US 2013 0034530A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0034530 A1 Fantz (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 7, 2013 (54) DIETARY SUPPLEMENT COGNITIVE (52) U.S. Cl. ....................................... 424/94.2; 424/643 SUPPORT SYSTEM (57) ABSTRACT (75) Inventor: David Robert Fantz, Denver, CO (US) The present invention relates to a nutritional Supplement composition, comprising a therapeutically effective amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin D3. Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vita (73) Assignee: David R. Fantz, Denver, CO (US) min B6, Folic acid, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Chromium, Sugar, Protein, Acetyl-L-Car (21) Appl. No.: 13/456,287 nitine, Dimethylaminoethanol complex, Phosphatidylserine complex, L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylala nine, Taurine, Methionine, Valine, Isoleucine, 5 Hydrox (22) Filed: Apr. 26, 2012 ytryptophan, L-Taurine, N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, N-Acetyl-L- Cysteine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Alpha Related U.S. Application Data Glycerylphosphoricholine complex, Bacopa Monnieri extract, Gingko Biloba extract, Passion flower, Lemon Balm, (60) Provisional application No. 61/480.372, filed on Apr. Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, Choline Bitartrate complex, Panax 29, 2011. Ginseng extract, Turmeric, Organic freeze dried fruit juice blends (concord grape, red raspberry, pineapple, cranberry, Publication Classification acai, pomegranate, acerola cherry, bilberry, lingonberry, black currant, aronia, Sour cherry, black raspberry), Organic (51) Int. Cl. freeze dried greens blends (barley grass, broccoli, beet, car A6 IK33/30 (2006.01) rot, alfalfa, oat), and Protein digestive enzyme blends (Pro A6IP3/02 (2006.01) tease 4.5, peptidase, bromelain, protease 6.0, protease 3.0, L A6IP 25/00 (2006.01) planatrum, B bifidum) in a mixture to provide optimal cog A6 IK38/54 (2006.01) nitive function. US 2013/0034530 A1 Feb. 7, 2013 DETARY SUPPLEMENT COGNITIVE acai, pomegranate, acerola cherry, bilberry, lingonberry, SUPPORT SYSTEM black currant, aronia, Sour cherry, black raspberry), Organic freeze dried greens blends (barley (grass), broccoli (whole), FIELD OF THE INVENTION beet (root), carrot (root), alfalfa (root), oat (grass)), and Pro tein digestive enzyme blends (Protease 4.5, peptidase, bro 0001. The present invention relates generally to the field of melain, protease 6.0, protease 3.0, L planatrum, B bifidum). nutrition, and more specifically to food and Vitamin prepara In a preferred embodiment, the aforementioned composition tions comprising therapeutic levels of vitamins, and micro is delivered through formats that are chewable, powder nutrients suitable for human consumption. based, or beverage. It also contains natural ingredients and is casein free, gluten free, and yeast free as well as having no DESCRIPTION additives, flavoring, or preservatives that are artificial. The nutrition Supplement just described Supports healthy neural BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION development, cognitive function, concentration, memory, 0002 Vitamin mineral, and amino acid supplement prepa alertness, learning, and mood and behavioral stability which rations are commonly administered as general nutritional are all are rooted in biological processes that are Supported by Supplements. Micronutrients are elements or compounds the essential nutrients provided by the current invention. which are present in foods in Small or trace amounts and include vitamins, minerals, or other elements, and com DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED pounds found in foods for which a Dietary Reference Intake EMBODIMENT (DRI) as established by the National Academy of Sciences 0004. A composition for human or animal consumption has not yet been determined. The macronutrients consist of for Supplying and delivering high potency levels, when com carbohydrates, fats, and proteins which Supply nutrients and pared to other multivitamins or FDA recommended Daily calories. Some elements such as calcium, sodium, potassium, Values, of C, D, B. B. Niacin, B. Folic Acid, B, Pan chloride, and phosphorus are consumed in relatively large tothenic Acid, Zinc, and Chromium. Studies show that these amounts, while many Such as iron, iodine, and Zinc are con vitamins and minerals are beneficial at higher levels than the Sumed in Small amounts. Vitamins such as B12 and folic acid FDA Daily Values. and minerals such as selenium, and cadmium are consumed in 0005. There have been no established negative side effects very small or trace amounts. In as much as the human body of higher levels of the B vitamins except for the following: the does not synthesize many compounds which are essential to possibility of toxicity with higher levels of choline in those the human body, these specific vitamins and minerals can be with kidney or liver dysfunction; flushing of the skin with obtained from only two sources: food and Supplements. The higher levels of niacin; and the potential for masking of symp primary source of all nutrients is food. However, the majority toms of vitamin B deficiency with higher levels of folic of people do not meet the DRIs through consumption of the acid. As a consequence, the current invention can be, in one foods containing these essential compounds and elements. example, formulated in consideration of these potential Thus vitamin and mineral Supplementation has become a adverse effects of the B complex by providing a more con recognized method of meeting accepted health standards. servative dose for choline, B, and folic acid. Other vitamins Moreover, there is no current high quality regimen of dietary and minerals as defined in the composition have been clini Supplements that address the vitamin, mineral, amino acid cally proven to not yield negative side effects at levels con and neural compound requirements of humans needed to templated in the embodiment. Support brain and cognitive function, behavior and mood. 0006 Vitamin B, has been shown to improve cognition in both children and adults when taken at any level, with higher SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION doses having a more beneficial effect. While there are studies 0003. In one embodiment, the nutrition supplement com that supplemented vitamin B along with other B vitamins position of the present invention comprises, by way of improves cognitive abilities, there are few for vitamin B example, a therapeutically effective amount of Vitamin C alone to determine an optimal dose for healthy humans. One (from mineral ascorbates), Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol), study actually showed that a daily dose of 100 mg (6,666% Thiamin (B1) (as thiamin HCl), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (as DV) reduced fatigue and boosted energy. Although one niacinamide), Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl). Folic acid, embodiment of the current invention's dose is more conser Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamine), Pantothenic acid (as vative than this study, it has been postulated in this invention d-calcium pantothenate), Calcium (as calcium carbonate), that increased levels of thiamin will have a similar positive Magnesium (as magnesium ascorbate), Zinc (as Zinc ascor effect on humans. bate), Chromium (as chromium picolinate), Sugar (as glu 0007 Similarly, vitamin B is known to be important for a cose), Protein (from pea protein isolate), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, healthy brain and nervous system as well as to reduce stress, DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) complex, PS (Phosphati but there are few studies on vitamin B. Supplementation alone dylserine) complex, Proprietary blends (L-Glutamine, to determine an optimal dose for healthy humans. A recent N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine, Taurine, Methion study on a 16 year old with a nervous system disorder showed ine, Valine, Isoleucine, 5 HTP (Hydroxytryptophan), L-Tau that a daily dose of 100 mg (5,882% DV) of vitamin B. daily rine, N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Alpha Lipoic significantly improved cognition and motor function. Acid, Alpha GPC (Glycerylphosphoricholine) complex, Although the current invention's dose is more conservative Bacopa Monnieri (root) extract, Gingko Biloba (leaf) extract, than this study, it has been postulated in this invention that Passion (flower), Lemon Balm (leaf), Gotu Kola (root), Ash increased levels of thiamin will have a similar positive effect wagandha (root), Choline Bitartrate complex, Panax Ginseng on humans. (root) extract, Turmeric), Organic freeze dried fruit juice 0008 Niacin is commonly taken at daily doses of 1.5 g to blends (concord grape, red raspberry, pineapple, cranberry, 2 g (7,500-10,000% DV) to treat high cholesterol levels in US 2013/0034530 A1 Feb. 7, 2013 adults. High levels at a lower dosage of 45 mg (225% DV) the degenerative effects of elevated blood sugar levels. Cal have been shown to improve cognition and memory in elderly cium, magnesium and Zinc support focus and concentration adults. Although the current invention's dose is more conser as researched in clinical studies. vative than this study, it has been postulated in this invention 0016 Amino acids play essential roles in cognitive nutri that increased levels of thiamin will have a similar positive tion. They are confirmed to be critical given the tremendous effect on all humans. cell turnover within the human brain overtime, and require 0009. The importance of pantothenic acid for a healthy ments for specific amino acids in the formation of new neural brain and body has been demonstrated in numerous studies cells. Complete, natural profiles of amino acids in addition to where it was supplemented along with the other B vitamins, amino acid isolates
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