WI , , I Severe rain i knocks out 1 power in City l By Jim Stickford we had two portable gab-pow- Staff Writer ered generator;, attached to Heavy raIns that fell on flatbed trucks We got them III Thun,day, Apnl 20, between 4 case of Y2K problems - there and 6 p m knocked out power weren't any, but the generators m a bectlOn of the City of turned out to be useful anyway Grobse Pomte that Included We got enough power to the the city hall and public safety buddmgs to have telephone bUlldmgs for several hours servIce restored by about 5 DenniS Van Dale of the Cltv pm" Thursday, April 27 Department of Public Safety DetrOlt Edison offiCIals told baId electncal power III a sec- City employees that the power L~al author Mary Sander tIOn of the City between outage was not caused by a SmIth reads portIOns of her Cadieux and Neff and blown transformer Rather two new novel "June" In the Kercheval and Jefferson went underground power cables In Central Branch of the Grosse out at 3 59 p m Thursday the CIty were knocked out, POinte Library at 7 30 P m Because the CIty'S mumclpal probably because so much ram The program IS free, but bUIldmgs were m the area water soaked the ground some reservatIons are reqUired affected, CIty workers effec- water was able to get mto the Call (313) 343-2074, ext 220 ttvely lost telephone service cables and cause a short-Cir- "Because we have complicat- CUIt ed computer sWItch boards Despite the three Inches of Saturday, April 29 that requIre more electncal rain that fell Thursday after- power to operate than IS pro- noon, there were few reported A WIldflower walk wIll be Vided over telephone hnes, we problems m the CIty, blackout held at the Edsel & Eleanor lost phone service when the aSIde, said Van Dale Ford House, 1100 Lakeshore power went out," Van Dale "Toere were a couple of In Grosse Pointe Shores, Sala "A reSIdent who hadJust a reports of flooded basements m begInmng at 9 a m regular telephone wouldn't have lost phone bervlce, but If the 600 block of Rivard," Van The fee IS $5 For more that reSIdent had a cordless Dale saId "In one of the base- mformatlOn, call (313) 884- telephone or one WIth an ments there were also reports 4222 answenng machme and other of smoke It was thought to be function bUilt IUto the phone, an electncal fire commg from a they might have lost telephone short-cIrcuIt caused by water In the basement, so the power Monday, May 1 service as well " In that house was turned off CIty offiCIals ended up U~lng The Grosse Pomte Woods while the storm water dramed City CouncIl meets at 7 30 battery-powpred cellulal tele- phones to commumcate WIth away" p m III the Woods city hall 20025 Mack Plaza The pub- ~,..,.,.. the oUblde world, which ASIde from those problems, Included l("..Alhng Dctr'o&t l:d.al5on ..... <1 V<l\P ~tl~ .. , ., Walil a quw' he IS mVlted to attend ~tptoe ... to report the power outage evenmg He added that at least ...through the "Edison bent out a crew and the grass receIved a good • with me," er, rather, they had the power up and watering and whIle It dIdn't Steve Grimmer of 1400 runmng by about 9 p m raIse the lake level, It certamly Three MUe La. Gr«MIse Thursday," saId Van Dale "But dIdn't hurt either The Grosse Pomte School Pointe Park, He gets the Board meets at 8 p m m llDI1ual Holland award this Grosse Pomte South HIgh year. HIs huge crop of LoW"lake level has School's Wlckmg Library bloomLa.g tulips was a . The meetmg IS open to the photographer's delight, public but in lau.dscape and macro modes, sailboaters W"orried By Jim Stlckford of the Crescent Sail Yacht Wednesday, May 3 Staff Writer Club, saId there are about 200 boats docked at the club durmg Grosse Pomte Theatre's Chuck Muir's 'Salmon Stakes' is Saturday If lake levels dnp below SIX the summer All are bemg productlon of the Broadway The 22nd annual .Salmon the St ClaIr RIVer, north of St famIly fun and actIvltles at the feet, no amount of dredgmg affected by the lake level claSSIC "West SIde Story" Stakes" fishmg tournament ClaIr restaurant The $10 raffie tlck- Will help deep-draft sailboats, warn manna offiCials through- Because the club has only sail- debuts at 8 pm In the fundralser, started by the late Fishermen must be regIs- ets mclude many pnzes and boats It IS espeCially vulnerable Grosse Pomte War restaurateur and Grosse tered by mldmght AprIl 28 $10 off any MUIr restaurant out the Pomtes MemOrIal's Fnes "The lake's water level IS to low water levels Pomter, Chuck MUIr, Will be Non-fishermen may stlll buy meal "We're strictly sail" Lady Audltonum held thl~ Saturda), Apnl 29, at raffie tickets the day of the Call Ruth Rhoades at 1800) extremely low," said CIty of saId "We have several boats the River Crab re..,taurant on event a;, well as enJoy lot;, of 468-3727 for more mformatlOn GrObse POinte manager Tom The show runs through Kressbach "Some of the deep Wlth keels that reqUire rela- May 20 TIckets are $16 draft saIlboats could have chffi- tlVely deep water The longest Thursday-Saturday shows cultles as they approach the keel IS seven feet, and we have begm at 8 p m and Sunday shore because their keeb are been dredgmg our harbor to shows start at 2 p m To SIX feet and there':, only five mamtam the beven-foot stan- order tickets, call (313) 881- feet of water" dard We are fortunate because 4004 Kressbach saId the City IS the water around the club IS not the only community around nine feet deep" To enJoy a theater buffet at the lake concerned about the Kressbach, Grosse Pomte a cost of $15 III the War problem He "aid the Crescent Shores parks director Andy RlO Memonal's Crystal Ballroom Sail Yacht Club and the Grosse and Farm;, parks director before the show, call (313) RIchard Huhn, said that even 881.7511 POInte Yacht Club have put out buoys to mark the channel .. ~o when dredgmg proJects' are that boaters won't become completed, the rest will be up j:{Tounded Paul Lady, rear SenIOrs, 7A OpinIOn 8A ObltuarteS , llA Schools 12A Autos 13A Home: Gro~~e POInte Park BUSiness 14A Age: 'l7 Entertainment 68 Family: Wife, Ca<,ey three Sports 98 daughter", Qumn. 'l. and Classified ads 128 twm.., Madl'>on and Chrhtlan, 4 and ..,on, Griffin 11 Photo hy Bonnlt' C.'PTRra Occupation: WDlVTV4 New,h('"t anchor Hockey honor Quote: "I onu' hpald a Grosse Pointe South hockey coach Bob Bopp, left. presents Groue Pointe News journal",t c!p<,cnlwd ".., sports editor Chuck K10nkewith the Michigan Metro Htlfh School Hoekey League's bl'lng a COlHIPr h( t wppn Eddl~ Jeremiah .ward and a plaque from South'. For'Em Club. The Jeremiah dlffNrnt (ultllrl''> That.., award, named in honor of the fonner Dartmouth hockey coach, is awarded by the league each year "to an individual who i. Juclgedby the lea,ue coaches to be out- my favor tl' c!('..,cnptlOn of standing In sportsmanship, contributions to the league or hockey in general. or whflt a JOllrnalI..,t do(', ' coaching abUlty." Klonke has been covertng high school hockey and the Michigan S('c "tory, page 4A Metro league for more than 25 year.. Devin ScUUan 11)11ORI \1' ";S2-tl2'Q • nl~PI X\ ,UH.I R IISI~C: SR2-1,)OO • CI ,\SSIFI1 D: RfQ-h<)OO • CmCLLAflON: 3438577 • PRO[)UCTIO:".; RS2-hl)C)O Apn127,2000 Grosse Pointe News 2A News 5 years ago this week ~esterdax's headlines young lad" School s\ ,tL m have recelvpd 50 years ago this week thl' high. ,t I atmg m a • The state has ordered 10 years ago this week ~tdtev. ,dt .lcLrl'dlldtlOn Gro<;se Pomte Farms, Park and Schoul, L'drnlllg- top honO! ~ CIty to treat then ,;torm water • A group of local reSIdent;, flom till' ,t<ltl hU<l1d of pduca overflows that are sent to Fox who oppose the expan:o.lOn of tlOn alt North ,1Ild ~(Juth high Creek In DetroIt DetrOIt City AIrport dre a"kmg ;,chool.., Blownell Parwlb and "The responSibility for future theIr city counclls to ante up In PH'I e-e middle "chool'>, Defer protectIOn of the ....ater;, of Fox the commumty's fight agaln;,t Fen), Kerb), :\fdllL, Monteith Creek wtll descend exclUSIvely DetrOit Mayor Coleman Poupard, Richard dnd TlOrnbly upon the Park, CIty and Young's pet project elementar) ..,ch()ul, Farms," accordmg to a letter Jack KIng, chairman of the Stdtewlde only 1!) perwnt from the MIchigan Water Grosse ~omteb.Harper WUlX.I" 01 MIchigan" J,:ld4 publlL Resources CommlbSlOn AIrport Study CommIttee I'> bchoob eal ned hIgh honor:, The order spells a multI-mil. askmg the cltle;, for a total of • A be)ond cdpallty crowd 01 hon dollar constructlOn project up to $25,000 to hIre a con;,ul- Farm.., rp~ldenb have con- for the cIties Involved tant Vinced their city councd to • A ;,mall dog found thIS • The Grosse Pomte Park ,qua~h any notIOns by a devel- week frothing at the mouth has CIty CouncIl has passed a reso- oper to open an office '>upply died Qf rabIes lutlOn ealhng for the creatIOn of btore on the Hill The day Farms pollee pIcked a dlstnct court The plan '" ould have up the ammal It bit a 3-year- The move dIffers from prevI- IIlvol ved clo'>mg Hall Place at old girl The cmld has started ous debates welghmg the mer- Kercheval to make Iaam fOI taking Pasteur treatments, a Its of dlstnct vs mumclpal Staple<; Inc, an office <;upply rabies preventive A local vet- courts In the latest effort, the company erlnaMan sent the dog carcass Park proposes to go It alone ~The preliminary bIte plan I;' to Herman KIefer HospItal In and establish a dIstnct court unacceptable,' ~ald Fal m!> DetrOIt where ItS head was cut on ItS own councIlman John Danahel off • In the wake of numerous • Declallllg It a matter of • A would-be molester of problems With property assess- keepIng the ta,es ~eparate ;,0 young girls has City police on ments in Grosse POInte Woods, reSident,; can better know the hunt Police from the other the CIty admIlllstratlOn has what theY'1 e paylIlg for, the Pomtes have been asked to Jom hIred an assessment trou- Grosse POlllte Park CIty the hunt blesh~ter to determine what Council ha.
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