1he ~.... • THE JOHN P. BRAUN AGENCY, INC. 625 - 57th Street, Suite 800 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 414-657-3193 (3194) in conjunction with THE MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY Baltimore, Maryland is proud to provide the Insurance needs for The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. For over eleven years it has been our privilege to service your chapters with public liability and surety bond insurance; we have also provided the International Office with fire, theft, and auto insurance, and its employees with health, accident and life insurance. Let us together, continue to have a friendly and harmonious business relationship in the future. May you continue to find our insurance service the best that is available. John P. Braun Barry Kennedy David P. Braun PeterJ. Braun Pat Blank 1be (3farmonizer @ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1980 VOL. XL No, 1 A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF 13S SPEBSOSA, INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. PETER C. IlEU$HUL The HARMONIZER (ISSN 0017-7849) Is the official publication of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Ouartet Singing in America, Inc. (S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.1. It Is pub­ lished In the months of January, March, May. July. September and November 8t 6315 - 3rd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141. Second-class postage paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and Adver· tising offices are at the International Office. Advertising rates available upon request. Publisher assumes no responsibilitY for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Notice of change of address should be submitted to the editorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 - THIRD AVE., KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 53141, at least thirty days before the ne>et publication date. Subscription price to non·members Is $3.50 yearly or $1 an issue. Copyright, 1979, by the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America, 'nc. Features lUlOII: OICK HAHNA eAII1fON£: GOIIOY MAUSER 2 PRES. LES HESKETH, An intro­ 22 COME TO A GOING PLACE ­ duction to our 1980 international SALT LAKE CITY. Our 1980 president. international convention site has some llnique attractions. FRED Moone JOHN PLAWe B08 GREINER TENOR LEAD BASS 3 1980 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Meet members of this important 25 LOOKING BACK AT 1979. A AL ROEIIRIG committee and learn their function. brief review of what happened to l1li 3326 E. HenlY Avenue the Society this past year. Cudahy. WI 6 1980 INTERNATIONAL BOARD. 53110 Meet the men who will run the Soc­ 26 MEN OF NOTE. The Society's top ii6 iety next year. new member recruiters. BARBERSHOP QUARTET 8 1980 DISTRICT PRESIDENTS. Six­ 28 LUNCHTIME'S FOR LEARNING. teen leaders will direct district activi­ An inside look at an Institute of ties. Logopedics function. '" :'io 10 1980 MUSIC EDUCATORS. Dis­ 30 HERE TO SERVE YOU ... the trict music activities will be their International Office Staff. major concern. 32 COTS -- Training Tomorrow's Lead· 12 HISTORICAL NOTES. A collect­ ers. What goes into the planning and ion of interesting historical tid-bits. teaching of COTS. 14 GROWING UP IN HARMONY. "Grandma's Boys" share experiences Departments of "growing" in music. Contributors 4 LET'S PROGRAM FOR FUN AND Bob Arnold .. Hank Brandt Les 16 "BUT WE SANG A SOCIETY­ GROWTH. Hesketh .. Hugh Ingraham Bob PUBLISHED SONG!" Some little­ Johnson ... Dick Monson Dean known facts concerning the Soc: Snyder ... Wilbur Sparks ... Dave iety's music publishing program. 33 1980 CONVENTION DATES Stevens 34 1980 INTERNATIONAL COMMIT­ 18 THE TRUE STORY BEHIND THE TEES Convention Calendar VOCAL MAJORITY. Answers to 36 CONTEST & JUDGING COMMIT­ many questions about one of the INTERNATIONAL TEES Society's most sllccessful chapters. 1980 Salt Lake City, U. JlIly 6-13 38 DISTRICT ACTIVITIES SCHED­ 1981 Detroit, Mich. JlIly 5-12 ULE OUARTET 1982 Seattle, Wash. June 27·JlIly 4 20 1979 DISTRICT 42 NEW CHAPTERS CENTURY CHAMPS. 1983 Pittsbllrgh, Pa. JlIly 3-10 CLUB CHAPTERS IMPORTANT NOTICE! Mail sent to the International Office will be expedited by using P. O. MID-WINTER Box 575 above the city (Kenosha, Wis.) and zi!) code (53141), 1980 Colorado Springs, Colo. Jan. 25-26 1981 San Diego, Cal. Jan. 30-31 THE HARMONIZER!JANUARY-FEBRUARY!1980 PRESIDENT ager. Resigning from a military career (Major, U. S. Army), he became a trans­ portation specialist in Washington, D.C. for the Department of the Ai r Force. LES HESKETH Whon he ended his government career of 35 years through retirement, he still re­ fused to sit quietly, and started again as manager for an office products store in his home community of Fairfax, Va. This led, several years later, to an assignment in organization and management of the huge distribution center for the entire chain, and on to his present career. President Les began his barbershop­ ping hobby in 1963 in the ranks of the chorus of the Prince Georges County, Md. Chapter, but he was named its musical director just four months later. Moving to Fairfax, Va., another Washington suburb, he became president of that chap­ ter, the Fairfax "Jubil-Aires," in 1967. His management ability stood him in good stead as he served, successively, as area counselor (becoming the first area counselor of the year ever named by his district), division vice-president, and pre­ sident of the large Mid-Atlantic District. Applying his business training and in­ terest in detail to Mid-Atlantic admini­ stration, the new president also added his own personal touch, driving his auto· mobile some 62,000 miles to visit 71 of the 90 chapters during his 20 months in office. Retired from his job, he would take off for a week or more at a time, moving from one chapter to another and '111e ilitematiOllal presidell! is ti,e chief executive officer of tile stopping occasionally to consult with Society ancl exercises gel/erai supenl;siofl Oller all activities. He pre­ members of his district team. sides elf aft meetillgs of tile Society amI of tI,e board of directors. The presidcHt is considered the chainmm of the boarel of directors. He Following a term as international board member, President Les has served appoillts committees (except the Executive Committee) alui is !HI during the past three years as inter­ e.'\-officio mel/leber ofcad, committee. He lias the power to act for (lily cO"lmittee which lias 1Iot fllifilled its assigmncllt. national vice presidentltreasurer, and then vice president, specializing in finan· cial analysis and reorganization at a time By Wilbur Sparks, Int'l Historian, 6724 B. 26th St., Arlington, Va, 22213 when perceptive study of this area was much needed by the Society. His activity A man for all (barbershop) seasons, as a coach and judge has continued, un­ Leslie Hesketh, Jr., will be at the Society's abated, and a new hobby, slapping a helm as its international president in string bass in a dixieland band organized 1980. With experience as musical dir­ by the Jubil-Aires, has provided much ector, chapter, district and international relaxation. administrator, woodshedder, coach and Our new president is married to certified judge, our new leader has come Shirley, a warm hearted Southerner who to recognize a great need of the Society calls him "Layus, Honey." With the - the enjoyment of our hobby - which is growth to maturity and scattering of their stated in his motto, "Let's Program For family, they concentrate their attention Fun and Growth." at home on a quartet of attack dach­ Recently named chief of cost analysis shunds (Heidi, Liebschen, Katie and for an impressive chain of office products Jubil-Aire), who literally rule the house· stores in Washington, Baltimore and Rich­ hold. Whenever you visit the Hesketh Int'l President los and wifo Shirley mond, President Les has spent a lifetime home, you'll always note that huge doses with their "family" of dogs - °Uob· in developing an acute business sense of barbershopping are combined with chon, Katie, Julie and Heidi. through his work as a professional man- love. 2 THE HARMONIZERIJANUARY·FEBRUARYI1980 International Executive Committee 'J1/c Executive Committee COlISists of the presiclcllt, illl1ueaiate pClst preside,,!, two pice presidellts, (lice presidell/-frcclS­ IIrer mid the execHtil1e director, who has 110 pote ill matters cOHsidered by the committee. '11,c eXeCUtillC Committee makes dec i­ sivils of admil,istrafillC diameter aud de­ cisjo,,~ relative fa expcllClitures for wIde/, approprjatiolls '/(lIIe bee" made by tI,e bOclTel as well (IS emergency apprvpricl. ERNIE HILLS, Immediate Past President tio"s wile" IIccessary. The committee ex­ Box 66 plores matters rcqllirillg the dtte1ltioll of Medford, Okla. 73759 ti,e board (lIul offers rccommcllClatiolls to tile presiclcJlt, cxeclltille director or other ('xeclttillc offices rcgclraillg problems a· rising ill ti,e per/anna/Icc of duties. They also made decisions ml i,wcsl11lellts for t1Je Society. BURT HUISH, Vice President P.O. Box 1925 Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 MERRITT AUMAN, Vice President-Treasurer 504 Sherwood St. Shillington, Pa. 19607 DR. HANK VOMACKA, Vice President 1881 Rose Street Sarasota, Fla. 33579 THE HARMONIZERIJANUARY-FEBRUARYI1980 3 7467 Clifton Rd., Clifton, Va. 22024 We enter a new year of barbershop some quartet singing, a couple of Barber­ every week to assure that the chapter activity with a great deal of energy and pole Cat songs, a chance to sing with meeting (you'll notice I said chapter enthusiasm. At the international level we three other guys in the corner during the meeting) would guarantee some fun for are taking a look at many of our activi­ break, etc. everyone. 1 wonder if we would see many ties, programs and policies with a view Can you possibly imagine the frustra­ of our members, both new and old, de­ toward promoting those changes which tion which develops in a very short time velop a spirit of energy and enthusiasm appear to be in the best interest of the if the fun he was led to believe would be which would make them want to do some­ Society.
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