JL •• U-4 / Forbes Newspapers Real Estate! ui I February 26,27i28,1992 The capital of District delight fix-tip-experts^ 9430 8440 9440 9440 9440 9440 m 9440 9490 9800 Brush with Bruges — Tdwnbousas Apartments Apattmmts Apartments Apartments Wanted to Rent BUSINESS Cranford wrestlers nab 2nd roadside AmericanAr a and Condominiums • OPPORTUNITIES Medieval echo, modern luxury We list 135 professionals in BOUND BROOK- DORCHESTER OARW00D- 1st floor, 5 MANVILLE- 3 BR, Main NEW BRUNSWICK- ...'*•*•>•• •' place in District 11 tournament In this week's ' home improvement directory EDISON- Walk to train, 1 BR, Talmage Ave., $575 rooms, 2 bedrooms, W&D St. location. $820 plus avall. 3 BR apt 2nd floor, SOMERVILLE- NEEDED on new Fprbes-Lufthansa trip HOUSE SOUTH BOUND BROOK Ige. rooms, 2 BR, IVi includes heat. hookup. Avail. 3/1. $800 utll and security.' Avail, clean. $825 per month 1 Bedroom apartment for. A.S.A.P.H studio or 1 BR 9810 See Sports, page B-l Details on page A-9 See pur Classified section. bath, IR, DR, country Kit., CALL 908-369-8410 Somervllle + utilities. Please call immed. Call 874-8240. Inc. heat 828-9184. single person, $525/ apt, must be near down- Businesses for Sale Weekend W&D, appliances. Patio, BOUND BROOK- 2 BR 908-789-3038. METUCHEN- 3 BR, 1^ NO. PLAINFIILD, month. IVi mo. security. town Somervllle, $400/mo storage shed. Tennis, pool apt., 2nd fir., heat in- HIGHLAND PARK- 1 & 2 baths, AC, W & D, In Vic-ORE EN WO OP QAR' CALL (908) 4«Jh«44i. or less; Single jnom w/7yr & clubhouse. Avail. 4/1. Luxury old son. ALSO willing to FULL LINE GROCERY/SU- cluded, utll. extra. $735/ High Rise bedroom apartments. torian home near train. DENS- 'Newly reno- PERMARKET- For sale 908*709-1565 mo. 356-1753; 356-3166 $700/$BOO + utilities. No pets. $1095 + utili- vated 1 BR A 2 BR gar- share apt. Call Annette Elevator Apartments Advertise In the Classified! 722-3000 X6251 9-5. In St. AUgustlne, Fla., sec- HILLSBOROUQH- 4 bed- BOUND BROOK- 3 Century' 21, JJ. Laufer, ties. 908-548-6400 den apt,. $680.41 ft onds from beach. Owner room, 2V2 bath unit, rooms, 2nd floor, heat & 722-9177 Realtor. Please call 908- METUCHEN— 4 rooms, 1 *7B0.41/mo, Includes + + ••* + ._ • retlrelng. Call Ed Kaz at washer/dryer, AC, Central 249-7717. heat ft HW. NO PETS. •.'•. + ***••• " water inc. No pets, middle bedroom, 2nd floor. 2 yr. SOUTH BOUND BROOK 904-829-2222 . heat, new w/w carpet, aged. person preferred. Studio HIOHLAND PARK— 1 BR lease.' IVi month secu- 7B8-11S7 leave ms< dishwasher,. custom NO. PUUNFIELD- Large 3 rooms, newly . * * * • • • • v Security & lease required. ' 1 & 2 Bedrooms apt in private home. rity, references, credit re- 9500 MIDDLESEX- SUB blinds, dining room, living Call 356-6224 port required. $750 + decorated, no pets, hear Miscellaneous Rentals room & yard. Pool, tennis DUNELLEN"- 3 rooms, $600/month includes util- 287. Available now. SHOP/DELI fully equipped, convenient location, laun- ities. Call 908-246-8557 elec. Call 908-280-2815. QQuiei t property, Watchung good location. Serious In- &• clubhouse available. BOUND BROOK- 4 side of Rt 22, 6 rooms, 2 CALL (908) 469-0328 $1250/mo. Call 908-231- rooms, $650/mo. il/2 dry facilities In basement.' HIOHLAND PARK- 4 METUCHEN- separate side after 8pm CAR STORAGE, SPACES quiries onlyl $29,500, 0100 Mon-Fri 9 to 6. month security. No pets. Avallablc'imwedlately, Pis. room apt. Avail. April 1. cottage, 4 rooms, W&D, bedrooms, garage, $850/ $50/mo. Owner lives on Call after 3pm, 908-968- Thursday, March 5,1992 Pis call 469-5334 call 201-575-6225. $750/mo+ utll. Call 572T IVi month security, credit mo + utilities. Available premises. Near Whlte- 8399 Vol. 99, No. 10 A Forbes Newspaper 50 centsV HILLSB0R0U0H— Town- 1534 or 572-6165 refs. $650+ utll. No pets. April 1st. hoime Station. 534-4638 houM. 2 large bedrooms, DUNELLEN— Ideal for CALL 908-689-7219 9450 MOBILE LOCKSMITH CRANFORD • GARWOOD • KENILWORTH BOUND BROOK- Ef- two singles. BR/LR on HILLSBOROUQH Pis call 908-548-2891 SOMERSET— Dead stor- BUSINESS- fully 1 full & Mo % baths, full ficiency apt. No pets, se- NO. PUUNF1ELD— 1 BR, I ! basement, new paint & each level. Share bath & Spaclous.-congenlal coun- MIDDLESEX- 2nd floor, convenient location, age, fenced yard, for equipped van,.tools & in- curity required, heat & kitchen. Privacy, .yard & try . living w/unobstructed 4 rooms, off street park- trucks, or trailers. By week ventory; $20,000 nego. appliances. $1000/month water supplied. 908- V2 basement, washer/ $525+heat/hot water. BRANCHBURO- PINE 4- utilities. Please call views. Modern sfibure 1 Ing, adults preferred. CALL 753-0159. or month rental. Call Bill 908-654-9553. Selling 526-0380 bet 9-5pm dryer hookup. $725/mo. BR, 2 BR -2 bath, DR, $625 plus utilities. 781- MOTEL Room & kitchen- Weber 908-247-4406. due to health reasons. 609-883-1213. ette. Reasonable rates In- BRANCHBURO- modern utils., 1% mo. sec. terrace, storage, parking, 9556. NO. PLAINFIELD- 2 BR, SOMERVILLE— Garage 3 room apt. In 2-Family CALL 908-968-8215. w/w carpet, dishwasher, Somerset St. $675/mo + clude Services & utils. on 2nd floor. W&D hook- Individually controlled MIDDLESEX— 4 rooms util. Call 908-561-1268 908-722-9520 for rent, tO'x 22'. Avail- Advertise • ••*• + + .. Super Clean! Off-street able Immediately. $75/ Ads In Classified up. Deck. Quiet area. EASTON, PA- 1, 2 & 3 heat & AC, master TV an- NO. PLAINFIELD- 8RIDQEWATER- In pri- In the Classified! Couple or 1 female prof. tenna" No pets. Clar- parking. Business couple vate home.. New construc- month: 908-369-3791 dorit cost — BR apts. & Townhouses, preferred. No pets. Lease. Historic District, 3rd floor, . • . •..• •-•.•. ••« i Non-smoker. No pets. •tmont Towers. Near Rt. tion— huge cldsets. Color Luxury garden apts w/easy Refs, Sec. $700/mo. charming 1 .BR, must be . They pay! By BRIAN FLORCZAK retirement package of $83,500. gram-for Preschool Youngsters). •••'. 5 $750 plus utils. 1 mo. access to Rt. 22 & mlns. 206. Please call 908- seen, $735 + electric, TV, cable, phone. Priv. en- PISCATAWAY- Spacious sec. & refs. Avail. April 359-3606. RANALD C. BROWN trance, Kitchen. Off Street 9600 The payments will be made in several installments, Dr. Paul also guided the disbrict through the clos- 1 BR co-op, EIK, DR, LR from N- J- Low, low, Pa. Realtor, 908-489-2333 business couple pre- THECHRONICLE 1st. 908-725-8695 rents. Call 215-559-1411 ferred, avail. 3/1. prkg. Non-smoker.:-No COMMERCIAL thereby allowing the district to absorb the cost at an ings of several schools frofn 1979-82 as. a result of WAV carpet, AC, appl., rear MANVILLE— 1 BR studio MIDDLESEX- large 1 BR pets. Weekly. 908-526- Dr. Robert Paul's 15 years as superintendent of the declining dhrollmehts. Lincoln, Roosevelt and Bloom- unit, pool. Very quiet. *•+•**. w/kltchen & bath, all utili- Call after 6pm •-.. REAL ESTATE easier rate. In exchange, the district will operate with BRIDOEWATER ties supplied. $550/mo. apt, include heat & hot (908) 787-2842. 1068; 874-5636 9840 Cranford school district can best be described as three central office administrators for the 1992-93 ingdale schools all closed their doors to district pupils $59,000. Call 469-7436 • + •*•**..• water, $625/month, no Investments/ after 6PM GRANDVIEW . EDISON ESTATES Call 725-2867 after 6PM PLAINFIELD DUNELLEN— Furnished, eventftiL; • . •'. ' :•••;.-; ;..'• •'• • ;•' '. '' '• School year instead of four. The board does not plan while Dr. Paul was superintendent. ....' pets. Pis call 609-492- share kitchen & bath. 9650 OpportimHIes SOMERSET- Quallbrook, GARDENS Large 1. BR, 4. RM apt. 7668 $700/mo. 2 bedroom, 4 From having supervised the closing of a number of to hire a new superintendent until July 1,1993. Among the other accomplishmerlts of his tenure CAC, convenient to public MANVIUE- 1st fl. apt. room, apartment East End. Near all transportation. Office Rentals like new, 2 bdrm. Condo, 1 & 2 Bedroom Town- MIDDLESEX- Mid- $70/weekly. Pis call 908- township schools to helping bring cable television But money isn't what Dr. Paul will be remembered were the first federal school lunch program; the mov- DR, LR, bath, galley kitch- housed. Central air, indi- transportation, quiet dead 1-BR, wAv carpet, bsmt., dlesex Villa**. Spa- Ask for Don or Paul. • TO: ANYONE WHO ing of ninth-graders to Cranford High School; French, priv. entr., Gar., Sec.+ ERA SUBURB REALTY 356-3047 Channel 35 to Cranford, Dr. Paul has attempted to for. • .; /•.'•:•• ' '..'• ••". ;/. ' ' :' •,' . • en, fully carpeted, AC, all. vidual storage. Walk to end street. $700/ month. ( clous 1BR Garden apt. 16B0 SQ.FT. WOULD UKE TO HAVE A German, Spanish, Latin and Italian being offered as appliances & upgrades.. park & tennis courts 20l-992rl590 refs. No pets. $645+ AGENCY, 908-322-4434 OREEN BROOK- Fur- Busy Route 206 north 16' HIGHER QUALITY LIFE- place the district on the leading edge of education. Instead, his goal of improving the school district $67B/mo. includes heat nished. Working female foreign.languages to eighth-graders; and the creation Easy tommute to all 722-6740 EDISON— 4 rooms & utils. 908-359-3375 & HW. NO PETS. Pool PLAINFIELD- cation. Brldgewater. Va- STYLE. There would be nO arguing that Dr. Paul has had a will come to mind, as will his dealings with Jhe board. major hwys. $85O/mo. Pis bath, 2nd floor of private MANVILLE- 2 BR, LR, 1 BR, newly decorated over 25, non-smoker, refs cant. $14.50 Sq.ft. net Klrri & I have found a way of the district's first gifted and talented program. BRIDQEWATER- large 2 avail. 388-SBBO to msg & security. 908-968-4319 positive impact on the quality of education in the In fact, Dr.
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