DU Mphil Phd in Buddhist Studies Topic:- DU J19 MPHIL BS

DU Mphil Phd in Buddhist Studies Topic:- DU J19 MPHIL BS

DU MPhil PhD in Buddhist Studies Topic:- DU_J19_MPHIL_BS 1) A Blue print of research work is called [Question ID = 14478] 1. Research methods / [Option ID = 27911] 2. Research tools / [Option ID = 27909] 3. Research problem / [Option ID = 27912] 4. Research design / [Option ID = 27910] Correct Answer :- Research design / [Option ID = 27910] 2) The Jātakas mention this city as a great centre of learning where princes and sons of rich people came to study the three Vedas and eighteen sciences were taught जातको ं म इस नगर को िवा का एक ऐसा महान क बताया है जहां राजकु मार व धनायो ं के पु तीन वेदो व अठारह िवानो ं की िशा हण करने आते थे [Question ID = 15507] 1. Nālandā / नालंदा [Option ID = 32028] 2. Sāgala / सागल [Option ID = 32025] 3. Takkasilā / तिसला [Option ID = 32026] 4. Vārāṇasī / वाराणसी [Option ID = 32027] Correct Answer :- Takkasilā / तिसला [Option ID = 32026] 3) Data related to human beings are called [Question ID = 14470] 1. Peripheral Data / [Option ID = 27880] 2. Territorial Data / [Option ID = 27877] 3. Organizational Data / [Option ID = 27878] 4. Demographic Data / [Option ID = 27879] Correct Answer :- Demographic Data / [Option ID = 27879] 4) The Buddhist texts in whose search Chinese pilgrim Faxian travelled to India belonged to वे बौ ंथ िजनकी तालाश म चीनी तीथ-यााी फाान/फाान भारत आया वे से संत थे [Question ID = 15486] 1. Vinaya / िवनय [Option ID = 31941] 2. Prajñāpāramitā / ापारिमता [Option ID = 31944] 3. Abhidharma / अिभधम [Option ID = 31943] 4. Sutta / सु [Option ID = 31942] Correct Answer :- Vinaya / िवनय [Option ID = 31941] 5) These five lowborn (nīcakulas) are mentioned in the Pāli Tipiṭaka [Question ID = 14462] 1. caṇḍāla, pukkusa, veṇa, rathakāra, dalit. / [Option ID = 27848] 2. caṇḍāla, pukkusa, veṇa, rathakāra, nesāda. / [Option ID = 27845] 3. caṇḍāla, pukkusa, cammakāra, rathakāra, nesāda. / [Option ID = 27846] 4. caṇḍāla, bahiraka, veṇa, rathakāra, nesāda. / [Option ID = 27847] Correct Answer :- caṇḍāla, pukkusa, veṇa, rathakāra, nesāda. / [Option ID = 27845] 6) In the first four Nikāyas of the Sutta Piṭaka, every sutta begins with the words “evaṃ me sutaṃ” where “me” refers to [Question ID = 14447] 1. Ānanda \ [Option ID = 27785] 2. Sāriputta \ [Option ID = 27787] 3. Upāli \ [Option ID = 27788] 4. The Buddha \ [Option ID = 27786] Correct Answer :- Ānanda \ [Option ID = 27785] 7) Accoding to Xuanzang, majority of the Buddhists in Sindh belonged to this Buddhist sect [Question ID = 14449] 1. Dharmaguptaka / [Option ID = 27794] 2. Saṃmitīya / [Option ID = 27793] 3. Mūlasarvāstivāda / [Option ID = 27796] 4. Mahīśāsakas / [Option ID = 27795] Correct Answer :- Saṃmitīya / [Option ID = 27793] 8) On what occasion was the Vinaya rule made that parental consent is mandatory before ordination? यह िवनय िनयम िकस अवसर पर बनाया गया था िक माता-िपता की सहमित दीा से पहले अिनवाय है ? [Question ID = 15487] 1. When King Pasenadi’s only son gate-crashed into the Saṃgha / जब राजा पसेनदी का एकमा पु ार संघ मे शािमल हो गया था [Option ID = 31946] 2. When the Buddha’s son Rāhula was ordained /जब बु के बेटे राल को दीा दी गई थी [Option ID = 31945] 3. When the only son of Anāthapiṇḍaka gate-crashed into the Saṃgha / जब अनाथिपंडक का इकलौता पु संघ मे शािमल हो गया था [Option ID = 31948] 4. When too many young boys and girls flooded the Saṃgha / जब बत से युवा लड़के – लडिकयाँ संघ मे बड़ी संा मे शािमल ए [Option ID = 31947] Correct Answer :- When the Buddha’s son Rāhula was ordained /जब बु के बेटे राल को दीा दी गई थी [Option ID = 31945] 9) Summary and display of raw data for the purpose of analysis through compact statistical tables is called [Question ID = 14465] 1. Editing / [Option ID = 27859] 2. Coding / [Option ID = 27858] 3. Transcription / [Option ID = 27860] 4. Tabulation / [Option ID = 27857] Correct Answer :- Tabulation / [Option ID = 27857] 10) Ready and readily available data is called [Question ID = 14454] 1. Organizational / [Option ID = 27816] 2. Secondary / [Option ID = 27814] 3. Primary / [Option ID = 27813] 4. Personal / [Option ID = 27815] Correct Answer :- Secondary / [Option ID = 27814] 11) Although this Indian Buddhist saint’s name is not mentioned in the Pāli Tipiṭaka, via the influence of Sanskrit Buddhism in Southeast Asia, he emerged in the twelfth century as a prominent saint in legend and cult in Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos [Question ID = 14432] 1. Bodhidharma/ [Option ID = 27726] 2. Upagupta/ [Option ID = 27725] 3. Parāmartha/ [Option ID = 27727] 4. Saṃghabhadra / [Option ID = 27728] Correct Answer :- Upagupta/ [Option ID = 27725] 12) Who made the following statement with regard to Buddhist attitude towards caste system? “The very means they (Buddhists) adopted to lend weight to their doctrine of emancipation became a weapon to be used against them.” जाित वथा के ित बौ िकोण के संबंध म िनििलखत बयान िकसने िदया है? “वही साधन िज उोनं े (बौो ं ने) अपने मु के िसांत को वजन देने के िलए अपनाया था वही उनके खलाफ इेमाल िकया जाने वाला एक हिथयार बन गए ।” [Question ID = 15509] 1. T.W.D. Rhys Davids / [Option ID = 32035] 2. C. Bouglē / [Option ID = 32034] 3. I.B. Horner / [Option ID = 32036] 4. Richard Fick / [Option ID = 32033] Correct Answer :- T.W.D. Rhys Davids / [Option ID = 32035] 13) The three commentators on the texts of the Pāli Tipiṭaka are [Question ID = 14469] 1. Assaghosa, Buddhadatta, Dhammapāla / [Option ID = 27876] 2. Buddhaghosa, Buddhadatta, Buddhapālita / [Option ID = 27874] 3. Buddhaghosa, Buddhadatta, Assaghosa / [Option ID = 27873] 4. Buddhaghosa, Buddhadatta, Dhammapāla / [Option ID = 27875] Correct Answer :- Buddhaghosa, Buddhadatta, Dhammapāla / [Option ID = 27875] 14) An example of Probability Sampling is [Question ID = 14476] 1. Lottery / [Option ID = 27902] 2. Snow-ball Sampling / [Option ID = 27901] 3. Quota / [Option ID = 27904] 4. Purpose Sampling / [Option ID = 27903] Correct Answer :- Lottery / [Option ID = 27902] 15) When the Buddha came to pay a visit to his father, to ask for what was Rāhula sent by Rāhulamātā to the Buddha? [Question ID = 14440] 1. To give up monkhood / [Option ID = 27760] 2. Dāyajja / [Option ID = 27757] 3. Explanation for abandoning him immediately after his birth / [Option ID = 27758] 4. To apologize to his mother / [Option ID = 27759] Correct Answer :- Dāyajja / [Option ID = 27757] 16) An essential criterion of Scientific Study is [Question ID = 14473] 1. Value / [Option ID = 27890] 2. Subjectivity / [Option ID = 27891] 3. Objectivity / [Option ID = 27892] 4. Belief / [Option ID = 27889] Correct Answer :- Objectivity / [Option ID = 27892] 17) This is used for Random Sample when the population is very large इसका उपयोग रडम सपल के िलए िकया जाता है जब जनसंा बत बड़ी होती है [Question ID = 15503] 1. Telescope / [Option ID = 32009] 2. Computer/ [Option ID = 32012] 3. Lottery / [Option ID = 32011] 4. Calculator/ [Option ID = 32010] Correct Answer :- Computer/ [Option ID = 32012] 18) Questionnaire is a ावली एक है [Question ID = 15492] 1. Research method / अनुसंधान िविध [Option ID = 31965] 2. Data analysis technique / डेटा िवेषण तकनीक [Option ID = 31968] 3. Measurement technique / मापन तकनीक [Option ID = 31966] 4. Tool for data collection / डेटा संह के िलए उपकरण [Option ID = 31967] Correct Answer :- Tool for data collection / डेटा संह के िलए उपकरण [Option ID = 31967] 19) An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is [Question ID = 15502] 1. Directory /िनदिशका [Option ID = 32006] 2. Dictionary / शकोश [Option ID = 32008] 3. Bibliography /ंथ सूची [Option ID = 32005] 4. Encyclopedia / िवकोश [Option ID = 32007] Correct Answer :- Encyclopedia / िवकोश [Option ID = 32007] 20) Which Korean monk visited India during the 720s? [Question ID = 14437] 1. Wonhyo / [Option ID = 27746] 2. Pomnang / [Option ID = 27748] 3. Hyecho / [Option ID = 27745] 4. Uisang / [Option ID = 27747] Correct Answer :- Hyecho / [Option ID = 27745] 21) Which of the following is not a “Graphic representation” ? [Question ID = 14436] 1. Bar Chart / [Option ID = 27742] 2. Table / [Option ID = 27743] 3. Histogram / [Option ID = 27744] 4. Pie Chart / [Option ID = 27741] Correct Answer :- Table / [Option ID = 27743] 22) Statistical Hypothesis is derived from [Question ID = 14434] 1. Data / [Option ID = 27734] 2. Sample / [Option ID = 27735] 3. Facts / [Option ID = 27736] 4. Frame / [Option ID = 27733] Correct Answer :- Facts / [Option ID = 27736] 23) Chinese traveler Faxian returned from India to China by फाान भारत से चीन इस राे से वािपस लौटा [Question ID = 15504] 1. [Option ID = 32016] 2. [Option ID = 32014] 3. [Option ID = 32013] 4. [Option ID = 32015] Correct Answer :- [Option ID = 32016] 24) A short summary of “Technical Report” is [Question ID = 14472] 1. Research Abstract / [Option ID = 27886] 2. Table of Contents / [Option ID = 27887] 3. Abbreviation Table / [Option ID = 27888] 4. Concluding portion of the Thesis / [Option ID = 27885] Correct Answer :- Research Abstract / [Option ID = 27886] 25) Drawing conclusions without any bias and value judgement is called [Question ID = 14475] 1. Subjectivity / [Option ID = 27898] 2. Facts / [Option ID = 27900] 3. Values / [Option ID = 27899] 4. Objectivity / [Option ID = 27897] Correct Answer :- Objectivity / [Option ID = 27897] 26) Shortly after Enlightenment, an ājivika named Upaka asked the Buddha if he was a/an [Question ID = 14479] 1. Tathāgata / [Option ID = 27915] 2. Buddha / [Option ID = 27913] 3. Bodhisatta / [Option ID = 27916] 4. Anantajina / [Option ID = 27914] Correct Answer :- Anantajina / [Option ID = 27914] 27) Shortly before the Second Buddhist Council was convened, which punishments were imposed by the Vajjian monks on Yasa [Question ID = 14438] 1. Ukkhepaṇīyakamma and Pārājika / [Option ID = 27751] 2.

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