Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82197-1 - Out of the Shadows: Contributions of Twentieth-Century Women to Physics Edited by Nina Byers and Gary Williams Index More information Name index Page numbers in italics indicate photographs or figures. Names (page numbers) in bold are chapter subjects (pages). Adler, Hanna 104 Bolt, Bruce 6 Alexandrov, P. S. 85, 94 Boltzmann, Ludwig 79 Alpher, Ralph 349 Born, Max 3, 123, 128–9, 134, 187 Ambler, E. 275, 281 Bothe, W. 138 Anderson, Carl D. 77, 138 Bourbaki 84 Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett 20 Bragg, W. H. 192, 198 Arrhenius, Svante 27–8, 32 Brodsky, S. J. 432 Artin, E. 84 Brooks, Harriet 2, 32, 66–73, 66 Astbury, W. T. 192 Bullen, K. E. 101 Auger, Pierre, 77, 143, 229 Burbidge, (Eleanor) Margaret 164, 282–93, Ayrton, Hertha 2, 15, 15–25, 23, 218 282, 350 Ayrton, Will, 20, 22, 24 Burbidge, Geoffrey R. 283, 288, 350 Burnell, Martin 423 Baeyer, Otto von 76 Burnell, (Susan) Jocelyn Bell xx, 419–26, 419 Bailey, Solon 64 Bardon, Marcel 375, 376 Bassi, Laura 1 Cameron, A. G. W. 285 Becker, H. 138 Cannon, Annie Jump 62, 159, 164–5, 289 Becquerel, Henri 7, 44, 46, 50–1, 69, 229, Carlisle, Harry 242, 251 232 Cartwright, Mary Lucy xx–xxi, xxiv, Bell, Susan Jocelyn, see Burnell, Susan 169–78, 169, 188 Jocelyn Bell Cattell, James M. 33 Bemont,´ Gustave 45, 47 Cauchois, Yvette 222–30, 222 Berley, David 375 Chadwick, James 68, 112, 138, 144, 273 Bernal, John Desmond 214, 218–9, 241–2, Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan 179, 187, 320 249–50 Charpak, George xxiii Berriman, R.W. 113 Chiewitz, O. 140 Berson, Solomon 304–6, 309–13, 318 Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne 334–42, 334 Bethe, Hans xxi, 188, 349 Cocconi, Giuseppe xxi–xxii Bijvoet, Johannes 248 Cocconi, Vanna xxi–xxii, xxiv Birge, Raymond 129, 133 Condon, Edward U. 129–31 Birgeneau, Robert 356 Conwell, Esther 315–23, 315 Bjorken, J. D. 432 Cooper, Vera, see Rubin, Vera Cooper Blau, Marietta 3, 8, 109–26, 109, 374 Cronin, J. 276 Blodgett, Katharine Burr 4, 37, 149–57, 149 Cross, Charles R. 27 Bodichon, Barbara 20–2 Crowfoot, Dorothy, see Hodgkin, Dorothy Bohr, Niels 78, 104, 128, 188, 264 Crowfoot © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82197-1 - Out of the Shadows: Contributions of Twentieth-Century Women to Physics Edited by Nina Byers and Gary Williams Index More information 452 name index Curie, Marie xx, 2, 7, 10, 22, 43–55, 43, 66, Frisch, Otto Robert 78, 81 74, 137–8, 141–3, 146, 229, 232–3, 236, Fujita, M. 357 238, 258, 276, 312 Curie, Pierre 7–8, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52–4, Gaillard, Jean-Marc 404 141–2 Gaillard, Mary Katharine 399–406, 399 Gamow, George 183, 349–50 Dalitz, R. H. 110 Gaposchkin, Sergei I. 163–4 Davy, Humphrey 17, 51, 199 Garwin, Richard 370 de Broglie, Louis xxii Gell-Mann, Murray 89, 429 Debierne, Andre 70, 233, 237 Gerlach, Walther 266 Debye, Peter 128, 132 Gill, Laura 32–3 Desaguiliers, John Theophilus 174 Ginzburg, Vitaly 416 Devaux, H. 41 Glashow, S. L. 402, 408 DeWitt, Bryce 328 Glazebrook, Richard 20 DeWitt-Morette, Cecile´ Andre´ Paule xx, Glazer, A. M. 216 xxii–xxiv, 324–33, 324, 334 Gleditsch, Ellen 120–1 Dirac, Paul A. M. 77, 180, 182, 187, 328 Goeppert, Maria see Mayer, Maria Goeppert Donne, John 174 Goldberg, Leo 167 Dresselhaus, Gene 358, 359 Goldhaber, Alfred 264 Dresselhaus, Mildred Spiewak 308, 355–61, Goldhaber, Gertrude Scharff 262–71, 262, 355 304, 308 du Chatelet,ˆ Emilie 1 Goldhaber, Maurice 263, 266–7, 304, 308 Gordan, Paul 90–1 Eddington, Arthur S. 160, 163, 421 Gordon, Charles 71 Edwards, Don 392–3, 397 Gorky, Maxim 70 Edwards, Helen Thom 379, 385–98, 385 Gould, Barbara Bodichon Ayrton 22 Einstein, Albert 84, 121, 132, 258, 290 Green, Michael 410–11 Eliot, George 20 Greenwood, Ted 12 Ellis, Charles D. 68, 76, 273 Gregory, C. C. L. 283, 288 Ellis, John 401, 405 Griesen, Ken 291 Endo, Morinobu 356–7 Groes, Nils 6 Eve, A. S. 71 Gulledge, Gail Leslie, see Hanson, Gail Ewing, Maurice 106 Gursey, Feza 86 Exner, S. 79 Gutenberg, Beno 99, 100–1, 103, 105 Failla, Giacchino 308 Haber, Fritz 132 Fajans, Kasimir 75 Hahn, Otto 5–6, 68, 75–81, 132, 140–1 Fankuchen, Isidor 242, 250 Halpern, Leopold 3–4, 109, 119, 123 Faraday, M. 335 Hanson, Andrew Jorgen 436 Fermi, Enrico 77, 111, 284 Hanson, Gail Leslie 427–39, 427 Feynman, Richard P. xxii, 89, 324, 328, 349, Hardy, G. H. 175 431 Hartree, Douglas R. 178, 180–1, 187 Fleming, Williamina 159 Harwood, Margaret 64 Ford, Kent 344, 351 Hayward, R. W. 275 Fowler, R. H. 179, 187 Heisenberg, Werner 128, 187 Frayn, Michael 188 Heitler, Walter 129, 328 Franck, James 127–8, 130, 132–4 Henri, Victor 131 Franzini, Paulo 376–7, 381 Herzsprung, Ejnar 61 Freier, George 299 Hevesy, G. 140 Freier, Phyllis StCyr 294–302, 294 Hewish, Anthony 419–20, 422–3 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82197-1 - Out of the Shadows: Contributions of Twentieth-Century Women to Physics Edited by Nina Byers and Gary Williams Index More information name index 453 Hilbert, David 82–3, 87, 89, 91–2, 132 Lee, T. D. 274–5 Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot 5, 8–10, 10, Lee-Franzini, Juliet 374–84, 374 240–61, 240, 312 Lehmann, Inge 5–6, 97–108, 97 Hodgkin, Thomas Lionel 258 Lenard, Philip 118 Hoffleit, Dorrit 64 Leray, Jean 338, 340 ‘t Hooft, Gerard 408–9 Lichnerowicz, Andre´ 338, 340 Hoppes, D. D. 275 Lie, Sophus 88 Hoyle, Fred 285 Linde, Andrei 416–7 Hubble, Edwin 57 Lindsey, Gillian 12 Hudson, R. P. 275 Littlewood, John 170–2 Hulme, H. R. 179 London, Fritz 194 Hulubei, H. 224–5 Lonsdale, Kathleen 191–201, 191 Hund, Friedrich 127, 129 Lonsdale, Thomas Jackson 192, 198 Lord Rayleigh see Strutt, John William Jacobson, Nathan 85, 93 Lorenz, Edward xxi, 172–3 Jaffe, George 52–3 Lundy, Richard 398 Jahn, H. A. 195 Lynden-Bell, Ruth 214 Javan, Ali 356 Jeffreys, Bertha Swirles 178–91, 178, 179 Mais, Walter 320 Jeffreys, Harold 101, 102, 108, 183, 185, Maltby, Margaret Eliza 6, 26–35, 26,70 188 Mandelbrot, Benoit 173 Jensen, Hans 202, 207, 210 Marconi, Guglielmo 16 Joliot-Curie, Fred´ eric´ 8, 53, 138, 142–4, 229, Marks, Sarah Phoebe see Ayrton, Hertha 234, 328 Moszkowski, S. A. 8–9, 11, 13 Joliot-Curie, Irene` 8, 10, 53, 55, 137–48, Maury, Antonia 159 137, 229, 234, 237, 258, 276, 312, 328 Max, Claire xx Jordan, Pascual 128 Maxwell, James Clerk 334, 335 Mayer, Joe 208–10 Kac, Mark 9 Mayer, Maria Goeppert 8, 202–12, 202, 268, Kallosh, Renata 407–18, 407 270, 276, 289 Klein, Felix 83, 84, 86, 91 McDaniel, Boyce 391–2 Klein, Oskar 77 Megaw, Helen Dick 213–22, 213, 242 Kleitman, Esther 13 Merton, R. K. 5 Knaggs, Ellie 195 Meitner, Lise 5–6, 8, 74–82, 74, 127, 135, Kohlrausch, Friedrich 27–8 140–1, 238, 273, 276 Kohn, Hedwig 132, 134 Mendeleev, Dmitrii Ivanovich 231–2, 234 Kondo, J. 364 Meyer, Philip Randolph 33 Kravchenko, Sergey 366 Millikan, Glen 241 Krishnan, K. S. 194 Milne, E. A. 179 Kurrelmeyer, Bernhard 320 Minkowski, Rudolph 91, 128, 335–6 Mohorovicic, Andrija 103 Laidlaw, Michael G. G. 325 Monastyrsky, Mikhail xxiv Langevin,´ Paul 52, 229 Montgomery, Dorothy 403–4 Langmuir, Irving 4, 37, 149, 150–2, 155 Moore, Henry 10 Larmor, J. 67 Morette, Cecile´ Andree´ Paule see Laue, Max von 266 DeWitt-Morette, Cecile´ Andree´ Paule Lawrence, Ernest 278 Morgenstein, Myriam P. see Sarachik, Leavitt, Henrietta Swan 5, 56–65, 56, 163 Myriam P. Lederman, Leon 376, 394 Moore, Henry 10 Lee, Ben W. 399, 400, 405 Motchane, Leon´ xxiii © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82197-1 - Out of the Shadows: Contributions of Twentieth-Century Women to Physics Edited by Nina Byers and Gary Williams Index More information 454 name index Mott, Neville 179 Power, Sheila xxii Mottelson, Benjamin Roy 264 Prendergast, Kevin H. 286 Prizbarn, K. 123 Nanopoulos, Dimitri V. 400–3, 405 Nernst, Walther 27, 132 Quimby, Edith 304, 308 Neugebauer, Otto 92–3 Nightingale, Florence 11, 258 Ralph, Mary Katharine see Gaillard, Mary Nishina, Yoshio 77 Katharine Noether, Emmy xx, 6, 83–96, 83, 93, 133, Rayleigh, Lord (John William Strutt) 4, 40–1 177 Reimer, Marie 29 Norton, Peter 376 Richards, Theodore William 233 Richter, B. 441 Occhialini, G. P. S. 113 Robinson, James Harvey 31 O’Gorman, Margaret 11 Rona, E. 120 Oldham, R. D. 99 Roswit, Bernard 308–9 Oliver, Jack 102 Rubin, Robert 348 Oppenheimer, Robert xxii–iii Rubin, Vera Cooper 289, 343–54, 343 Ornstein, Martha 31 Russell, Bertrand 258 Orr, Frances 32–3 Russell, Henry Norris 159–60 Orthman, W. 273 Rutherford, Ernest 46, 49–50, 66–71, 112 Ostwald, W. 41, 86 Ryle, Martin 423 Pais, Abraham 7 Sackett, Penny xx Palevsky, Joan 12 Sachs, Allan 376 Pankhurst, Emmeline 22 Sachs, R. G. 208 Pauli, Wolfgamg 76, 128, 273, 329 Saha, M. N. 159, 164 Pauling, Linus 194 Saito, R. 357 Payne-Gaposchkin, Ceclia 63–4, 158–68, Sakharov, Andrei 416 158, 165 Salam, A. 408 Peachey, Margaret see Burbidge, (Eleanor) Salant, E. O. 122 Margaret Samios, Nicholas 376 Peierls, Rudolf E. 8 Sandage, Allen 351 Peng, H. W. 328 Sarachik, Myriam P. 362–73, 362 Peoples, John 376 Savart, Felix 27 Perey, Marguerite Catherine 231–9, 231 Sayr, Anne 9 Perrin, Frances 143, 228–9 Schaefer, Vincent 156 Perrin, Jean 228–9 Scharff, Gertrude see Goldhaber, Gertrude Perry, John 17, 21 Scharff Peterson, H.
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