W*m mi.. zm ^Artist* Use \ Weldi^i Their Me^W, fc^> »./ : m 1M iM^k^m/^Mya^S^. QmL&p'&%S&! nn|M^ WwlKmi\&f*-1sEi! PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY TO ADVANCE THE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND APPLICATION OF WELDING AND ALLIED JOINING AND CUTTING PROCESSES, INCLUDING BRAZING, SOLDERING, AND THERMAL SPRAYING Select-Arc Electrodes Wear Well. Select-Arc has introduced a compre- other conditions For more information on the hensive line of hardsurfacing elec- including impact, hardsurfacing electrodes designed trodes specially developed to tackle adhesion, corrosion, with tough applications in mind, call formidable welding applications. erosion and elevated Select-Arc at 1-800-341-3213 or visit SelectWear• hardsurfacing wires are temperatures. our website: www.select-arc.com. formulated to improve your welding productivity, enhance performance Of course, all Select-Arc hardsurfacing and reduce machinery downtime products deliver the same exceptional SELECT by increasing component life. In electrode quality that our customers addition, these Select-Arc electrodes have come to rely on over the past can provide heightened resistance to decade. For Info go to www.aws.org/ad-index Kimberly-Clark PROFESSIONAL* *** Looking out for number one? Let's get it done. We don't need to tell you about the hazards you face on the job. We do want to tell you about JACKSON SAFETY* welding helmets and safety glasses -your number one combination for maximum comfort and productivity, with patented ADF technology and one-of-a-kind graphics. Count on KIMBERLY CLARK PROFESSIONAL* for a wide range of industrial safety solutions, including JACKSON SAFETY* Halo X welding helmets and NEMESIS* eyewear. LET US PROVE IT. Together, we can achieve a higher level of protection, cost-savings and productivity. For your fff££Site Survey, enter promo code WJ710 at ,• www.kcproveit.com ., JACKSON WELDING SAFETY • PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT • WORK ZONE SAFETY www.jacksonsafety.com/welding For Info go to www.aws.org/ad-index Built TOUGH in the USA byCMI for Welders around the WORLD. \ Yuur best source fur Semi-AuLomatic and Autorhatic air and water en Push-Pull. and Smoke Extracto With us. custonfar support comes first: from custom and conajMbles to rapid deliver For a complete • of our products, visit us online at cmindustries.com or call us toll free. 1-800-530-0032 CM Industries has a full line of 'fi Rohntin Nnzzle Gleaning Stations, Wire Cutters, and Replacement Reamer Blades to choose from Make robotic nozzle cleaning Replacement Reamer Blades Model2100E operations easier with CMI -JJ. 505 OAKWOOD RD LAKE ZURICH. ILLINOIS 60047 PH 847 5500033 FX 847 5500444 CMINDUSTRIES.COM EMAIL SALES C MINDUSTRIES COM For Info go to www.aws.org/ad-index CONTENTS July 2010 • Volume 89 • Number 7 Features 28 Artists Think' in Metal Metal and welding go hand-in-hand for this group of AWS Web site www.aws.org creative individuals K. Campbell, M. R. Johnsen, and H. Woodward Departments 38 Precision Laser Welding of Thin Structures A combination of preplaced powder filler material and laser welding addressed the problems of distortion and melt Press Time News 4 through on 0.25-mm-thick foils Editorial 6 A. Deceuster, G. Stewardson, and L. Li News of the Industry 8 42 Tips to Improve GTAW Arc Starts Controlling the variables as consistently as possible leads to International Update 12 positive arc starts Stainless Q&A 14 J. Luck Book Review 16 47 A Summary of Revisions in the New D1.1:2010, Structural Letters to the Editor 18 Welding Code — Steel The significant changes in the new 2010 issue are explained RWMAQ&A 20 J. L. Gayler and D. D. Rager New Products 24 50 Homes for Haiti Welding Workbook 56 Metal cargo containers, a welding class, dedicated workers, Coming Events 58 and an actress with a compassionate heart combine to help those left homeless in Haiti Conferences 62 K. Campbell and H. Woodward Society News 63 Tech Topics 66 Official Interpretations 01.1,01.5,017.1 66 015.1 67 Welding Research Supplement Guide to A WS Services 89 133-s Effects of Nb, V, and W on Microstructure and Abrasion New Literature 90 Resistance of Fe-Cr-C Hardfacing Alloys Personnel 92 Different compositions in self-shielded flux cored electrodes Classifieds 95 were tested to determine the best formula for wear-resistant deposits Advertiser Index 98 Q. Wang and X. Li 140-s Hybrid Laser Arc Welding Process Evaluation on DH36 and EH36 Steel Experiments were conducted to determine the most effective arc and laser power for hybrid welding of DH36 and EH36 C. Roepke et al. Welding Journal (ISSN 0043-2296) is published monthly hy the American Welding Society for $120.00 per year in the United States and posses- 151 -s Effect of Continuous Cooling Transformation Variations sions, $160 per year in foreign countries: $7.50 on Numerical Calculation of Welding-Induced Residual per single issue for domestic AWS members and Stresses $10.00 per single issue for nonmembers and $14.00 single issue for international. American Variations in continuous cooling transformation behavior were Welding Society is located at 550 NW LeJeune Rd., studied to find their influence on welding-induced residual stress Miami, FL 33126-5671; telephone (305) 443-9353. J. Caron et al. Periodicals postage paid in Miami, Fla., and addi- tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Welding Journal, 550 NW LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126-5671. Canada Post: Publications Mail Agreement #40612608 Canada Returns to be sent to Bleuchip International, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2 Readers of Welding Journal may make copies of articles for personal, archival, educational or re- search purposes, and which are not for sale or re- sale. Permission is granted to quote from articles, On the cover: Wolves, The Messengers, was created by Canadian Artist Hilary provided customary acknowledgment of authors Clark Cole, who welded the sculpture out of weathering steel. (Photo courtesy and sources is made. Starred (*) items excluded of Hilary Clark Cole.) from copyright. WELDING JOURNAL PI7E55 TIME NEWS WELJMMBi Publisher Andrew Cullison American Welding Society Purchases New Headquarters Buiiding Editorial Editorial Director Andrew Cullison The American Welding Society Editor Mary Ruth Johnsen (AWS) recently purchased a 122,482-sq- Associate Editor Howard M. Woodward ft building in the Doral area of greater Associate Editor Kristin Campbell Miami, Fla., to serve as its future head- Peer Review Coordinator Erin Adams quarters. Office space is being built out, and it's expected the move will be com- Publisher Emeritus Jeff Weber pleted by late 2011. Graphics and Production The recently renovated five-story Production Manager Zaida Chavez office building on a five-acre parcel is Senior Production Coordinator Brenda Flores located at 8669 NW 36th St., Doral, Fla., about seven miles northwest of the cur- Advertising rent headquarters. Initially, the Society National Sales Director Rob Saltzstein The American Welding Society's future head- will occupy about 50% of the building, Advertising Sales Representative Lea Gatrigan Badwy quarters building (shown in the above photo) is and 15% is already leased out. Senior Advertising Production Manager Frank Wilson located in the Doral area of greater Miami, Fla. "The American Welding Society The move is set to be completed by late 2011. has grown significantly in recent years, Subscriptions and we need increased space for meet- Subscriptions Representative Edalia Suarez ing rooms with state-of-the-art audio/visual capabilities," said AWS President John [email protected] Bruskotter. "The new building provides us with the space we need to continue to grow and to expand our services in the best interest of our members." American Welding Society 550 NW LeJeune Rd., Miami, PL 33126 The purchase reflects expansion opportunities for the Society, which has a rising (305) 443-9353 or (800) 443-9353 membership of 63,000. Present commercial real estate conditions made purchasing this building the best option, but many possibilities were reviewed over the past two years, Pubiications, Expositions, Marketing Committee including expanding its current facility, purchasing adjacent land, and constructing a D. L. Doench, Chair new building. Hobart Brothers Co. "From a financial standpoint, AWS was in a position of a solid financial base with S. Bartholomew, Vice Chair the growth of our reserves. This enabled us to purchase the building outright without fi- ESAB Welding & Cutting Prod. nancing it," said AWS Treasurer Robert Pali. J. D. Weber, Secretary The Society has changed its headquarters location only a few times, from the Engi- American Welding Society neering Societies Building in 1919 to the United Engineering Center, both in New York D. Brown, Weiler Brush City, followed by the move to Miami in 1971. J. Deckrow, Hypertherm D.DeCorte, RoManMfg. J. R. Franklin, Sellstrom Mfg. Co. Motoman and Yaskawa Eiectric America Join Forces D. Levin, Airgas E. C. Lipphardt, Consultant Motoman Inc., Dayton, Ohio, and Yaskawa Electric America, Inc., Waukegan, 111., J. Mueller, Thermadyne Industries will combine to form Yaskawa America, Inc. The Motoman operations will form the J. F. Saenger Jr., Consultant Motoman Robotics Division of Yaskawa America, and the Yaskawa Electric America S. Smith, Weld-Aid Products operations will form the Drives & Motion Division. Both will continue to operate as in- D. Wilson, Wilson Industries dependent divisions, retaining the same management structures, and operating in the P. Wittke, Lincoln Electric Co. same geographical regions that are currently in place. J. C. Bruskotter, Ex Off., Bruskotter Consulting Services "The global economy is recovering, and we believe this is the perfect time to com- H. Castner, Ex Off., Edbon Welding Institute bine the brand name strength of Yaskawa and Motoman. Using the name Yaskawa on a L. G. Kvidahl, Ex Off., Northrup Grumman Ship Systems global basis will strengthen our corporate identity and emphasize the strong global con- S.
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