, 1 ' ' " *" *" * * 1'* 'J;, ' ' 1>^ '* • * •" 'I "' ' ' '' ' * "' ' ' ^ ^ \ \ ,/' .. • \k '" • '• "•'' * • , y /' k r*; * ^ *'A> jTV* • • ; •"•' -Vv^-V^s'^ '' '.. •'-• '.•• i- '- ' 'Ji-Vf - v.-' • • •;< ••• .v^f^VvH. THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, CONN. Fifty-Fourth Year—No. 44. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1934 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. ADEQUATE POLICE SCOUT GROUPS IS NECESSARY FOR 10 A. M. Deadline for News Copy START DRIVE FOR Industrial Improvement N several recent issues of The Press a number of items sub­ mitted for publication failed to appear. This is, of course, LAW ENFORCEMENT regretted by the publishers but the explanation is simple. They RELIEF OF NEEDY reached us too late for insertion. Like all publications there is Is Most Effective Meth­ a "deadline" beyond which we cannot go in the acceptance of Collection of Discarded Here Is Now Assured matters for insertion and insure the paper being off the press at the designated time. We are always grateful for any news Articles of All Kinds, od of Keeping Com­ items submitted but they must reach us within a certain time. munity Free From Law That tame is 10 A. M. on the day of publication. Beyond that Especially Clothing for 'Result of Spring Showing of Carpet And Rug hour there can be no assurance that the matter submitted will JOHN HOULIHAN, Breakers Says Hickey be used. This is an explanation of why some items failed to Children, Will be Made Samples In New York Last Week Is Reflected appear in recent issues, and at tJte same time it is a reiteration In Canvass of Town. In Address Here. of the "deadline" for the acceptance of news matter which is OLD RESIDENT, IS Here As Plans Go Forward For Increased Op­ 10 o'clock each Thursday morning. Speaking at the 111th annual reun­ Beginning today and continuing un­ eration In Local Plant—All Records of Recent ion and banquet of the Enfield Socie­ til the entire town has been covered, BURIED TUESDAY ty for the Detection of Thieves and the local Boy Scout Troops, and the Years Broken In New York Showing. Robbers, County Detective Edward J. two Sea Scout branches, will begin a Hickey, who was the principal speak­ canvass for the collection of discard!i Church Rites at St. Pat­ er, admonished his hearers that no Weather Conditions Here ed clothing, furniture and other arti­ That the semi-annual carpet and ^community should skimp in the mat­ cles for the needy of the town. This rick's Largely Attend­ rug showing, which opened in New, VETERAN GROUPS ter of providing sufficient money for undertaking is in response to the ap­ ed by Relatives And York last week, was unusually sue-! adequate police protection. The most peal recently made by President cessful is already reflected in the j effective method of keeping a com­ Worst In Town's History Roosevelt and is being directed by Friends—Death Occur­ I plans underway for increasing thej OBSERVE MAINE munity free from law breakers, he the iocal scout committeeman, Dr. H. |output of the Bigelow-Sanford plant: stated, was to make it; anything but Wilson Fancher. Assisting him on red Sunday. jhere. While no official statement has] a safe or comfortable place for them the committee are Selectman Ira S. been made either by the management: MEMORIAL DAY to reside. A community that acquires Thermometer Makes New Low Record — Water Bushnell, Miss Myra H. Barden, wel­ The funeral of John Houlihan, a of the local plant or the executives fare investigator, and the scout com­ of_ the company, there is abundant' a reputation for rigid law enforce­ well known and respected resident of ment has provided itself with the Mains Freeze And Hundreds of Freeze-ups In mittees of the American Legion, Vet­ evidence that for the next few months Patriotic Organizations best safeguard against criminality of erans of Foreign Wars and the Rotary the town for many years, was held.at least the plant will operate at full any character. Homes Reported — Mid-day Thaws And Mid­ club. Louis Haight is chairman of Tuesday morning at 8:30 from his [capa.city. This increased operation is: Will Take Cognizance Mr. Hickey's address was one of the committee and Louis B. Van Dor- late home on Walnut street with lnecessary ^ number of, of Occasion With Exer­ the most interesting and informative night Freezings Makes Driving Dangerous In en,, scuciwjf.secretary. cf Pot •,»„ . iorders for spring delivery received at' that has been heard at the gatherings The appeal is to be especially for , Vlces m St. Patucks Chuich at 9jthe New York showing last week. : cises At Higgins School of this ancient society in years. He Town Streets — Scores of Skidding Accidents. i clothingjthing for children from four to 16 0 clock. The solemn requiem mass, 1 This seasonal opening broke all at-' devoted considerable time to an ex­ years of age, but donations of cloth­ which was largely attended by rela- tendance records of the last three This Evening. planation of the finger print method ing for all ages, shoes, boots, rubbers tives and friends, was celebrated by' yeaVs ,a"d tJ}e Yolu™e of sales far ex- of detection of criminals and used the In the wide sweep of record-break- by the weather and they were not and bed clothing and old furniture — - - ceeded the business done in the same ing sub-zero weather which visited only forced to work Saturday after­ will also be used. A large room for Rev. Paul T. Dignam, assisted by Rev. I period. The opening was attendecf'by is the 36th anniversary of lantern slides to prove that the sys the tem was far more effective than that!',the eastern section of_ the country noon but Sunday also. storage and two small rooms for re­ Joseph H. Seiferman of All Saints lover a thousand buyers from all parts blowing up of the American bat during the past week, Enfield was by The Town Welfare department was pair work have been set aside by the Church, Somersville, as deacon, and!°f the country and large enough or- tleship "Maine" in Havana Harbor. of the photograph method. In stress­ 1_ ing this point he used several old no means neglected. Like the rest of put to extreme measures in order to Van Doren Service Bureau in the Cen- Rev.~ Franklin J. Corrigan, sub-dea-rers, H C0,Yei' the average require- This evening veteran and patriotic the affected area, the town experienc­ meet the situation and prevent suf­ ter building. The renovation of old photographs of former residents and gr0UpS of the town have •officials of the town. Mr. Hickey was ed the worst seige of sub-zero weath­ fering from the cold. Extra trucks furniture will be done by the scouts. con. Music for the mass was under j placed. °This attendance™" ouT-of- Panned an introduced to the meeting by former er in its history. The thermometer were employed to make the necessary The boys will make the canvass in the direction of Miss Dorilda Caston- town buyers, according to those fa- appropriate program of exercises Prosecuting Attorney Arthur R. Bos- here reached a new low last Friday distribution of fuel oil and coal which squads, and a truck will be provided guay, organist,* and' the•' soloist• • • was miliar with the trade openings held commemorative of this historic event. tick, who was the toastmaster of the morning when the cold spell was at the situation made necessary. by the town for transportation pur­ Mrs. Daniel A. Garvey. Burial was by the carpet and rug industry in the The ceremonies will take place in the its worst in this section. At the cold- With the break in the weather poses. Donations may be made also last ten years, was larger than any . » * t\ u- • c< i. i j. evening. in St. Patrick's King Street Cemetery previous opening. auditorium of A. D. Higgins School at Mr. Bostick on being presented by est spots in the town it recorded from which followed the frigid week-end, by direct communication with the President M. J. Liberty of the society 24 to 28 degrees below zero which is • bursting water and gas mains and town building. ^where Father Dienam read the com­ The buying was largely impelled by 8 P. M. Preceding the exercises there who welcomed the guests, emphasized a new record for this community. {supply pipes of every character oc- mittal service. The bearers were El­ the certainty of a price increase by will be a street parade of the veteran that the purpose of the gathering The extreme weather conditions in-'curred in scores of instances which mer, John and Raymond Leary of .March 1. Executives of the carpet in- organizations with Past Commander largely was to maintain a tradition terrupted and in some instances play-j added to the problems of the utility Springfield, John M. Savage, Jeremi­ dustry attributed the success of this Russell W. Maylott of the Patrick F. * and that while the organization to­ ed havoc with every activity. Trans-! concerns and property owners. The OBSERVANCE OF ah Sullivan and John Goggin. season's trade opening to the fact Triggs Post, V. F. W., as marshal, day was not expected to accomplish portation was hampered and business'relief from the cold weather brought Mr. Houlihan died early Sunday that prices were held to fall levels The line will form on Pleasant street anything in the way of criminal de­ and industry were more or less affect- j on a traffic condition throughout the morning following an illness of a few while buyers were warned that an in- at 7;45 and proceed to the headquar- tection collectively, it was possible ed by the extreme conditions.
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