REVISED AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Lompoc City Council Tuesday, March 5, 2013 City Hall, 100 Civic Center Plaza, Council Chambers Please be advised that, pursuant to State Law, any member of the public may address the City Council concerning any Item on the Agenda, before or during Council consideration of that Item. Please be aware that Items on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and are normally enacted by one vote of the Council. If you wish to speak on a Consent Calendar Item, please do so during the first Oral Communications. “Members of the Public are Advised that all PAGERS, CELLULAR TELEPHONES and any OTHER COMMUNICATION DEVICES are to be turned off upon entering the City Council Chambers.” Regular City Council meetings will be videotaped and rebroadcast in Lompoc on Channel 23 at 9:00 a.m. the following Wednesday. The Agenda and related Staff reports are available on the City’s web site: www.cityoflompoc.com the Friday before Council meetings between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Any documents produced by the City and distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available the Friday before Council meetings at the “City Clerk’s Office” at City Hall, 100 Civic Center Plaza, Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and at the “Reference Desk” at the Lompoc Library, 501 E. North Avenue, Lompoc, California, Monday and Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. and Friday and Saturday between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. The City may charge customary photocopying charges for copies of such documents. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, including review of the Agenda and related documents, please contact the City Clerk at (805) 875-8241 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. This will allow time for the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting. 03/05/2013 Lompoc City Council REVISED Agenda Page 1 of 5 CLOSED SESSION OPEN SESSION – 6:00 P.M. – Council Chambers ROLL CALL: Mayor John Linn Mayor Pro Tempore Ashley Costa Council Member Bob Lingl Council Member Dirk Starbuck Council Member DeWayne Holmdahl ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: (maximum of five minutes per speaker, limited to subject of “Closed Session”) CLOSED SESSION – Employee’s Break Room BUSINESS ITEM: 1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION – CONTRACT REVIEW: City Attorney. 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL--ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: One Matter. OPEN SESSION - 7:00 P.M. – Council Chambers REPORT ON ACTION TAKEN DURING CLOSED SESSION: INVOCATION: Bert Langdon PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor John Linn CITY ADMINISTRATOR STATUS REPORT: (Information only) STAFF REQUESTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Maximum of 5 Minutes): (At this time, please direct comments to the City Council/Agency regarding Consent Calendar items, other agenda items if you are not able to stay until that matter is discussed, or issues not on the Agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Council/Agency.) 03/05/2013 Lompoc City Council REVISED Agenda Page 2 of 5 CONSENT CALENDAR: All items listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted, after one motion, in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless good cause is shown prior to the Council/Agency vote. Any items withdrawn from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion will be addressed immediately before the second Oral Communications, near the end of the meeting. 1. Approval of Minutes of the Lompoc City Council Regular Meeting of February 5, 2013. 2. Approval of expenditures for: Payroll of 02/13/2013 - $1,251,136.44 *Voucher Register of 02/08/2013 - $470,840.63 Voucher Register of 02/15/2013 - $530,488.72 Credit Refunds of 02/12/2013 - $3,921.71 Manual Payments of January 2013 - $58,484.56 Electronic Payments of January 2013 - $1,758,730.15 *(Mayor Linn will not participate in the vote for Check #311101 to Smitty’s Towing for $491.25) PUBLIC HEARING: 3. The City Council will Consider Public Input, Discuss Options, and Provide Direction Regarding 2030 General Plan Land Use Element Expansion Area D – The Wye Residential. Planning Manager Lucille T. Breese l_breese@ci.lompoc.ca.us Recommendation: that Council discuss and provide direction to staff regarding further processing of the General Plan Update and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. (Public Comment) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 4. Consideration of Proposed Lompoc Criterium Race for June 30, 2013. Recreation Manager JoAnne Plummer j_plummer@ci.lompoc.ca.us 03/05/2013 Lompoc City Council REVISED Agenda Page 3 of 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (cont’d) Item No. 4 Recommendation: that Council accept the Staff report and; • Approve a $5,000 cash contribution necessary for the event; and • Approve an in-kind contribution of labor for support from the Police Department, Fire Department, Recreation and Streets Divisions; and • Authorize the City Administrator to sign an agreement (to be prepared by Staff) with Mike Hecker of Stump Grinder Productions to conduct a Criterium event on June 30, 2013; or • Provide Staff alternative direction. (Public Comment) 5. Report on Old Lompoc Theater Roofs. Senior Civil Engineer Craig Dierling c_dierling@ci.lompoc.ca.us Recommendation: that Council: • Review the attached structural observation report by Fred H. Schott & Associates; and • Consider directing staff to return to the Council with abatement options for the deteriorated existing marquee over the public sidewalk; and • Provide any necessary additional direction to Staff. (Public Comment) 6. Water and Wastewater Rate Study Presentation and Request to Start the Proposition 218 Process for Rate Adjustments. Management Services Director Brad Wilkie b_wilkie@ci.lompoc.ca.us Recommendation: that Council receive rate information from Willdan Financial Services (Consultant) on the water and wastewater funds, direct Staff to start the process on the next City Council agenda to follow Proposition 218 guidelines and adjust rates by the amounts recommended by Consultant for the water and wastewater services or provide other direction to Staff. (Public Comment) 03/05/2013 Lompoc City Council REVISED Agenda Page 4 of 5 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (2 Minutes Maximum): COUNCIL REQUESTS, COMMENTS, AND MEETING REPORTS: ADJOURNMENT: Lompoc City Council will adjourn to a Regular Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing agenda was posted on the City Hall bulletin board not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting. Dated this 1st Day of March 2013. _________________________ Stacey Alvarez, City Clerk By: Lori Lardizabal 03/05/2013 Lompoc City Council REVISED Agenda Page 5 of 5 Lompoc City Council Agenda Item City Council Meeting Date: March 5, 2013 TO: Laurel M. Barcelona, City Administrator FROM: Lucille T. Breese, AICP, Planning Manager l_breese@ci.lompoc.ca.us SUBJECT: The City Council will Consider Public Input, Discuss Options, and Provide Direction Regarding 2030 General Plan Land Use Element Expansion Area D – The Wye Residential Area ______________________________________________________________________ Recommendation: Staff recommends Council consider the material presented in the January 29, 2013, staff report, hold a public hearing, and provide direction to staff. Background/Discussion: The January 29, 2013, staff report is located on the City website at http://www1.cityoflompoc.com/councilagenda/2013/130129/130129n1.pdf. The staff report includes the Planning Commission minutes of August 10, 2011, reflecting discussion which formed the recommendation to include the EIR project description of a 46-unit residential development for Expansion Area D – The Wye Residential Area. Conclusion: Council is requested to review the material presented and provide direction to staff regarding the inclusion or exclusion of Expansion Area D – The Wye Residential Area in the 2030 General Plan Update. Lucille T. Breese, AICP, Planning Manager March 5, 2013 General Plan Expansion Area D - The Wye Residential Area Page 2 of 2 APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR: Teresa Gallavan, Economic Development Director/ Assistant City Administrator APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL: Laurel M. Barcelona, City Administrator Lompoc City Council Agenda Item City Council Meeting Date: March 5, 2013 TO: Laurel M. Barcelona, City Administrator FROM: JoAnne Plummer, Recreation Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Proposed Lompoc Criterium Race on June 30, 2013 Recommendation: Staff recommends Council accept the staff report and: 1) Approve a $5,000 cash contribution necessary for the event; 2) Approve an in-kind contribution of labor for support from the Police Department, Fire Department, Recreation and Streets Divisions; and 3) Authorize the City Administrator to sign an agreement (to be prepared by staff) with Mike Hecker of Stump Grinder Productions, to conduct a Criterium event on June 30, 2013, in Lompoc; or 4) Provide staff alternate direction. Background and Discussion: On February 5, 2013, Mike Hecker with Stump Grinder Productions presented a proposal before City Council to hold a Criterium Race in Lompoc this June. Criterium is a bicycle race that takes place on a small and tight road course, ideally in a downtown setting. The course falls within a distance range of .6 – 1.5 miles in length. It is proposed the Lompoc event take place on Sunday, June 30, 2013, on a course that is structured to close down parts of H Street and Ocean Avenue. Staff will return with a resolution at a later date to authorize the needed partial street closures. Mr. Hecker has held multiple meetings with members of the Lompoc Police and Fire Departments, Streets and Recreation Divisions, as well as other collaborative partners such as the Healthy Lompoc Coalition, the Lompoc Valley Chamber of Commerce and other interested individuals and organizations.
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