EDISON J FORDS MACON Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Ford«\ Hopelawn, kelin, Keatbey, Port Reading, Sewardl and Editon All - 7 Woodbridge, New Jersey, Thursday, April 22, 1965 PttMUMO 0. Th u Fa, TIN own 0/ Opinion: Evanko Gets Answers at Apartment Sites WOODBRtDGE - With re- steps and base wooden floors building inspector, who said and had passed all the neces- Home Finance Agency and presentatives of the press and and wanted to know if they he has 56 years of experience sary examinations. the other by the General Ac- Township officials in attend were fire resistant. Mr. Zehrer in the construction field, said' At this point, the conference counting Office of the Federal ante, John Evanko, Colonia, a pointed out that the outside that a great deal of the water broke up and Council Presi- Government, a copy of which former Republican member of wooden door was in confor- came in before the roof was up dent Robert E. Jacks took the goes to Congress. They do not the old Township Committee, mance with the Boca Code- and noted that there are still press back to the Kensington even take our bank statements was given answers to his Building Officials Conference no cellar windows. Mr. Evan- Gnrdens where they were as proof of balance in the questions regarding construc- bank, We must give them a of America, The Boca Code ko made much of the' fact shown model apartments, with letter to the bank and the tion on the sites of the Ken- is used by 90 per cent of the that he found som£ opening* in modern appliances. sington Gardens Apartments, president or vice president municipalities in Middlesex the cinder blocks. The answer The press <then returned to must certify our balance. Ford Avenue and houte 1 and County and is recognized by was that they will be filled up the Municipal Building where They check and initial every- the Bristol Gartens Apart- the Federal government, The with concrete before the brick at a press conference, Munici- thing even down to ten cent ments, Gill Lane, but after it Boca Code, Mr. Zehrer said, facing is applied. pal Solicitor Stewart M. Hutt petty cash slips." was over the Colonia man left requires that floors be fire Mr. Evanko then asked why told reporters that they need without indicating whether he Mrs. Tappen stated that her resistant, not fire proof "and there are 3x12 spans in the not take the word of municipal office follows the Boco Code was satisfied with the answers, I believe that the Boca Code is front of the apartment and officials, th'at they could check 1 M religiously and uses the sup- Waving what was apparent- strict enough." 2 x 12 spans in the hir ' * the fire resistance of Kensing- plements which come out reg- ly rolled plans, ,Mr, Evanko, was told by Frank Markovics, ton Gardens through the Na- ularly. who called Kensingt-m Gar- Two Hour Fire Rating who works as a planning ex- tional Board of Fire Insurance dens a "fire trap" at Tuesday He noted that the wall struc- aminer in the Building In- Underwriters. The Township, she revealed, night's meeting df the Munici- ture has a "two-hour fire rat- spector's office that it all de- Also, at the press confer- takes advantage of all the ser- pal Council and-spoke lor al- ing" and the floor and the pends on the length of the ence, Mr, Harris reviewed Mr, vices offered by the Building most an hour, jpenl le^s than sub-floor had insulation be- spin, according to the code. Rvanko's charges of the night Officials Conference of Amer- IS minutes asking questions at tween them. At Kensington before that the Department of ica by availing itself af all the one of the apartments there Gardens the floors are then Has Testing Reports Planning and Development services offered by the organ- under construction. covered with fire-resistant Asifar as the concrete is kept separate books, that the isation such as tests for new James Zehrer, assistant wall-to-wall carpeting. concerned, Mrs. Mary E. Tap- records were not in the comp- materials on the market. She Building Inspector in charge of The foreman on the job noted pen, Building Inspector stated, troller's office. also said that the Building field work and who has more that there were fire stops at she "would be happy to show "Urban Renewal books, un- Department avails itself of the than three decades of service all places where they are ne- Mr. Evanko the reports of the der the law," Mr. Harris said, services of the New Jersey as head of fjre-fighting at cessary. However, Mr. Evan- New Jersey Testing Labora- "must be kept separatly in- Testing Co,, for materials like Shell Oil Company, as a chief ko said he still felt the wooden tory 33 to the quality of the asmuch as the Federal Gov- concrete to make sure that concrete." of Woodbridge Fire Company floors were not fire resistant. ernment assumes two-thirds of the right materials are used and as a fire commissioner of Mr. Zehrer said that all the Mr. Evanko then said he the cost for projects and the in building projects. doors for ingress and egress felt "that Mark (Mr. Marko- municipality pays one-third, district 1, told Mr. Evankn Other stories on the apart- that in his opinion Kensington (ipen outward, according to the vics) was a nice guy," but Mostly, the municipality's \\\ \lI'l\(. <|l 1MIONS AND RKADV WITH ANSWERS; John Kv anko, former GO!' Township ('umniUttemaii, left, Is shown al Gardens were safe, Boca Code. "didn't have enough experi- share is in credits, for im- ments and other accusations i;lNl.| i,,in!ius Apartment* now under construe iion on (iill Uw. VM\I\U * as invited hy Council I'rPslilfnt Rohl*rt F.. Jacks to point At Bristol Gardens, where ence" to examine apartment provements made in sewers, made by Mr. Evanko at the ,,ui ii,m^ In- claimed at Tuesday's rouncll mrrtlng. Standing, Irft lo ri^ht are S. Buddy Harris, dlrertor of the Department of Plan- Points to Wooden Doors only the framework is up, houses and find their defects. roads, sidewalks and curbs. Council meeting will be found .,, • mil Development, Mr. Jacks, Munlripul Knpdneer Charles Brnulc, HutMing Inspector Mary F,. Tappen, CommKteeman Joseph Mr. Evanko pointed to the there was water in the cellars. In reply, Mr. Markovics not- We have two audits of our \,mui .mil A-sMiint Building Inspectors Frank Markovics and Jainc*, Zrhrer, wooden entrance doors, wooden Jack Greiser, an assistant ed he has five years experience books, one by the Housing and on page » of this issue. '•*•#« • \oard Refuses To Make Quick Harris Hits First Bank Merges with First National At Criticism hcision On Bargaining Vote WOODBRIDGE . - S. Buddy Of Highland Park, to Make Institution [I!I|;!;||H;K - The Hoard of the 524 teachers who jlgned the rily, nor on the other hand are we Harris, director of the Depart- . - mil going to be petition. He noted that in other going to jump into it without ment of Planning and Develop- lia.sty de-communities teachers #ere forced study." ment, today denied charge of in- n I'liTiimi for a sole to strike or1 "use oik* At this x iiit, Roy Mundy, Board terference made by Charles Ter- win. reprt.'sentativesjto get SO zella, a nwmbtr of fee planning Largest Commercial Bank in Middlesex l'intUe Township Fe-jwaflt t«1p Board> • ..^ ' FORDS - The merg* of Tb» Teachers w|/« ^iWltBl Wt, TIlT.^MVoWfbVWoipal First National Bank of Highland jtuvm c«|«u»w ™pi "-'""iWorK stoppage? are not in the Council Tuesday that Mr. Harris PaTirNW^ fiBk indicated it wisihWrTn! e end of the scam year, so thai pj | t instill our cooperation". had been pressuring the Planning Marine Park S n 0 and Trust Company, N, A. was . mutter further. Jo-,"we can arrive at a contract goodn ^ ,t | injustice to Board and that he endeavored toDeadline Today for Filing Petitions e Sil WHS a rea announced today by Fred W. De- ... representing the!for you, litt students and the|the leachcrs and with two teacher get the board to pay $2,500 to a Voe, president of The First Na- said the uniojiileachers", William Bihler, Hoard, ,,i to tx- dealt with fairly, "per- planner as partial payment on a Meeting Set u ls tional Bank of Highland Park, vi\ that action was.prmidaal ^epHed "we are rwt' |]y l resent this attitude. As contract for work the board ha? For Primaries; Contest for Democrats WOODBRIDGE - Middlesex Sona and W. Emlen Roosevelt, presi- and. so would! going lo delay things unnemsa- f s I can see a quick decision not seen. County officials yesterday decided ar a dent of First Bank and Trust is not vital other than gaining WOODBRIDGE - With dead-;- to investigate the feasibility of Mr. Harris said that the Plan- line for filing petitions for the) Company, N, A., Fords. your point." ning Board's own contract with applying for state and federal primary election today, it appears funds to assist in the develop- Terms of the proposed merger, replied thai he Eugene Oross Associates, Novy Mr. Casclles as if both the Democrats and Barone, Opposition Slate ment of a Marine Park in Se- which have been approved by •inly wanted to emphasis good re- Brunswick, planning consultants, Republicans have full slates, with waren. Third Ward Councilman the boards of both banks, now re- lationship and "status quo is not as drawn up by the Board asks th^ former having some opposi- George Yates disclosed.
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