USOO6867O12B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,867,012 B2 Kishimoto et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 15, 2005 (54) DETERMINATION METHOD OF FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS BIOLOGICAL COMPONENT AND REAGENT EP O 437 373 A 7/1991 KIT USED THEREFOR EP O 477 OO1 A 3/1992 JP P2001-17198 A 1/2001 (75) Inventors: Takahide Kishimoto, Tsuruga (JP); WO WO 99/47559 A 9/1999 Atsushi Sogabe, Tsuruga (JP); Shizuo WO WO OO/28071 A 5/2000 Hattori, Tsuruga (JP); Masanori Oka, Tsuruga (JP); Yoshihisa Kawamura, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Tsuruga (JP) van Dijken et al (Archives of microbiol, V.111(1-2), pp (73) Assignee: Toyo Boseki Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka 77-83,(Dec. 1976)(Abstract Only).* (JP) (List continued on next page.) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner Louise N. Leary patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Kenyon & Kenyon U.S.C. 154(b) by 330 days. (57) ABSTRACT The present invention provides novel glutathione-dependent (21) Appl. No.: 09/998,130 formaldehyde dehydrogenase that makes possible quantita (22) Filed: Dec. 3, 2001 tive measurement of formaldehyde by cycling reaction, and a determination method of formaldehyde and biological (65) Prior Publication Data components, Such as creatinine, creatine, and homocysteine, US 2002/0119507 A1 Aug. 29, 2002 which produces formaldehyde as a reaction intermediate. In addition, the present invention provides a reagent kit for the (30) Foreign Application Priority Data above-mentioned determination method. The present inven tion provides a novel determination method of a homocys Dec. 5, 2000 (JP) ....................................... 2OOO-370445 teine using transferase utilizing homocysteine and other Mar. 29, 2001 (JP) ....................................... 2001-096724 compound as a pair of Substrates. Particularly, the present (51) Int. Cl. .................................................. 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O4 0, O 2 0.00 O O 20 30 40 50 formaldehyde concentration (lM) U.S. Patent Mar. 15, 2005 Sheet 2 of 2 US 6,867,012 B2 EIG 3 0.12 : 0. O 0.02 0.00 O 20 40 60 8O 00 Creatinine concentration (uM) FIG 4 0.8 0.6 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 O O 20 30 40 50 L-homocysteine concentration (pM) US 6,867,012 B2 1 2 DETERMINATION METHOD OF pound and thio-NADH compound. The representative BIOLOGICAL COMPONENT AND REAGENT enzyme of the alcohol dehydrogenase used here, which KIT USED THEREFOR catalyzes the following reaction, is the enzyme of EC1.1.1.1: alcohol-i-NAD(P)'' (Paldehyde--NAD(P)H TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION D. Schomburg, D. Stephan Eds., Enzyme Handbook 9 The present invention relates to a convenient and highly (Springer-Verlag) States that this enzyme oxidizes not only Sensitive determination method, using glutathione methanol as a Substrate but also its product (formaldehyde). dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase, of formaldehyde Since formaldehyde exists as a hydrate in an aqueous or a compound forming formaldehyde as a reaction Solution and as alcohol, it is a Substrate oxidized with intermediate, and a reagent kit therefor. More particularly, alcohol dehydrogenase allowing oxidation to acetic acid. the present invention relates to a determination method of a Thus, a highly sensitive determination of formaldehyde biological component, Such as creatinine, creatine, and using this enzyme is unattainable. In addition, Since an homocysteine and via formaldehyde as an intermediate, and aldehyde dehydrogenase, Such as glutathione-independent a reagent kit therefor. The present invention also relates to a 15 formaldehyde dehydrogenase, irreversibly oxidizes determination method of homocysteine using a transferase formaldehyde, it cannot be applied to a highly Sensitive utilizing homocysteine and other Substance as a pair of determination by a cycling reaction. Substrates and a reagent kit therefor. In the field of analytical Science, Some compounds are known to be measured via formaldehyde as an intermediate. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Of these, useful is the determination of creatinine, creatine and homocysteine in clinical tests. Formaldehyde is known to be a cytotoxin rich in reactiv Creatinine is a major diagnostic marker of kidney func ity with protein, membrane, and DNA, which causes various tion in clinical tests, and determination of creatine is used for disorders by being inhaled or oral administration. Formal the analysis of disease State of muscular dystrophy, hyper dehyde contained in atmosphere, waste water, and food has 25 thyroidism. As the determination method therefor, the Jaffe been considered problematic in recent years, and a conve method is dominantly used, but this method is pointed out to nient method for accurately measuring formaldehyde has be insufficient in the Specificity. Recently, enzymatic meth been demanded. ods using creatinine amidohydrolase, creatine As a determination method of formaldehyde, a method amidinohydrolase, Sarcosine oxidase and peroxidase having comprising calorimetric analysis using Hanz reagent, CTA high Specificity are increasingly used, but it has been pointed reagent (J. Biol. Chem, 231, 813 (1958)), Purpald reagent out that these methods may be influenced by reducing (Anal. Biochem, 234(1), 50 (1996)) and an analysis method substances present in the body. There are reported some using a reagent containing phenylhydrazine, potassium enzymatic methods wherein glutathione-independent form ferricyanide, chloroform and methanol in combination are aldehyde dehydrogenase is used instead of peroxidase to known. These methods are associated with problems in that 35 analyze formaldehyde derived from Sarcosine oxidase reac they require complicated manipulation and a long time for tion by the above-mentioned method (Clin. Clim. Acta, 122, the determination, or use of harmful reagents.
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