For All Departments Call RED BANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 2 RED BANK, N, J., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1953 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Property Owners Balk at Curbs Korean Vels Receive Music Circus Tickets Hazlct Firemen's Asking $75,000 To Check Erosion, Aid Drainage Annual Fair to HIGHLANDS— Borough council Open Next Monday More for School Monday night directed Otis R. Sea- Ltpns Club Discusses man, borough engineer, to prepare Merchants' Trade $2,000 Beach Pledge LITTLE SILVER—The school a more detailed survey of erosion Kxliiliit I\<nv in Fourth board is planning to set up a new and drainage conditions on. Bay- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Mem- Named Editor referendum within a month to ask view and Valley sts. bers of the Lions club here Mon- Year, Being Continued borough voters to permit the bor- Council's action followed a dis- day night discussed methods of rowing of another $75,000 for the cussion with property owners on raising $2,000 pledged toward the Notwithstanding the current bin Of Magazine addition to the Markham Avenu* the streets of the engineer's recom- municipal beach project at the on certain types of attractions school. mendation that curbs be installed eastern end of the yacht harbor previously found at firemen's fairs NEW YORK—Harry L. Waddcll, The new plan would provide for as a preliminary step toward check- at a meeting at the Log Cabin the forthcoming (air and trade ex- editor of Factory Management and an addition containing 13 class- ing erosion and aiding water inn on Ocean blvd. hibit of the Hazlut flre company, Maintenance since 1050, on Aug. 1 rooms and five auxiliary rooms and drainage. Adam Llnzmayer, chairman of to be held from July 13 to 18, in- will heeomo assistant publisher of would havo the construction done The installation of curbs would the club's beach committee, sug- clusive, at the company's grounds thn petroleum pmpcrtlna recently as a. single project. Total cost is be undertaken by the borough at gested that' the club sponsor a on State Highway 35, will bo every acquired by McGraw-Hill Publish- estimated at $300,000. property owners' expense. Resi- moonlight cruise, a fair or attend- bit as interesting to all-age groups ing company—National Petroleum It sets aside the program to build dents of Ralph St., after a discus- ance at a night baseball game. as those of the past. Many of the News, Petroleum Processing, Platt's an addition for {225,000, such as the sion with council three weeks be- former attractions will again be in Oilgram News Service and Platt's voters approved in the February John J. Kozak, Jr., newly-In- Oilgrram Price Service. Warren C. fore, agreed to the proposal, and stalled president of the club, was ovidenco, and others have been sub- school election. In favor of doing a council Monday night adopted an stituted to replace those which have Platt, founder and former owner of more complete job now. Put Into in the chair for the first time the properties, is publisher. ordinance providing for the in- Monday night. The club approved been termed illegal. at least temporary discard was a stallation of curbs on that street a contribution of $100 to the mu- The leading attraction at the fair plan to build a "shell" Into which *t a coat not to exceed $1,200. nicipal band, an annual project, will again be the Trade Exhibit, rooms could be Installed as needed. But Bayvicw and Valley st, resi- after Joseph Schona, band director, now in the fourth year, and hero This was explained by Lester W. dents were not convinced Monday told .of plans for this season's one will find new scenery and new Taylor, board president, and Karl night that the curb installation series of ten weekly, concerts, be- demonstrations which will be both Jacob, board member, last Thurs- could act to .check erosion or help gun Sunday night at the harbor. entertaining and educational. Fur- day night, as an economy measure water drainage. Anxious for re- thermore, a large majority of tho "that will result In a major saving pairs to the roads, they sought participating merchants will award of taxpayers' money for years to greater assurance that curbs could Stationery Store a number of freo prizes to the pub- come.11 offer any assistance in meeting the lic, of which the following is a par- 'General Agreement' Told erosion and drainage problems. tial list: A G. E. portable electric Four GI's at Fort Monmouth, S. Hauck of Little Silver, co-chair- Mich. Prpceeds from the benefit Following an hour long, closed- Residents also asked for definite lucky to be back from Korea, get man, presents first four of many will go for the publlo health nursing dishwasher, Orthopedic box spring 'guarantees that other corrective Opens Tomorrow and mattress, Royal portable type- door conference between the board free tickets to gala benefit, "Gentle- tickets purchased by M.C.O.S.S. pa- program of M.C.O.S.S. Tho benefit and the mayor and council, the two actions would follow; They asked trons for Korean veterans. Loft to committee has adopted the slogan: writer, camera and accessories, for a promise that the streets FAIR HAVEN — Palmer Sta- men Prefer Blondes," at Neptune men *>id both groups were In gen- Music Circus July 23. Benefit is right: Sgt. George Lester of Long "Buy your own tickets for the show, United States savings bond, electri- would be hard-surfaced within a tionery operated by Robert Walling cal fixtures, Stetson hats, hams, eral agreement that this was tho Stout will hold its grand opening for Monmouth County Organization Branch, M/Sgt. William C. Ander- then buy one for a Korean veteran," best plan possible. Mr. Taylor said year. Mayor Charles Hatzenbueh- son, Funxsutanoy, Pa.; Cpl. David Tickets are being sold at M.C.O.S.S. auto tires, etc. Ice replied that all he could prom- tomorrow at 594 River rd. in the for Social Service. Mrs. Monroe 3tudy of bids received were all new section of the Fair Haven Eisner of Red Bank, benefit chair-, Baker, Haverhill, Mass., and S.F.C. Red Bank headquarters, 141 North In addition to tho foregoing the higher than available money. ise would be the improvement of Thomas G. McLeod, St. Ignace, Riverside avc. the streets- when funds are avail- shopping center. man, accompanied by Mrs. James company itself will award valuable What the new plan means, it was able. Anxious for residents' ap- The new shop will feature cards, ground prizes during the event, the disclosed, Is that the present com- proval to reimburse the borough social stationery, party goods, gifts, only obligation being attendance at bined school and town borrowing for the installation, as in the case camera equipment and office sup- Local Presbyterian Me'n Form the fair. Certain nights have also capacities—ceilings fixed by state of Ralph St., council referred the plies and will offer a printing and Epps' Ire Flares been designated for various groups, aw and based upon total local as- problem to the engineer for more engraving service. and on the very first night—Mon- sessments—would be exhausted, detailed information, when prop- Minute Men' Blood Donor Units day, July 13—tho children will be temporarily. erty owners remained unconvinced Over Council Job recognized. Free awards to bo mado But Mr. Taylor said assessments of the benefit of the preliminary •4- on that evening will bo a standard- from newly developed property Within 15 minutes of a call for size name brand bicycle, a ride-in step, Matthew 3. Murphy would be added to the tax lists In N. Shrewsbury blood, three donors were found one automobile and numerous other this year. And by next Jan. 1 the night last week among tho mem- toys for the kiddies. Garbage Ordinance OK'd local borrowing capacity will go to bers of the Red Bank chapter of Federal Red Tape Tuesday, the 14th, will be Fire- Succeeding Mr. Waddell as editor Says He's 'Shunned' of Factory will be Matthew J. Mur- a point beyond the sum asked now. No objection was offered at pub- the National Council of Presbyter- men's and Auxiliary Night. (If rain, Delays Prospect Avenue Job lic hearing of the ordinance pro- As Street Chairman; ian Men, according to Ross E. King tho next clear night), nnd on this phy of Tlnton avc., New Shrews- viding for the installation of curbs of Llttlo Silver, president of the, Delays Building occasion cash prizes totaling a sub- bury, who has been associated with The plan also means, by council on Ralph at. Council also adopted Appointment Re-read group. stantial sum will bo awarded to the magazine four and one-half agreement, the Indefinite, postpone, an ordinance providing regulations the firemen and their ladies. years. ment of a borough plan to widen for the collection of garbage, trash Tlie adult male membership of Of New School Mr. Waddcl! has boon with Mc- NEW SHREWSBURY — Coun- the Presbyterian church has been Invitations, giving full details, Prospect ave., tho business street, ashes and other refuse. Public cilman Colctto M. Eppe stirred up have been mailed to all flro com- raw-Hill since 1946, when he at an estimated cost of $60,000, h» hearing of this ordinance also broken down into units of five men Board Scraps Bids joined the staff of Business Week something of a tempest at last each, one of which is the "unit panies and auxiliaries, of which tho said.
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