Proceedings of the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana Present Smt A. Vani Prasad,I.A.S. RC No.3/ CCE / AC / yuvatharan gam/ 201,6 Date:22-02-2017. Sub:- Collegiate Education Department- Yuvatarangam 2076 - Awards to Academic Excellence, Sports, Cultural and Literary events - Awards Distribution ceremony - Issue of certain instructions - Regarding. Ref:- This office Procds. RC No.1/CCE/ Ac/Yuvatharangam/ 201.6, Dated:28- 12-2016' *,r** The Department of Collegiate Education is providing an opportunity to the students to show their talents by participating enthusiastically in curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Further the Department is also keen on promoting all round development of students. In this direction, the Department is conducted Yuvatharangam-20'L6, a festival of excellence. The students of all the Government Colleges to participated in various Sports, Cultural & Literary events at College Level, Dist. Level and State level competitions. In view of the above an Award Distribution ceremony of Yuvatarangam-2076 is scheduled to be organized on 27-02-2077 at Auditorium, |awaharlal Nehru Architecture & Fine Arts University (INAFU), Masab Tank, Hyderabad from 2-00 PM to 8-00 PM. Therefore all the following officials and awardees are invited to the programme on the said date without fail. The list of awardees of Academic Excellence, Sports, Cultural and Literary events is appended herewith. The following persons are hereby invited to attend the programmes besides the awardees. Dinner will be followed after the programme. l. RJDCE,Warangal 2. Principals of all GDCs 3. Awardees (List Enclosed) 4. State and Cluster Coordinators of Cultural, Literary, Sports and Games (List Enclosed) Therefore the above are instructed to attend the programme on time as such the Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister Sri Kadiyam Srihari and other dignitaries are addressing the ceremony. Limited Lodging facility is provided to the students coming from distant places. For further assistance contact H. Rajesh 9440948774. The winners in Cultural Category @ist enclosed) shall be provided an opportunity to perform on the Day of Award Distribution Ceremony. Hence Principals of the concerned College shall make all necessary arrangements and report to the list of events to be performed in advance. The expenses for the same may be met from available college special fee/ SeIf Finance course fee funds. Sd/-Smt. A. Vani Prasad,IAS Commissioner of Collegiate Education (FAC) To The RJDCE,Warangal. All the Principals of GDCs in the state All the Awardees of all events (List Enclosed) IT-In charge Academic Officer, CCE Website / /TrueCop:t/ / l,' ., , r K(*-itltlt T For CommissionelSlCollegiate Education 'W("' Page 1 of 12 COMMISSIONER OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION, TELANGANA YUVATARANCAM.2016 I. AWARDS IN ACADEMIC EXCELLENCY CATEGORY List of Universitywise Group T "*;:;:;_:- -^ S.No. UNIVERSITY Name of: the Student t student 1 I Faculty l ' ""*..*+4' *ll*Ssllsss* *" ***4 7 (J(JUL(A),GGDC(A), lj AUTONOMOUS SANA NOORAIN\nAr\T 1 on I :y):-":T - -j *lz-"wiiip j, AUTONOMOUS - -----\--J' AUTONOMOUS ! t NALANDA NATCONDA 1 i "*-"*..**J RAFATH FATIMA NEHA FIRDOSE ALIYA BIN HILABI NAZIA SULTANA SAMREEN BEGUM GDC, BCOM DARSHAN RADHIKA tt VTDYANAGAR l_(sr_,Ery-E\4!) __' GDC(W), Osmania JUVERIYA ANIUM i Jl-u__s_q4A{I#!-[N : Osmania GARIPALLY RAJU 12 Osmania ERRANELLI SRAVANI B.SC. SADASIVAPET -GDC, - t3 Kakatiya KOMARAM NAGMA - B.A. SATHUPALLX GDC(w), T4 DARAVATH NAGAMANI B.A. ""-""* WARANGAL GDC, 15 Kakatiya KOLLURU THARANGINI B.COM BHADRACHALAM GDC, t6 Kakatiya BADAVATH MANTULA B.COM MAHABUBABAD 17 Kakatiya NUSRAT SULTANA GDC, ADILABAD B.Sc. BANDARU GANGA GDC(w), 18 Kakatiya B.ft. BHAVANI KHAMMAM Mahatma MULAKALAPALLI L9 GDC, KODAD B.A. Gandhi VEERALAKSHMI Page2 of L2 1 Mahatma AYESHA RUMAN I Gandhi Mahatma AREMPULA SHYAMALA Gandhi M LAXMIDEVI TALLAPALLY N$J--*N-EJ"JS-- K SHIVANJALI Satavahana i KATUKAM SAIPRASAD ANUGANDULA Satavahana MOUNIKA GORRE SUKUMAR BABU HEENA SULTANA**- {-*-r"*-**-**-*TKorrlwniie,, I lTerangana i sARASWATHT prqgrxeli%"--- j-s?I- :::T-:. ***-*-*ffi - : js'ldR GDC, BANSWADA B.SC. I -'j il:]""r:- -- - - Page 3 of 12 List of the Best outgoing Students (Autonomous Colleges) 1 .t 4 r | *************^i*_*__?_English I Aakifa^ Tahwer : GiriraiGovt.College-' (A), Nizamabad Sanskrit M. Karishma N GDC(WXA), Begumpet, Hyderabad I ] eatifa Tahwer GirirajGovt.College (A), Nizamabad i {.:^------* ; - '"-J Urdu Sana Noorin Giriraj Govt.College (A), Nizamabad .?.._.*i _*" I i Arabic *U. Kareemuddin j Covt. City College (A), Hyderabad i I Nagarjuna Govt. College (A), History ---'.-"--: , " "- )g$gnda Political Sc. Sana CtiralGovt.College (A), Nizamabad J Noorin f B. Bhavani Commerce-1 Md. Sarika i GDC(W)(A), Begumpet, Hyderabad -**--7-* Commerce-2 S. Reethu , GirirajGovt.College (A), Nizamabad Commerce-3 M.L. Teena Devi B. Dhanalaxmi l..j*-::j"6Yl_ _Nalgo_lda l_'1:_ .." 15 Chemistry P. Ramyasree IS*:t-"""*et:s:HI:y*E I Nagarjuna Govt. College (A), t6 Mathematics P. Nalanda irr r l\?rgg19q t7 Statistics K. Prasanthi 1 Giriraj Govt.College (A), Nizamabad S. Anurag Nagarjuna Govt. College (A), L8 Botany Sankrutvavan N a 19 Zoology S. Manusha Giriraj Govt.College (A), Nizamabad Nagarjuna Govt. College (A), 20 Biotechnology A. Santhoshi Vani Naleonda 2L Microbiology J. Sneha Giriraj Govt.College (A), Nizamabad Nagarjuna Govt. College (A), 22 Computer Sc. P. Nalanda Naleonda Page 4 of L2 List of the Best outgoing Students (Non- Autonomous Colleges) S.No. Subject Student Name College Name Telugu C.Ramu 2 1 English Kannam Amulya - t'h- l**-*^*-- i-'"- tv"-' t 4 I E.Ramutu J Goc,neddapalti 1 lHinai :: - * .-'^'- 1 l^-t- '-^""-)."- -' "-"-"i t 5 { Urdu iMaheejabeen 1 GDC,Bodhan t t i ,Shagufta t i 1 6 'Urdu I Heena Sultana Gajjela Gangadhar GDC,Jaglttal I 16 Chemistry P. Praveen Kumar GDC,Bhanswada i ,11 I Porla 17 f Mathematics { Shashirekha ] GDC,Jadcherla t I_iMicrobiology ____; 22 T.VijayaKumar , ,Jt ; lGDC,Bhanswada P.Anitha i trs.is+sls.i;;'."; p I I ---*: Page 5 of 12 Best Principal Dr. Safdar Askari List of the Best Teachers S.No. subject Name of the Teacher Designation and College I 1 i Telugu Dr.K. Koteswar Rao Assistant Professor, GDC,Kodad,Suryapet i t*-----^**^*;, : ] R. Devendar Rao Assistant Professor, GDC(W),Adilabad l Dr. V. VaraPrasad Assistant Professor, GDC Peddapalli Dr. Humera Syeed Assistant Professor, NTRGDC(W) i Bhaskar Rao Professor, s f co-merce 1Or.C. Assistant GDC Kukatpally iDr.M.ShankarNarayanaAssistantProfessor,PingIeWomen L0 -Physics -./ |f "^-" _ Qollegl 1.'t i Chemistry I Dr.Or. V. KarunakarKa Assistant Professor, Tara GDC, Sangareddy I tZ Mathematics n. nam Mohan Reddy Assistant Professor, GDC, Nizamabad tr i I : Dr. Srihari Reddy Assistant Professor,GDC,Ramannapet Dr. Ayodhya Reddy Assistant Professor, GDC, Siddipet Y. Venkateswarlu Assistant Professor, GDC City College, 't6 Microbiology Dr. T. Sujatha Assistant Professor, GDC (M), Khammam t7 Computer A. tnna Reddy, Assistant Professor, GDC City College, Aor:lications Na aoul Page 5 of 12 Colleges with Best Performance in Different Activities S.No. I Category t BestJKC lne Best DRC + J Best TKHH Best MANATV List of the Best Non Teaching Staff (State wide) S.No. Subject Name of the Person, Designation and College -l Superintendent Md. Rasheed, GDC (W), Khammam Senior Assistant Sultana Begum, NGGDC(A), Nalgonda Md. Yousut GDC(M), Adilabad Yadagiri, Govt. City College(A), Hyderabad List of the Best Non Teaching Staff (O/o CCE) i S.No. Subject Name of the Person, Designation and College Superintendent Sri Mohd. Muzaffar Ali Superintendent Smt. B. Vishnu Priya Record Sri M. A. Khaleel Assistant Office Sri Mohd. Rafiuddin Subordinate Sri Mohd. Abdul Waheed PageT of 12 II. AWARDS IN GAMES & SPORTS CATEGORY Event Winners Name of the College Men Winner IJIgS:l"g-: Y{-q::9" . Men Runner Govt. Degree College (A),Siddipet CHESS Women Winner I Govt.Degree College(W) , Karimnagar ] Women/omen Runner I Pingle Govt College for1 women Men Winner I J.V.R.Govt College Sathupally VOLLEY Men Runner KGC, Hanamkonda BALL Women Winner , GDC, Kamareddv omen Runner J GDC (W), Begumpet j tr,ten Winner 'i WAfO GDC, Gadwal KABADDI I #-""""'- l-K* GASCx.d;d- Women Winner GDC (W), Nalgonda Women (W), tlI Runner J' GDC Begumpet ATHLETICS (Men) -{i;*^, ^ f"^----^^-1-^*'^"-f --N;*" # C,;;i;i Event -wil; I Name of the College I jPlacei ; year 9$Lq-9"1:B^csll"se5+*lgen-; YrsIP-c-PC- l_ "_""^"_ S | 1 m lM.Harish MKR GDC, Nalsonda I 9B JzuumtTsi zoo , l*tr*3I I l(.5nlv,rna(lu GrrLr_ 1 rc'ffi. ...._ -t -iif-t-- IlKn.I:llStlP-9PLlteleg$e" \.3tgg_sga - --. * i r l "-r-- r'*I B. *--Beemesh B.Com-II MALD GDC, Gadwal :-- -^-1 i K. Thiruoathi B.A-I I T- _gBll_r_.r- r ^; i 400 II K. -* mtrs i , Sfrivaladu .- BAi|. * j#H*c"P9.Xe}pr*e r ltn I S. Praveen Kumar BftJI GDC(M) Adilabad I K. Naresh B.A-III MV9 GDC, Muhubo*l*g.ql_ B.Com* 1500 mtrs il G. Vijay Kumar KDC, Hanmakonda UI il D. Santhosh B.A-II GDC, Chennoor, Adilabad I B. Ramesh B.Com-I KPS.tk*n*gndg*-" i il K. Bhasker B.A-I SSR GDC, j Longlump Karimnagar B.Com- ilI K. Mahesh n GDC, Armoor I B. Sai Charan B.Sc-II GDC, Siddip-et Shotput II V. Janardhan 8.ft-III ABY GDC, Jangoan III P. Sai Kumar B.A-II GDC, Armoor Page 8 of 12 ATHLETICS (Women) ni , Name of the : Event nace J_.-. *u-" or the Colege I Wrnners fJ:r"o' ] I S.Sindhuja B. ft-I MVS, cDC, Mahaboobnagar 1 ***j--*I I i L00 mtrs il v. nayitt coc, Narsampet ! ^ IB.Com-II I ,--"- l- *- f* 1 il lM.Rajitha t Saraswathi B.Com-I j PGDC(W), Warangat : 1 1r.
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