T he Courier-(Jazette. R<H’KLAN1> OAZFTTK KSTARbfSIfKD 1HIO. I ROCKLAND COCRIER KSTAItLlSll KO 1874.1 (T j TWO noil.A Its X n \ |{ IN All VANCE. In Press is the ArtbimfiRan *?cbcr that ttlobrs the ddlorlb at (Tbio Hollars a dear fSIN<il.l (OKIES PRKE I'll E CENTS. V o l . 4.— N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, APRIL 28. 188-l N u m b e r 1 5 . THE COURIER-GAZETTE nml even the drugs lliemsrlves. An WHY WE CROSS THE OCEAN. THE MILKMAID. AMERICAN HUMOR. PNEUMONIA. soon ns the doctors stopped feeding him E niTi n nv W. (). Ki i l l ii. .In. In die midst of a very cold day in tlie morphine nnd gave the pitient n elntneo « the (frawp I rcc her pn«p ; A close call "T im e to shut up. gentle­ The Story o a Man Who Has Hail It he improved rapidly, anil the other day, winter of if,go, a parly of exceedingly She »ith tripping pace— men’'.— lloslon 'Times. Nine Times. A maid I know—w —Mini Mini Mar< h windRwind* h' FORMER RESIDENTS. twenty-one days niter his knell had been enterprising and frost-bitten individuals, H»t h air ncroRR h er fare . "I glo ss I'll t ike a liorn." • I wouldn't F. H. Bak r writes tli ‘ following re­ W ith a hcv. Polly! bo, Polly! sounded by the doctors, he walked down wlio find sailed from across the seas in a do il Ii will corn vou copiously.’’— markable letter lo the Bruton Hr m id I lolly rIi til bn mint , Hoslon Times. Scattered nil over the surface of the frail litd e vessel, landed on w lia t tile Bc'orc the spray iR wh t ■ w ith M a\, stairs and took a drive, and he now «>r hiooniM th e •■giantme. Pneumonia is prevalent this month in globe, on land and on sea, w ill be found I seems to be on the rapid road to corn- p eless lias aptly termed tlie stern ami i’ lie 111.01 whn kills two organ-grindi n this city. I an) today out of my lietl for T h e Mar< h windR blow . I wnt-li her g* , when- one lived before is a public bene­ the first time fora week, having had mv scores of men and women who original- , plete recovery. All of which proves, rock-bound coast nf Massachusetts. Of Her eve i« brown ami clear. factor.— IViiitc/taU Times. this l>md of venturesome pilgrims were IL r cheek iR brown, and soft hr dow n ninth atlaek since 1H7'.I. with in appreci­ ed in Rockland, nnd to whoso dear scenes j that whether Gen. Grant dies from his T o thoRC who Rce it m a r ' It is needless to leuiark that it was a able dill-renee in the severity o f each they often revert in memory, and long , present trouble or not, sensible men and Dr. Samuel and Edward Fuller, brothers, With a hey, etc. deaf-mute wtio uriginatPil the saying att iek. < >f these attacks, eight were of for a glimpse or two of the old home. | women will put no more faitli in the with tlieir respective families — and What ban she not that they have got- th a t "h o , e de if-lu aid inaketli the heart the light lung. I am Id years of age, The dames that walk in silk' sick ” — iVashinr/lon llalclul. habits strictly temperate, height live There is something peculiar about our j bulletins and assumed wisdom of his hardy ami worthy men iliey were accord­ Should nhe undo her ’kerchief bine, fi ct nine in lies, weight 2O'I |mnnds. a city in this respect. Itisn't a very largo doctors, wlto have made themselves ing to tlie chronicles of those times. Some men go into the newspaper busi­ ness for tlie purpose ot 111 ikin g money, physique that has the worst lo lie appre­ or a very handsome city—and indeed we ridiculous, not because they have failed, Well, time went on, tlie years waxeil Let those who will he proud nnd chill' lin t tin y soon come to tlie conclusion that hended from pneumonia. M y liis l a t­ might enumerate a variety of tilings | but because they pretended to be omnis- and waned, and by ami by tlie green For me, from June to June, (hey should work for fame.— lloslon I ’nsl. tack cosl me -2 inn. I hud lour physi- My Polly’s wor<P are sweet a- curds ei ms My last attack cost me 20 cents. tliat would lie looked upon with derision cient, and tried to impress I lie public grass of Plymouth waved over the H er laugh Ir like a tune;— ( 'ra lili Robinson says lic it Goethe never Have had no physician in ihe Iasi six nt- by the casual stranger—-but it is a fad witli their stupendous knowledge lay gloves of Dr. Samuel and Edward, his Witli 11 hey, etc. had an nlliictinn wliieli lie did lin t turn tre k s . I donut th sire to lelieel upon that her sons and daughters love her, tnlking with unnecessary grandilo­ brother. But when these good men died B reak, break to in nr. O crocus sp« n r ’ into a poem. Some writers never line O tall Lent liHc«. flam e’ a iioem wliieli they do not turn into an the in e iiie il pi ofe-sion ; from Hie pliysi- they did not fail to leave tlieir name, and when they get away from the Itor- quence. I h ere'll h e n bride at Kufltcr-tid<*, alllietinn. — l'h il'iiti Iphin 1 all. ei ms I learned Ihe Ire itin e n l, w liie li is and in tlie process of time it came to A ml I lolly in tier nam e. extremely simple. I desire in publish it ders of her niuddv streets they are filled Therefore wo conclude that the gener­ With a hey, Polly' ho, Polly! " W lia t is education?" asked a w riter. for 1 lie In in -lit of those wli», away from with the conviction that there is no al didn't have epithelioma at all. The pass tint Fullers spread over Hint por­ I tolly slinll be mine - Before the npray I- white witli May, Well, it is soilletliing a college gr oluale home and friends are atlacked with this place on earth that they love so well as doctors haven’t said yet what they </o tion of Massachusetts so thickly that it Hr bloom* the < glantine. thinks he has u n til lie becomes a news­ sudden and terrible disease, mere fatal the little rock-ribbed dusty city down liy th in k it was, but probably it is something was well-nigh impossible for a man to paper man. 'I lieu lie has to begin all than ehn'era, mid more prevalent in Bos­ over again. — Xcm Turk Journal. the sea. w ith at least eight syllables. f ill oil’ a liouso without liopelessly crip­ BRIC-A-BRAC. ton. A musician whose door-plate read "G. But that wasn’t what wo started out — -♦» pling one or two ot them. Thence they I’neiimonia begins with a pain in the Tlie nristoerntie sport in Australia is Sharp,” was m iieh disgusted to find one side, light or left, sometimes both, with began to spread themselves abroad. In to say: Those children of the lime- ON WHIPPING EDITORS. kangaroo limiting. morning that some envious rival lead difficulty of hrcalhi ig. lia r I, dry cough, rock city who are away in other states 17X5, A ndrew , a pre.ielier, wandered scrawled under it the unquestionable followed by expeeliiriiling of thick, Mr. Best of Boothbay distinguished Tin: mmiufiieture of artificial ivory and countries can do much to increase from Middlehoro down to tlie raw and from hones nnd surapi of sheepskin is a tru th — ‘ ‘is A lla t."— Musical Journal. sticky, rusty-eolored m iller (phlegm himself last week by whipping Mr. the interest of this paper by writing oc­ untried scenes of M aine, and settling at new industry. < ireat Britain —(boistcr. lUsly) — Who mid blond) Drawing in of ihe breath gives a sound like the crackling of line Cox, the editor of the /legitiler af that Sm oking durin g tlie service is said to hit my little hiotlier, Ahiy’ Russia— casional letters for its columns. To the Warren, it fell out Unit in tlie course of salt thrown upon live coals ol lire. I11 place. Mr. Cox, who is a gentleman of lie customary in some of the rural (tllienteiiingly) —I did. Great Britain— European continent, to South America, successive generations the name of Fuller the second singe, Ihe lung becomes solid m iddle age nnd in feeble health, had churches in Holland. (seizing up Russia, and in a much calmer into the Provinces, abroad through every began hereabouts also to tie known lo n e )— Well, jo 1 li him a terrible lick. from hill imuiation, and delirium sets in. incurred tho ill-will of the mili-tciu- The will of a New Hampshire man, state and territory in the Union, our am ong men. — Tcoria Transcript. I'lie third singe comes on. from which pornneo element of Bootldiay by his which has just lieen probated, leaves recovery is e xtrem ely rare.
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