People in the News Ann-Christe Young Larry Hardesty, li­ library’s special collections department since join­ brary director at Austin ing the university in 1982. College in Sherman, Texas, has been chosen Ronald L. Larsen has been named dean of the Alumnus of the Year for University of Pittsburgh’s School of Information 2002 by the Alumni As­ Sciences. sociation of the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin-Madi- Phyllis Ruscella is the new director of the Uni­ son School o f Library versity of South Florida-Tampa. As director, Ruscella and Information Studies. oversees the access services and reference depart­ Larry Hardesty During his tenure as ments and the Library Media Center. Her previous ACRL president (1999— position was as the associate university librarian for 2000), he initiated the Excellence in Academic public services at Georgia State University. Libraries Award. Hardesty was named ACRL Academic/Research Librarian o f the Year in Richard H. Swain has been appointed director 2001 and is serving as chair of the 2003 ACRL of library services at West Chester (Pennsylvania) National Conference. University. Swain has been a member of the West Chester library faculty since 1994, serving first as Derrie Roark Perez has been elected president­ humanities reference/bibliographic instruction li­ elect of the Association of Southeastern Research brarian and then as electronic resources librarian. Libraries. She has served as interim dean of the He has extensive local, regional, and national ex­ University of South Florida (USF) Library System perience in library automation and resource shar­ since 1999- She is also a faculty member in the ing. Swain’s positions include reference librarian USF School of Library and Information Science. at Northern Michigan University, head of public services and acting director at Cleveland State Uni­ Carolyn Sheehy, Clare and Lucy Oesterle di­ versity, and head of reference at the University of rector of library services at North Central College Maine-Orono. in Naperville, Illinois, was named the 11th recipi­ ent of the Harold and Eva White First Citizen of Winston Tabb, associate librarian at the Library the College award. In 1992, Sheehy became the of Congress since 1995, has been named dean of third person in the countiy, and the first in Illi­ university libraries and director of the Sheridan U- nois, to hold an endowed library directorship at a braries at Johns Hopkins University. Tabb has small college. Her other accomplishments include served on a number of national and international twice cochairing North Central’s strategic planning professional library associations, including the As­ process and editing two books in the Greenwood sociation of Research Libraries, the International Press Library Management College: Managing Busi- Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, ness Collec ionsin Librariesa nd lManaging Pe›rformning and the Soros Foundation—which makes grants ArtsC olleaionsi n Academic and Piubilc Libraries. for library advancement in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Leslie Andersen has been appointed visual Appointments and performing arts librarian at California State University-Long Beach. Kathy Arsenault has been appointed dean of die Nelson Poynter Memorial Library at the Uni­ Ed. n o te : To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication‚ write to Ann-Christe versity of South Florida-St. Petersburg. Arsenault Young, production editor, C&RL N ews, 50 E. Huron St., was named library director after serving as acting Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: [email protected]; fax: director since 1999. She had been director of the (312)280-2520. 602 / C&RL News ■ September 2002 Michael A. Arseneau is now catalog librar­ Iowa’s Rod Library. ian/special formats and database management li­ Janet E. Murphy is now the access services/ brarian at the University of New Orleans’ Earl K. interlibrary loan librarian at the University of New Long Library. Orleans’ Earl K. Long Library. Alan Asher has joined Rod Library at the Beth Namei has accepted the position of in­ University o f Northern Iowa as ait and music li­ struction librarian at the University o f New Or­ brarian and bibliographer. leans’ Earl K. Long Library. Nancy Babb has been appointed senior as­ Michael Norman has joined the University sistant librarian in the Law Library at the Univer­ o f Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign as head sity of Buffalo. of serials cataloging. Timothy Bryant is now reference librarian Elena O’Malley has been named head o f li­ and bibliographer at the University o f Northern brary computer and Internet services at Emerson Iowa’s Rod Library. College. Helen Faye Christenberry has been ap­ Anne Ostendarp has been named archivist pointed English studies librarian at the University at Franklin Pierce College. o f Washington Libraries-Seattle. Suzan R. Parker has been appointed refer­ Carrie E. Donovan is the new Miller Nichols ence and instruction/social science librarian at the library instruction reference librarian at the Uni­ University of Washington libraries, at the Cascadia versity of Missouri-Kansas City Libraries. Community College and University of Washing­ Xu Fang (Grace) has joined the University ton, Bothell Collocated Campus. of Colorado at Boulder Libraries as social sciences Barbara Ring has been named acquisitions/ reference/instruction librarian. serials librarian at the San Diego campus of Alliant Marlayna Gates has accepted the position International University. of director of access services at the Social Sciences Amy Schindler has joined the University at and Humanities Library at the University of Cali- Albany, SUNY, Libraries as a curator o f manu­ fornia-San Diego. scripts. Russell Hall is the new assistant librarian at Jim Schnur is now assistant university librar­ Pennsylvania State New Kensington Library. ian at the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library at the Brooke E. Henderson has been named art University of South Florida, St. Petersburg. librarian at Wellesley College. Eva Sorrell has been appointed electronic Wendy Hîghby is the new acquisitions/se- resources cataloger at the University o f Califor­ rials librarian at the University o f Northern nia, Irvine Libraries. Colorado’s James A. Michener Library. Joseph Straw has been appointed assistant Rebecca Imamoto has joined the Univer­ reference librarian at the University o f Illinois at sity of Colorado at Boulder Libraries as reference/ Urbana-Champaign. instruction librarian. Patricia A. Watkins has been appointed John C. Kelly has been named the digital business and information service and resources li­ initiatives librarian at the University o f New Or­ brarian in the International Business Information leans’ Earl K. Long Library. Centre at the Thunderbird American Graduate Madge Klais is now a member o f the Uni­ School of International Business in Arizona. versity o f Wisconsin-Madison’s School Library Joseph Zumalt has been appointed assistant Media Program in the School o f Libraiy and In­ agricultural librarian and assistant professor of li­ formation Studies. braiy administration at the University o f Illinois Sean Knowlton has been appointed humani­ Library at Urbana-Champaign. ties reference/instruction librarian at the Univer­ sity o f Colorado at Boulder Libraries. Jeongmin Lee has been named business ref­ erence librarian at the Earl K. Long Library at the Retirements University of New Orleans. Hongbin Liu is now electronic resources li­ Dianne McAfee Hopkins has retired after 15 brarian at the University of New Orleans’ Earl K. years of service to the School o f Library and Infor­ Long Library. mation Studies (SLIS) at the University of Wiscon- Marilyn Mercado has been appointed dean sin-Madison. Among colleagues in the school library o f libraiy services at the University o f Northern community, she is known for her research into intel- C&RL News ■ Septem ber 2002 / 603 lectual freedom challenges in schools and the L Public Library and as the librarian of the Fieldston brary Power Evaluation as well as for her leadershi] School in Riverdale, New York. Herman’s research in state and national associations. Her work on th on French popular literature of the 19th century SIIS curriculum committee through the period c for children, “Les Images d’Epinal,” was notable. reaccreditation is especially noteworthy. In 199í She had a particular interest in illustration in Hopkins won the Distinguished Service Awari children’s books and was a regular contributor to from the American Association of School Librai Horn Bookmagazine. Her knowledge of children’s ians (AASI). In 1999 she was named to the Inté books made her an effective member of juries and lectual Freedom Honor Roll by ALA’s Office fc selection committees for national awards, includ­ Intellectual Freedom, and in 2001 she was name ing American Book Awards (Children’s Books), winner of the Wisconsin and the National AASI Notable Children’s Books, the Caldecott Award, SIRS Intellectual Freedom Awards for her researd and the Wilder Award. She also served on the ex­ and advocacy on intellectual freedom issues. ecutive board of the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) and was a founding member of Sandy Pfahler, associate director of the Uni the Friends of the CCBC. versity of Wisconsin-General Library System, ha retired after 32 years of service. Arnulfo Trejo, founder and first president (1971-74) of REFORMA—the National Associa­ tion to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking— has died. Deaths
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