December 2004 ‘You’re Doing An Awesome Job’: OKDHS Employees Receive $1,000 Bonus By Kevan Goff-Parker Inside OKDHS Editor There’s a wise saying: “Good things come to those who wait.” Truer words have rarely been spoken when it comes to the recent fortunes of OKDHS employees. The Oklahoma Commission for Human Services on Oct. 26 accepted the hearty recommendation by Direc- tor Howard H. Hendrick to reward all full-time permanent and probationary employees with a one-time high per- formance bonus of $1,000, upgrade technology within the Department and provide funds for adoption subsidies. (Editor’s Note: See related story on page 5.) After the Commission voted to approve the recommendation, Okla- homa Commission for Human Ser- vices member Dr. Edward R. Munnell said employees get their sense of direction from Director Hendrick and his senior staff. He said awarding the one-time bonus was “good common sense, practical and realistic.” “When there’s a problem, these people (OKDHS employees) knock themselves out each day,” Munnell said. “I really feel proud to be on this Commission and to serve with these OKDHS Director Howard H. Hendrick smiles on Oct. 26 as the Oklahoma Com- fine people.” mission for Human Services approves his recommendation that all full-time per- Commissioner Steve Beebe manent and probationary employees receive a $1,000 high performance bonus praised OKDHS for the fact that adop- for their exceptional work and performance in recent years. Commission Vice- BONUS continued on page 4 Chair Ronald L. Mercer is pictured in the background. The Chaplain’s Corner Happy Holidays From Your OKDHS Chaplains! By Don Henderson their fellow man. This gift assures us we are loved, even Garfield County Director and Countless times I have seen staff though we know often times we are Chaplain members giving sacrificially of their difficult to love. God’s gift assures us finances, talents and time to meet the that we are never alone, regardless of needs of others, and this is especially where we are or our circumstances true during the holidays. They are peo- and that we have a hope of a better ple who aren’t concerned with them- tomorrow even during life’s darkest selves, but focused on the needs of hour. What an awesome gift! others. Although names frequently change within the workplace, our For 26 years it has been a bless- Agency’s plight and mission remains ing to watch you reach out to the peo- constant, as does our desire to serve ple of Oklahoma and provide them when we become aware of a crisis or with compassion, resources and hope need. for tomorrow and meeting them at the This year will be no different as hour of their greatest need. This holi- parents and grandparents will come to Chaplain Don Henderson day season, as an OKDHS chaplain, I us without the resources to provide for wanted to make sure that each of you It is so amazing to live in a land their children and grandchildren and knows how special you are and how where you can freely worship. request a helping hand to make the proud I am of your commitment and Regardless of your personal beliefs, holidays a special time for their fami- you must admit that the holiday sea- lies. Custody children living in foster “From the smallest son is an incredible time of year for homes, institutions and shelters will wonder if anyone loves them or will our Agency. I understand that this county to our largest time of year has many meanings for remember them during the holidays. the people who make up our OKDHS There will be both young and family. My desire is that you will elderly Adult Protective Services and institution, OKDHS staff allow me to share my impressions Developmental Disabilities Services from the 26 holiday seasons I have Division clients who will find them- going the extra mile is experienced at OKDHS. selves all alone, wondering if anyone cares. More people will come through You see, OKDHS has always commonplace .” our doors with incredible needs and been somewhat of a ministry to me, nowhere else to turn. That is the time not just a job. I really believe that this - Don Henderson when OKDHS staff will rise to the is the consensus of most folks who occasion, just as they have done time work here, especially during the holi- service to others. and time again by providing food, days. I have witnessed some incredi- I have but one request this holi- gifts, a warm smile, a pat on the back ble things during the holiday season day season, when you are at home or even a hug telling those in need that that make me so proud of this Depart- with family or friends enjoying this they are special to us and that some- ment and my peers throughout the special time, please remember our one cares about them. Those duties are state. From the smallest county to our not on an OPM-111, they are etched men and women and their families largest institution, OKDHS staff on the hearts of the staff members of who are serving in our armed forces going the extra mile is commonplace this Department. and won’t be home for the holidays. – people performing above and For many of us it comes very nat- Please keep them in your thoughts and beyond the call of duty, not because prayers! they have to but because they care for urally because of God’s gift of love. 2 INSIDE OKDHS — December 2004 Howard Hendrick Has ‘Best Foot Forward’ All The Time … By George Earl Johnson Jr. turned all of the praise and honor back and seen members of the Executive For the record, he wears a size toward his co-workers and co-labor- Team and others demonstrate their 10-1/2. And he puts it forward with a ers, the employees of OKDHS. loyalty and support as they moved Lincoln-like stride as he crosses a Hundreds have sent e-mails and quickly to help him make critical room, an office, our state or the nation. notes to Director Hendrick during the directional decisions. After six and one-half years, we have I’ve watched Director Hendrick’s seen many of his best efforts in lead- Best Foot Forward lift people up when ing Oklahoma’s largest government they were down, and I’ve watched agency – the Oklahoma Department of him use the same foot to motivate Human Services. His Best Foot For- them when they needed a little extra ward stories are too numerous to list push in the right direction. here and would read like an eloquent- I’ve watched him take into con- ly written statesman’s biography. sideration what to do with recently “Yes, this has been an awesome received federal high performance Hey, Chief!! year,” coming from OKDHS Director bonus funds. For those of us who In penning this Best Foot Howard H. Hendrick’s lips and key- have listened closely to his words Forward, I am voicing to you board – words that have been repeated over the years, the action he took was the thanks and gratitude of so many times it has been coined as not really a surprise. It was the action thousands of OKDHS employ- his own iconian statement by those of of a man keeping his word. For more ees and their families who us who work with him and around him than three years, he has said there has wish to salute you as a “Man daily. to be a way to do something for our for This Season in Human Yes, this has been an awesome employees. “We have to find a way to Services …” year for those of us working at say more than just a thank you … for OKDHS and for the thousands of their loyalty and dedication.” And a Respectfully, Oklahomans whom we have had the way was made … privilege to serve. The Oklahoma Commission for When Director Hendrick took his Human Services voted unanimously to first action as the 14th Director of support the Hendrick plan for investing OKDHS on July 1, 1998, it was walk- the high performance bonus funds ing through the door at 7:40 a.m. at the last six-plus years. And he has sent back into those who earned them, Canadian County office in El Reno. thousands of cards, letters and notes to directly and indirectly. A Nov. 8 edito- Without words, that action said loudly you when loved ones were ill or had rial in The Oklahoman stepped up to that his focus would be on OKDHS passed away, when your children got the plate fully supporting the effort. employees and that his humanity recognized for their good work at Director Hendrick reminds us would be for the people. school or in the communities where regularly, through the words of C.S. His Best Foot Forward leader- you live. Notes of thanks for an excel- Lewis, that we must bear the weight ship efforts in setting new Oklahoma lent job or good works on your part in of our neighbors on our backs daily records in adoptions, child care and keeping the OKDHS mission alive and that we have never met just a child support enforcement caused the have also graced one’s mail. mere mortal. American Society for Public Adminis- With nearly 8,000 people on the Once again applying his Lin- tration and the National Academy of OKDHS payroll, Director Hendrick coln-like stride, Director Hendrick Public Administration to name him the has had to deal with tough decisions, takes one more step, wearing his top public administrator in America too.
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