Self Study Report: DAV College, Malout Page 1 PREPARATION OF SSR Steering Committee 1. Dr. Subhash Chander (Principal) 2. Dr. Megh Raj Goyal (Coordinator) 3. Mr. Baljeet Singh Bhullar 4. Dr. Arun kalra 5. Mrs.Padam Pathela 6. Mr. Narinder Sharma 7. Dr. R.K.Uppal 8. Mr. R.K.Goyal 9. Dr. B.V.Sharma 10. Mr. S.K.Grover Criteria-wise Report Preparation Criterion I: Mr. Narinder Sharma Mrs. Gunmala Singla Criterion II: Dr. Arun Kalra Mr. S.K. Grover Mr. R.K. Goyal Criterion III: Dr. R.K.Uppal Dr. Vineet Kumar Criterion IV: Mr. S.C. Gupta Mr. Deepak Aggarwal Criterion V: Mrs. Iqbal kaur Mr. Ram Manoj Sharma Criterion VI: Dr. B.V.Sharma Ms. Neelam Bhardwaj Criterion VII: Mrs. Padam Pathela Dr. Mukta Mutneja Department wise Inputs: Mrs. Tajinder Kaur Mrs. Jasbir Kaur Self Study Report: DAV College, Malout Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. Particulars Page No. No. 1 Preface 4-5 2 List of Abbreviations 6-7 3 Executive Summary 8-11 4 Profile of the College 12-20 5 Criteria-Wise Evaluative Reports a. Criterion I: CURRICULAR ASPECTS 22-32 b. Criterion II: TEACHING LEARNING AND EVALUATION 33-58 c. Criterion III: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 59-78 d. Criterion IV: INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 79-99 e. Criterion V: STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 100-119 f. Criterion VI: GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT 120-136 g. Criterion VII: INNOVATIONS AND BEST PRACTICES 137-143 6 Evaluative Reports of the Departments 144-210 7 Declaration by the Head of the Institution 211 8 Annexure i. Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of UGC Act 212 ii. Master plan of the college 213 iii. Balance Sheet 214-221 iv. Fee structure 222-223 v. UGC grants received during 11th plan 224 vi. LOI, IEAQ Evaluation Result, Certificate of Compliance 225-229 Self Study Report: DAV College, Malout Page 3 PREFACE We take immense pleasure and privilege in submitting the Self Study Report (SSR) of D.A.V College, Malout for the First cycle of accreditation by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore. D.A.V College, Malout was established in 1968 on 22 acres of land which was donated by Edward Ganj Public Welfare Society, Malout to D.A.V C.M.C. New Delhi. It was originally named as National College. D.A.V College, Malout, situated in the state of Punjab, is governed by D.A.V College Trust and Management Society, New Delhi. It was established with a view to provide quality education to students from diverse backgrounds, irrespective of region, religion, caste, economic status and academic performance. The Principal (Dr.) D.S.Gupt was appointed as a founder Principal in 1968 who served up to 1970. The college facilitates undergraduate courses i.e. B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, (Medical & Non-Medical) B.C.A and PGDCA affiliated to Panjab University, Chandigarh. Under the seasoned and experienced guidance of enlightened DAVCMC and local committee, the college has now blossomed and has created a niche for its academic, sports and extra-curricular activities. Apart from well furnished classrooms, the college has well equipped laboratories in science departments, music room, Physical education department and well established library. Ever since its inception in 1968, we have relentlessly been working towards the realization of our motto and striving in the direction of providing wings to our students while remaining rooted to the ground. It is our firm belief that value based learning has far greater relevance in a dynamic and ever changing work environment. Our mission is to demonstrate an unconditional commitment to learning openness, mutual trust and faith. As we present the SSR Report for assessment and accreditation for the first cycle, we assure our commitment to achieve excellence through hard work and dedication in academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular fields and thus play a pivotal role in the upliftment of society and nation as a whole by contributing to education. A committee comprising of seven faculty members has been constituted to complete the report. The report has been prepared with the sincere and relentless efforts of the faculty members in co-operation with the non- teaching staff as per norms set up by NAAC. The report is a reflection of the academic and administrative functions and activities happening in the college. The contents include the Profile of the college, Executive Summary and Criterion wise analytical report. The mandatory annexures have been annexed with SSR while others will be provided to the peer team at the time of their visit. It is an endeavor which encourages us to examine our strengths, assess our weaknesses, accumulate the opportunities in the field of education and prepare for the challenges that are at the forefront. The report has been finalized with utmost sincerity, honesty and collective effort of the faculty members which is now being submitted to the NAAC for assessment and accreditation. It would be a great delight to have Peer Team inspecting and validating our claims about our institution. Self Study Report: DAV College, Malout Page 4 May the Quality Education, we impart to our students in D.A.V College, Malout enlightens their minds and enthuse their hearts towards simple living and high thinking. Self Study Report: DAV College, Malout Page 5 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AC Air Conditioner AF Amalgamated Fund AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome API Academic Performance Indicator ASC Academic Staff College B. A. Bachelor of Arts B. Com. Bachelor of Commerce B. Sc. Bachelor of Commerce BCA Bachelor of Computer Application CA Chartered Accountant CCTV Close Circuit Television CD Compact Disc CDC College Development Council CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp CHD Chandigarh CPF Central Provident Fund CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research DA Dearness Allowance DAV Dayanand Anglo Vedic DAVCMC Dayanand Anglo Vedic Colleges Managing Committee DPI (C) Director Public Instructions (Colleges) DRDO Defence Research and Development Organization DSW Dean Student Welfare ESIC Employees State Insurance Corporation Fig. Figure GATE Graduate Aptitude Test GNDU Guru Nanak Dev University HIV Human Immuno Deficiency Virus HOD Head of the Department HR Human Resource HRD Human Resource Development ICSSR Indian Council of Social Science Research ICT Information Communication Technology INFLIBNET Information & Library Network IIPA Indian Institute of Public Administration IQAC Internal Quality Assurance Cell ISBN International Standard Book Number ISSN International Standard Serial Number IT Information Technology LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode LMC Local Managing Committee Self Study Report: DAV College, Malout Page 6 MoU Memorandum of Understanding MP Member of Parliament NCC National Cadet Corps NET National Eligibility Test NEAC National Environment Awareness Campaign NGO Non Government Organization NMEICT National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology NOC No Objection Certificate NSS National Service Scheme OBC Other Backward Class OBSC Office Bearers Sub-Committee PBAS Performance Based Appraisal System PF Provident Fund PGDCA Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application Ph. D. Doctorate of Philosophy PU Panjab University PSCST Punjab State Council of Science & Technology RO Reverse Osmosis RRC Red Ribbon Club SC Schedule Caste SAC Standing Advisory Committee SLET State Level Eligibility Test ST Schedule Tribe SWF Student Welfare Fund TL Teaching Learning TSC Thal Sainik Camp UG Undergraduate UGC University Grants Commission VC Vice-Chancellor Self Study Report: DAV College, Malout Page 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY D.A.V College, Malout came into being in 1968 as a National College. Being affiliated to Panjab University, the college has gradually evolved as a premier institution of the Malwa belt of Punjab. It made its beginning with undergraduate classes in the streams of arts and secondary classes (Pre- Medical and Pre- Engineering) in science. With the passage of time it has added to its stature by introducing science, Commerce and computer science faculties. The College Campus is spread over 22 acres of land with the main building situated in the middle. There are about one thousand four hundred aspiring students pursuing UG courses in the current academic year. Apart from classrooms and galleries, the college has well equipped laboratories, office, library, canteen, playgrounds, Silver Jubilee Park, open air theatre, botanical garden and Principal’s office (college House). The college has a big playground where all the facilities are being provided for games like Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Basket Ball, Discuss Throw, High Jump, Long Jump, Hockey and Kabaddi. An impressive track of 400 meters is also available. A branch of Punjab National Bank is also housed in the college premises. ‘D.A.V’ i.e. Dayanand Anglo Vedic stands for a unique blend of tradition and modernity. D. A. V College, Malout has observed the ethos of D.A.V in the true sense by providing quality education to the students of this area. The institution is led by DAVCMC, New Delhi. At present, the College has a regular Principal Dr. Subhash Chander and 43 faculty members. Out of these 12 are Associate Professors, 7 are Assistant Professors, and 24 are temporary Teachers. Out of 19 permanent teachers, 6 are Ph.D. The Principal, Local Managing Committee (LMC) and the staff develops and deploys various policies and action plans. The existing processes are efficiently managed; improved and perspective plans of development are chalked out through participative management involving the stakeholders. Students are nurtured as per the needs of society and industry. Two-way communication is ensured at all levels of management. Feedback is generated and analytical mechanisms contribute to further development, analysis of strengths, weaknesses and help assess plans for further growth. In the present global scenario, where materialistic tendencies are getting the better of humanistic and compassionate values, the college makes special effort to equip students with moral, ethical values through their involvement in cultural, social and religious activities.
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