Micheners swell CL scholarship awards PACIFIQ '~/l. ITIZEN M .mb"'hl ~ PubllCition: Jap•• .,. Am",,,. ClllleIII \.1";'" ai, IN. ft., Los " og.''', ca 90012 (2131 M" 6.4471 S.4S'l DIEGO - JACL COl\v~n­ arships tor high scl\ool applJ­ Publllh.d W"kl, betpl LUI WHI< If tilt Ytlt - ~ Clau '01\1111 raid II Los Anttltl, Calif, t.on delegates meeting to hvn­ cants and one $500 Dr. Mutsu· or Mrs. Haruye Masaokn, cto­ ml Nooe graduate scholarship. VOL. 63 NO. Friday, July 29, 1966 JACL TO HONOR "or of the scholarship in mem­ Total scholarships will amount TEN CENTS ory of her son Pvt. Ben Frank to $2,800. Masaoka, here Wednesday Other J ACL scholarship win­ CHIEF JUSTICE were pI.,.sant~v surprised by ners are: the announcement of a Mr. Col. WAlter I1'sukantolo 'ft~mo­ ('10.1 ($250 eac1')-Morshn SAYO Ma .. and Mrs. James Michener $250 uuura. Ci>nkland: Naomi Lynne 1964-NISEI OF THE BIENNIUM-1966 PHIL S. GIBSON scholarship In addition to the Kohntsu. Santo Morin Volley. Dr, TRkRShl Tnamt Memorial 10 already availablc for Jap'­ ($250 MClh)-Dennls GeorRe U ye­ Scroll to be Handed nese American high school Inurn. Hollywood: Mlchnel Wor­ In Absentia at ren Kclth. Clcvelnnd. graduates in its progl\Sm. !\fr. I\nd Mrs. JAmeJl Mlc:hentr San Diego Confab Jonathan Ray Och!, "of Award ($%50)-Byron Yoshlharu Oknmoto. Sonoma County. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ochi 01 Nat'J JACL Supplemental ($200 s.'I4~ DIEGO-Phil Sheridan Idaho Falls, was named "eci­ each)-Judlth Lynn HiguchI. Wet· Gibson, 74, former chlel jus­ soO\! lJIe: Stuart Mlnoru Takeu .. pient of tile S400 Pvt. Ben c: hl. Lomr Beach·l{nrboT District: tice of the CaIUornia Supreme Frank Masaoka memor!al Jon David H-trosunn. Fresno; Court, will be honored by the Stanley Kazuo Nishioka. Sacra· scholarship, pacing a slate 01 Int'nto! And Glenn Douglas Ma .. J.a.panese American Citizens nomjnations drawn from 54 dokoro. MIle.·HI. League at the convEntion rec­ JlACL chapters. Jon R. Ocht ognitions banquet here this Mrs. Michener, the former Saturday (July SOL Graduating witl1 a 4.0 grade Mari Sabusawa of Chicago and Mter servlng 25 years on point average, Jon Ochi was now an active Philadelphia commencement speaker at the state supreme court, 24 JAOL 1000 Club Life member. as chief justice, Gibson re­ Idaho Falls High, where he was moved by the publlcation was extremely active on cam.. tired in 1964. His forthright of the list of nom :' llees earlier opiuion invalidating the Cali­ pus and in the community this month. The selection com· ,vith the Trinity Methndlst fornia alien land taw in 1952 mittee in Seattle was notiIied and declari1'\g this law as out· Church and the Idaho Falls the night the group met to Jr. J,~OL . He plans to major right racial discrimination. pick another winner. gratif~~ng in business and mathematics was particularly to 'Michener, the well·known Japanese Americans. at Yale. ButhQr who was in the hospital All winning caedidates II­ Kenji Fujii Dr. Kazumi Kasuga Rep. Patsy T. Mink Yoshihiro Uchida Henry Ushijima Though he will not be pres­ lor three months after his nished their college prep ca­ ent to accept the National heart attack last September, reers with sttaight A's, with JlACL scroll of appreciation, is now in Spain working 00 three exceptions who had 3.95 Gibson's outstanding leader­ his la test book. grade points or better. AU ship in the improvement of Next year, a $150 Gongoro showed outstanding campus judicial procedures, his deep Five espoused for distinguished honors Nakamura memorial scholar­ leadership and extracurricu­ and sincere concern for main­ ship ,ViU become effective and lar participation in addltton to taining equal justice in the OMAHA - From a field ot tiCt,. banquet at San Diego, USPIHS Meritorious Service .As assistant protessor of film shooting assignments fnr as the trust fund aliows sub­ their scholastic achievements. ~O, couris regardless of race, 10 candidates for the 1965-1966 July at El Cortez Hotel. Medal. physical education at San Jose the Navy, WRIA and Office of sequently, $SO will be added Miss Koha tsu is remembered Nisel of the Biennium honors, The San :Francisco-born pny­ state College and judo coach color or creed and his COD­ The honors are bestowed in War Information: to the annual award. 8 S California's Junior Miss five tinalists have been se­ recognition of having contrib­ sician who graduated in 1.938 slnce 1947, popularity 01 this tinuing activities as a puhlic Pageant entry earlier this 10 1945, he joined Coronet servant are acknowledged In National JAOL ,vill, thus, lected, according to K. Pat­ uted to the advancement of from UC Medical School en­ sport is manUested tnday by Films in Chicago as director administer a total of 12 schol- year. She plans to study pilar­ Tick Okura, JAOL Recognition welfare of persons of J apa­ tered the Public Health Sery­ the enrollment of over 200 stu­ the citation. macy at USC. and supervisor of editing. He Chairman. nese ancestry or to the status Ice in 1946 lollowing milltary denls In his classes. When he broadened his baokground !.D Allen Land La \V Two wj1lners, Michael War. They are Kenji Fuji of Hay­ and prestige of the Nisei ;n service. He was clinlcal direc­ started, tbere were onlif 5. ren and Glenn Madokoro, w lllt production by joining George In 1923 the U.S. Supreme ward, iloriculturlst; Dr. Kazu­ America. tor until 1959 at the Tacoma This past biennium, Uchida to study medicine. (Continued on P age 3) Court uplleld the constitution­ mi Kasuga of Bethesda, Md., Prominent civic leaders who Indian Tuberculosis Hospl'a!. reached the climax of his Marsha Matsuura was h. 1 ality of the Alien Land Law deputy eIlief, U.S. P ublic served on the panel of judges He was area director in Alas· coaching career by being in her class of 800 from Oak­ v.,hicb prohibited aliens ineligi­ Hea Ith Service Indian Health were Mrs. Frank B. MorrisOQ, ka from 1959-1963, developing named manager-coach of the land's Castlemont High, while ble for citiunship from hold­ Division; Rep. Patsy T. Mink wife of Ille Governor of Ne­ new methods in meeting the U.S. Olympic judo team tor Stuart Takeuchi with a 4.0 was PSW 3rd quarterly ing land in this state. This ('DMawaU1. first Nisei ~on­ braska; the Very Rev. H.W. needs 01 the Alaska naEve, the Tokyo Games. Holder 01 among the top students in the provision of the Oalifornia Con­ gresswomal1: Yoshihiro Uchi­ Linn, SJ. preside,t, Creighton that has become a p.ltern the slxth-<lan rank, Uchida has Long Beacb Poly High grad­ stitution was commonly recog­ da of San Jose, U.S. Olympic University; Leland E . Tray­ throughout the ·Indiao health published "Fundamentals 01 uating class of over 1,000 agenda revealed nized as being directed at the Judo coach; and Henry T. wick, Ph.l~ .. president, Uni­ division to ensure controlled Judo" (lNew Yo"k: Rccald seniors. Jon Hirasuna of Fres· J apanese. Ushijima of Chicago, movie versity of Omaha; and Distr'ct health services in isolated vil­ Press, ~964), o"ganized tne LOS M'l'GEUES -P acific no was No. 1 at MclLaOle High producer. Judge Lawrence C. Krell, Oma­ lages. National Collegiate Judo Asso­ Southwest JAOL District Coun­ The question of the validity class of 7G7. Nominated by various JACL ha. Among his significant ."" ciation and serving as its pres· cil's thihi quarterly sessioll of the Alien Land Law was stanley Nishioka. basketball chapters for either "distin­ compllsbments are the estab­ idem since its inception in Aug. 14 at the Biltmore in raised before the Calitornia star, is the ranking student KE1'iJJ FUm guished community leader­ !ishment 01 medical audit in 1962, helped o"ganize the Judo Santa Barbara will review .he Supreme Court in 19.16, and government officer among the at that time Chiel Justice Gil>­ s hlp" or "distinguished In nominating .Kenji Fujii, contract. services and preven· Blaok Belt Federation, and actions of the 19th Biennial winners as student body prps· se~ces, soo refused to join the rna· achievement" in a specific Eden Township J.AOL pointed tive health develop. wa~ instrumental In 1952 in national convention ending this ident at Clarksburg High "ear field, the J ACL gold medallion to his efforts in business, sa­ ment of residency programs having the Amateur Athlctic week in San Diego. jority of that court holding the Jon R. Ochi Sacramento. Juditb Higuchi law constitutional (People v. recipient will be announced at cial a nd political fields com­ In public health, pediatrics and Uclon recognize judo as a District chairman Akir. Oh­ general practice, and coordi­ Oyama, 29 CaL2d 1641. The Idaho Falls (Continued on Page 2) the JlACL Convention recogo;- ing to full flower this post sport separate from wresUing. no, in the meantime, has sum­ nating hospital needs and serv­ U.S. Supreme Court on appeal biennium. A monument to I:is His San Jose State judo moned an executive board avoided the critical question continuing achievements and ices ic & most effi.clent and teams have wo n a host of meeting Aug. 5, 7:30 p.m., d in Hs decision. pen!ormances in business economic manDer. state and national champlon­ the J.AaL Regional OOice to came this year wilen he was As deputy chief, Dr. Kasuga In 19.17 the California Su­ Masaoka scholarship winner sexpress appreciation ships, including five consecu­ prepare for the third quarter- U/lanimously elected pre~dent is responsible for the opera­ preme Court upheld the con­ tive national collegiate titles h'.
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