water Article Hydrologic Assessment of TRMM and GPM-Based Precipitation Products in Transboundary River Catchment (Chenab River, Pakistan) Ehtesham Ahmed 1,* , Firas Al Janabi 1, Jin Zhang 2 , Wenyu Yang 3, Naeem Saddique 4 and Peter Krebs 1 1 Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management, Technische Universität Dresden, 01069 Dresden, Germany; fi[email protected] (F.A.J.); [email protected] (P.K.) 2 Institute of Groundwater and Earth Sciences, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China; [email protected] 3 Institute of Environmental Sciences, Brandenburgische Technische Universität, 03046 Cottbus, Germany; [email protected] 4 Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +49-1525-6918549 Received: 9 June 2020; Accepted: 1 July 2020; Published: 3 July 2020 Abstract: Water resources planning and management depend on the quality of climatic data, particularly rainfall data, for reliable hydrological modeling. This can be very problematic in transboundary rivers with limited disclosing of data among the riparian countries. Satellite precipitation products are recognized as a promising source to substitute the ground-based observations in these conditions. This research aims to assess the feasibility of using a satellite-based precipitation product for better hydrological modeling in an ungauged and riparian river in Pakistan, i.e., the Chenab River. A semidistributed hydrological model of The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) was set up and two renowned satellite precipitation products, i.e., global precipitation mission (GPM) IMERG-F v6 and tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) 3B42 v7, were selected to assess the runoff pattern in Chenab River. The calibration was done from 2001–2006 with two years of a warmup period. The validation (2007–2010) results exhibit higher correlation between observed and simulated discharges at monthly timescale simulations, IMERG-F (R2 = 0.89, NSE = 0.82), 3B42 (R2 = 0.85, NSE = 0.72), rather than daily timescale simulations, IMERG-F (R2 = 0.66, NSE = 0.61), 3B42 (R2 = 0.64, NSE = 0.54). Moreover, the comparison between IMERG-F and 3B42, shows that IMERG-F is superior to 3B42 by indicating higher R2, NSE and lower percent bias (PBIAS) at both monthly and daily timescale. The results are strengthened by Taylor diagram statistics, which represent a higher correlation (R) and less RMS error between observed and simulated values for IMERG-F. IMERG-F has great potential utility in the Chenab River catchment as it outperformed the 3B42 precipitation in this study. However, its poor skill of capturing peaks at daily timescale remains, leaving a room for IMERG-F to improve its algorithm in the upcoming release. Keywords: TRMM 3B42 v7; GPM IMERG-F v6; Chenab River; satellite precipitation; ungauged catchment; transboundary river 1. Introduction Satellite Precipitation has gone through two renowned satellite products, named as, tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) [1] and global precipitation measurement (GPM) [2]. These products were estimated using TRMM multi-satellite precipitation analysis (TMPA) [1] and integrated multi-satellite retrievals for GPM (IMERG) [2], respectively. IMERG is available in finer spatial (0.1 0.1 ) resolution ◦ × ◦ than TMPA spatial (0.25 0.25 ) resolution. This study emphasizes the use of these two satellite ◦ × ◦ Water 2020, 12, 1902; doi:10.3390/w12071902 www.mdpi.com/journal/water Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 21 products were estimated using TRMM multi-satellite precipitation analysis (TMPA) [1] and Waterintegrated2020, 12, multi 1902 -satellite retrievals for GPM (IMERG) [2], respectively. IMERG is available in2 offiner 20 spatial (0.1° × 0.1°) resolution than TMPA spatial (0.25° × 0.25°) resolution. This study emphasizes the use of these two satellite products on an ungauged catchment of the Chenab River in Pakistan. There productsare a large on annumber ungauged of studies catchment [3–10] of have the Chenabbeen done River in insparsely Pakistan. or Thereungauged are a catchments large number using of studiessatellite [3-based–10] have products been done to estimate in sparsely the or river ungauged or stream catchments discharges. using This satellite-based study focuses products on the to estimatecatchment the of river the Chenab or stream River discharges. that is completely This study ungauged focuses on. Five thecatchment major rivers of flow the Chenab through River Pakistan: that isIndus, completely Jhelum, ungauged. Chenab, Ravi Five majorand Sutlej. rivers These flow throughrivers come Pakistan: from transboundary Indus, Jhelum, Chenab,Indian catchments Ravi and Sutlej.[11,12] These. Indus rivers is the come biggest from river transboundary, which is fed Indian by thecatchments Chenab River [11 ,as12 ].a major Indus tributary is the biggest (Figure river, 1). whichRiver isChenab fed by theis Chenaba transboundary River as a majorand tributaryungauged (Figure river1 ).whose River Chenabflood and is a transboundarygauge precipitation and ungaugedinformation river is not whose easy flood to collect and gauge from the precipitation Indian side. information Owing to the is not active easy Monsoon to collect belt from of the Pir Indian Punjal side.[13], Owingthe Chenab to the River active catchment Monsoon suffers belt of from Pir Punjal severe [ 13floods], the almost Chenab every River year catchment since the su lastffers decade from severe[14], causing floods almostmassive every damage year to since local the society. last decade The recent [14], causing advances massive in satellite damage-based to localprecipitation society. Theretrieving recent advancesmissions have in satellite-based overcome the precipitation problems of retrievingwater managers missions to attain have overcomealternative the precipitation problems ofinformation water managers for flood to attain simulations alternative in precipitationungauged basins. information In compari for floodson simulationsto the GPM in era ungauged, TRMM basins.precipitation In comparison was used to widely the GPM in era,hydrological TRMM precipitation modeling in was most used part widelys of the in world hydrological [15–22] modeling. TMPA is ina mostreliable parts and of most the worldextensively [15–22 used]. TMPA satellite is a product reliable andin the most TRMM extensively era [23,24] used. Se satelliteveral studies product show in thethat TRMM TMPA era has [23 satisfactory,24]. Several or studiesacceptable show results that TMPA in many has parts satisfactory of the world or acceptable [15–22]. results in many parts of the world [15–22]. FigureFigure 1. 1.Location Location map map of of the the Indus Indus basin basin rivers rivers and and the the Chenab Chenab catchment. catchment. TheThe GPMGPM mission,mission, thethe successorsuccessor toto thethe TRMMTRMM era,era, waswas oofficiallyfficially launchedlaunched byby TheThe NationalNational AeronauticsAeronautics and and Space Space Administration Administration (NASA) (NASA) and and the the Japan Japan Aerospace Aerospace Exploration Exploration Agency Agency (JAXA) (JAXA) in Februaryin February 2014 2014 and hence,and hence, TRMM TRMM mission mission ended inended April in 2015. April NASA 2015. released NASA IMERG,releasedits IMERG, first GPM its first era precipitationGPM era precipitation product, in Marchproduct, 2014. in March IMERG 2014. provides IMERG more provides expansive more quasi-global expansive (60 quasi◦ N–60-global◦ S) and(60° spatiotemporal (0.1 0.1 and 30 min interval) coverage than TMPA [25]. It includes three products: N–60° S) and spatiotemporal◦ × ◦ (0.1° × 0.1° and 30 min interval) coverage than TMPA [25]. It includes thethree near products: real-time the “Early” near real run-time (IMERG-E), “Early” “Late”run (IMERG run (IMERG-L)-E), “Late” and run “Final”(IMERG run-L) (IMERG-F)and “Final” [ 25run]. Many(IMERG previous-F) [25] researchers. Many previous concluded researchers that GPM-IMERG concluded has that batter GPM accuracy-IMERG than has TRMM-TMPA batter accuracy [26 –than30]. TRMMAnjum-TMPA et al.[26 [–3130]] compared. the TMPA products, i.e., 3B42 v7 and 3B42RT with IMERG and indicatedAnjum that et IMERG al. [31] precipitation compared isthe more TMPA reliable products, than TMPA i.e., 3B42 estimates. v7 and Moreover, 3B42RT IMERGwith IMERG estimates and captureindicated the that spatial IMERG distribution precipitation of precipitation is more reliable morerealistically than TMPA than estimates. TMPA estimatesMoreover, over IMERG the highlandsestimates ofcapture northern the areasspatial of distribution Pakistan. Rozante of precipitation et al. [32] highlightedmore realistically that IMERG than TMPA products estimates are a batterover the replacement highlands ofof TMPAnorthern products areas of in Pakistan. several regionsRozante containinget al. [32] highlighted different precipitation that IMERG patternsproducts inare Brazil. a batter Prakash replacement et al. [26 of] studiedTMPA theproducts utility in of several IMERG regions and TMPA containing products different in India precipitation during the Monsoonpatterns in season Brazil. (June Prakash 2014–September et al. [26] studied 2014). the Their utility study of IMERG showed and that TMPA IMERG products estimates in India represent during a more realistic variability than gauge adjusted TMPA estimates. Tan et al. [33] demonstrated that IMERG near-real-time products, consisting of finer spatial
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