Gnome-Session Gzip Less 1.63424124514 Lzop Lib64gpgme

Gnome-Session Gzip Less 1.63424124514 Lzop Lib64gpgme

lib64boost_serialization1.42.0 lib64boost_regex1.42.0 lib64boost_wave1.42.0 lib64boost_math_tr1f1.42.0 popt-data rpm-helper 2.75282526804 1.05413105413 lib64boost_iostreams1.42.0 1.68067226891 chkconfig lib64boost_math_c99l1.42.0 1.1120615911 dmidecode 1.622718052740. 0.0562113546936 perl-File-FnMatch 0.0570287995438 3.04259634888 1.0152284264 tcb perl-String-ShellQuote 0.869313242538 1.33903133903 0. 0.507614213198 libdrakx-net 1.39720558882 1.0152284264 1.1120615911 0.855431993157 1.62271805274 lib64popt0 0. 0.0570287995438 lib64ldetect0.11 0. 3.64583333333 2.60416666667 1.62271805274 0. 3.125 1.1120615911 0. 0. 0.0570287995438 2.604166666670. lib64boost_wserialization1.42.0 3.64583333333 crda 0.0. 0.0. lib64dbnss4.8 1.39720558882 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.726712177934 lib64boost_program_options1.42.0 0. 1.65169516082 0.0440431622991 0. 0.0. 0.855431993157 1.39720558882 0.0285143997719 2.57896261953 drakxtools-backend 0. 0. 3.7037037037 shadow-utils0.880863245981 2.03045685279 0. 0.0. 0.855431993157 0.940975192472 1.62271805274 0. 0.0570613409415 1.1697574893 0. 0. 0.114122681883 wireless-regdb 0.660647434486 2.60416666667 1.62271805274 0. 0. 0.0570613409415 xz pam_tcb 0.0285143997719 0.0. 1.79658070125 0. 2.53807106599 1.45506419401 4.6875 0. 0.388632499393 0.0. 0. lib64cap2 1.1120615911 perl-Curses 1.62271805274 0.855920114123 lib64acl1 0.684764000978 lib64lzma2 lib64boost_math_tr1l1.42.0 0.0285143997719 1.60757542392 0. 0.940975192472 1.16714380092 2.60416666667 3.04568527919 0.0570287995438 1.05160185865 lib64gamin-1_0 0.171086398631 1.1120615911 1.62271805274 0.040338846309 0. 0.0220215811495 lib64boost_graph1.42.0 0.940975192472 0. 0.811359026369 0. coreutils 0.855188141391 0. 0.0570287995438 0.0570613409415findutils 1.92605711756 0.526955816782 0. 0.0220215811495 info-install 4.06091370558 lib64glib2.0_0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.36533803127 0. 0.798403193613 0.0570613409415 0. perl-Filesys-Df 0.040338846309 0. 0. 1.39720558882 grep 0.526955816782 0. 0. 0.726712177934 0. 1.39720558882 lib64attr1 lib64uClibc0.9.30.1 0. 0.855431993157 0.171086398631 0.040338846309 0. 0. 1.52284263959 lib64audit1 0.526955816782 0.040338846309 lib64gio2.0_0 0.0855920114123 0. 0.7720438846 0.855431993157 0. lib64boost_signals1.42.0 0. lib64boost-devel 0. 4.23666910153 0. 0.0233644859813 0.7720438846 3.04568527919 0.526955816782 0. 0. 0.171086398631 0. perl-Curses-UI 0. 0. 0.798403193613 0. 2.6877849772 uClibc 0.998573466476 lib64dbcxx4.8 lib64db4.8-devel lib64dbtcl4.8 0.77204388460. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0660647434486 4.16666666667 0. 0. 1.52284263959 2.66378689705 gamin 0. setup 0.94070695553 0. 0.7720438846 lib64boost_filesystem1.42.0 0. 0. 0.798403193613 0. 0.0285143997719 3.04568527919 zlib1 glib2.0-common lib64boost_date_time1.42.0 0. 0.0285143997719 3.0303030303 genhdlist2 rpm-mandriva-setup-build 0.616604272187 0.0570613409415 0. 0.970873786408 0. 1.0152284264 0.228245363766 4.16666666667 lib64xcb1 0.940975192472 0.507614213198 0. lib64pam_userpass1 0. 0. 0.0. 0.940975192472 0.05706134094150. 1.0152284264 0. 0. 1.865079365082.61904761905 0. 0. 0.798858773181 0.0570613409415 perl-Term-ReadKey perl-Config-IniFiles 0. 1.45631067961 rpm-manbo-setup-build lib64xdmcp6 lib64xau6 0. run-parts 2.60416666667 0. 2.56 0. 0. 0. 0.826681870011 0.171086398631 2.03045685279 4.85436893204 0. 0.0. perl-Test-Base spec-helper 0. 2.64 0.171086398631 1.522842639590. 0. 0. 3.4 2.60416666667 nss_tcb 0. 0. 0. 2.60416666667 1.0152284264 2.03045685279 rpm-build 0. 0. 0. urpmi lib64gtk-engines2 0.0. lib64x11_6 0. perl-Spiffy 0. lib64boost_prg_exec_monitor1.42.0 0.507614213198 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.798403193613 lib64tcb0 3.55329949239 0. 0. 4.6875 2.03045685279 0. lib64boost_unit_test_framework1.42.0 0.0. 0. 1.0152284264 3.88349514563 0. 0.0. 0.798403193613 4.16666666667 0. 0. lib64crack2 epiphany perl-YAML 3.98899587345 cracklib-dicts 0. 4.6875 0. 2.73224043716 perl-MDV-Packdrakeng 0. 1.94174757282 perl-List-MoreUtils perl-Text-DelimMatch 0. 2.604166666670. 0. perl-Module-ScanDeps lib64soprano4 0. gnome-themes libwmf html2ps perl-Image-Magick 2.53807106599 0. 0. 0. 1.16279069767 soprano-plugin-virtuoso 3.27868852459 3.44827586207 4.6511627907 3.04568527919 0. 1.94174757282 0. perl-MDV-Distribconf 1.16279069767 perl-JSON lib64boost_python1.42.0 lib64iodbc2 2.03045685279 0. plexus-appserver python-qt4-designer 4.06091370558 lib64boost_math_c99f1.42.0 python-qt4-svg javassist jpilot-expense jrexx 1.162790697670. 0. 0. 1.52284263959 0. perl-Libconf 0. 0. gnu-trove virtuoso-opensource 0. 2.53807106599 python-qt4-sql 1.16279069767 0. 3.44827586207 0.970873786408 lib64boost_thread1.42.0 0. 3.04568527919 python-qt4-network 0. 0. 1.16279069767 2.32558139535 3.04568527919 xmlrpc 0. plexus-runtime-builder lib64boost_system1.42.0 0. 0. 0. concurrent 0. 3.44827586207 0.970873786408 3.82513661202eject jpilot-synctime jpilot 0. 1.52284263959 0. 0. 1.16279069767 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64boost_math_tr1_1.42.0 0. 1.16279069767 lib64sopranoindex1 lib64silc1.1_2 0. 0. 3.44827586207 0. 0. lib64boost_math_c99_1.42.0 3.04568527919 4.06091370558 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.44827586207 0. python-qt4-test aspectwerkz 0. 0. drakx-net-text 0. 3.82513661202 1.52284263959 0. lib64silcclient1.1_3 0. 0. 0. plexus-xmlrpc 2.38095238095 0. 0. jpilot-keyring python-qt4-script 0. 0. 0. 3.04568527919 0. lib64sopranoserver1 0. php-pear-Net_SMS 0. 0. python-qt4-opengl python-qt4 piccolo 0. 0. drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 0. 0. 0. 1.52284263959 silc-toolkit perl-Devel-StackTrace perl-Exception-Class perl-Class-Data-Inheritable 0. 2.03045685279 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.52284263959 0. 0. lib64sopranoclient1 2.03045685279 0. monitor-edid 3.04568527919 2.73224043716 python-qt4-xmlpatterns 0. php-pear-Net_IMAP lib64assuan-devel lib64gpgme-devel lib64pth-devel 0. 0. 0. xml-commons-jaxp-1.2-apis 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.6511627907 2.73224043716 php-pear-VFS 0. 0. 3.55329949239 0. soprano-plugin-common python-qt4-assistant 0. 1.51515151515 meta-task 0. 0. 0. task-x11 0. xsettings-kde 0. 0. soprano php-pear-File_PDF 0. 0. kolab-horde-framework lib64x86_1 0. asm2.38095238095 2.03045685279 0. cglib 0. 0. xconsole 0. 4.6511627907 xfindproxy lib64dbcxx4.7 lib64db4.7-devel lib64dbtcl4.7 perl-Time-ZoneInfo 0. 0. lib64kdevplatformutil1 python-qt4-webkit xfwp 1.52284263959 php-pear-Net_Cyrus python-qt4-xml xfsinfo php-pear-Text_Diff plasma-wallpaper-timeoftheday task-kde4 2.32558139535 iw 0. 4.7619047619 0. 2.03045685279 0. x11-scripts drakxtools-curses python-qt4-multimedia 0. perl-Net-Telnet 3.55329949239 0. xsetpointer x11-font-arabic-misc lib64kdevplatformproject1 0. bea-stax bea-stax-api 4.25531914894 0. x11-font-misc 0. rstart task-kde4-minimal 0. php-pear-XML_SVG 0. kmozillahelper 4.7619047619 lib64kdevplatformlanguage1 xsetmode 0. 2.32558139535 0. lib64xcb-xv0 lib64kdevplatformdebugger1 lib64xcb-xfixes0 4.7619047619 2.32558139535 0. ws-jaxme lib64v4l0 proxymngr lib64xcb-xf86dri0 0. x11-font-schumacher-misc 4.72972972973 0. 0. lib64xcb-xinerama0 xstdcmap 0. 0. v4l-utils 0. lib64kdevplatformshell1 x11-font-sony-misc lib64dbtcl4.6 lib64db4.6-devel lib64dbcxx4.6 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.22222222222 lib64xcb-shape0 0. 0. jaxen 0. editres 4.72972972973 0. 0. 2.38095238095 0. 0. 2.38095238095 0. lib64v4l-wrappers 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64xcb-composite0 0. xtrap 0. 0. lib64kdevplatformvcs1 0. 2.12765957447 0. 4.44444444444 0. 0. lib64kdevplatforminterfaces1 xmldb-api 0. 0. 0. lib64beidcomm0 lib64beidpcsclite2 lib64beidcommon0 0. 0. appres lib64xcb-dpms0 0. 0. 0. x11-font-micro-misc 2.32558139535 lib64kdevplatformoutputview1 4.25531914894 0. 0. 0. x11-font-sun-misc icu4j xrx 0. 0. 0. lib64xcb-render0 4.44444444444 3.06748466258 0. 2.1472392638 0. 2.1472392638 0. gcc4.2-cpp gcc4.2 manbo-mandriva-files-gcc4.2 lib64sublime1 x11-font-mutt-misc 0. 0. 0. x11-tools x11-font-bitstream-type1 4.70219435737 3.76175548589 2.1472392638 xpp3 3.06748466258 0. 3.76175548589 0. lib64xcb-xvmc0 4.44444444444 0. 0. 0. x11-font-dec-misc 0. 2.1472392638 3.76175548589 0. krb5-server-ldap xom xkill 0. 0. 0. 4.70219435737 0. less 3.76175548589 0. 2.1472392638 xpp2 4.44444444444 0. 0. 0. x11-font-type1 2.22222222222 0. 0.0. 0. 0. lib64xcb-dri2_0 bitmap 1.47859922179 dom4j 0. 0. 2.45398773006 lbxproxy 0. x11-apps 0. lib64amaroklib1 2.22222222222 0. 0. ldetect-lst 3.76175548589 0. 1.63424124514 aspell-en 0. 0.0. krb5-server 0. krb5 0. xorg-x11 lib64xau6-devel 0. 0. 0. 1.01167315175 0. xcalc 0. 2.1472392638 0. 4.07523510972 0. 0. gzip 0. 0. lib64amarokcore1 x11perf 0. 0. 0. 0.287356321839 0.0. 0. ico 0. lib64xcb-xevie0 2.45398773006 0.287356321839 0. 0. 3.76175548589 0. 0. x11-proto-devel 0. 0. perl-Text-Diff 3.59281437126 0. xeyes 0. 0. 2.1472392638 lib64krb53-devel x11-font-xfree86-type1 3.59281437126 xvidtune 0. 0. 4.07523510972 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64amarokocsclient4 0. oclock lib64xcb-devel lib64xdmcp6-devel 0. 3.76175548589 2.45398773006 0. perl-Algorithm-Diff 0. 0. makedepend 0. 0. 0. 0. xbiff 3.761755485894.07523510972 3.37423312883 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64sysfs-devel 0. 0. 0. 0. perl-Test-Differences viewres 0. lib64amarokpud1 0. 0. 2.1472392638 0. 0. lib64x11_6-devel libchipcard 0. 0. lib64xcb-shm0 0. xclock 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. lib64SDL-devel lib64directfb-devel xcmsdb 0. 0. 0. 3.761755485892.1472392638 0. 0. 0. lib64amarok-sqlcollection1 0. xlogo 0. lib64chipcardc2 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.1472392638 0. lib64ppl7 0. 0. 3.76175548589 lib64xcb-screensaver0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. listres apache-mod_perl 0. 0. lib64chipcard0 lib64sysfs-static-devel xfontsel 2.1472392638 3.76175548589 1.2987012987 lib64gmpxx4 2.1472392638 xev 1.2987012987 0. 0. 3.76175548589 xmag lib64xcb-sync0 2.1472392638 lib64cloog0 3.76175548589 xkbprint 0. perl-Apache-Test 0. perl-BSD-Resource 2.1472392638 2.1472392638 3.76175548589 2.1472392638 2.1472392638 xmldb-api-sdk plexus-i18n xfd 3.76175548589 xcursorgen 0. 0. libpthread-stubs x11-docs 3.76175548589 xgc plexus-interactivity plexus-archiver 3.76175548589 xrefresh 3.76175548589 0.

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