the Ricardian Bulletin The magazine of the Richard III Society ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE REINTERMENT RICHARD III'S ISOTOPE ANALYSIS 2014 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING BOSWORTH 2014 REVIEW December 2014 Advertisement the Ricardian Bulletin The magazine of the Richard III Society December 2014 Richard III Society Founded 1924 Contents www.richardiii.net 2 From the Chairman In the belief that many features of the tradi- 3 Reinterment news tional accounts of the character and career of 6 Members’ letters Richard III are neither supported by sufficient evidence nor reasonably tenable, the Society 9 Society news and notices aims to promote in every possible way 20 Future Society events research into the life and times of Richard III, 22 Society reviews and to secure a reassessment of the material relating to this period and of the role in 32 Other news, reviews and events English history of this monarch. 40 Research news Patron 43 Looking for Richard – the follow-up HRH The Duke of Gloucester KG, GCVO 51 The Man Himself: President 51 Richard III: the isotope analysis Professor Jane Evans Peter Hammond FSA 52 Richard III: scoliosis, pulmonary disease and historical data Vice Presidents Peter Stride John Audsley, Kitty Bristow, Moira Habberjam, 54 Articles Carolyn Hammond, Jonathan Hayes, 54 A Christmas celebration – medieval to modern Toni Mount Rob Smith. 55 A review of ‘Rulers, Relics and the Holiness of Power’ Executive Committee Susan L. Troxell Phil Stone (Chairman), Jacqui Emerson, Gretel Jones, Sarah Jury, Marian Mitchell, 57 The lady of Warblington Diana Whitty Wendy Moorhen, Sandra Pendlington, Lynda 59 Pain relief in the later Middle Ages Tig Lang Pidgeon, John Saunders, Anne Sutton, 61 Books Richard Van Allen, David Wells, Susan Wells, Geoffrey Wheeler, Stephen York. 65 From the Barton Library 67 Branch and group reports The Ricardian Bulletin is produced by the Bulletin Editorial Committee. 67 From the Branches and Groups Liaison Officer [email protected] 71 Membership © Richard III Society 2014 ISSN 0308 4337 Other features Individual contributions and illustrations © the contributors except where otherwise 21 Ricardian crossword 10 by Sanglier stated. 38 On the lighter side Designed by Flagholme Publishing Services 72 Coming in March’s Bulletin Printed by XLPress Limited Distributed by E-Mediacy Limited 72 Obituary Advertising contact: Howard Choppin, Inside back cover: Society contacts, Subscription rates and Calendar [email protected] For details on submitting future contribut ions, please see p. 41. Cover photo: King Richard prepares to make his final charge at the Bosworth anniversary weekend – see p. 22. (Photo: Stephen York.) Right: The Leicester Richard III Visitor Centre is now open – see p. 32. 1 From the CHAIRMAN As I write, another amazing Ricardian year has ended events in Fotheringhay for many years, I am particularly and there is the promise of an even more exceptional one pleased to see a group being formed there. Now that to come. In my address to the AGM, of which an Juliet Wilson is no longer able to be our eyes and ears, abridged version appears on p. 13, I emphasised the we really do need a closer presence in the village of importance of ensuring that King Richard is buried with Richard’s birth and, just to show what we say about dignity and honour, and we all have a part to play in geography and membership of the branches and that. For that week in Leicester next March, I hope all groups, I am already signed up as a long‐distance Ricardians – individuals and organisations – will come member of the Fotheringhay group! together and honour King Richard, for he deserves We have a number of members who have been nothing less. involved with the Society for a very long time, indeed in By now, all those of you who were members on or some cases for over half a century. Shirley Linsell is a before 13 November will have received full details of the prime example of such service, and I am pleased to note Society’s own arrangements for the reinterment week, that we have a report about the recent party celebrating together with details of the ballot for places at the main her 80th birthday and 55 years membership of the events where numbers are limited. A great deal of work Richard III Society; well done Shirley and belated many has gone into these arrangements and I would again happy returns. like to express my thanks to all involved with putting Our Members’ Day and AGM in Norwich was very the programme together. successful: the attendance was high, the atmosphere That we have reached this point is due, of course, to friendly, all our stalls reported a good day’s trading the Looking for Richard team and the ultimate success and, as one might have expected, Helen Castor’s talk of their project. I was very pleased to further was both fascinating and informative. There was, of acknowledge their achievement with the award of course, much anticipation for the events of next March honorary life membership to Annette Carson, to and a common desire for everything to proceed with complement the same honour already given to Philippa dignity and respect. From a personal point of view, too, Langley and John Ashdown‐Hill. The team have it was good to meet and talk to members from across the published their account of the project and subsequent country and overseas. My thanks to those new members events and you can read a review of it on p. 61 who made themselves known to me. This is another very full, interesting and entertaining We welcome two new members of the Executive Bulletin. We have articles touching on Richard’s diet, his Committee, our new treasurer Sarah Jury and Sandra scoliosis and remedies he may have used to relieve pain. Pendlington. They both come with useful new skills and Toni Mount provides us with a fascinating account of experience, as can be seen from their profiles on p. 16. medieval and modern Christmas festivities, together To further strengthen the team, we are now seeking a with an intriguing recipe for Lamb’s Wool Wassail. We Communications Manager to help with the increasing also have our usual eclectic range of reviews and news. workload generated by our internet presence and These days, there is certainly no shortage of material expanding membership. See the notice on p. 17 and do when it comes to the subject of Richard III. get in contact if you are interested in the post. We hear from Dominic Smee, who won a lot of As we approach the festive season, may I wish all praise, and justly so, for his participation as King members an enjoyable Christmas wherever you are, and Richard’s body‐double in the recent Channel 4 a safe and happy New Year, as we welcome the year documentary, their shared scoliosis adding much to its when we will honour both the man and the king. realism. I’m delighted to report that we have now Phil Stone awarded Dominic five years’ honorary membership of the Society. Subscriptions now overdue I’m pleased to read in Jacqui Emerson’s report that our new groups are making good progress in getting Subscriptions for the current membership year were due on established; it’s certainly true that joining a branch or 2 October 2014. If you haven’t yet renewed, please see the group is a great way to meet like‐minded Ricardians. renewal form in the centrefold section for rates and It’s also good to see that there are aspirations to start methods of payment. Please note that renewal by 31 new groups in the Birmingham, Oxford and December latest is an essential condition for inclusion in Fotheringhay areas and also a new American chapter in the ballot for reinterment events (see next page) California. Having been closely associated with Society 2 REINTERMENT news prayer will include ecumenical participation and Mass Reinterment update will be celebrated for the repose of his soul in the church Leicester Cathedral’s and the Society’s own plans for the of Holy Cross, the local Catholic Church. week of the reinterment are now well advanced. All • The remains of Richard III will be received into those who were members as at 13 November should Leicester Cathedral on Sunday 22nd March 2015; an already have received a mailing outlining details of both invited congregation will pray at a service of programmes together with information about the Compline, where Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the balloting arrangements for those events where there will Archbishop of Westminster, will preach. be limited ticket allocations. However, to qualify for the • On Monday 23 March, Cardinal Nichols will ballot your 2014/15 subscription renewal must have celebrate Mass for the repose of the soul (a ‘Requiem been received by the Membership Officer no later than Mass’) of Richard III in Holy Cross Church, the Catholic parish church and Dominican priory in 31 December 2014. Any member who joined on or before Leicester city centre. The Choir from St Barnabas’ 13 November 2014 and has not received this mailing Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Diocese of please contact the Secretaries (contact details on the Nottingham, will sing at this Mass, which will be inside back cover). open to the public. The highlights of the Society’s programme are: • On Thursday 26 March, the mortal remains of Richard III will be re‐interred in Leicester Cathedral, • A hospitality suite available from 23 to 27 March, with an invited congregation and in the presence of which will act as a useful meeting/rest place for the Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of members and a focal point for the many Ricardians Canterbury and senior clergy from both dioceses, who will be in Leicester for the reinterment events.
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