10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. May 28. 19«5 MANCHESTER EOCUS NEW ENGLAND WEATHER V. LOOK FOR THE STARS. i * N. Elm bond plan Rhubarb pies make Ex-lover Incriminates Clear sky tonight; could go to voters summertime smash Ivon Bulow once more sunny on Thursday Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get ... page 8 ... page 13 ... page 7 ... page 2 better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ★ difference It makes. Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4- Jianrhratrr M m lh Krr ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright CELEBRITY CIPHER ManchBBtsr, Conn. — A City of Viliage Charm Wednesday, May 29,1985 — Single copy: 264 C e H W ly O phw onfplogrEme ire creeled kom quowtone by lemoue people, peel end present Each letter le the t ip lw siandB lor anoinor 7P0l^*e oPre. 5 epueH O < by CONNIE WIENER WM. WAS OFbeA ihsniED ET ne>Na6WBofecAr. “KRWWVRUL YH NAL SRTX Lydall RQILPNMWL ePLR NS NAL House OKs eeoRWOTx.” — istn r yw l. hangs on PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "If w « kfMW lM(o««hand whar* wars going to fall, wa couM lay do«m a carpal." — Ruaaian provarb. to plant O O P ’s town • iaa»byNCA.InG. IW Bv Kathy Gormut Herald Reporter u o A L N o n cr TOWN OP ANOOVm ION Lydall Inc. ha« decided to retain aid measure PUOUC NSMUNO OP PLANMNO • lO N N M Cl ON C N A N O a IN MMOIvmiON MOULATKMM a paperboard manufacturing div- Tha Planning S Zoning Commission of Andovar, Connac- ioion Which company officiaU HARTFORD (U P I) - The state Republicans countered that 5 -1 * flcuf will hold 0 Public Mooring in fha lowar laval of lha Town announced earlier thio year they House has approved and sent to the O’Neill's plan was a “ one-sbot" Offlca Building on Monday. Juno Iblh of 7:30 p.m. on tha fol­ Senate a bill that would provide measure and towns and cities may lowing potiflons: had tentatively agreed to aell, a company opokeewoman said municipalities with $20 million a come to rely on money that Is year in revenue sharing grants to available this year but may not be To Contanfs of Raqulromonts of Mops: today. Ramova Sacflon 5.5. Erosion and Sadlmanloflon Control Carol Butanas, manager of cor­ hold down property taxes. in future years. Plan. Add ravlsad Sacflon 5.5, Erosion and porate relations for the The revenue-sharing plan was The GOP leaders say their plan CARS/TRUCKS CARS/TRUCKS Sadlmanfotton Control Plan. Manchester-baaed Lydall Inc., approved 119-12 T u ^ a y night is designed to be ongoing and is imFOR SALE FOR SALE To ramova Sacflon S.S antltlad Erosion and Sadlmantoflon aaid the company planned to after Republicans rejected a series based on formulas that represent a Control Plan ond raplaca with ravlsad Sacflon S.SantIf lad continue operating the Lydall ft of Democratic amendments. fair allocation of the money among Erosion and Sadlmantotlon Control Plan. The Republican plan would also rural, suburban and urban 75 TOYOTA STATION Fouldf Divioion in MancbMter for 1V75 MERCU RY COMET - To ramova Sacflon 11.3 antltlad DafInitlons and raplaca with at laatt aeveral more yean. take interest from the state's communities. Plus two snow tlrgg, auto­ WAGON - 5-spoad. Runs ravlsad Sacflon 11.3 antitia Dafinitlons. “ It hai been taken off the so-called Rainy Day fund, which is The Connecticut Conference of matic. air condltlonlno. on rggulor gas. Good At this haor Ing, Infarastad parsons may oppaor and ba h a ^ Municipalities, the state's largest and writtan communications will ba racal vad. Capias of tlw market,” abe oaid. expected to reach $200 million this AM/FM radio, no body condition. Now tiros, bot- municipal lobby, also called Tues­ rust. 71.000 original tory. clutch A timing proposad chongas ora on flla In tha offlca of tha Town Clark. But Butenai aaid the division year, and distribute that $20 Town Office Building. million a year for local road and day for lawmakers to provide mllgg. Ong ownor. E ncoI- chain. $995.649-7350. would probably be offered for sale Doted In Andover, Connecticut this 2Sfh day o f M ay, IfSS, again in the future. bridge repair work, using a differ­ more than the $40 million included Ignt canditlon. S2.S00. M3- and 7fh day o f Juno, 19S5. 2320 aftor dpm. 1976 CHEVY MALIBU The diviaion was put up for sale ent formula to distribute the aid. in the GOP plan. ANDOVER PLANNING 6 ZONING COMMISSION Democratic legislators offered The conference asked for a CLASSIC - Now gnglng. JOHN L. KOSTIC. CHAIRMAN last May because company offi­ an amendment, defeated 7S-70, substantial increase in first-year 1970 AMC CONCORD tiros, shocks and morol 073415 cials said it did not fit in with STATION WAGON • Asking $1,200. 6464615. Lydalt’s long-range plans to manu­ which would have provided funding for both the local road and Good running condition. facture more high-technology another $63.6 million to cities and property tax relief programs while Automatic, powor stoor- LBOALNOnCB products. towns for local road work and guaranteeing at least $20 million in 79|INtT0RCYCLEt/ TOWN OP ANOOUBR each area in coming years. Ing. goad tiros and PUBLIC NBARINO OPPIAMSONO o r : : : __________ Lydall President Millard H. property tax relief. brakos. $1,475. Call 643- i1 *Z l 1 ||CYCLE8 ON CNANBBB Bl XOMNOI RBOUIATIOIN Pryor Jr. said in February that the Democratic legislators said The House’s action came amidst 6002 or 649-6305. The Plonning 0 Zoning Cammissien of Andovar, Cannae- company had reached a tentative Tuesday the plan proposed by Gov. a flurry of other legislative 1904 HARLEY DAVID­ tlcutwIllholdoPuM Ic Haorlna In tha lowar level of tha Team WiUiam A. O’Neill U fairer and activity. ...:_U ldliiding on M............................... — ------- sales agreement with several 1976 OLDS STARFIRE - SON - Low ridor. bolt following p a tltl^ : buyers, including division Presi­ more comprriienaive than the $40 The Senate gave final approval A i r condltlonlno. drivo. 3.700 mllos. 05JOO. dent Paul G. Grady. Pryor refused million local aid program pro­ to bills mandaUng a two-year jail AM/FM. 4 (Ptod. V-6. 42941107. To Contants, Section 4 of lha Ganarol Ragulotlona, odd: at the time to name the other posed by the Legislature’s Repub­ term for first offemters for $1,700 or bott otfgr. lican m^ority. Erosion and Sadlmantotlon Control Plan A1& people involved in the deal or to UPi photo drunken driving and ending extra O'Neill bad proposed a $38.6 hours at bars and clubs. THUNDERBIRD. 1979 - Actlvltlat Raoulrlno a Corttflad Erosion A10.1 diaclose the terms of the tentative RECREATION and Sadimant Control Plan TOWN OP MANCHESTER agreement. President Reagan holds the book American revolution” against an "un­ million increase in aid to cities and It also approved so-called living Air. buckot Mats, wirg Examptlens 4.10J TOWN OF MANCHESTER LBOAL Nonca VBHCLES Erosion ond Sadimant Control Plan 4.10J LEGAL NOTICE Grady today, declined comment containing his tax proposals which he wise, unwanted and unfair” corporate towns to help avoid local property will legislation and a bill to reform wlwols. AM/FM boautl- Tha Plonnlnp and Zoning Commission will hold o public At o m eeting on M ov 20,19t5 the Planning and Zoning Com­ Minimum AccaplWa Standards 4.10.4 on the matter and referred huiulr- will present to Con9(esh- in a televised tax system. His plan would attempt to tax increases and a $25 millkm^ the one-man grand jury system. ful condition, woll maln- Issuance or Denial of Cortlflcotlon 4.10J haorlna on Monday, June 3,1W5 at 7:00 P.M . In the Haorlne mission m ode the follow in g decision: 17 ft. GLASSCRAFT Fl- Room, Lincoln Canter, 494 Main Street, Manchester. Con­ ies to group Vice President Leo­ increase in aid for road and bridge Meanwhile the House also ap- talnod. $3,600. 643-1047. CandlHens fWotlne to Soil Erosion and 4.106 ANNE L MHJXa g aiCHARO B. MEBRITT - aiTB FLAN - JBFFBR- speech Tueaday, the president asked cut individual and corporate tax rates. borgloss Boot-40horsop- Sadimant Control necticut to hoar ond consider tha following petitions: nard R. Jaskol, who was handling repairs, tapping the state'ssurplus prqved-a ooove to give coaenmers JACK DAVia- RESUBDIVISION- DCIR RUN TRAM. ANO LVDALL aON STREET (M-43A) Approved d detailed final site plan of AlnWoahs to join him in “ a second 1970 TAN FIESTA - Into- owor. Evinrudo motor Inspection 4.10.7 developm ent - Lot 2. Jefferson St. the sales negotiations. for the funds. at least three years to absorb rate and trallor. Now uphols- Sm aET <0-27B) - T o rasubdivide o portion o f Parcel C pros- House Minority Leader Irving J. rlor and body In good To Soetton 4, Oanorol Regulations, odd: antly contolnlna approximately 39.7 acres In tha "Lvdoll A copy of this decision has ben filed In the Town Clerk's of­ Jaskol was unavailable for com­ bikes to fiaance Connecticut’s condition. Good driving tory. $ie00. 42941107. Erosion and Sadlmantotlon Control Plan 4.10. Woods" rasubdivislon Into 75 lots and four parcels to be fice. ment this nnoming, but a spokes­ Stolberg, D-New Haven, said the share of the Millstone III and ' condition but noods soma To Soctlon 34, DoRnltlona, ramova and add: known os Section III, Phases V, VI, VII ond VIII "Lvdoll Democratic plan would help com­ Seabrook 1 nuclear power plants.
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