Collège de Candolle – Médiathèque Liste des DVD en langue anglaise mise à jour du 4 mars 2021 Films cinématographiques (sans les films d'animation) ABU-ASSAD Hany Paradise now (2005) ACKER Shane Numéro 9 (2009) ADLON Percy (Pseud.) Bagdad Café (1987) AGRESTI Alejandro The lake house (2006) ALDRICH Robert Kiss me deadly (1955) ALFREDSON Tomas Tinker tailor soldier spy (2011) ALLEN Woody (Pseud.) Bananas (1971) Sleeper (1973) Love and death (1975) Annie Hall (1977) Interiors (1978) Manhattan (1979) Stardust memories (1980) Manhattan murder mystery (1983) Zelig (1983) Broadway Danny Rose (1984) La rose pourpre du Caire (1984) Hannah and her sisters (1986) September (1987) Radio days (1987) Une autre femme (1988) Crimes et délits (1989) New York stories : Le complot d’Oedipe (1989) Alice (1990) Shadows and fog (1992) Don’t drink the water (1994) Escrocs mais pas trop (2000) The curse of the jade scorpion (2001) Anything else (2003) Match point (2005) Scoop (2006) Cassandra's dream (2007) 1 Whatever works (2009) Vous allez rencontrer un bel et sombre inconnu (2010) Midnight in Paris (2011) Blue Jasmine (2013) Magic in moonlight (2014) Irrational man (2015) Café Society (2016) Wonder wheel (2017) ALMODOVAR Pedro Femmes au bord de la crise de nerfs (1988) ALTMAN Robert M.A.S.H (1969) Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or, Sitting Bull's history lesson (1976) Trois femmes (1977) Un mariage (1978) Streamers (1983) Beyond therapy (1987) The player (1992) Dr T. & the women (2000) Gosford Park (2001) AMALRIC Mathieu Tournée (2010) AMIEL Jon Entrapment = Haute voltige (1999) AMYES Julian Jane Eyre (1983) ANDERSON Paul T. Magnolia (1999) ANDERSON Wes La vie aquatique (2004) The Darjeeling Limited (2007) Moonrise kingdom (2012) ANNAKIN;MARTON;WCKI The longest day (1962) There will be blood (2008) ANNAUD Jean-Jacques The name of the rose (1986) L'amant (1992) Seven years in Tibet (1997) Deux frères (2004) ANSPACH Solveig L'effet aquatique (2016) ANTIN Steve Burlesque (2010) ANTONIAK Urszula Nothing personal (2009) ANTONIONI Michelangelo Blow-up (1966) Profession : reporter (1975) ARDOLINO Emile Dirty dancing (1983) ARNOLD Andrea Fish Tank (2009) ARONOFSKY Darren Requiem for a dream (2000) Black Swan (2010) 2 ASHBY Hal Harold and Maud (1971) Being there (1979) ASHLEY ; ENGEL ; ORKIN Le petit fugitif (1953) ASQUITH Anthony The importance of being earnest (1952) ASSAYAS Olivier Clean (2004) Personal Shopper (2016) ATTENBOROUGH R. Gandhi (1983) Cry freedom (1987) Chaplin (1992) AVILDSEN John G. Save the tiger (1973) AVNET Jon Fried green tomatoes at the Whistle stop cafe (1991) AXEL Gabriel Le festin de Babette (1987) BALTASAR KORMÁKUR Everest (2015) BAUMBACH Noah Frances Ha (2012) BAY Michael Pearl Harbor (2001) The island (2005) BENEDEK Lazslo The wild one (1953) BENTON Robert Kramer contre Kramer (1979) BERGMAN Ingmar L'œuf du serpent (1977) BERTOLUCCI Bernardo 1900 (1977) Le dernier empereur (1987) The sheltering sky (1990) BIGELOW Kathryn The hurt locker (2009) Detroit (2017) BINDER Mike Reign over me (2007) BOETTICHER Budd Ride lonesome (1959) Comanche station (1960) BONDER Glenio Belle su Seigneur (2012) BORZAGE Franck Desire (1936) BONNARD Mario Les derniers jours de Pompei (1959) BOONE Josh The fault in our stars (2014) BOORMAN John Excalibur (1981) BOOTH Connie ; CLEESE J. The fawlty towers (1975) BOSS sabine Der Goalie bin ig (2013) BOURDOS Gilles Afterwards (2009) BOYLE Danny Trainspotting (1995) 28 days later… (2002) 127 heures (2011) BRANAGH Kenneth Frankenstein (1994) BRAFF Zach Garden State (2004) BREST Martin Meet Joe Black (1998) 3 BRIDGES Alan Brief encounter (1974) BROOKS Richard Cat on a hot tin roof (1958) The professionals (1966) BROWN Clarence Intruder in the dust (1949) BROWNING Tod Dracula (1931) Freaks (1932) BUÑUEL Luis La vie criminelle d'Archibald de la Cruz (1952) BURTON Tim Batman (1989) Edward Scissorhands (1990) Batman returns (1992) Ed Wood (1994) Big fish (2003) Charlie and the chocolate factory (2005) Sweeney Todd (2007) Frankenweenie (2012) Big eyes (2015) Miss Peregrine home for peculiar children (2016) CAMERON James The abyss (1989) Titanic (1999) CAMPION Jane The piano (1992) The portrait of a lady (1996) Bright star (2009) CAMPIOTTI Giacomo Docteur Jivago (2002) CALLOW Simon The ballad of the sad cafe (1992) CAMERON James Terminator 1 (1984) Terminator 2 (1991) COLLET-SERRA Jaume Esther (2009) CAPRA Frank L'extravagant Mr. Deeds (1936) Horizons perdus (1937) Mr. Smith au Sénat (1939) It's a wonderful life (1947) CARNEY John Once (2007) CASSAVETES John Shadows (1959) Johnny Staccato : murder for credit (série télévisée) (1959) Faces (1968) Husbands (1970) Une femme sous influence (1974) Meurtre d'un bookmaker chinois (1976) Opening night (1978) Gloria (1980) CASSAVETES John Meurtre d'un bookmaker chinois (1976) 4 CASSAVETES Nick The note book (2004) My sister’s keeper (2009) CATTANEO Peter The full monty (1997) CHADWICK Justin Mandela : un long chemin vers la liberté (2013) CHAPLIN Charles The floorwalker (1916) The pawnshop (1916) The cure (1917) Easy street (1917) The imigrant (1917) The idle class (1921) The kid (1921) The gold rush (1925) City lights (1931) Modern times (1936) The great dictator (1940) Limelight (1952) A king in New York (1957) CHAZELLE Damien La la land (2016) CHBOSKY Stephen Perks of being wallflower (2012) Wonder (2017) CIMINO Michael The deer hunter (1978) CLAYTON Jack Great Gatsby (1974) CLEESE John & BOOTH C. The fawlty towers (1975) CLOONEY George Good night, and good luck (2006) The ides of march (2011) COEN Joel & Ethan Miller's crossing (1990) Barton Fink (1991) Fargo (1996) The big Lebowski (1998) O'Brother (2000) No country for odl men (2007) Burn after reading (2008) A serious man (2010) True grit (2011) Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) COLUMBUS Chris Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (2002) CONDON Bill Twilight : chapitre 4 : 1ère partie : révélation (2011) CONWAY Jack Saratoga (1937) COOK Fielder Seize the day (1986) COOPER Merian C. King Kong (1933) 5 COPPOLA Francis Ford Le parrain (1972) ; Le parrain 2 (1974) ; Le parrain 3 (1990) Apocalypse (1979) Apocalypse now redux (1979) Rumble fish (1983) La vie sans Zoé (1989) Dracula : l'amour est éternel (1992) Bram Stocker's Dracula (1992) [Blu-Ray] Youth without youth (2007) COPPOLA Sofia Rumble fish (1983) The outsiders (1983) Lost in translation (2003) Marie-Antoinette (2006) The bling ring (2013) COSTA-GAVRAS Missing (1982) Betrayed (1988) Amen (2002) COSTNER Kevin Dances with wolves (1990) Open range (2004) COULTER Allen Remember me (2010) CRAVEN Wes Music of the heart (1999) CRIALESE Emanuele Golden door (2006) CRICHTON Charles A fish called Wanda (1988) CRONENBERG David Videodrome (1982) The fly (1986) Faux semblants (1988) A history of violence (2005) A dangerous method (2011) CROSLAND Alan The jazz singer (1927) CUARÓN Alfonso Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Children of men (2006) CUKOR George Women (1939) Goslight (1944) Two-faced woman (1947) Madame porte la culotte (1949) My fair lady (1964) CURTIS Richard Love actually (2003) Good morning England (2009) CURTIS Simon Woman in gold (2015) CURTIZ Michael Casablanca (1943) Mildred Pierce (1945) DALDRY Stephen Billy Elliot (2000) 6 The hours (2002) The reader (2008) Extremely loud and incredibly close (2011) DANIELS Lee Precious (2009) The butler (2013) DARABONT Frank The Shawshank redemption (1994) The green mile (2000) DAVES Delmer Dark passage (1947) Les gladiateurs (1954) Cow-Boy (1958) DAVIES Terence The deep blue sea (2011) DAVIS Garth Lion (2016) DAYTON Jonathan Little miss sunshine (2006) DE HEER Rolf El viejo que leia novelas de amor (2000) Ten canoes (=10 canoés, 150 lances et 3 épouses) (2006) DELPY Julie 2 days in Paris (2007) DEMILLE Cecil Blount Samson et Dalila (1949) Ten commandments (1956) DEMME Jonathan Le silences des agneaux (1991) Philadelphia (1993) The truth about Charlie (2002) DEMY Jacques The pied piper (1971) L'évènement le plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la lune (1973) Lady Oscar (1978) DE PALMA Brian Sisters (1973) Phantom of the Paradise (1974) Pulsions (1980) Blow out (1981) Body double (1984) Les incorruptibles (1987) Carlito's way (1993) Mission impossible (1996) Snake eyes (1998) Femme fatale (2001) Redacted (2008) DERAY Jacques Le marginal (1983) DESPLECHIN Arnaud Esther Kahn (2000) Jimmy P. (2013) DIBB Saul The duchess (2008) DOBKIN David Wedding crashers (2005) 7 DOCTER Peter Monstres & Cie (2001) Là-haut (2009) DOMNIK Andrew The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford (2007) DONALDSON Roger Thirteen days (2001) DONEN Stanley Singin' in the rain (1951) Funny face (1956) Charade (1963) DONNELLAN Declan Bel ami (2012) DONNER Richard Maverick (1994) DORNHELM Robert Spartacus (2004) DUVERNAY Ava Selma (2014) EASTWOOD Clint Breezy (1973) Bird (1988) Impitoyable (1992) [Blu-Ray] Absolute power (1996) True crime (1999) Mystic river (2003) Million dollar baby (2005) Flags of our fathers (2006) Changeling (2008) Gran Torino (2009) Invictus (2010) Au-delà = Hereafter (2010) J. Edgar (2011) American sniper (2015) Sully (2016) The 15:17 to Paris (2018) The mule (2018) EDEL Uli Jules Cesar (2002) EDWARDS Blake (Pseud.) The pink panther (1963) A shot in the dark (1964) The party (1968) The pink panther strikes again (1976) Revenge of the pink panther (1978) Trail of the pink panther (1982) EDGERTON Joel Boy erased (2018) EGOYAN Atom Next of kin (1984) Family viewing (1987) Speaking parts (1989) The adjuster (1991) 8 Exotica (1994) Calendar (1993) The sweet hereafter (1997) Ararat (2002) EMMERICH
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