Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / Sept. 17 2117 country, never had an African-American where, in the deep and lost threads of my judge. Last year I told you I nominated James own memory, are the roots of understanding Wynn, a distinguished judge from North of what you have known. Somewhere, there Carolina. After 400 days, with his senior Sen- was a deep longing to share the fate of the ator still standing in the courthouse door, the people who had been left out and left behind, Senate hasn't found one day to give Judge sometimes brutalized, and too often ignored Wynn even a hearing. or forgotten. This year I nominated Roger Gregory of I don't exactly know who all I have to thank Virginia, the first man in his family to finish for that. But I'm quite sure I don't deserve high school, a teacher at Virginia State Uni- any credit for it, because whatever I did, I versity, where his mother once worked as a really felt I had no other choice. maid, a highly respected litigator with the I want you to remember that I had a part- support of his Republican and his Demo- ner that felt the same way, that I believe he cratic Senator from Virginia. But so far, we're will be one of the great Presidents this coun- still waiting for him to get a hearing. And try ever had, and that for the rest of my days, then there's Kathleen McCree Lewis in no matter whatÐno matter whatÐI will al- Michigan and others all across this country. ways be there for you. So once again, I ask the Senate to do the Thank you, and God bless you. right thing and quit closing the door on peo- ple who are qualified to serve. Now, they say I can't ask you to vote for NOTE: The President spoke at 11:33 p.m. at the Washington Convention Center. In his remarks, anybody, but I will say this. If you want no he referred to Representative James E. Clyburn, more delay and denial of justice, it would chair, Congressional Black Caucus; former Rep- help if you had Al Gore and Joe Lieberman resentative Louis Stokes and actress Phylicia and Senators like the First Lady. Rashad, dinner masters of ceremony; Representa- If you want a tax code that helps working tives Eva M. Clayton, chair, and William (Bill) families with child care, long-term care, and Clay and Julian C. Dixon, board members, Con- access to college education, it would help if gressional Black Caucus Foundation; Coretta you had Al Gore and Joe Lieberman and Scott King, widow of Dr. Martin Luther King, Charlie Rangel as the chairman of the House Jr.; New York State Deputy Assembly Speaker Ways and Means Committee. Arthur O. Eve and his son, former Special Assist- ant to the President for Political Affairs Eric V. If you want strong civil rights and equal Eve; Kenneth Hill, executive director, Detroit rights laws and you want them enforced, it Area Pre-College Engineering Program, Inc.; would really help if you had Al Gore and Rodney Carroll, chief operating officer, Welfare Joe Lieberman and you made John Conyers to Work Partnership; radio morning show host the chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Tom Joyner; talk show host Tavis Smiley; Ambas- If you want the intelligence policy of this sador Sheila Sisulu and former President Nelson country to reflect genuine intelligenceÐ Mandela of South Africa; and author Toni [laughter]Ðit would help if you had Al Gore Morrison. and Joe Lieberman and Julian Dixon as the chairman of the Intelligence Committee. Remarks at a Brunch for Hillary But I will say again, sometimes it is harder to make good decisions in good times than Clinton in Philadelphia, bad times. Sometimes it's easier to think of Pennsylvania some little thing you've got to quibble about. September 17, 2000 Remember the African proverb: ``Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.'' My friends, Thank you very much. I was telling Ed we've got to be skillful sailors. that I left the Black Caucus dinner last night I thank you from the bottom of my heart. about 12:15Ðthe Congressional Black Cau- Toni Morrison once said I was the first black cusÐI was hoping that I would be compos President this country ever had. [Laughter] mentis by the time I was introduced to speak, And I would rather have that than a Nobel and you gave me such a warm welcome, I'm Prize, and I'll tell you why. Because some- about to wake up. [Laughter] 2118 Sept. 17 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 Let me say, first of all, how grateful I am their folks, they sit down and look at a map. to all of you for being here, and so many And they look at where they're going to get of you have already helped Hillary. I appre- to 270 electoral votes, what they have to carry ciate you being here, and I'll explain in a that's up in the air, what they have to go minute why we're doing this. take away, what they have to defend. And I want to thank Congressmen Borski and after the convention, there are only a rel- Congressman Brady for being not only atively small number of days left. And the friends of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania but candidates accept their public funding, so true friends of mine in the Congress. I'm very they have a limited amount of resources to proud of what we've done together. travel, to organize, to advertise. I can't say enough about Ed. It's been And so it's like this elaborate chess game, wonderful for me to close out my Presidency quite apart from what we all see when we with a chairman of the Democratic Party who pick up the papers every day and they're talk- has as much energy as I doÐ[laughter]Ð ing about issues, debating issuesÐand, this because we knew we would have to work, year, debating the debates, of all thingsÐand and work we did. That first 7 months of this what's in the debates. Underneath it all there year, I don't think either one of us slept very is the sure knowledge that we still haveÐ much, but we worked very hard. And every- since we're dedicating the Constitution Cen- body was saying, ``Oh, the Democrats didn't ter today, we still have the same system we have a chance. We were all going to get started with. We elect Presidents by States wiped out. We couldn't hold the White and by the electoral votes of States, which House.'' is all the House Members plus two Senators. And people thought Rendell and I needed That's how many electoral votes every State a dose of reality serum because we'd go has. And even after reinforcement, when around and say, ``What do you mean? We're they get shifted around, it all still adds up going to win this thing. It's''Ð[laughter]Ð to 538, and you have to have 270 to win. didn't we? And we would go around, and these people in farflung places, a long way And Pennsylvania has 23 votes. And it's from Philadelphia and Washington, would also in the heartland of America, with Ohio look at us like, ``What have these guys been and Michigan and Illinois and Wisconsin and drinking tonight?'' [Laughter] Minnesota, and you go over to New Jersey You know, now all those people who were and up to New York. If you have Pennsyl- doubters think we're geniuses. And we just vania, it drastically increases your chances of need about 50 more days of effort so that carrying New Jersey and of carrying Ohio. they'll be right. But I'm very grateful to you, No Republican has been elected since the Mr. Mayor, because after you did such a Civil War without carrying Ohio. And it is good job here, you could have taken a well- very hard for a Democrat to be elected with- deserved rest, and instead, you went on the out carrying Pennsylvania. road, and we've had a good run. I'm very So I am profoundly grateful, because for grateful. two Presidential elections we got to go play Let me say toÐI don't even have the on their field. If you're playing on the other words to express the gratitude I feel to the team's end of the field, you have a chance people of Pennsylvania and especially the to score. And the people of Pennsylvania people of Philadelphia in this area who have trusted me and Al Gore to deliver for Amer- given me and Al Gore such an overwhelming ica, and I hope you're not disappointed. It's endorsement in 1992, and in 1996, the mar- been an honor. [Applause] Thank you. gin was truly breathtaking. I will never forget There's something else I would like to say, it. It does an amazing thing for a Democratic and I won't give my standard speech because campaign for President not to have to worry it's Sunday and a lot of you want to go do about whether you're going to win in something else, and because you've heard it Pennsylvania. before, but I will say this. I promised myself What happensÐI can just tell you, after between the first of the year and election the conventions are over, the candidates and day I would never, ever give a public speech Administration of William J.
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