Department of Higher Education and Training List of Approved South African Journals (January 2021) JOURNAL TITLE Open Access ISSN (Print) ISSN (Online) FREQUENCY EDITOR'S DETAILS PUBLISHER'S DETAILS DATE OF LAST REVIEW (Previous title if applicable) (when available) OR ACCREDITATION Acta Academica Yes 0587-2405 Bi-annually Prof H Melber, The Dag Hammarskjold PUBLISHER ADDRESS Reviewed 2009 URL: Foundation Uppsala, Sweden, Email: Sun Media Bloemfontein http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_ [email protected] 55 Brill St classic.html Westdene Postnet Suite 214 Private Bag X01 Brandhof 9324 Tel : +27-(0)51-430-0459 Fax : 086-545-4491 E-mail : [email protected] Acta Theologica Yes URL: 1015-8758 Biannually Dr L Hoffman [email protected] Sun Media Bloemfontein Tel: + 27 51 430 0459 Reviewed 2010 http://www.ufs.ac.za/templates/jour Prof HC van Zyl Fax: +27 86 545 4491 nals.aspx?journal=5 Faculty of Theology E-mail: [email protected] URL: PO Box 339, Bloemfontein,9300 Physical address: http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php? 59 Brill Street script=sci_serial&pid=1015- Westdene 8758&lng=en&nrm=iso BLOEMFONTEIN African Journal of Disability YES, URL: http://www.ajod.org 2223-9170 2226-7220 Continuous Online Dr Leslie Swartz AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Added in 2014 Email: [email protected] Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 African Human Rights Law 1609-073X Biannually Prof Frans Viljoen The Juta Law PO Box Reviewed 2011 Journal Editor: Centre for Human Right 24299 Landsdowne Faculty of Law 7779 Universitty of Pretoria Pretoria SA, 0002 [email protected] African Journal of Information Yes URL: 2077-7205 2077-7213 Annually Dr Lucienne Abrahams, LINK Centre, Wits LINK Centre, School of Literature Language Reviewed 2010 Communication http://link.wits.ac.za/linkcentre/ajic/ University, Email: [email protected] and Media, Wits University African journal of Laboratory YES, URL: 2225-2002 2225-2010 Continuous Online Dr Bethanie Rammer AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Added in 2014 Medicine http://www.ajlmonline.org Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 African Journal of Primary Health Yes URL: 2071-2928 2071-2936 Continuous Online Dr Bob Mash, Email: [email protected] AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Added 2010 Care & Family Medicine http://www.phcfm.org/ Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 JOURNAL TITLE Open Access ISSN (Print) ISSN (Online) FREQUENCY EDITOR'S DETAILS PUBLISHER'S DETAILS DATE OF LAST REVIEW (Previous title if applicable) (when available) OR ACCREDITATION Curationis: Research Journal of YES, URL: http://curationis.org.za/ 0379-8577 2223-6279 Continuous Online Prof. Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi, Email: AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Reviewed 2011 the Democratic Nursing [email protected] Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Organisation of South Africa Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 Education As Change http://www.unisa.ac.za/default.asp? 1682-3206 1947-9417 Three times a year Prof Dirk Postma, College of Education, UNISA Press, PO Box 382, Unisa, Pretoria, Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=24 UNISA. Email: [email protected] 0003. Contact: Mr Pieter Rall: email 7 [email protected] Education Research for Social http://ersc.nmmu.ac.za 2221-4070 Bi-annually Prof N de Lange. Email: NNMU Education Faculty, PO Box 7700, Port Added in 2016 Change (ERSC) [email protected] Elizabeth, 6000 Fundamina: a Journal of Legal YesURL: 1021-545X Biannually Prof SV Hoctor. Email: UNISA Reviewed 2010 History http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_ [email protected]> Southern African Society of Legal Historians c/o funda.html URL: School http://www.unisa.ac.za/default.asp? Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=20 119 Health SA Gesondheid: Journal of YES, URL: http://www.hsag.co.za 1025-9848 2071-9736 Continuous Online Prof Marie Poggenpoel University of Johannesburg Reviewed 2011 Interdisciplinary Health Sciences email:[email protected] Historia: Journal of the Historical 0018-229X Biannually Porf Johan Wassermann, History The Historical Association of South Africa Reviewed 2011 Association of South Africa Education, Faculty of Education, c/o Department of Historical and Heritage University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, Studies South Africa, University of Pretoria Email:[email protected] Private bag X20 Hatfield Pretoria 0028 HTS Theological Studies/ Yes URL: 0259-9422 2072-8050 Continuous Online Prof AG van Aarde AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Reviewed 2011 Teologiese Studies http://www.hts.org.za/ email:[email protected] Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 University of Pretoria Tel: 086 1000 381 Hillcrest Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Pretoria 0002 Fax: 086 5004 974 In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi YES, URL: 1018-6441 2305-0853 Continuous Online Prof. J.M. Vorster AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, http://www.indieskriflig.org.za Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 Indo-Pacific Journal of 1445-7377 Biannually Prof CR Stones c/o Department of Psychology Phenomenology University of Johannesburg University of Johannesburg [email protected] Auckland Park Johannesburg 2006 Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk YES, URL: 1996-1421 2072-845x Continuous Online Prof Dewald van Niekerk AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Added 2012 Studies http://www.jamba.org.za Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 JOURNAL TITLE Open Access ISSN (Print) ISSN (Online) FREQUENCY EDITOR'S DETAILS PUBLISHER'S DETAILS DATE OF LAST REVIEW (Previous title if applicable) (when available) OR ACCREDITATION Journal for the Study of Religion 1011-7601 Biannually David Chidester [email protected] Department of Religious Studies Reviewed 2011 (Religion in Southern Africa) UCT Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 Journal of Education Yes 0259-479X Triannually School of Education, Training and http://joe.ukzn.ac.za/download.aspx Development, University of KwaZulu-Natal Private BagX 01, Scottsville, 3209 Tel: 033 260 5368 Fax: 033 260 5080 E-mail:[email protected] Koers:Bulletin for Christian YES, URL: 0023-270X 2304-8557 Continuous Online Prof. H. Hoogstad Koers Society of SA Reviewed 2011 Scholarship http://www.koersjournal.org.za Koedoe: Research Journal of the YES, URL: 0075-6458 2071-0771 Continuous Online Dr Lyllwellyn C Foxcroft AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Reviewed 2009 South African National Parks http://www.koedoe.co.za email:[email protected] Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 The Editor: Koedoe Tel: 086 1000 381 Private Bag X22 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Tygervalley Fax: 086 5004 974 7536;Fax: 021 914 5100 Kronos: Southern African 0259-0190 Annually Prof A Bank (UWC) Department of History and Centre for Reviewed 2011 Histories (Kronos: Journal of Cape Humanities Research (UWC) History) Law, Democracy and Development Yes URL: 1028-1055 2077-4907 Biannually Dr. Jamil D. Mujuzi Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape, http://lexikos.journals.ac.za/ Department of Criminal Justice and Private Bag X 17, Bellville 7535 Procedure URL: Faculty of Law http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_ University of the Western Cape lexikos.html Private Bag X 17 Bellville 7535 South Africa Tel: +27 (0)21 959 3286 / 3299 Fax: +27 (0)21 959 2493 E mail: [email protected] Lexikos 1684-4904 Annually J.C.M.D. du Plessis Bureau of the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal, PO Box 245, Stellenbosch, 7599, Tel: 021 887 3113, Fax: 021 883 9492, email: [email protected] Literator: Journal of Literary YES, URL: 0258-2279 2219-8237 Continuous Online Phil van Schalkwyk and IAN Bekker AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Criticism, Comparative Linguistics http://www.literator.org.za Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 and Literary Studies Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 Missionalia: Journal of the 0256-9507 Triannually Prof NJ Kritzinger AcadSA P.O. Box Reviewed 2011 Southern African Missiological [email protected] 35704 Menlo Park Society 0102 JOURNAL TITLE Open Access ISSN (Print) ISSN (Online) FREQUENCY EDITOR'S DETAILS PUBLISHER'S DETAILS DATE OF LAST REVIEW (Previous title if applicable) (when available) OR ACCREDITATION Old Testament Essays (New Series) 1010-9919 Triannually Prof GF Snyman (UNISA) Department of Old Testament Society in Reviewed 2011 Southern Africa Phronimon: Journal of the South https://upjournals.co.za/index.php/ 1561-4018 Annually Prof M Cloete, UNISA (Email: SA Society for Greek Philosophy and African Society for Greek Phronimon [email protected]) Humanities;UNISA Philosophy and the Humanities [email protected]\phronimon.com cell: 082 449 1307 Tel: 012 429 6837 R&D Journal Yes URL: 0257-9669 Annually Ms. A. Rotteglia,Promech Publishing,22 http://www.saimeche.org.za/?page= Mackay Avenue,Blairgowrie,2194,Tel:011 781 RDJournal 1401,Fax:011 781 1403;E- mail:[email protected] Reading and Writing YES, URL: http:///www.rw.org.za 2079-8245 2308-1422 Continuous Online Dr Naomi Boakye AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Added in 2014 Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 SA Journal of Industrial YES, URL: http://www.sajip.co.za 0258-5200 2071-0763 Continuous Online Prof Melinde Coetzee AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Psychology (Journal of Industrial Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Psychology) Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21
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