- Spring is whispering in the glen, Calling things to life again. The brook that has been still so long Now sings a free and happy song. Bursting buds and leafing trees ornING Waft their fragrance on the breeze. Flowering meadows have begun by To bask content beneath the sun. Mark Bullock Woodland ways all sweetly dress In peaceful scenes of loveliness. How good God is to give rebirth To all the beauty of the earth. In This Issue . Each April for the past four years we have SIIGNS published a special number devoted exclusively to some timely theme. In 1961 it was "Minutes to Morning"; in 1962, "Facing the Future"; in OF THE TIMES 1963, "Truth Centered in Christ"; and in 1964, "A Faith for the Space Age." Each has enjoyed The World's Prophetic Monthly a circulation in excess of one million copies. A Magazine of Christian Living, Presenting This year our subject is "Hope for a Hope- the Bible as the Word of God and Jesus less World," and we trust it will prove a bless- Christ as Man's Redeemer and Coming King ing to many hundreds of thousands of readers around the globe. EDITOR . ARTHUR S. MAXWELL Veteran contributor Roy F. Cottrell writes ART DIRECTOR . Howard C. Larkin on "Hope of the Ages," telling how the prom- ise of Christ's second coming has brought cheer LAYOUT ARTIST . Paul B. Ricchiuti to God's people down the centuries and is still the one true hope of the world today. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS : Karl Abrahamsen, Norway; W. L. Emmerson, England; C. H. Hamel, Pakistan; Not only is Christ's second coming "the D. L. Michael, Canada; R. C. Piper, Australia; Daniel R. Guild, blessed hope"; every phase of the everlasting Singapore; T. R. Torkelson, India. gospel is radiant with it—a truth well brought out by R. Allan Anderson, well-known evan- gelist, in his article "Hope for You" on page 9. Volume 92 Number 4 April, 1965 Here he shows how the worst of sinners can find deliverance through Christ. In a special way the gospel provides hope for youth, revealing the secret of a truly happy CONTENTS and meaningful life through faith in God and His Word. Be sure to read the message by Wil- liam A. Fagal on page 12. ARTICLES Likewise the gospel provides the one true Hope for a Hopeless World . Arthur S. Maxwell 4 hope for the sorrowing, as pointed out by Rich- Hope of the Ages . Roy F. Cottrell 6 ard H. Utt on page 14. No matter what the Hope for You R. Allan Anderson 9 cause of your sorrow may be, there is comfort Hope for Youth William A. Fagal 12 in God's promises, especially that of life through Hope for the Sad . Richard H. Utt 14 Christ at the resurrection. The Book of Hope . Raymond H. Libby 16 "Hope for the Weary" is a novel presenta- Hope for the Weary . • C. Mervyn Maxwell 18 tion of the Sabbath, by C. Mervyn Maxwell, . showing how God's provision for a weekly rest Hope for Tomorrow . D. A. Delafield 21 day for mankind is another phase of the great Hope for the Sick . Harold Shryock, M.D. 26 good news He offers to the world today. On, Regardless! . Mary J. Vine 29 "Hope for the Sick," by Harold Shryock, Hope for the Smoker . E. 1. Folkenberg 30 M.D., on page 26, describes God's plan for your Hope Springs Eternal Sanford T. Whitman 34 good health, another essential phase of the ever- lasting gospel. POEMS "Hope for Tomorrow," by D. A. Delafield, Spring . Mark Bullock 2 looks ahead to the glorious future that awaits all Spring in the Heart . Marie Daerr 7 who love God. See page 21. Special attention is called to the announce- ment on page 23 of a new free Bible Study REGULAR FEATURES Guide which we heartily commend to all read- Signs Counsel Corner . William A. Fagal 24 ers who would like to advance their knowledge Your Health Questions Answered Clifford R. Anderson, M.D. 28 of the Word of God. Your Bible Questions Answered . Charles D. Utt 32 11 1 11 11 111 1 11 The SIGNS OF THE TIMES is printed and published monthly (twelve issues Rates in U.S.A., its possessions, and Canada: 1111 1 One-year subscription $4 50 a year) by the Pacific Press Publishing Association at 1350 Villa Street, Moun- 11111 11 tain View, California 94041, U.S.A. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Single copy 45 111 Mountain View, California. Form 3579 requested. Allow thirty days in request- 111 11 ing change of address; give both old and new addresses. Only paid-in-advance To other countries requiring extra postage: 111 subscriptions entered. Member of Associated Church Press and Religious One-year subscription ..... $4.90 11 News Service. Copyright, 1964, by the Pacific Press Publishing Association. 3 ALPHA Heaven-Sent Message of Good Cheer When the Soviet premier made his announcement, subsequently modi- fied, that Russia now possesses a "monstrous new weapon," he revealed anew the hopelessness that permeates the world today. "So what?" was the immediate answer of multitudes around the globe. If existing nuclear weapons are capable of destroying all civilization in a matter of hours, why worry if someone has found a way to do it in seconds? Furthermore, if the new weapon is non-nuclear, as was later explained, it largely nullifies the value of the test-ban treaty, which sought to prevent the augmentation of nuclear devices. Thus another glimmer of hope fades into obscurity. Likewise, the last relic of hope that the United Nations might provide the means to assuage international tensions has largely disappeared. With its pathetic failures in the Congo and Yemen, and the revelation of its almost total helplessness in Cyprus, nobody longer believes that its efforts can be other than feeble and temporary. Tension between Russia and China, Malaysia and Indonesia, Arabia and Israel, Black Africa and South Africa, indicates the frailty of the peace we enjoy today and how quickly all that has been gained since 1945 could be lost in the maelstrom of another world war. Riots in leading cities of America, India, Korea, Japan, and other countries, together with the madness of modern youth seeking expression in senseless vandalism and lawlessness, provide still further evidence of the hopelessness in the hearts of multitudes today. Contented people, with a hopeful outlook, don't act this way. These may be years of prosperity and plenty, but acquisition of material goods has brought little genuine happiness. Better-equipped houses and two-car garages have not reduced the number of broken homes. Millions who possess more mechanical gadgets than any other generation are pe- rennially dissatisfied and disgruntled, trying to drown their frustrations in alcohol, suffocate them with tobacco smoke, or numb them with barbitu- rates. More people have more time for recreation nowadays, but seemingly with little inner joy and contentment. More people consult psychiatrists today than ever before, but with ever decreasing peace of mind. by Arthur S. Maxwell Even in religious circles there is not much true hope left. False scien- tific hypotheses have largely destroyed faith in the Bible, while modernist 2,sfE preachers have just about eliminated God from His universe. Bible promises that once brought hope to millions seem no longer valid, leaving millions with "no hope, and without God in the world." Ephesians 2:12. Desperately needed today is a revival of hope based on sound, incon- trovertible evidence. This in turn demands a rediscovery of God, the God of the Bible, for there is no hope for the present or the future apart from Him. There is profound truth in a passage in the book of Revelation which depicts the giving of a message to all mankind in the days preceding the final scenes of earth's history: "I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting TlinZ gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, ‹pl and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and wor- ship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." Revelation 14:6, 7. Note well the burden of this message: "Fear God, and give glory to Him." The existence of God, the omnipotent and eternal Deity, who created and sustains all things, lies at the foundation—at the very heart —of the everlasting gospel. As men turn to this sublime personal Being in worship and adoration, they discover not only an all-powerful Creator but an infinitely loving Friend—someone upon whom they can lean in every time of need, and on whose promises they can rely with confidence. They discover, too, the plan which this infinite Creator devised for man's redemption—His willingness not only to become man Himself but to die on a cross for the human race. They learn also of His resurrection from the dead, His ascension to heaven, and His promise to return as King of kings and Lord of lords. Here are the wellsprings of hope, hidden within and leaping forth from the infinite compassion of God. Hope springs eternal because it springs from God. Hope will never . die as long as God lives. From Him flows the "everlasting gospel"—the eternal good tidings of love, peace, and hope which in His limitless mercy He still offers to man. Within the "everlasting gospel" is all the hope the world needs today.
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