th Published Weekly — Founded 1867 NOTRE DAME V Lull before the storm: Bengal Bouters Hear Nappy Read the Pairings V Volume 75 Number 18 March 20. 1942 THE WEEK Disce Qvasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi BY J. Q. O'CONNELL Cras Moritxints FOUNDED 1867 Top Of The Week: A REPORT ON "H.M.S. PINAFORE," Boxing for Bengal! OR "Who's Going to Watch the Night Watchman?" Somebody advised us the other day to All In A Week, or So. drop into Washington Hall, and see how We've got lots of stuif to write about the Savoyards were getting along with this week. First of all there was that the operetta, Avhich reminds us that we* Senior Party, a while back. You remem­ forgot to ask Mr. Birder what "Savo­ ber the Senior Party, don't you, "Ma­ yards" means. Apparently, it was an off ma"? Larry Aubrey apparently got a moment, because there wasn't much go­ big kick out of one of those cigars that ing on. Tony Donadio Avas off in one were passed around. He took ten puffs corner memorizing his part, or taking a THOMAS V. POAVERS, Editor and it kicked him right under the table. snooze (we couldn't tell which), and Everyone was so busy having a good Jerry Heinlen was up on the stage go­ DON HELTZEL Managing Editor time that poor Larry Avasn't found until ing through a dance routine. The only WILLIAM SCANLAN Promotion the following morning, when someone other people around were Professor JOHN DINGES Sports Editor picked him up, thinking it was a new Birder, the director, and Jim Purcell, WILLIAM BAADER Art Editor kind of sweet roll. Speaking of the Sen­ who plays "Dead-eye Dick," or some TOM CLEMENS Administration Editor ior Party, has anyone seen George Blatt character like that. Jim has to go all DAN DOWNEY. Campus Editor lately? We hope he's still around. through the proceedings stooped over in ED DRINKAKD Staff Photographer what Mr. Birder called a "loAv-comical" LEO LEE Advertising position, with one hand on his knee and FRANK KIENER Advertising Then there was the opening of spring the other twisted up somewhere behind JOHN LYNCH Photo Editor football practice last Monday or Tues­ his neck. He was worried about the pur­ REV. C. M. CAREY, C.S.C. Faculty Advisor day. It was good to hear once again those ity of his tone, and Mr. Birder was try­ agonized screams coming from old Car-, ing to alleviate his fears. Member of Catholic School Press Association and tier Field. Kind of sets a man's blood to .A.ssociated Collegiate P'ress, Distributor of Colleg­ tingling on these blustery March days. "Why, Jim," he said, "think of Jeritza. iate Digest. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison In fact, it tingled our blood so much that There's a spot in "Tosca" where she falls Avenue, New Yorlc City—Chicago—^Boston—Iios flat on her face, and sings high E with Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHOLASTIC is we impetuously thj-ew our thesis up for published thirty-three times during the schoolyear grabs and ran down there, scrunching her hair spread out over the foot-lights." at the University of Notre Dame. Address all man­ uscripts to Editor, 228 Walsh Hall or 121 Admin­ up near the fence, (on this side, of He then sang high E to demonstrate, but istration Bldg., Notre Bame. Ind. course), just to get in the spirit of it all. Ave can't reproduce the effect here. "And Jim," he Avent on, "if Jeritza can do it, Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave We can't swear to the accuracy of our Maria Buillding: Sunday through Wednesday at hearing through a board fence, but when so can you." 7:15 p.m. we listened yesterday there was one cry We're looking forward to "H.M.S. Pin­ that stood out above all others. It was a afore." monotonous refrain, repeated over and over by somebody with a fine baritone IN THIS ISSUE voice, and it went like this: "Alley OOP, "The Charge of the PAGE tiddley bum, alley OOP, tiddley bum, NEWS etc." We think it's just the way they set Homeless Orphans" the timing, but, by golly, we'd like to Uncle Jake, doAvn the corridor, sug­ ADMINISTRATION make sure. gests that Mr. Easley make a kind of Bengal in Jap Invasion Path 5 Oklahoma Land Rush out of the Grand Fenlon Resigns 6 And how about those Bengal Bouts Hegira coming up. He Avants the refu­ that have been going on for the last gees from all evacuated halls to line up three nights? By this time the Fresh­ in front of the Cafe on moving day, at CAMPUS Avhich time some reliable, disinterested men know what that Bengal Bout busi­ Compulsory Phy.-Ed. Seen 10 ness is all about, but one man from person — Father Ryan, for instance — St. Ed's Moves Dillon—To Laugh 12 Breen - Phillips, who had originally Avould fire a gun and set them off. What planned to watch from inside the ring, a spectacle! Imagine 500 men, Avith their ended up as a common spectator. He's a beasts of burden, roaring madly down SPORTS big strapping boy, this fellow is, and he the East-West quadrangle, pouring into Bouts Finals Tomorrow Night 3 once had aspirations in the heavyweight Dillon, thundering into Alumni, gallop­ division. Knows his boxing, too. But as ing over to Cavanaugh! And as soon as Hines Named Frosh Diamond Coach..26 soon as he found he was slated to meet a man found a vacant upper berth any- Coadi Hines in the eliminations, he gave Avhere along the route, • he Avould stake FEATURES up. You see, he- also hopes to make the out his claim, and make that little spot The Week .„.„.„;.. ^_„„..: „.. 2 Freshman Baseball Squad, arid he fig­ his home. College- Parade .i„....-...:....^.. 7 ured that thrashing the coach might pos­ Non-students like -Mr. O'Malley and Man About the Campus ...I..:...., 20 sibly delay the recognition of his talents Father Claridge, AA'ho have a lot of books Introducing ,...:„:^„.„.„..l 27 on the diamond. He has you all wrong, to carry, Avould, of course, be given a Scoops 'n^Splinters .:........ 24 doesn't he. Coach? 10 or 20-yard head start. What About Sports? : 24 The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Anthorized June 25. 1918. Volume 75 MARCH 20, 1942 Number 18 NOTRE DAME'S FASTEST HUMAN. JACK ELDER, IS HONORARY REFEREE AT NTH BENGAL TANGLE Notre Dame's fastest human, the fast­ among all-time Notre Dame football est man ever to play football, and secre­ greats though he had never competed tary of the Illinois Athletic Commission in high school football. His 97-yard pass — Jack Elder — returns to his Alma interception and runback for a touch­ Mater tomorrow night in the role of down against Armj' is stiU ranked as Honorary Eeferee at the 11th annual the highlight of a long Cadet-Irish ri­ Bengal Bouts, University boxing cham­ valry. pionships. In track, Jack was one of the greatest Elder assumes the role of Honorary indoor sprinters of all time. He tied the Referee which has been capably filled in world record in the GO-yard dash (:6.2 the past by such men as Jerry Heffer- seconds) at least 20 times during his nan, Loyola University boxing coach; career. He also ran the 100 in :9.6, tying Billy Conn, Joe Louis, chief threat to the Notre Dame record. His coach, the boxing supremacy; Barney Eoss, light­ late John P. Nicholson, says that Elder, weight champion; Packey McFarland, had he wished, could have broken the also once of the Illinois Athetic Commis­ 60-yard dash mark any time he wished. sion; Gerald (Tuffy) Griffith, heavy­ However, Elder consistently refused to weight contender; Max Marek, one-time get the "lift" or beat the gun as most student here and also a Golden Gloves sprinters do. That same fair play has Frank E. Hering champion; Danno O'Mahoney, wres­ won him a position on the Illinois Ath­ tling's titlist; and Frank Leahy, "Coach letic Commission, a post he was appoint­ ball coaches gathered together a few- of the Year" and Notre Dame athletic ed to by Illinois' Governor Dwnght Green years ago at a Central CoUegiate Con­ director. on March 25, 1941. ference track carnival were unanimous The Chicago guest captained the 1929 in naming Elder the fastest man ever Irish track team and acquired a position Trackmen, newspapermen and foot- to compete in collegiate football. On ser- Bengal finalists: Notre Dame's best will meet in the old gymnasium tomorrow night. eral occasions some official watches Woman Writer, Teacher, of the Laetare Medal since 1883 are: clocked him in :6.1 for the 60-yard dash. 1896, Gen. William S. Eosecrans, Union Jack, before succeeding Barney Eoss as Receives Laetare Medal leader in the Civil War; 1902, John B. secretary of the Illinois Athletic Com­ Murphy, surgeon; 1907, Katherine E. Charles Kleibacker mission, was athletic director of the Chi­ Conway, journalist; 1910, Maurice Fran­ cago Catholic Youth Organization. cis Egan, author and diplomat; 1914, Helen Constance AVhite, University of Edward Douglas White, at that time Wisconsin professor, has been announced Chief Justice of the United States. as the winner of the Laetan-e Medal awarded annually by the University of In 1917, William Shepherd Benson, Notre Dame to the person recognized as admiral and chief of naval operations; an outstanding member of the Catholic 1929, Alfred E.
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