SRImAdAnAMdatIrthaBagavatpaadaprANIta Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya With Original Sanskrit Verses, Kannada translation, Explanation and Special Notes Volume - 3 (Chapters: 18 – 21) Editing, Translation and Explanation By Dr. Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya Note: Translation to English by Harshala Rajesh. With permission to translate - from Dr. Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya Transliterated Roman Scripts of the Original Shlokas from AHDS London (thanks to Sri Desiraju Hanumantha Rao for providing the same and Sri Srisha Rao et al for Transliterated Roman Scripts) pAMDavavanapravEshaH atha ekaviMsho.adhyAyaH || OM || janArdanAj~nayA mayaH samastakautukottarAm.h | sabhAM vidhAya bhUbhR^ite dadau gadAM vR^ikodare || 21.1|| Construction of assembly hall by mayA 21.1. As per shrI krRushNa’s instructions, mayA built an excellent assembly hall filled with all the wonders and presented it to yudhishThira. He also offered a mace to BImasEna. Notes: 1. The assembly hall built by mayAsura as per instructions of shrI kRushNa’s instruction was exceptionally good. 2. This unusual building which was built in 14 months could provide the climate of all four seasons. It had lakes, wells, ponds and gardens. 3. AcArya had indicated all these by using the word “samstakautukOttarAM” 4. In the verses that will follow, it has been mentioned the great sinner duryOdhana could not understand the secret of this and was subjected to mockery. (Verse 277) Reference 1. dadau gadAmiti | biMdusarasi mucukuMdanihatAM gadAM dadAvityarthaH | tathA ca sabhA-parvaNi mayavAkyam | asti biMdusarasyEva gadA shrEShThAkurUdwaha | nihitA yauvanAshwEna rAj~jA hatwA ripUn raNE ||' iti | - tAmraparNISrInivAsAcAryakRutapramEyamaNimAlA 1. IdRushaM tAM sabhAM kRutwA mAsaiH paricaturdashaiH | niShThitAM dharmarAjAya mayO rAjAn nyavEdayat || - bhArata(2/3/37) sa vAyudhAritAM gadAM hi yauvanAshvabhUbhR^itA | prasAdato.asya lambhitAmavApya modamApa ha || 21.2|| mayA offers mace to BImasEna 21.2. It was vAyu’s mace. maMdAtarAja had received it by the grace of vAyudEvaru. BhIma rejoiced having received it. Notes: 1. The mace which mayA gave was really vAyudEvaru’s. maMdAtarAja had got it after having pleased vAyudEvaru. mayA got it and gave it to bhIma. 2. Some commentaries mention that the mace is mucukuMdarAjA’s. 3. Just as agni had returned kRushNa’s disc back to kRushNa, mayA gave bhIma’s mace back to him. 4. This is also an indication that Srihari and vAyu never earn greatness using other’s items. 5. mayAsura had constructed the assembly hall using unusual and precious pearls, gems from the ruins of the assembly hall of a king of demons by name vRuShaparva, which was near biMdu lake close to mainAka on the northern side of kailAsa. Reference 2. yauvanAshwabhUbhRutA mucukuMdarAjEna | -varadarAjAcAryakRutamaMdasubOdhinI., janArdanabhaTTakRutapradArthapradIpika punashcha vatsaradvayaM samushhya keshavo yayau | samarchitashcha pANDavairviyojane.asya chAxamaiH || 21.3|| shrI kRushNa returns to dwAraka. 21.3. kRushNa stayed with pAMDavas for 2 more years and went back to dwAraka. pAMDAvas who found it very difficult to live without him, bid farewell to him after having honored him very much. tato vasan.h svapuryajaH kvachid.h ravigrahe hariH | sadAraputrabAndhavaH samantapaJNchakaM yayau || 21.4|| shrI kRushNa gets vasudEva to perform yagna in syamaMtapaMcaka. 21.4. Once while kRushNa was living in dwAraka, once during the time of solar eclipse, kRushNa went symaMtapaMcaka along with wives, kids and relatives. Notes: 1. syamaMtapaMcaka is the place consisting of 5 lakes constructed by parashurAma. 2. Some editions mention that it is called syamaMtapaMcaka. It is famous as place where parashurAma offered tarpaNa to fore-fathers with the blood of evil kShatriyas whom he had destroyed. But that place is in kurukshEtra. It is acceptable to have bath in rivers and lakes during solar eclipse. 3. purANAs mention that it is even more special to have bath in kurukShEtra and such places. By going there, kRushNa indicated all these. Reference 4. syamaMtapaMcakaM kurukShEtram | -janArdanabhaTTakRutapradArthapradIpika pR^ithAsutAshcha sarvashaH sadAraputramAtR^ikAH | xitIshvarAshcha sarvashaH priyApriyA hareshcha ye || 21.5|| 21.5. pAMDavAs along with their wives, sons and mother kuMti also left to the place. In similar fashion all the kings, those who liked shrIhari, those who hated shrIhari all of them went there. Notes: 1. The summary here is that kings who liked, disliked and who had neutral (neither like nor hatred) all of them went to shrI kRushNa. People who adored shrI kRushNa went to him with devotion and to witness the extravagance of his greatness, others went there to oppose him when they find his faults. 2. This also indicates that – everyone who goes to meet srIhari need not have to be worthy of meeting him. 3. It is important to note that sumadhwavijaya mentions that when shrI madhwAchArya went to have bath in ocean near kaNwa teerta during solar eclipse, not only devotees but enemies also gathered there. (16/12, 21). Reference * sarvaj~jaM saparijanaM samIkShamANAH phullAkShAH smitavadanAH shubhA nanaMduH | daurmuKyaM dadhata utAparE niniMdurnAshcaryaM dwayamapi tatswabhAvataMtram || - ma.vi.(16/12) tathaiva nandagopakaH sadAragopagopikaH | munIshvarAshcha sarvataH samIyuratra cha prajAH || 21.6|| 21.6. In the same fashion, naMdagOpa, his wife left to the place along with all the gOpAs and gOpIs. All the great sages and entire population left to the place. priyAshcha ye rameshiturhariM trirUpametya te | vasishhThavR^ishhNinandanaM bhR^igUttamaM tathA.a.archayan.h || 21.7|| 21.7. All the dear devotees of shrIhari saw and worshipped three forms of lakshmIpati – vEdavyAsa, yAdava kRushNa and parashurAma. Notes: 1. Devotees had eagerly arrived there as they knew that they could get to see shrI hari in three forms – vyAsa, kRushNa and parashurAma. kR^itArthatAM cha te yayU rameshapAdadarshanAt.h | ravigrahe samAplutA bhR^igUdvahotthatIrthake || 21.8|| 21.8. During solar eclipse, all of them came to the lake created by parashurAma, bathed in it and became content by the sight of his feet. Notes: 1. kRushNa went there for solar eclipse. Others came there for the same reason and cleansed their existence. 2. This indicates that bathing in lakes during eclipse is a door for cleansing of soul, door for gaining knowledge and also means for getting the sight of shrIhari. anugrahaM vidhAya sa svakeshhu keshavastrivR^it.h | ayAjayachcha shUrajaM makhaiH samAptadaxiNaiH || 21.9|| 21.9. shrIhari graced his devotees in three forms; He also got vasudEva to perform religious sacrifices and give charity. Notes: 1. By doing so, kRushNa also proclaimed the fact that it is duty of sons to get their parents to do noble deeds like religious sacrifices and giving charities. Reference 9.vivRut tribhirvartata iti trivRut vyAsAditrirUpavAn | - ( ja.) 9. trivRut | trEdhA vartata iti trivRut | - tAmraparNISrInivAsAcAryakRutapramEyamaNimAlA 9. kEshavastrivRudityasya tritwEna vishiShTO vartata iti trivRut kEshava ityarthaH | kRuShNasya tritwaM vEdavyAsa-parashurAmAbhyaM sahEti draShTavyam || - shrIsatyAbhinavatIrthakRutadurGaTArthaprakAshikA samastalokasaMsthitAtmabhaktimajjanasya saH | sukAladarshanAt.h paraM vyadhAdanugrahaM hariH || 21.10|| 21.10. shrI kRushNa also did a great favor by letting the devotees of the entire universe who had great devotion towards him to get a glimpse of him during such an auspicious time –parva kaala. tato yayau svakAM purIM pR^ithAsutaiH sahAchyutaH | chakAra tatra chA.ahnikaM kratuM mahAshvamedhakam.h || 21.11|| 21.11. Later, kRushNa returned to dwArakA city along with pAMDavAs. There he performed another yagna for a day called mahAshwamEdha yagna. Notes: 1. History and purANAs have recorded about ashwamEdha yagna performed by many kings. But shrI kRushNa holds the record for only person to perform mAhAshwamEdha yagna that is completed within a single day (bhAgavata 10/100). Reference 11. cakAra tatra cAhnikamityatra EkasminnahnikriyamANaM ahnikam || - varadarAjAcAryakRutamaMdasubOdhinI hayaM sabhImaphalgunA hare rathaM samAsthitAH | vyachArayan.h hareH sutA dinasya pAdamAtrataH || 21.12|| 21.12. Seated in shrIhari’s chariot along with bhIma and arjuna, shrI kRushNa’s sons travelled all around the universe in quarter of a daytime (3 hours) Notes: 1. As per the rules of ashwamEdhayAga, that horse should travel entire world in a year’s time. Since this is one day ashwamEdha yAga, the specialty of this yAga was that the horse travelled entire universe in one quarter of a day that is 3 hrs out of 12 hours daytime. 2. They could travel in such a high speed with the help of shrI kRushNa’s chariot. Reference 12. dinasya pAdamAtrata ityatra saptaGaTikAH pAda ityucyatE || - varadarAjAcAryakRutamaMdasubOdhinI 12. dinasya pAdamAtrataH EkayAmAt | -janArdanabhaTTakRutapradArthapradIpika jitAH samastabhUbhR^ito jarAsutAdayaH xaNAt.h | vR^ikodarAdibhistu tairhayashcha divya Ayayau || 21.13|| 21.13. jarAsaMdha and others were defeated in fractions of a second by BImasEna and others. The divine horse returned. Notes: 1. While the journey was made easy by kRushNa’s chariot, bhIma and others made the task of defeating jarAsaMdha and other great demons very easy. 2. It is special to note that, within such short span of time, not only travel around the world was completed but conquering the whole world was also completed. Reference 13. vRukOdarAdibhiH sutairityatra vRukOdaraH AdiH mUlabalaM yEShAM tE taiH sutaiH || -(vA.) hayaH sa kR^ishhNanirmito dinena laxayojanam.h | xamo hi gantumaJNjasA dinAshvamedhasiddhaye
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