EMU Notes in Mineralogy, Vol. 11 (2011), Index, 371–376 Subject and Author Index Numbers refer to the page where a definition or explanation of, and/or a figure or a table for, a given subject is found. Author names are given with the number of the first page of the paper in which they are involved. 1:1 layer structure, 14 CEC, 237 2:1 layer structures, 31 CFF91, 208 Charge of fundamental particles, 253 A Chiral clay minerals, 347, 349 AAM, alkylammonium method, 245 Chlorite, 40, 177, 86, 97 Absorbance spectra of, aqueous methylene Christidis, George E., 237 blue-smectite dispersions, 355, hectorite Chrysotile, 26 dispersions, 356 Cis-vacant octahedral site, 11 Adsorption, and intercalation, 272, phenomena on Cis-vacant polymorphism in dioctahedral phyllosilicate surfaces, 229 phyllosilicates, 223 AEM-TEM, analytical electron microscopy- Classic mechanics, 206 transmission electron microscopy, 243 Classification, of clay minerals’ layer charge, 263, AFM, atomic force microscopy, 314, 316, 317, of phyllosilicates, 336, of planar hydrous 327, 338, 339 phyllosilicates, 82, scheme for natural Aggregates, 251 smectite, 242, scheme of dioctahedral AIPEA, 261 smectites, 241, of non-planar hydrous Aldega, Luca, 285 phyllosilicates, 108 Alkylammonium ions in the interlayer space, 245 Clay Minerals Society, 261 Allophane, 46 Clay minerals, spectroscopic properties of, 225, Almeida Paz, Filipe A., 123 surface properties of, 335 Amesite, 28 Clay, structure of the interlayer, 304 Amino acids on clay-mineral surfaces, 360 CLAYFF, 175, 208 Antigorite, 26, 27 Clay-polymer nanocomposites, 259, 275 Aparacio-Gala´n-Ferrell index, 10 Clinochlore, structural interpretation of, 317, AFM A´ rkai index, 9 images, 317 Armbrusterite, 29 Co-intercalation of two compounds, 271 Astrophyllite, 139 Commensurate polytype fragments, 183 Atomistic methods, applied to phyllosilicates, Complexation, 270 203, 215 Computational atomistic methods applied to AXANES, 285 phyllosilicates, 203 Computational mineralogy, 204 B Cookeite, 44 Bafertisite, 132, 138 CPN, clay-polymer nanocomposites, 259, 275 Bementite, 29, 30 Cronstedtite, 28, 177 Bergaya, Faı¨za, 259 Crystal thickness measured by XRD, 288 Berthierine, 29 CVFF, 208 Brigatti, Maria Franca, 1 Cylindrical structures, 107 Brindleyite, 31 Brucite, 252 D BWA, Bertaut-Warren-Averbach method, 285, 290 Data management for analysis experiments, 205 Dehydroxylation-rehydroxylation of C phyllosilicates, 227, 228 Carlosturanite, 28 Delindeite, 134, 135 Caryopilite, 31 Density functional theory, 210 Catalysis, applications of intercalation/ Dickite, octahedral sites in, 15,19 deintercalation processes, 278 DIFFaX, 10, 160 Cationic dyes, 357 Diffraction, order and disorder effects on, 102 # Copyright 2011 the European Mineralogical Union and the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland DOI: 10.1180/EMU-notes.11.index Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3750989/9780903056458_backmatter.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 372 Index 2þ Diffuse reflectance spectra, of Cu(en)2 on Camp Grafting, 271 Berteau montmorillonite, 346 Graphene and its derivative structure, 306, 308 Discover, 208 Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction, GIXRD, DL_POLY, 208 285, 292, 293 DMOL, 211 Greenalite, 29 DMSO, dimethyl sulphoxide, 264 Guggenheim, Stephen, 73 DTA, differential thermal analysis, 128 Guidottiite, 29 Dye on clay-mineral surfaces, 353 GULP, 208 E H ED, see electron diffraction Halloysite, 21 EFM, electric force microscopy, 313 Hectorite, 241, 38 Electron diffraction, 11, Co asbolane, 186 Heterophyllosilicates, 136 Electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR, 337 High-Resolution Transmission Electron 2þ Electron spin resonance, ESR spectra of Co(en)2 Microscopy, HRTEM, 307, images, on Camp Berteau hectorite films, 347 kaolinite, 156, pyrophyllite, 179 Electron transfer and redox reactions, 270 Hisingerite, 23 Elmi, Chiara, 1 HONDO, 211 Electron probe microanalysis, 243 HRTEM see High-Resolution Transmission EPMA, see electron probe microanalysis Electron Microscopy EPR, see electron paramagnetic resonance Hydrous phyllosilicates, 73 ESR, see electron spin resonance Hydroxides, interaction with organic EXAFS, see Extended X-ray Absorption Fine molecules, 313 Structure HyperCHEM, 211 Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, EXAFS, 216, 294, 303 I Exchange in swelling clays, 102 Idealized shapes of smectite particles, 238 Exchange selectivity between inorganic Illite, structure of the interlayer, 304 cations, 268 Illite-smectite, 156 Exfoliated structures, 277 Imogolite, 46, nanotube, 6 Experimental data compared with Infrared, IR, 216, 217 simulation, 330 Interatomic potentials, 207 Exsolution, 81 Intercalation, 100, /deintercalation processes, 278, EXSY, 11 of CPN from solvents, 276, processes of layered minerals, 259, 264, 265, F processes, 285 Ferripyrophyillite, 32 Interlayer cations, 343 FM-AFM, see frequency modulation AFM Interstratification, 100, 154 FMS, see full multiple scattering Interstratified phyllosilicates, 100 Forcite, 208 Ion exchange 268, influence of layer Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, charge on, 247 FTIR, 337, 344 IR, see Infrared Fraipontite, 31 Frequency modulation atomic force microscopy, J 315, 316 Johnston, Cliff, 335 FTIR, see Fourier transform infrared Jonesite, 131 spectroscopy Junction probability diagram, 163 Full multiple scattering, FMS, 301 Fullerene, 306 K Fundamental particles, 251, 252 K-saturation method, KSM, 246 Kalifersite, 46 G Kanemite, 259 GALOPER,10 Kelvin probe force microscopy, KPFM, 320 GAMESS, 211 Kaolin, 14, 83, 96 GAUSSIAN, 211 Kaolinite, HRTEM image, 156, non-swelling GAUSSIAN03, 330 minerals, 264, octahedral sites in, 15 Geometry, layered clay minerals, 261 Kellyite, 29 GIXRD, see Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction Kenyaite, 259 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3750989/9780903056458_backmatter.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 Index 373 KPFM, see Kelvin probe force microscopy N KSM, see K-saturation method Nacrite, 20 Ku¨bler index, 9 Nafertisite, 141 Nanocharacterization techniques, 313, 314 L Nanoconfined H2O molecules in clay mineral Lagaly, Gerhard, 259 interlayers, 342 Lamellar structure, defective, 153 Nanomechanical properties, 321 Lamphrophyllite, 132, 133 Nano-size layer silicates, 1 LAMMPS, 208 Narsarsukite, 128 Langmuir-Blodgett technique, 350, 351 Natisite, 130 Lanson, Bruno, 151 Nepouite, 31 Laurora, Angela, 1 Near-edge Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Layer charge, 12, 80, of smectite, 237, 243 Structure, NEXAFS, 285, 294, 307 Layer periodicity in halloysite, 21 NEWCHEM, 211 Layer silicates, 1 NEWMOD, 10, 165 Layer stacking in a 1H polytype, 158 NEXAFS, see Near-edge Extended X-ray Layer-charge distribution in Absorption Fine Structure montmorillonite, 88 NMR, see Nuclear Magnetic Resonance LayerCharge program, 246 Non-swelling minerals, 264 Layered Double Hydroxides, LDH, 180, 259 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Layered minerals, intercalation processes of, 259 NMR, 206, 295, 343 Layered oxides, 187 Layered titanosilicates, 123, 125, 126 O LDH, see Layered Double Hydroxides Octahedral and tetrahedral sheets in 1:1 and 2:1 Lie`tard index, 10 clay minerals, 336 Lin, Zhi, 123 Octahedral cis- and trans-configurations in Lintisite-type structures, 128, 129 smectite, 242 Lizardite, 24 Octahedral sheet, 2, 3 Octahedral sites for kaolin minerals, 96 M Odinite subgroup, 23 Magadiite, 259 OH orientations on the octahedral surface of Magnesioastrophyllite, 140 kaolinite, 17 Malferrari, Daniele, 1 Order-disorder, 74, in layer stacking, 8 Maximum possible degree of Ordering in cation substitutions in disordering, 159 phyllosilicates, 215 Medicine, applications of intercalation/ Organic molecules, interaction with layer silicates, deintercalation processes, 278 313, 325 Melt intercalation, 276 Organic-inorganic composite membranes, 124 Mering principle, 106 Organo-clay minerals, 260, 268, 269 Methylene blue-clay systems, 353, 354 Oxides, interaction with organic molecules, 313 Metropolis-Monte Carlo method, 205 Mica, 33, 84, 91, 266, structure of the P interlayer, 304 Palygorskite, 4, 46, -sepiolite minerals, 111 Minimization of geometry, 212 Peakforce Quantitative Nanomechanical Minnesotaite diffraction pattern, 113 Mapping, 322, 324 MINTEQA2, 205 Periodical models for crystalline solids, 212 Modulated phyllosilicates, 107 PE-XAFS, see Pre-edge X-ray Absorption Fine MODXRSD,10 Structure Molecular cluster models, 211 P-EXAFX, see Polarized Extended X-ray Molecular dynamics, first-principles, 331, Absorption Fine Structure simulations, 213 PHREEQE, 205 Monte Carlo simulations, 205, 213, 219, 220 Phyllosilicate, 75, 77, 100, classification of, 336, Montmorillonite, 267, 88 computational atomisitic methods applied to, Moro, Daniele, 313 203, structure of the interlayer, 304 Mo¨ssbauer, 216 PILC, pillared clays, 259, 273 Mottana, Annibale, 285 Pillared clays, 259, 273 MUDMASTER, 10, 285 Planar trioctahedral 1:1 layers, 94 Murmanite, 139 Plastic viscosity, 249 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3750989/9780903056458_backmatter.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 374 Index Polarized Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Stoch index, 9 Structure, P-EXAFS, 285, 294 Structural characterization of mixed Polysomatic structures, 107 layers, 169 Polysomes, 113 Structural distortions, 78, 79 Polytypes of chlorite, 98, of mica, 92 Structural features of smectite, 238, 239 Porosity, layered clay minerals, 261 Structural Formula Method, SFM, 243, 244 Pre-edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, Structural overview,
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