Beitrag_10_(Seiten89-103_ShortNotes)_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 01.08.2011 11:51 Seite 3 SHOrT nOTe HerPeTOZOa 24 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2011 SHOrT nOTe 91 morphotype of Vipera berus increased numbers of loreal, ventral, and sub - nikolskii VeDmeDerJa , G rUBanT & caudal shields, and one or two rows of shields behind the eye and between suprala - rUDaeVa , 1986, present in the bials and eye. Pre viously, the black col - Buzău Subcarpathians, romania oration of adults was considered a diagnostic character for V. berus nikolskii (VeDmeDerJa recently, the presence in romania et al. 1986). This view changed after the (Central moldavian Plateau) of populations study by ZInenKO et al. (2010) of romanian of Vipera berus nikolskii VeDmeDerJa , vipers of the nikolskii type, which included GrUBanT & r UDaeVa , 1986, was confirmed non-melanistic specimens. according to this on the basis of external morphological stud - latter study, in males the numbers of ventral ies ( ZInenKO et al. 2010); in this paper two shields, loreal scales, scale rows around mid - single specimens from more western areas body and intercanthalia scales (in descending of the southern Carpathians (Dâmboviţa and order) had the highest diagnostic power, Vâlcea County) were classified as “ nikol - whereas in females the number of ventral skii ” morphotypes. The presence of singu - shields, subocular scales, scale rows around lar specimens bearing “ nikolskii ” morpholo - midbody, loreal scales, subcaudal shields and gical characters could simply be the result circumocular scales were diagnostic. of genetic variability within V. berus berus In the vicinity of the village Săsenii pe (L InnaeUS , 1758) . However, considering Vale (Buzău County; square in Fig. 1), a the records’ geographic position and ecolo - live, partly melanistic female viper was gical data, this observation could support encountered (Fig. 2) in april 2009. The the idea of a more extended presence of V. occurrence was published by STrUGarIU et berus nikolskii morpho- and ecotypes in the al. (2009) as a new distribution record of area. In the present paper, the authors report V. berus in the Carpathian Corner. Closer data from the southern area of the Car - examination of the viper which was released pathian Corner in romania. thereafter, showed some characteristics sim - earlier morphological studies of the ilar to V. berus nikolskii (Fig. 3, Table 1). vipers from the Central moldavian Plateau Beside its more or less melanistic appear - revealed their particular status compared to ance, signs of a coloration pattern similar to the neighboring Vipera berus berus popula - the non-melanistic or partly melanistic spec - tions in the Carpathians ( VanCea et al. imens of nikolsky’s Viper were present. as 1982). The vipers from Central Ukraine, described by mILTO & Z InenKO (2005), moldova and the Central moldavian Plateau there are some cases in which the adults of (Iaşi and Vaslui County) in romania were V. berus nikolskii , especially females, have considered morphologically almost identi - light dots and spots on supralabials and ven - cal to V. berus nikolskii from the eastern part trals, and a reddish-brown colored throat. of its range, whereas the vipers sampled The presence of light dots applied to the from the eastern slopes of the Carpathians previous specimen, but less so the reddish- (neamţ, Bacău and Vrancea Counties, brown colored throat. How ever, the color romania) were described as of intermediate pattern of this partly melanistic female was appearance (ZInenKO et al. 2010). similar to those from V. berus berus x V. Vipera berus nikolskii was initially berus nikolskii hybrids in which light spot - included in V. berus berus as the black color ted upper labials, ventral shields and other morph, and then described as a separate spe- light elements were registered ( ZInenKO & cies by VeDmeDerJa , G rUBanT & r UDaeVa rUZHILenKO 2003). (1986). Later, the taxon was treated as a sub - Two different morphotypes occur with - species of V. berus according to the biologi - in romanian V. berus : typical adders are cal species concept (e. g., by mILTO & Z Inen- characterized by the decreased number of KO 2005), although some authors still consid - scales in the pileus, and a single row of er it a taxon of uncertain status (e.g., BaKIeV shields around the eye. In the second (“ ni - et al. 2005; JOGer et al. 2007). mILTO & kolskii ”) morphotype, the number of small ZInenKO (2005) described nikolsky’s Viper shields on the pileus is increased and two as a black colored subspecies of V. berus with rows of shields surround the eye ( GaSC & Beitrag_10_(Seiten89-103_ShortNotes)_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 01.08.2011 11:51 Seite 4 92 SHOrT nOTe HerPeTOZOa 24 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2011 SHOrT nOTe Fig. 1. The location of the viper habitat in Săsenii pe Vale (Buzău County; enlarged detail at left). On the right map, the occurrence of the confirmed V. berus nikolskii populations (yellow circles) and singular “nikolskii ” morphotypes (white triangles) in romania are shown (source: ZInenKO et al. 2010, present study). The question marks indicate two record localities of alleged V. berus bosniensis (BOeTTGer , 1880) in the country (source: FUHn & V anCea 1961). Dark green areas represent the distribution of the 91Y0 Dacian oak and hornbeam forest type in the studied area, and in the central and eastern part of romania. GOUrmaIn 1968; m ILTO & Z InenKO 2005 ). along the Ukrainian contact zone be - The pholidosis of the viper from the Buz ău tween V. berus berus and V. berus nikolskii , Subcarpathians could be categorized as near, there is a hybridization area in which snakes not in full agreement with the “ nikolskii ” have intermediate morphological characters morphotype. In adders, head pholidosis pat - (ZInenKO 2004). a similar contact zone tern, shape, size, number and arrangement of including the presence of intermediate char - scales are considered highly variable; even acters in the specimens can be expected also among different populations, mean values of in romania where V. berus berus and V. characters vary significantly ( mILTO & berus nikolskii may occur in close vicinity ZInenKO 2005). a fragmented, aspis like in the territory of the eastern Carpathians type of squamation is common in both V. and in the eastern part of the Southern berus nikolskii and V. berus bosniensis Carpathians (comp. the maps in nILSOn et. (BOeTTGer , 1880), but rare in V. berus berus al. 2005; BaKIeV et al. 2005). However, as (mILTO & Z InenKO 2005). The erroneous pointed out by ZInenKO et al. (2010), also for description of V. berus bos niensis occurring the contact zone, the possibility of an in romania was based on a morphotype extreme manifestation of the V. berus berus showing fragmented head scalation (e.g. in morphotype cannot be excluded. Ciuc and Ciucaş mountains; FUHn & On the whole, the distributional range VanCea 1961). accordingly, one of the of V. berus nikolskii comprises a woodland authors ( FUHn ) considered the morph as an steppe zone ( mILTO & Z InenKO 2005). In abnormal V. berus berus . the eastern and central Ukraine, the range of Beitrag_10_(Seiten89-103_ShortNotes)_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 01.08.2011 11:51 Seite 5 SHOrT nOTe HerPeTOZOa 24 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2011 SHOrT nOTe 93 Fig. 2: Habitat (grassland with bushes) at Săsenii pe Vale, Buzău County, romania (left), and the investigated viper of the V. berus nikolskii morphotype (right). V. berus nikolskii almost completely coin - Hills. The viper was found in a grassland cides with the forest-steppe and broadleaved patch characterized by a rich scrub cover, deciduous forest zone ( ZInen KO 2006). near a farm and a complex vineyard zone The habitat of the specimen encoun - (STrU GarIU et al. 2009). The vegetation tered in the Buzău Subcarpathians was also did not show any sign of agricultural use a peculiar one (Figs. 1, 2). It is part of a such as mowing or grazing. The high dry forest-steppe ecotone, which resembles the grass from the previous year was lying on habitat types occupied by V. berus nikolskii the ground. The area is close to the top of in Iaşi County ( STrUGarIU et al. 2009). a hill (about 310 m a.s.l.) with a southern The habitat lies near to the southern limit of exposure. The habitat characteristics are the Getic Subcarpathians, in the Istriţa similar to the ecotones in which V. berus Fig. 3. Pholidosis and color pattern of head and tail of the female viper of the V. berus nikolskii morphotype from Săsenii pe Vale, Buzău Conty, romania. Beitrag_10_(Seiten89-103_ShortNotes)_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 01.08.201111:51Seite6 9 4 Table 1: Color pattern and pholidosis of the female V. berus from Buzău Subcarpathians compared to V. berus berus (L InnaeUS , 1758) and V. berus nikolskii VeDmeDerJa , G rUBanT & r UDaeVa , 1986. Sample size in brackets. S Color pattern and Pholidosis V. berus berus from the Suceava V. berus from the Buzău V. berus nikolskii from the romanian H region ( ZInenKO et al. 2010) Subcarpathians (this study) moldova ( ZInenKO et al. 2010) O r T Dorsal side of body Characteristic sexual color dimorphism, Completely black Completely black, partly or non-melani- n melanistic specimens are rare stic, melanistic specimens are not so rare O T Dorsal zigzag stripe Present, absent in melanistic specimens absent Present in the non-melanistic morph, e absent in melanistic specimens Dorsal side of head — Two light lines: one starting as a fusion — of white spots on posterior supralabials, H continuing towards the neck region in e r whitish-orange; another, less obvious, P on the scales of the temporal region e T Light spots on head scales — White spots (to yellowish in the neck area) — O on apical, canthal, supraoculars, rostral, Z O prenasals, supralabials and some supralabials a Throat — Black with white-yellow spots — 2 4 anterior ventrals — White-spotted (in general two spots — ( 1 on each ventral) / 2 ) Underside of tail tip — 12 terminal scales bright yellow; — fragmented, bright colored spots W i e in the central parts of the tail area n , Iris — Orange-reddish — 3 0 .
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