1940 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HO.USE 1301 The motion was agreed to; and <at 4 o'clock and 53 minutes Julian Rex Bernheim, Jr. Alonzo Allan Towner, Jr. p.m.) the Senate took a recess until Tuesday, .February 13, Rober·t Paul Hughes Jake William Hearn 1940, at 12 o'clock meridian. Benjamin Hardy Sullivan~ Ephraim Bernard Cohen Jr. David Harry Naimark NOMINATIONS Sterling James Ritchey John Ward Regan Joseph Calvin Lawrence Robert Bresette Gorman Executive nominations received by the Senate February 9 Philip Alexander Bergman Harold Frederick Funsch (legislative day of February 7), 1940 David Hickman Drum- Harry James Grossman · CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION mond Don S. Wenger Ma.j. Robert C. Hunter, Corps of Engineers, United States Joseph Brown Gordon Delmar Eichler Domke Army, for appointment as a member of the California Debris Fred George Lahourcade John Joseph Chizik Commission provided for by the act of Congress approved James Edward Sa.ms Harold Buffington Graves March 1, 1893, entitled .. An act to create the California Louis Harmon Jobe, Jr. Maurice Riordan Connolly Debris Commission and regulate hydraulic mining in the Robert James Goldson James Edward Hix State of California," vice Maj. Frank M.S. Johnson, Corps of PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY Engineers, relieved. · TO BE COLONELS APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY Paul Sorg Reinecke, Corps of Engineers. TO BE MAJOR GENERAL Raymond Albert Wheeler, Corps of Engineers. Brig. Gen. Walter Campbell Short. United States Army, William Benjamin Hardigg. Ordnance Department. from March l, 1940, vice Maj. Gen. John H. Hughes, United Harry Russell Kutz, Ordnance Department. States Army, to be retired February 29, 1940. Thompson Lawrence, Infantry. TO BE J3RIGADIER GENERAL TO BE LIEUTENANT COLONELS Col. Robert Henry Lewis, Field Artillery, vice Brig. Gen. Maurice Joseph McGuire, Infantry. Walter C. Short, United States Army, nominated for appoint­ Leon Gregory Harer, Infantry. ment as major general. Chauncey Harold Hayden, Infantry. TO BE THE INSPECTOR GENERAL, WITH THE RANK OF MAJOR GENERAL, Erie Oden Sandlin, Infantry. FOR A PERIOD OF 4 YEARS .FROM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE, WITH RANK Isaac George Walker, Cavalry. FROM DECEMBER 24, 1939 Walter Edward Jenkins, Field Artillery. Col. Virgil Lee Peterson, Corps of Engineers, vice Maj. Gen. William Elmer Lynd, Air Corps (temporary lieutenant colo­ Walter L. Reed, the Inspector General, whose term of office nel, Air Corps). expired December 23, 1939. TO BE MAJORS TO 13E CHIEF OF FINANCE, WITH THE RANK OF MAJOR GENERAL, FOR Lucas Victor Beau, Jr., Air Corps (temporary major, Air A PERIOD OF 4 YEARS FROM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE, WITH . RANK Corps). FROM APRIL 23, 1940 Arthur Lee Shreve, Field Artillery. Col. Howard Kendall Loughry, Coast Artillery Corps, vice George Raymond Connor, Infantry. Maj. Gen. Frederick W. Boschen, Chief of Finance, whose Newman Raiford Laughinghouse, Air Corps <temporary term of office expires April 22, 1940. major, Air Corps). TO BE CHIEF OF COAST ARTILLERY, WITH "THE RANK OF lVIAJOR John Paul Dean, Corps of Engineers. GENERAL, FOR A PERIOD OF 4 YEARS FROM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE, Patrick Henry Timothy, Jr., Corps of Engineers. WITH RANK FROM APRIL 1, 1940 Hugh John Casey, Corps of Engineers. Col. Jcseph Andrew Green, Coast Artillery Corps, vice Maj. Patrick Henry Tansey, Corps of Engineers. Gen. Archibald H. Sunderland, Chief of Coast Artillery, whose Hans Kramer, Corps of Engineers. term of office expires March :n, 104G. Albert Gordon Matthews, Corps of Engineers. Leland Hazelton Hewitt, Corps of Engineers. Michael Charles Grenata, Corps of Engineers. CONFIRMATIONS Thomas Francis Kern. Corps of Engineers. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate February 9 Ralph Edward Cruse, Corps of Engineers. (legislative day ot February 7), 1940 APPOINTMEN-T, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY ENvOYS EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTERS PLENIPOTENTIARY OF TO QUARTERMASTER CORPS '1'HE UNITED STA'l'ES Maj. Marion Irwin Voorhes. George H. Earle 3d, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Min­ ister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to APPOINTMENTS IN THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES Bulgaria. GENERAL OFFICERS David Gray to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen­ Roger Weed Eckfeldt to be major general, National Guard ipotentiary of the United States of America to Ireland. of the United States. Louis G. Dreyfus, Jr., now Envoy E;xtraordinary and Min­ William Francis Howe to be brigadier general, National ister Plenipotentiary to Iran, to be also Envoy Erlraordinary Guard of the United States. and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Afghanistan. WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Paul Edwards to be work-projects administrator for the FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1940 District of Columbia. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and was called to order FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM by the Speaker pro tempore [Mr. RAYBURN]. TO BE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF GCVERNORS The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., Marriner S. Eccles offered the following prayer: Chester C. Davis Thy mercy, 0 Lord, is in the heavens and Thy majesty and APPOINTMEN'l'S IN -THE REGULAR ARMY power reach unto the ends of the earth. Turn unto us again and give Thy presence unto Thy children, and with Thy MEDICAL CORPS blessing may we not fail to hallow the gifts of life. We pray To be first lieutenants that we may be just in our judgments, rich in our charity, Theodore Livingston Hart­ Harry Ghdding Moseley and sincere in our interpretation of one· another. Do Thou ridge Hugh Warren Jones give range and vision to the thoughts that we think and to Oscar Peyton Moffitt, Jr. Larry Allen Smith the lives that we live. We thank Thee for the happiness 1302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 9 and the hallowed associations of our homes. The dear Lord The "resolution of inquiry" mentioned by Representative BREWSTER appears to have been House Resolution 361 submitted bless them with contentment and good health. May we all by him on January 17, 1940, upon which the Committee on Ways enjoy life at its best that we may give this life of joy to others. and Means submitted an adverse report, No. 1558, on February 1. Comfort the sick and all bereaved ones with the hopes and 1940. Copies of House Resolution 361 and of the report No. 1558 promises of our m·ost holy faith and graciously abide with are attached hereto and particular attention is invited to the letter of the Acting Secretary of the Treasury under date of January 26. our Speaker, and Thine shall be the glory. Through Christ 1940, quoted in the report. our Savi our. Amen. I have carefully examined the letter addressed to you by the Acting Secretary of the Treasury and find ·no grounds for the state­ The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ments of Representative BREWSTER as set forth in the above extracts approved. from the CoNGRESSIONAL RECORD. Furthermore, an examination of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the files of this Department reveals that there is no basis for the assertion or the implication that this Department has requested A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative that "the Treasury should revise their current regulations and clerk, announced that the Senate had passed, with amend­ introduce a so-called Treasury decision." The records of the Department show that this matter was first ments in which the concurrence of the House is requested, brought to its attention in a report from the American consul gen­ a bill of the House of the following title: eral at St. Johns, Newfoundland, dated December 3, 1937, con­ H. R. 7922. An act making appropriations for the Executive taining information which was brought to the consul general's Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, attention by the Newfoundland Commissioner of Natural Resources regarding the proposed establishment of the enterprise of the commissions, and offices for the fiscal year ending June 30, General Sea Foods Corporation in Newfoundland. Copies of the 1941, and for other purposes. consul general's report were referred to the interested agencies of this Government--namely, the Treasury Department, the Depart­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS ment of Commerce (in which the Bureau of Fisheries was then Mr. HARE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to located), and the Tariff Commission. The Treasury Department extend my own remarks on the Department of Agriculture stated in subsequent communications that pending the receipt of further information from the representatives of the General Sea appropriation bill. Foods Corporation and from this Department a decision regardi;ng The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, it is so the tariff status of products resulting from the operations of the corporation was being held in abeyance. ordered. This Department subsequently forwarded reports from the con­ There was no objection. sul general at St. Johns containing additional information desired, THE STATE DEPARTMENT and on August 22, 1938, was advised by the Treasury as follows: "This Department has reached the conclusion that fish taken by Mr. DOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, February 6, American vessels owned by the General Sea Foods Co. and processed the gentleman from Maine [Mr: BREWSTER] addressed the in Newfoundland under the proposed procedure described by repre­ sentatives of that company will be entitled to free entry as products House during the consideration of the appropriation bill for of an American fishery under the provisions of paragraph 1730 (a) the State Department and made what I feel to have been of the Tariff Act of 1930 (U.S. C., title 19, sec.1201, par. 1730 (a)). an unwarranted attack upon the State Department. Article 489 of the Customs Regulations of 1937, which relates to products of American fisheries, has been amended to accord with I therefore ask unanimous consent to have inserted in the this conclusion and the General Sea Foods Co.
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