Faciès and biostratigraphy of the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian sedimentary séquence in the Carnic Alps (Austria/ltaly) Karl KRAINER Institute for Geology and Paleontology, University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck (Austria) Karl.Krainer® uibk.ac.at Vladimir DAVYDOV Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, Idaho 83725 (USA) [email protected] In memoriam Franz Kahler (1900-1996) Krainer K. & Davydov V. 1998. — Faciès and biostratigraphy of the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian sedimentary séquence in the Carnic Alps (Austria/ltaly), in Crasquin-Soleau S., Izart A., Vaslet D. & De Wever P. (eds), Peri-Tethys: stratigraphie cor- relations 2, Geodiversitas 20 (4) : 643-662. ABSTRACT The Late Catbonifetous/Early Permian séquence in the Carnic Alps (Austria/ltaly) is a more than 2000 m thick succession of shallow matine clastic and carbonate sedimentaty rocks. The succession unconformably overlies rhe folded Variscan basement and is divided into Bombaso Fotmation, Auernig Group, Rartendotf Group and Trogkofel Group. Auernig Group and Rattendorf Group are charactetized by clastic-catbonate cycles related to Gondwana glacioeustatic sea level changes. Catbonates contain abundant fossils throughout the séquence, biostratigtaphy is mainly based on fusulinids. Fine-grained clastic intervais contain abundant plant fossils, allowing a close corrélation with fluvial succession of the Eastern Alps KEYWORDS (Stangnock Fotmation of the Gutktal Nappe). Fusulinids of the Carnic Alps Peri-Tethys, Late Carboniferous, show high similarity wirh those of the Russian Platfotm, Donets Basin and Early Permian, Ptedonets Trough, Southern Urals and particulatly with Central Asia. Carnic Alps, faciès, Uppermost Moscovian, Kasimovian, Gzhelian, lowermost Asselian, late biostratigraphy, Asselian, Sakmarian and Artinskian équivalents ate established and précise fusulinids, corrélation with sttatotype légions have been completed. Fusulinid, cono- conodonts, plant fossils. dont and plant fossil data well coirespond with each othet. GEODIVERSITAS • 1998 • 20(4) 643 Krainer K. & Davydov V. RÉSUMÉ Faciès et biostratigraphie de la séquence sédimentaire Carbonifère supérieur! Permien inférieur dans les Alpes carniques (Autriche/Italie). La séquence Carbonifère supérieur/Permien inférieur dans les Alpes carniques (Autriche/Italie) est constituée de plus de 2000 m de roches élastiques et car- bonatées marines peu profondes. La succession recouvre en discordance le socle varisque plissé et est subdivisée en la Formation Bombaso, les Groupes Auernig, Rattendorf et Trogkofel. Les Groupes Auernig et Ratendorf sont caractérisés par des cycles élastiques et carbonates produits par des variations glacio-eustatiques (Gondwana). Les carbonates contiennent des fossiles abon­ dants tout au long de la séquence, la biostratigraphie étant principalement fondée sur les fusulines. Les intervalles élastiques fins contiennent des fossiles de plantes abondants, permettant une corrélation étroite avec la succession fluviatile des Alpes orientales (Formation Stangnock de la nappe de Gurktal). Les fusulines des Alpes carniques montrent de grande similarité avec celles de MOTS CLÉS la plate-forme russe, bassins du Donetz et Predonetz, Oural du Sud et parti­ Péri-Téthys, Carbonifère supérieur, culièrement Asie centrale. Des équivalents de la partie supérieure du Permien inférieur, Moscovien, Kasimovien, Gzhélien, de la partie inférieure de l'Assélien, de Alpes carniques, l'Assélien supérieur, du Sakmarien et de l'Artinskien ont pu être établis et faciès, biostratigraphie, une corrélation précise avec les régions stratotypes a été accomplie. Les don­ fusulines, nées sur les fusulines, conodontes et plantes fossiles correspondent bien les conodontes, plantes fossiles. unes aux autres. INTRODUCTION 1981; Kahler 1983, 1985, 1986, 1989; Fritz et al. 1990; Venturini 1990; Krainer 1992, 1993 In the Carnic Alps (southern Austria/northern and Forke 1995 for further informations and Italy) the folded Variscan basement is unconfor- références). The présent paper gives a summary mably overlain by a thick succession of shallow of the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian séquen­ marine clastic and carbonate rocks of the Late ce with spécial emphasis on the biostratigraphy Carboniferous Bombaso Formation and Auernig and corrélation with other régions. Group and the Early Permian Rattendorf and Trogkofel Group (Fig. 1). Thèse rocks were deposited in discrète basins formed by block and FACIES wrench faulting subséquent to the Variscan oro­ genic phase with its climax during the BOMBASO FORMATION Westphalian. Classic outcrops occur in the cen­ The Bombaso Formation consists of poorly sort- tral Camic Alps along the Austrian/Italian border ed immature breccias and conglomérâtes which (Fig. 2). Sedimentary rocks of ail formations, are either predominantly composed of radiola- particularly the carbonates, contain abundant rian chert and volcanic clasts (Pramollo Member) fossils providing the basis for biostratigraphic or of Silurian to Devonian carbonate clasts subdivision and corrélation. Biostratigraphy of (Malinfier Horizon). Thickness ranges from a the Late Paleozoic séquence in the Carnic Alps is few meters up to about 200 meters. The clasts mainly based on fusulinids, although plant fossils are derived from the Variscan basement of the and conodonts are of importance too. During uplifted Paleocarnic Chain. The succession of the last décades major progress has been achieved the Bombaso Formation generally shows a fining concerning sedimentology, paleontology and bio­ upward trend. Bioclasts of brachiopods, crinoids stratigraphy of this séquence (see Flugel 1980 a-b, and fusulinids are rarely présent indicating 644 GEODIVERSITAS • 1998 • 20(4) Waidegger Hbhe 1961 + Leitenkogel 1845 + Triassic of the Gartnerkofel-Massif Rattendorf Group and Trogkofel Group Bombaso Formation and Auernig Group ON FIG. 1. — Map showing the distribution of Late Carboniferous and Early Permian sedimentary rocks in the Carnic Alps (Austria/ltaly). Krainer K. & Davydov V. N crossbedded sandstone (shoreface), bioturbated Goggau Limestone _I (130 m) and locally fossiliferous siltstones and shales (off­ 3KIA LLÛ- ! U z Tressdorf Limestone O shore) and fossiliferous limestones containing < (10 m) ARTIN calcareous algae {Anthracoporella spectabilis, GRO N Trogkofel Limestone Archaeolithopbyllum missouriense, Epimastopora, s (400 m) TROGK RIA A Eugonophyllum), fusulinids, small foraminifers, te Upper Pseudoschwagerina F LU Limestone echinoderms, bryozoans, Tubiphytes, sphincto- SAKM (Zweikofel Formation; 170 m) 0. P zoans, solitary corals and others. Massive lime­ Grenzland Formation ASSELIAN (125 m) stones represent algal mounds {Anthracoporella Lower Pseudoschwagerina GROU mounds; Krainer 1995), in the Meledis tn N Limestone (Schulterkofel Formation; 160 m) RATTENDOR Formation small mounds formed of auloporid GIA R corals are présent (Fliigel & Krainer 1992). In o Camizza Formation (120 m) the upper part of the Auernig Group (Corona-, CL oc Auernig- and Carnizza Formations) thèse lithofa­ U ORENBU Auernig Formation UJ (250 m) RO cies types form prominent clastic-carbonate LL G N Corona Formation regressive-transgressive cycles ("Auernig cyclo- G (300 m) LIA z MI themes") with thicknesses of 10-40 m (Fig. 3). I E O Pizzul Formation Within thèse cycles conglomérâtes formed GZH (300 m) m UER during relative sea-level lowstands and fossilife­ a: Meledis Formation rous limestone was deposited during periods of KASIMOVIAN (120 m) < relative sea-level highstands. The formation of o UPPERMOST Bombaso Formation MOSCOVIAN thèse cycles is related to eustatic sea-level changes caused by Gondwanan glaciation (Massari & Variscan Basement Venturini 1990; Krainer 1992, 1995). FIG. 2. — Stratigraphy of the Late Carboniferous and Early Permian strata in the Carnic Alps. RATTENDORF GROUP The Rattendorf Group comprises a succession of shallow marine sédiments of nearshore, inner déposition in a marine environment. Thèse bree- shelf and outer shelf environments. The succes­ cias and conglomérâtes are interpreted as mass sion is divided into Lower Pseudoschwagerina gravity flow deposits primarily deposited on fan Limestone (LPL), Grenzland Formation and deltas, partly subaerially, partly submarine. Upper Pseudoschwagerina Limestone (UPL) (Fig. 2). AUERNIG GROUP The LPL is composed of three depositional The Bombaso Formation is overlain by the cycles consisting of shallow marine limestones Auernig Group, which is up to 1.200 m thick and thin intervais of clastic sédiments (Fig. 4). and composed of Meledis-, Pizzul-, Corona-, Clastic intervais form the base of the depositio­ Auernig- and Carnizza Formations according to nal succession and were deposited during relative Selli (1963) (Fig. 2). The succession consists of sea-level lowstands. During transgression well cyclic clastic and carbonate rocks of a shallow bedded fossiliferous limestones and massive algal marine environment. Meledis-, Corona- and mounds accumulated. Bedded cherty limestones Carnizza Formations predominantly consist of with mari intetcalations are interpreted to have clastic sédiments, Pizzul- and Auernig been deposited during relative sea-level high­ Formations contain substantial quantities of fos- stands with water depths of some tens of meters. siliferous carbonate rocks. The main lithofacies Fusulinid-rich limestone beds are présent in dif­ types are a quartz-rich conglomerate of a near- férent stratigraphie levels, particularly
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