GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA GRAM PANCHAYAT SHELGAON (DI) TENDER DOCUMENT GRAM PANCHAYAT SHELGAON (DI) FOR GRAM PANCHAYAT SHELGAON (DI) Gramsevak/Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karayalya SHELGAON (DI) Tq KALLAM I N D E X NAME OF WORK: As per Notice inviting tenders Sr. Pages Brief Description of Contents No. From To 1 Instructions to Tenderer 2 Brief Tender Notice 3 Detailed Tender Notice 4 Declaration of the contractor 5 Statements 1 to 4 6 Additional General conditions and specifications 7 Quality Assurance and maintenance manual 8 Agreement form B-1 Additional Condition of material brought by 9 contractor 10 Schedule “A”, “B” and “C” 11 Drawing 12 Conditions for insurance of work. Issued to Shri / M/s ………………………………………………….. As per DD No.…………………….. dated ………………… Name of Bank. .…………………….. .…………………….. .…………………….. Gramsevak/Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karayalya SHELGAON (DI) Tq KALLAM Tender Notice INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TENDERER Sr. No. Particulars PLEASE ATTACH SCANNED COPIES OF FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS 1. Declaration of the Contractor on Contractor‟s Letter Head in *.pdf format. 2. Scan copy of Receipt of Tender Fee /EMD Fee deposited through Online Net Banking as mentioned in the notice inviting tender as per Online payment procedure. 3-a A certificate or Photostat copy of valid Registration Certificate. 3-b. Photostat of attested copy of Partnership deed and power of attorney. ( If applicable) 3-c. A list of works tendered for and in hand (Statement No. 1) of last three Financial Years and signed by Competant Authorised Officer.(works Complited by G.P. workdone to be cirtified by Dy.Engineer of Respective Taluka) 3-d. A list of work of similar type of Govt/Semi Govt Organizations and magnitude carried out (Statement No. 2) of last three Financial Years.and signed by Competant Authorised Officer. 3-e. Valid Acknoledgement of Income Tax Return Filed in original Photostat copy of upto last March & GST Ragistration Certificate in original Photostat copy. 4-a. List of machinery and plants available with the tenderer for immediate use on this work (Statement No. 3) and details thereof. 4-b. Details of Technical Persons on the roll of the tender (Statement No. 4) Important Note : Please note that omission to attach any document is likely to invalidate the tender. BRIEF TENDER NOTICE Gramsevak/Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karyalaya SHELGAON (DI) Tq KALLAM Dist Osmanabad N T I CE I N V I T I NG E - TE N D E R NO . 0 2/ 201 8 - 2 0 1 9/SHELGAON (DI) Gramsevak /Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karyalaya SHELGAON (DI) Tq KALLAM Dist Osmanabad, invites online percentage rate tender from registered Contractor in appropriate class / category with Rural Devlopment Dept. Zilla Parishd Division(as mentioned in column no 7 below). The Nam e of Wo rk , E stim na ted Cos t ,E a r nes t M oney , Sec u ri ty D epo si t , Tim e Lim i t E tc . a re a s und er SR Name of work TENDER Earnest Time limit for Cost of blank Class Of No cost Rs money completion tender form Contractor Rs. Including Mansson Rs. Season ( months) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Providing & Installation Of solar Powar Pack Fitting At Zilla Parishad School, 140000/- 1% 1months 100/- Appropriate Shelgaon (D) Tq kallam Class Dist Osmanabad 1. The complete bidding process will be online (e-tendering). all the notifications regarding this tender notice here after will be published online on website “http://mahatenders.gov.in” 2. Bidding document can be seen and downloaded from the websit “http://mahatenders.gov.in” from 17.00 hours on 07/06/2019 to 14/06/2019 up to 17.00 hours. 3 T h e bid can be submitted in electronic format on the website from 17:00 hours on 07/06/2019. the deadline for submission of bid is up to17.00 hours on Dt. 14/06/2019. 4 Bids MUST be accompanied with.The tender fee and 1% Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) must be deposited through Online Net banking as per online procedure. 5. Bid Shall be treated as „ invalid‟ if scanned copies as mentioned in (4) above are not submitted online along the bid Technical Bids will be opened online on 17/06/2019 at 11.00 hours on website “http://mahatenders.gov.in”” in the office of the Gramsevak /Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karyalaya SHELGAON (DI) Tq KALLAM Dist Osmanabad 6. Time and Date of opening of financial bids will be D e c l a r e a f t e r t h e t e c h n i c a l O p e n i n g o f t h e t e n d e r . 7. Security Deposit to be submitted at the time of agreement is 2% of Contract price and balance 3 % will be deducted from running bill. 8. The guidelines to download the tender document and online submissionof bids and Procedure of tender opening can be downloaded from website “http://mahatenders.gov.in” 9. Time allowed for completion of work as mentioned above and defect liability Period Twenty Four months from the date of completion of work. 10. Certain specific condition, such as owned or hired required machinery, technical staff etc can be seen in the detailed tender notice . 11. Rates of Tender asDSR 2015-16 12.Right to reject or cancel any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof whatever may be is reserved by the undersigned. The above original certificate will not be accepted physically in Garmapanchayat karayalaya. 13. क ा ट दा र न आऩऱ शळ क गदऩ attested क नच ता ा क ऱपा या म य (१) शदर कर ळत. 14.क ा ट दा रा न घा वणा ऩ ष %न&ळदा धा रका (या Letter Head ळर PDF )ळ*ऩा त शा दर करण फधनका रक आष. घा वण ऩ ा चा नमना SBD म य नमद कऱ आष. 15. ऴा शन %नणय 0दना ा क १२/०२/२०१६ अ6ळय अा दा जऩ 8कय दरा ऩ9ा १० ट:क ऩयत(या दरा श १ ट:क ळ <या ऩढ ऱ ><यक १ ट:क कमी दरा श अ%त@र:त शर9ा र:कमचा Demand Draft जा डण %न&ळदा धा रका ना आळऴ:य रा ष ऱ <या क@रता शकत )थला ळर ऱपा प Dमा क २ म य उऩर :त DD or Bank Guaranty security Performance deposite या 0ठका णी )कन क न PDF )ळ*ऩा त शा दर करा ळा . security Performance deposite शा दर न करणा र %न&ळदा धा रक शदर %न&ळदश अऩा ठरताीऱ. 16. ALL GR RULES AND MAKE ANY CHANGES IN GST RULE BY GOVERNEMNT APPLY FOR THIS TENDERS. Gramsevak/Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karayalya SHELGAON (DI) Tq KALLAM DETAIL TENDER NOTICE Gramsevak /Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karyalaya SHELGAON (DI) Tq TICE INVITING E-KALLAMTENDER NO D .i st0 2/Os201man8a -b2ad01 N 9/SHELGAON (DI) Gramsevak /Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karyalaya SHELGAON (DI) Tq KALLAM Dist Osmanabad invites online percentage rate tender from registered Contractor in appropriate class / category with Rural Devlopment Dept. Zilla Parishd Division(as mentioned in column no 7 below).. The N am e o f W or k , Estimn at ed C ost ,E ar ne st Mo ne y , S e cur it y Dep osit , T ime Limit Et c. ar e as und e r SR Name of work TENDER Earnest Time limit for Cost of blank Class Of No cost Rs money completion tender form Contractor Rs. Including Rs. Mansson Season ( months) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Providing & Installation Of solar Powar Pack Fitting At Zilla Parishad School, 140000/- 1% 1months 100/- Appropriate Shelgaon (D) Tq kallam Class Dist Osmanabad 1. The complete bidding process will be online (e-tendering). all the notifications regarding this tender notice hereafter will be published online on website “http://mahatenders.gov.in” 2. Bidding document can be seen and downloaded from the website “http://mahatenders.gov.in” from 17.00 hours on 07/06/2019 to 14/06/2019 up to 17.00 hours. 3. T h e bid can be submitted in electronic format on the website from 17:00 hours on 07/06/2019. the deadline for submission of bid is up to 17.00 hours on Dt. 14/06/2019. 4. Bids MUST be accompanied with. The tender fee and 1% Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) must be deposited through Online Net banking as per online procedure. 5. Bid Shall be treated as „ invalid‟ if scanned copies as mentioned in (4) above are not submitted online along the bid Technical Bids will be opened online on 17/06/2019 at 17.00 hours on website “http://mahatenders.gov.in”” in the office of Gramsevak /Sarpanch Grampanchayat Karyalaya SHELGAON (DI) Tq KALLAM Dist Osmanabad 6. Time and Date of opening of financial bids will be informed by email to responsive bidder. 7. Security Deposit to be submitted at the time of agreement is 2% of Contract price and balance 3 % will be deducted from running bill. 8. The guidelines to download the tender document and online submissionof bids and Procedure of tender opening can be downloaded from website “http://mahatenders.gov.in” 9. Time allowed for completion of work as mentioned above and defect liability Period Twenty Four months from the date of completion of work. 10. Certain specific condition, such as owned or hired required machinery, technical staff etc can be seen in the detailed tender notice . 12.Right to reject or cancel any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof whatever may be is reserved by the undersigned. The above original certificate will not be accepted physically in Grampanchayat Karyalaya.
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