—not necessarily, of course, in a The human race has turned the lowest point in its cycle pejorative sense, but to be successful in the social and of development. We are in the early stages of what is business world. All the above would seem somewhat of called the “upward arc”. Also, we are in the fifth great an exaggeration; but we listen, observe and evaluate racial cycle, the cycle of intellectual expansion, when what we see in the world, and we have to acknowledge our fifth aspect of unfoldment is destined to receive that many unthinking people drift along consciously further help as part of the development of our higher or unconsciously in a sea of false values. faculties. This is the cycle of an ascent out of the thrall- Those who prefer to study themselves by ‘looking dom of the matter side of life—an uphill struggle; but within’ and observing the realms of their own con­ we have the aid of “those who have gone before”. Are sciousness, should be the first to be willing to hear with we not then privileged, in fact obligated to help others impartial attention and respect the reports of those who in this upward climb? With these thoughts in mind, we have done just that and have left us a legacy that is might do well to pull ourselves up short and ask: completely authentic, completely ‘scientific’ in the true Are we doing our utmost to co-operate in the building sense. Such sages—for that is what they are—have given of that New Continent of Thought? untold lifetimes of study, training and practice to learn When we view the records of the historical past, we the inner mysteries of man and the universe. Their first find that the initial Message bearing treasures of the and last injunction is indeed “Look within”; but they Wisdom-Teaching through the centuries has become offer a light, lest one lose one’s way. adulterated, altered, censored, neglected; we find that If it is argued that much of our technical theosophi­ often some of the fundamental ideas have been omitted cal teaching does not relate to the study of man—for —those which form the keystone of the Teaching.
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