I. GENERAL REVIEW 1.1 The economy of the State has been large part of the State. Though the average estimated to grow at 6.74 percent during production of rice during 10th Plan period 2007-08 as compared to the Quick Estimates was 1.64 Mt/Ha, there has been a sharp growth rate of 7.50 percent in 2006-07.The decline in rice production during 2006-2007 per capita income of Mizoram at current with an average yield at 0.55 Mt/Ha. prices increased to Rs 27,437 in 2007-08, registering a growth of 6.85 percent, while at 1.6. The year 2007 experiences heavy constant (1999-2000) prices, it has gone up rainfall of 3140.40 mm while 2500 mm is from Rs 20,618 in 2006-07 to Rs 21,400 in the average annual rainfall in the State. 2007-08 registering a growth of 3.79 percent. 1.7. The total production of paddy decreased from 107,740 M. Tonnes during 2005-06 to 1.2 Agriculture & Allied sector which 60,132M.Tonnes during 2006-07 and the comprises Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing area under paddy also decreased from 56,460 could manage to contribute 16.07 percent of ha. to 52,853 ha. During 2006-07, about 20,969 the GSDP (Quick Estimates) during 2006- M. Tonnes of Maize was produced as against 07. Although advanced estimate posit 3.16 22,703 M Tonnes over the previous year. The percent growth in agriculture sector during production of oilseeds also decreased from 2007-08, the onset of bamboo flowering in 3,757 M. Tonnes to 5,560 M Tonnes. Production the State and unprecedented heavy rain are of pulses during 2006-07 also decreased by likely to have adverse impact on the 2,830 MT. agricultural production in the State which might inturn result in negative growth 1.8. During 2005-06 the total area under fruit was 19,769 ha., which increased to 23,585 1.3. The Industrial sector is likely to grow ha. during 2006-07. The total fruit production at the rate of 4.68 percent during 2007-08 during 2006-07 was 1,86,776 MT during where the dominant contributor is 2006-07. There was a sharp increase in flori- construction culture production during 2006-07. About 30,90,992 cut flowers were produced 1.4. Tertiary sector, mostly driven by Public Administration, Other Services and real 1.9. As per the decadal growth rate, it is estimated estate, ownership of dwellings and business that the total population of Mizoram will reach services is expected grow at the rate of approximately 11,47,858, at the end of the 8.15 percent over the previous year 2006-07 eleventh plan period. To meet the minimum food requirements @ 450 gm per head per day of the 1.5.The years 2007 and 2008 are critical projected population of the State, at least 1,88,536 years for Mizoram because of the onset of MT of rice has to be produced annually. bamboo flowering and heavy rains which adversely affect the food grain production 1.10. The estimated total milk production and food security of the State. The overall during 2006-07 was 159.98 lakh litres. The food grain production of the predominantly estimated total egg production during 2006- subsistence farming economy is expected to 07 was 348 lakhs and the estimated fall far below the 50 percent mark which has production of meat from Cattle, Buffaloes, already triggered a famine like situation in a Mithun, Goats and Pigs during 2006-07 was ECONOMIC SURVEY MIZORAM 2007—2008 1 8761 tonnes. Meat production from chicken 1.15. The progressive number of Motor (Broiler) during 2006-07 was estimated at Vehicles registered upto October, 2007, 1492 tonnes both private and Government stood at 58,613 while it was 56,580 as on 31.3.2007. 1.11. The requirement of fish for local On an average about 290.43 Vehicles were consumption is estimated at 10,395 MT registered every month. whereas fish production in the State is estimated around 3500- 3700 MT. 1.16. By February 2008, there are 107 branches of financial institutions in the State 1.12. Based on “State of Forest Report- consisting of 36 commercial banks, 60 2003” published by Forest Survey of branches of Mizoram Rural Bank and 11 India, Ministry of Environment & Forests, branches of Mizoram State Cooperative Forest covers 18,430 sq.km (i.e. 87.42 Apex Bank. The branches of commercial percent) of the State’s Geographic Area, out banks and MRB in the State account for 89 of which 84 sq.km is very Dense Forest, percent of the total branches in the State. 7,404 sq.km is Moderately Dense Forest and The population served per branch comes to Open Forests cover 10,942 sq km. around 8,500 while the national average is 15,000. 1.13. The peak power load requirement of Mizoram for 2006-07 was 60 MW. Against 1.17 The credit-deposit ratio (CDR) as on the requirement, the total installed capacity March 2006 stood at 52.97 percent which is 37.17 MW only.The power generation slightly increased to 56.52 percent on March within the State raises at 14.22MU in 2006- 2007 while the national average stood at 07 from 11.47 MU in 2005-06. The total 75percent. The recovery position of the consumption of electricity in the State during banks operating in the State have slightly 2006-07 increased by 12.42 per cent to improved with the overall recovery rate 151.22 MKWH compared to 134.51 MKWH increasing from 59.79 percent during 2005- during 2005-06. 137 villages in the State are 06 to 69.95 percent during 2006-07. yet to be electrified. Per capita power consumption is estimated at 155.69 KWH 1.18. The number of telephone exchanges in Mizoram as on February 2008 stood at 87. 1.14. By the end of 2007-08, the total length Upto January 2008, the number of Landline of classified roads under PWD was 5225.31 conections under BSNL stood at 55,370 and Kms. The total length of the road by the end the number of Mobile Phone connections of the previous year (2006-07) was 4571.12 stood at 1,71,296 of which 27.23percent Kms registering an increase of 634.19 Kms (46,647) is Postpaid . during one year. The total length of National Highway under Border Roads Organisation 1.19. As per the latest Census report of 2001, (BRO) in Mizoram upto 2007-08 was 558.00 Mizoram attained the second highest Kms. Thus, the total length of road network position in terms of literacy in the country. of classified roads both under PWD and BRO As per assessment of the India Today by the end of 2007-08 was 5,783.51 Kms out of Magazine, September, 2007, Mizoram was which 3,938.95 Kms (68.10 percent) were placed at top of the small States in primary surfaced road and the rest 1,844.56 Kms (31.90 education. During 2006-07,teachers pupil percent) were unsurfaced. ratio stood at 1:16 for Primary education, 1:8 for Middle School, 1:12 for HighSchool ECONOMIC SURVEY MIZORAM 2007—2008 2 and 1:13 for Higher Secondary School. potato, onion, milk, fish,mustard oil, beef, During 2006-2007, the drop-out rates at the pork and rice. primary and middle stages of education was 3.93 and 10.54 respectively.The dropout rate 1.25. Under Minimum Wages Act, The for High School and Higher Secondary State Government revised wages of labour. school was 23 and 70 respectively. For the unskilled, the rate has been fixed at Rs 103. Rs 115 for Semi –skilled, Rs 143 1.20. The total number of Colleges and other for Skilled–I and Rs 183 for Skilled-II higher educational institutions in the State respectively. during 2007 – 08 is 27. The total enrolment during the previous year 2006 – 07 stood at 1.26. The number of regular employees 6377. working under the State Government and Autonomous District Councils as on 1st 1.21. By February 2008, there are 10 April 2005 were 40,603 and 1784 hospitals, 10 CHCs, 56 PHCs and 366 Sub- respectively. Besides there are 3673 Centres,1862 Anganwadi Centres in the employees of Central Government, 711 in State. Birth rate in the State is 22.30 ( 25 for Semi –Govt and 128 in Constitutional All India),Death Rate : 5.10 ( 9 for All Bodies. Employees of State Government India), Infant Mortality Rate : 12.70 (64 for constitute about 4.12 per cent of the State All India), Maternal Mortality Ratio : 163 ( Population. 407 for All India). Doctor population ratio is 2,623, Nurse population ratio is 666 and 1.27. There were 1,205 Fair Price Shops in Health worker population ratio stood at the whole State, out of which 818 were in 1167. rural areas and 387 in urban areas. The monthly allocation of Rice and Wheat during 1.22. Out of 21 towns, 9 towns have so far 2007-2008 were 910 tonnes for AAY, 1470 been fully covered with Water Supply level tonnes for BPL and 4,884 tonnes for APL.- of 70 litres per capita per day. Though Besides, the normal allocation, the Govt. of provision of Water Supply to other 8 towns Mizoram purchases 5,000 tonnes of Rice at have been completed, they are yet to be economic cost every month.The Govt.
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