University of' Cincinnati NEWS -·R··E.,CORD Vol. LIII Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, February 3, 1966 No. 16 Lively~Profound Professors Carter. Appointed Dean- Heighten Student Interest Replaces Education's Good , One dean and two department ed UC faculty in Sept., 1954while heads were appointed by the UC \ Dr. Asbury became a member of Board of Directors, Tuesday at its the campus communityfn July, February meeting. Effective Aug. 1956. 1, 1966, Dr. William Carter will Since 1964, Associate Dean of become Dean of the College of Faculties and Officer for Academ- Education and Home Economics; ic Planning, Dr. Carter came to on March 15, 1966,Dr. Taylor As- UC as assistant professor ofedu- bury, director of Opthomology cation. In the past decade, he has and on Sept. 1, 1966,Dr. Hans H. also been assistant dean of UC Jaffe,. head of the Department of summer school and assistant dean Chemistry. of faculties Dr. Carter will succeed Dr With a B·ac.helor of Science de- Cart~r V. I ~ood who h~s ~een gree with honors in mathematics appelnted Dean of Instat~tlonal from Eastern Illinois University, Research.- Dean Good will as- Dr. Carter also holds Ohio State sume his new duties Aug. 1. Dr. -, Master of Arts and Doctor of Jaffe follows Dr. Thomas B. Philosophy degrees, and a Ken- Cameron, who asked to be re- yon College Certificate of 'Meter- lie.ve~ of the depar!mental head- ology. Dr. Carter taught, at s.hlPln order to .glve full atten- , Seoul, Korea, when in the 'u. S. 'taon to teaching; research, Air Force at Ohio State West- ~l1d .writing. Dr. Cameron w.iII 4trn IlIinoi~ State College: Terri- continue as p.rofessor of ehemls- torial College of A Guam, and try. S.ucceedlng Dr. D~nald J. earlier in high schools in I1Ii- Thi~ dramatization of an average UC class 10oks almost reat These'students c,radeled blissfully lyle IS Dr. Asbury sl~ce the nois. He ha,. also served as former has reaehed ret!rement supervisor ofcurricul'um co- in •••• arh'lS of Morpheus look serene despite the f. ct that it is costing some of them six cents per a.ge. Dr. Lyle has been. given the ordination, and consultant for minute to doze. The University has, in som_ cas es prov,ided the best in sleep-inducing prof.sson to tdle of professor emeritus. the Hamilton County of Board lull students away. If they would only ~liminate th e loud bells. -Photo by John Rabius Both Drs. Carter and Jaffe join- of Education. Dr. Jaffe, currently professor of chemistry, director of graduate Fro$h Wom~n'sHo~Ql'Qry study in chemistry, and Fellow of the Graduate school, came to UC from the U.S. Public Health Ser- Holds ..,Pledging,CeremOhy vice in Chapel Hill, North Caro- lina, where he served for eight by Laura Stoner Ann Peter, Barbara'Rinsky, years as physical chemist. He re Jerilyn Ronson, Dian Ruth ceived his Bachelor of Science de- Alpha Lambda Delta, honor so- degree from the University of ciety for Freshman women held Scheidenberger, Deborah ,Smith, by Judy McCci.rty by Jay Wright emphasized a few Iowa, a Master of Science from Nancy Smith, Ca.thy Star,r, its second quarter pledging cere- Due to an oversight while study- changes in the plans for this Purdue University, and a Doctor' Vicki Thureson" AnctreaWhite, year's elections. Due to the small of 'Philosophy from the University mony on Tuesday. Jan. 25. and Laura Wichman. ing the Council's nomination pro- cedure for Student Body Presi- number of petitions filed for Stu- lof North Carolina. 'In addition, The following women are Initiation will take place 011 dent, Student Council's nomina- dent offices, petition dates havo Dr. Jaffe, received the first pledges: Katherine Ahr., Linda March 2. Dr. Rollin Workman, been extended. award for distinguished research Department of Philosophy, will tions of Jan. 17 were declared Angel, Anita Aring, Shirley Ather- invalid. Members of Co-op section II from/the 'PC'section of Sigma Xi. be the guest speaker. ton, Sharen Bernard, Regina At \ the first meeting, which must return petitions by Feb. With Dr. 'Asbury's appointment Membership in Alpha Lambda Bolton, Joanne Burrus, Chewer! served to nominate Rich Davis, 14, at 12 noon. Non-co-ops and goes a promotion from associate Delta is based solely upon professor to full professor of opth- Cordell, Janice Eger, Mary Anne Joe diGenova and Jim Lied, no Section I co-ops must return grades. Any freshman women petitions by neen, April 1. All omology. He was awarded his Evans, Rebecca Felton, Kay vote was taken for the approval with a 3.5 accumulative aver- petitions are to be returned to Bachelor of Science. degree from Fischer, Judy Gahris, Allison of the candidates. Later investi- age or above is eligible for gation proved that a 25 per cent the Dean of Men's office~ Yale University and also UC's' Gans, Gwenn Glover, Susan Haf- membership. I , affirmative vote, was necessary Also noted by the Elections Doctor of Medicine' degree . Mter fey, Betty Hoener, Karen Hoft- Projects undertaken so far this internship 'in Chicago, he served master, Constance Hughes. for each candidate. committee was the latest problem year have included membershio Re-nominations were taken a,t concerning voting machines. On as Lt. j.g. for two years in the Also included are: Lynn Hup- in WEEP, WUS, and the tutorial Monday's meeting. Aside from Feb. 9, The Hamilton County's Navy Medical Corps', then three pertz, Karen Kemper, Eliza- project of the Clifton School PTA. the three contendersnominaf'.. voting machines, which Council years residence L1 opthomology at beth Kichfuss,' Barbara Lind- Spring QuarteJ;" Alpha Lambda ed before, Bob Engle, CCM., was planning to use for elections, the University of California Med- sey, Ann Lynch, Carol Mason, Delta will sponsor .an Interna- 167, will also be in the rumin~ will be placed on auction. If the ical Center. j . SueHen Meranda; Julie Miller, tional dinner and program for for COllncil's top spot.· machines are sold, council will Dr: Asbury is also Diplomat of Diane Moudy, Constance Perry, foreign students and members. The elections committee report attempt. to work 'out plans with the American' Board OfOpthornol- the new owners. ogy which he has previously Other Councll . business~ con- served as associate examiner. cemed th\e Exp,ressway Sign '66 Metro Show 'Highlights Committee, and the. F r-ee Speech Alley. The Expressway- Theta Phi1s Mary Variety OfCampusT alent. Sign Committee announced that more "red tape" had been dis- Inside Story covered in the project to' put a Reigns As Queen nuc" sign on 1-75. Instead of working through the citYI the committee found that the F~d- I eral Goverrlment will have to be consulted. "Give Us Your Poor" ... p. 3 The Free Speech Alley reo searchers, headed by Rich Davis, are now looking for a suitable Council Snaps' Back .... p. 6 place for the alley. A sugges- tion has been made to locate the "Alley" in the Old Union Lobby. Sophos Court p. 8 ORI ENTATION BOARD Cards Invade '. p. 10 This week petitions are avail- able fit the Dean of Men's .Of- flee, Dean of Women's OffiCe, and the 'Student Union, for Christy Minstrels .... p. 15 memLership in' the Orientation Board. Petitions are due at th~ Dean of Men's office, lOS , Shown above are i~st, a few of the talented, exciting, often imitat- Beecher Hall, by Jan.?4. ed performers slated to appear in Friday nightls Metro Show at Wilson. Mary Rothacker Pager Two UNIVERSlTYOFCINCINNATI NEWS 'RECORD Thursday, February 3, 1966 Myths-And Realiti es Discussed Girl Of The Week At:;Higher 'Education Seminar by Sudie ~eitz quirer. Dr. Charles K. Weichert, ledge is so large, it must be "Myths and Realities in Higher dean of A&S introduced the more' accurate and worthwhile Education" was the topic of the _speakers. if it is to be accepted. Seminar of the Raymond v·,j alters The development arid planning Society. will have a greater part Lecture series. The seminar was of university policy and adminis- in choosing the type of knowledge held Sunday at the Student tration was discussed hyDro that students will be exposed to. Union at 8 p.m. Wessel. He stressed the idea that Dr, Wessel feels that the univer- Participants in the Seminar the future of American universi- sity community should, speak out were Dr. - Robert H. Wessel, ties will be quite different than on the goals of education and chairman of the A&S Depart- the past. Higher -education is in should be able to chart its .own ment of Economics, and Fran- the process of change. Sugges- course. In order to do this, the cis L.. Dale, president and pub. tions for goals and the manner academic community should not lisher of. the Cincinnati En- in which changes are sought will be troubled oy external press- be the problems that the colleges ures. will have to consider. Dr. Wessel emphasized the Lost .At Sophos In thE' past, Q.r. Wessel polnt- importance to each individual ed out, the stock of knowledge university to spell out its direc- GOLD AND PEARL was small and the people pos- tion and then follow it. The de- BRACE'LET sessing it were few. Today cisions should be made on each- I there has, beenan expansion in lndivldual campus and all Call "891-4935 the volume of knowledge." Be- members of the academic com- cause the production of know- "munify should parficipate in making these decisions.
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