*T& * Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org .A Town of • Wfttartew* Weekly Jan. 13, 1948, at; the post office at Oakville, Conn, under the Act of Mar. 8, 1879.) Subscription Frice, ingle Copy,/6 Cents Multi-Purpose Structural Detail Of New School Two Hearings Set On Appeals From Zoning Authority Decisions Tee Watertown, Zoning Board of Appeals will hold two 'hearings next week on appeals from de- cisions of the Zoning Commis- sion. * The first hearing' will be held on Tuesday, July 22, at 7: .SO1 p. nx. in the Town Hall on. the appeal, taken by Donald Paquette and Edward Tourkstovich, operatirs of a gasoline station, on Main Street, from an order of the Zon- ing/ Authority denying their a:p- plication to . maintain on their property a ' poster _ advertising1 sign'. Tae'zbnfng' authority denied the application en the ground's that, the -sign, did not conform -'By taking advantage of certain •trnotarsi aspMfts,. soch as the tunnel shown above, to transmit heat, steam pipes and radiators will. with the zoning ordinance of the be eliminated te the new .Junior Mfh sehool on Judd tract. Beside* covering this 285-foot tunnel, special constructed hollow planks' Watertown Fire District. made of steet'refaforcfed eoncret* blocks will serve both as ft foundation floor for classrooms .and corridor and to' tmunit heat and The second 'hearing will be held - filtered air. Fresh air wfll be gently circulated through the building. The heating system has been arranged to' utilise natural body on. Wednesday, July 23, at ":3O heat so ttats better control of temperature and humidity can; be maintained. Heating and circulation has been combined In, a single p. m. in. Che Town Hall on an ap- system which 'can,'to maintained and operated economically, according to the School Building:'Committee. The two steel boiler* 'that will, peal taken by, the Evergreen Ce- •ham the load for this system win utilise No. « oil, the least' expensive fuel. metery Association from an .ord- er of the zoning authority deny- ing an application to erect an of- Applicant Seeks fice at the entrance to the ceme- Water Board Circumvents District tery- on North Street 'The denial here was' also .. based on the License For Junk grounds that the office would Will Participate In .not toe conforming with the zon- Yard On Davis St. Vote By Renting Private lines ing ordinance. The Board of Selectmen has announced that a public hearing The Oakville Water Board re- in the form of retroactive rental Dedication Services on an application for a Junk solved Monday evening to rent for the past years. Yard Dealer**' License will be private water lines from Albeit The two owners have claimed Observers On Watch held on Monday, August 4, at Dacldona of Prospect Street and that the fire district has derived Town EQsdl.a* 11:45 a.*m. The CamUlo larrapino of Highland revenue from the sale of water Avenue. According: to reports, the through their lines and should, ; Jta efe^jand two hiahops appltjiattote Jf«r~e License to oper- For 21 Hours During 1 water board has agreed to pay will participate, in ttte dedication ate a junk yard on Davis Street therefore, buy or rent them. The v was submitted by Maurice Wolk, the alleged owner* $150 per year district's net total Income from " of the n#w Ctrurc% of Sfc; Mary rental plus $450 as retroactive - Magdalen, whttfc-wfljt^be observed vice-president of Everybody's the five water users who arc by weelt-lOog--cefew*sries starting Used Car * Part Company. rental charges from 1948 to 1952, connected +o these lines in esti- : Mr. larrapino has a 3-4 inch tub- , July 27.' ~ - *• mated at $60 per year leaving an Watertown. h a d ninttaea : ing connected to Mr, Daddona*s operating loss of $90 a year to ground- observers standing watch - Most Rev. raffitatxi J. Cu3hing, 1 1-4 inoh line. * Arcbbiahop-ol.e&rtoa; will speak the district, if they are rented. in the first. 24-hour period, of -ita _ at a hohr* ^owf-Tor/nfen and high Republican Women The decision to rent was arriv- The water board official has in- new round-the-clock duty. .The. -'* school boys of; fhe parish on July ed at one week after voters at a structed the district's attorney, post was manned -for 21 hours. ''' Sti'Most Rev, .jjtfsnry J. O'Brien, special fire district meeting re- Arthur M. McDonald to prepare out of" that period, with a gap -^Bishop of "Hartfordr wHl conduct To Hear Report On fused to buy the Iine3 as recom- contracts binding the district to occurring from 3 to 6 a. in. Tu.es-. the (opening dedication ceremony mended by the chairman, of the the rental charges There iid day morning. • on July 27 at II a. ,m. Most Rev. water board, Joseph Zuraitis, Jr. doubt among other officials whet- Even with 'this .early morning . Joha J. Wright, Bishop of WOT Following the defeat of the pro- her such contract could be valid hiatus, the local 'post had a bet- €0P Convention in view of the district's charter ter first-day record than many " .tester; will apfeak at a holy hour Richard Benson, chairman of posal to purchase the lines on ' >-'fterv1c* for women and1 nigs schoi*-1 July 7, Mr. Daddona shut off the which states: "... no contracts other communities in Connecticut the Waterbury Republican Town shall be made or obligations in- and in the other 26 participating ^•girla of the parish on July 20 Committee, will discuss the GOP water supply to the house be- Three dedication Masses will be yond his. Families with young- curred involving any expenditure states. Convention next Monday night, of money unless an appropriation If .any of the planes reported. " celebrated simultaneously on Sun- July 21, at a meeting of the Wo- sters clamored throughout thp - day, July 27, in order to accom- hot spell last week for water for the same shall have been on. Monday had. been hostile air- •*npn'j3 Republican Club Mr. Ben made at an annual meeting of craft,. Watertown would have 'been ; modate the 4,000 membera of the sen was an alternate delegate to Mr. Daddona's declared purpose •parish. Rev. John- W. Struck of was to use their need for water the Fire District or at a special one . of 'the few posts: in 'New .the national convention last meeting duly warned for that England to-help track their flight -Pawtucket, R. I., brother of Rev. week. to force the district to pay for Harry C Struck; pastor, wflT celt- the lme*. On Monday, July 14, purpose . nor shall any con- across the - skies. 'Connecticut The meeting will be held at 3 at midnight, he opened the lint: tract be entered into for a period was reported to ^ave bad only 59 (Continued on Page 12) p, m. at the home of Mrs. Victor after officials' agreed to terms o' longer than one year without au- posts out of M operating on Cestar, Riverside Street. annual rental and extra charges thorization from the district." Monday. Other disappointing .re-, suite" were reported from Rhode Island; Maine, New York. New- Sfflmner Reading Chib Jersey and New Hampshire on CampWapasa Swimming Qasses lions Club Sends the eastern coast.. The Eastern. Air Defense' Force Reports 68 Members reported, that, only. 1,518 posts The Summer Reading Club at News Notes For Teen-Agers First 2 Children we're manned, out. of a total, ot the Watertown library is signing Unit 7 at Camp Wapasa has a 4,000' in 'the area. v n mor* new members every daj new 14 by 14 square Army tent, When, the local post, was visited Early this week it had a total an acquisition wnich was made To Start Tonight To Summer Camp Monday afternoon, women obser- membership of- 66 children, all of -possible <by contributions from Any teen-ager who -wants to The Lions Club has realized a vers were taking their duties whom are reading for pleasure Seidu DepbJan and an interested learn to swim is invited to come total of $210 from its various very seriously. Several planes this summer and keeping a rec- citijjep. The Unit 7 girls are the out to Echo Lake tonight for the scrap drives, and has spent $100 weve reported in one short, 'peri- ord of the books they readj The oldest Intermediate Scouts. Their first instruction, session at 6:45 as of this date to send two chil- od, and at least one of these could leader is Myra Peck. p. m. The- opening class, original- dren or Watertown to Camp Hem- be heard,.. but not seen, from • the first Honor Roll reader is Penny locks, the camp sponsored by the Ptearns with 2© books to her cred- This week the .youngest Brow- ly scheduled for last Thursday ground... Its probable position..and night, was postponed one week. Connecticut Society for Crippled it. nies spent a* night," at thfe camp Children and Adults. The re- direction, of flight, however, were Other youngsters who have under" the leadership. of Betty' Bin Starr will be the instructor maining amount of money s to reported, to the Filter Center, been reading actively ar«# Sheila Ring. It was the first oVierrrtg-iif for*these classes, which are given be used for sending other worthy since every bit of activity in. the free of 'charge by the summer skies must be accounted for. Jones, 11 books; Nancy Alvord, camping trip for these youngesi recreation program of the Rec- children to camp, as cases fire 9; Franklin McCarthy, 9; John Scouts.
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