........ '-. A vacation gone to South Bend with Tom, lying in a strange attic without an alarm clock to tell me the time to get up and go to the station. The cat wakes up first and pushes her nose in my face letting me know she's hungry. Yowling downstairs to flowers out the ..window', in the neighbor's yard. Long haired people moving into quiet streets and antique houses. The cops just chew gum and a non-frenetic, middle-aged, female real estate agent is anxious to make an artists' colony out of South Bend--a new La Conner. It looks like a good place to live. Tom ( last night) volunteers to be KRAB's Publicity Director creating minor explosions of confusion and inconsistency to lighten the load of those poor people who have to get out a dull newspaper everyday. And ~ plans for benefits, experimental environments; Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs with an 'appropriate; cast. The , station. This first night away was a series of im­ pulses to turn on the radio that went away with sleep and came back in the morning. Hitchhiking on the road to Portland. Overcast skies, walking by the ocean, a pack on my back; no one stopping, SUSP1Cl0US looks from people in campers and Pontiacs. They're gone without anger, slamming by with allY right to be alone, not knowing me, long hair in the wind. Later at an intersection, after one ride, a light metallic-blue new Chrysler with a Texas license plate slows for me. A well dressed softly fat lawyer in the Northwest looking for a resort or hotel to buy and move away from Texas with. "Texas for me , is ' a place of little interest and mild prejudice." ' He's , quiet for a moment, per­ haps disliking my Texas put-down, but just tells me again how much he liked Seattle. The conversation ends in KRAB; I explain what iwe're ,trying to do, expose its novelties and finish by saying what is most on mY ,mind, that I don't know how or if we're going to be able to make it financially. A wry smile from him, "You really raise Hell eh?" Trent--his name--Trent goes on, "Sounds like my friend Ed. He started this magazine in California, we've been good friends since we were seven, we disagree a lot. But anyway, he started this magazine, spread the stock around and a while ago they got in a disagreement and fired him. Ed has a $278,000. sui t going against them for it now, a real mes s. " "What magazine?," I ask. "Ramparts, you ever hear of it?" & smiling and making inner remarks to myself , .a?~ut h~\y" ~t ran, ge and com- , plex'-i't is' -to hitchhike I say, , "Yes . Sure; of course I ' ve heard of, Ramp§l.;r:t ,~ . Is "Ed' Ed 'Keaiing?" ' He ' says yes and is 'amused to hear"Tl:i:at- Rairiparts is· wide­ ly sold in Seattle and well known. :'I1'n'l Texas," he says , ~~, the re're ,probably three stores that sell it." ' , "But what was the disagreement over?" "Well," Trent says, "Ed thought the magazine would go broke if it kept on going like it was. It just kept incurring deficits, somehow it had to pull out. He said he was going to change it so it would make some money. It had to break even. Ed said he would; they said he wouldn't and since they had more votes, they fired him." "I've really always wondered how Ramparts could make it." "Well, it was Ed's money you know. And his wife's, she's filthy rich," laugh, "that's what you need--your KRAB--you need a filthy rich wife." An hour before I left, the mail opened the unexpected loss of a ' 69 grant for KRAB from the Washington State Arts Commission. Two radio s tat ions exist in the ci ties of THURSDAY , 5 SEPTEMBER Seattle, Washingt on and Portl and, Or egon . These stations are KRAB at 107 .7FM in Seat tle 7:00am THE MORN I NG PROGRAM . Baroque mus i c and KBOO at 90 .7FM i n Por tland. The stations t o s tart ,the day . exist for the purpose of providing programs 9: OOam BBC ' news (15 minutes) of the best possi bl e quality f or our lis ­ 10 : 00am COMMENTARY : Ayn Rand (WKCR) teners. In order t o do thi s' we carry no com­ lO : 30am NEW BOJKS , perused by P. J . mercials and depend on our l i steners f or fin­ 10 : 4S am LE TTER FROM ENGLAND . Bespoken from andial suppor t . Yo u can support the stations the myth ic , f oggy moors of Northern Engl and . wi th your t a x- deductible cont ributuins now w 11: 00am VI OLEN T TOYS . A v i olen~ discussi on wh en money is so desperat ely needed in order between a vi ol ent toy- maker and a non- violent to keep KRA B/KBOO on the air. Contributions toy advocat e . ( From t he Arch i ves of WBAI) ordinarily take t he form of subscri pt ions . 12 : OOnoon THE MAGIC I ANS II 30 minute rad::'o ' The suggested subscription rat e is $20 . per play about--the-Consequences of time displ ace­ year. We will accept a minimum of $12. or ment . ( NZBC) $6 . for nine months for st udents . Checks 12 : 30pm EAR TO THE GROUND . Contemporary non­ can be made payabl e t o KRAB or KBOO and academic mus i c introduced by Lowell Ri chards . mailed to KRAB at 9029 Roosevelt Way N. E.; 2 : 00pm THE Af'TERt'lOON SHOW . Ethnic music and Seattle , l.iashingt on 98115 or KBOO' at Box rea dings wi th "Teff Dann and guests . 3005 ; Portland, Oregon 97 208 . Subscribers 5: 30pm Re ading #78 of ALL AND EVERYTHING , BY receive a bi- weekly copy of this program G. l . Gurdjieff. An Objectively Imparti al . gui de . Critique of the Li fe of Ma n . Read by L. K. With t he assist ance of t he Washington Andr ews . State Arts Commission . 6 : OOpm WEST BLUES . Bob West plays blues 'from t he Delta , Memphis and the Carol inas . Some of the recordings are taken £I'om Bob ' s coJ. - , WEDNE SDAY 4 SEPTEMBER lection of ori gi nal tapes . ' 7 : 00am After a three week holi day , the 7 : 30pm COMMENTARY : William Hanson morning program is back with music for the 8:00pm THE TA LL TIMBER BOY S. Tonight ' s con­ cranber ry harvest. cel't includes Nobody ' s Bus i ness , Buckskin . 9 : 00am Fi fteen mi nutes of news from the BBC Mule , White Dove , and Arkansas Tr aveller. 10 : OO am CO MMENTARY : John Stenhouse 8: 30pm CURRENT CINEMA . Film buff Peter Hogue 10 :30am LETTERS AND THINGS . Back from his revi ews f ilms showing in l ocal theatres. travels , Station Manager Gar y Wi ngert com­ 8 : 45pm K6 REAN KAGOK . Kagok , ba~ed on a poetic ments on the enormous growth rate of accounts form, is a rarel y- heard genre of traditional payable . Ko rea~ vocal music . of che twenty-six exist­ 10:45 am SO VIET PRESS AND PE RIODI CALS . The i ng Kagok pieces , two w~ l l be heard t onight . wee kl y review and commen t by Wi l liam Mandel 9: OO r m READ I NGS FROM THE NATIONAL REVIEW .' , from KPFA. Davi d Rowl and r eads .select ions from William ll : OOam THE BLUEGRASS SHOW. Strummin : plucki n ' , F ~ Buckl ey ' s ~ i-week l y i n the aftermath of bowi n' and s ingin ' coordinated by Dave Wertz . t he national political convent i ons . 12 :30pm NI GHT INTO DAY . The weekl y compendi um 9: 30pm CLASSIC JAZZ . from their' fantastic ' from Bob Fass 's Rad i o unnamable . collections of 78 ' s and LP' s , Mi ke Duffy and 1 : 30pm The Open Half Hour. Ray Skjel bred preser.t some of the moldi~st 2 : 00pm THE AFTERN OO N PROGRAM . Margaret j azz on radio anywhere . Hollenbach plays North Indi an and Carnatic 10 :4Spm Jean SHEPARD . The girl he wrote l ove music . l etters to i n t he 8th gr ade meet s the guy 5: 30pm MURPH Y. Him Hat fiel d continues his down t he street who j ust bought a BRAND NEW reading-;~Siimuel Beckets novel. 1 927 PACKARD . (\-lOR) 6 : 00pm BA RTO K STRING QUARTETS. Quartets 1 , 11 : 30pm THE PAUL SAWYER AFTER OURS SHO o 2 and 3 performed by the Juillard String Celebrating t he end of dog days . quartet . 7 :15pm NEW BOOKS . P. J . Doyle reads sel ­ FRIDAY 6 , SEPTENBER ections from the best of r ecent arrivals at t he Seattle Publi c Library . 7: 00am Who knows what t r easures the mus ic 7: 30pm COMMENTARY : Ayn Rand (W KC R) collecti on will yield this morning?????? 8 : 00pm LETTER fROM EN GLAND . Our faithful 9:00am THE NEWS . BB C news via CEU in Vancouver f riend Mi chael Scarborough delivers his weekly 10 : 00am COMMENTARY : Will iam Hanson epistle . 10: 30am READINGS FROM THE NATIONAL REVIEW . 8: l Spm CO MING EVENTS. Roger Ferguson r ounds Repeated with David Rowl and . up the announcements for t he next two weeks , E: OOam THE TAJ"L TIMBER BOYS .
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