I es-r ¥ 8 - ^ 'IV in Falls, Idaldaho/92nd year, N o. Z2 7 2 ■ M onday, Scp;ptcm bcr29, 1997 50 c en ts G ( X ) n M (ORNINC; ) i m Houjsehead W k a h i k r JayiSum^and 0 ^ ; pronnisesto ' inner ^vith light ic |j|0 d variable ^^9 /SHHb 1 n d s . H i g h s in in fl over]rhaul IRS ^ i h ei u p p e r 7 0 s . j ^ H Lcn\-s iiK he mid 40s\0s. PageA2 B | Service ssuspends several distria-klevel managers M a g i c \'.-\i.LLHV i TbetoodattdFiH m » _______________________ Fate ^ 8 WA5HINGTjr O N — T h e House will passss A \ J pentflng: legislation thi:his >-ear to rein in abuses byV the IRS, Majiajority Leader Dick Armey■y promised. Heie suggested an overbaul is needed to cotounier such excesses as IRSs targeting of coconscr\-ati%-e groups unfriend-d- lytovorddiese administiation. I .‘\lso Sundiiday. Newsweek magazinele ioi>' could take on n reported thee :Internal Revenue Sen-ice:e Gooding ' ' responded to) ssearing critiasm in a Scnatf* be tom dowTL building m|^H • bearing of itsts treannent of taxpayers IjyV M th a S M B suspending scv-£>1731 district 4ev d manag ers.s. Newsweeki ssaid in its edition on ne*w-s- Goal of compliance: 8 lot of his- U stands Monda}lay th a t it h a d a memo sig n edd state officials m eetinewlife-or i by 3 suspencnded manager. Arkansas-s- negotiate hazardous P a g e d Oklahgn.1 dististrig collection chief RonaldId tions at the INEEL. James. The d details how theth IR ^ in Federal and apparent defe fia n c e o f lies agents V S l « R I S et today to ^ H j la w . e>*aluate )us-\N-aste viola- M B E H ^ by (he seizur u r e s a n d D t nB E fiH B levies the>- m L. Page Cl | H nevremaganne IR S sp<p o k e s m a n th s a i d h e A ■ n ianc« to Sve in a small town was anm liTImportsnt consideration to Collegt»£e of Sotrthem Idaho biology piofes: jeddedtokaie Frank Keith couldn’t com position In Rem. A new study saysI CS:c s t salaries are below the averagege for other area coU^es. es becausc Rydingthe B 6 B specific cases ♦ VT/w - of privacy lawIWS, b u t b e ■ — ^rCvJiiSuTr^ stoA j rm o u t _ I noted th a t agegency’s a a - WekAnney’ . WT'C: Theat Europeans i in g com mm i is s io n e r , to 11 I Michael Doi:>lan. promised the Senate.e held off a fero- herpwi d b o aard toI re c o nn m e n ( Fmance Comimminee to a a immediatelyy Rj’derCup. dous ngnifxr £s. Tbar onild entail su^ieo->- American “■ > soRsofemplo;lo>-ecs, K eith said. .A rm ey. R-'R-Texas. told “Fox News•s anack Sunday W-4 Sunday" a bflbill is being put together too to retain the I IC v » ^ reformthelRSRS. H e sa id it would be b asedd PageDl a is in gC ' S I f ;'ac u ityrsalari(*- on recommenijndadons of a congressionala commissionn headed by Rep. Robb • Ponm an, R-Oh□hio, a n d Sc il Bob KQTey,I>-y Big Bucs: JcnnHcf Ssndmsnn ' L a w m a kkers i m ixed on acollege pay raise:e issu e Xeb, that thele responsibiliry for ^-atdiing The NFC es-News witter_____________ over IRS actirtinries be mo\-ed from thee Centralis X C , , ByUzWrlght piprice for p c o i^ leaving an tbe nme." Treasure- Dep;•partment to a new board ofif ■WIN FALLS - Keeping fac T t a ^ e w s witter “r \ ' c h ^ p r e s s o r s ta lk (oto&eaboutit i: direaors. champions t\%'o gami suddenly uies at the College of Southernm I d a h o ----------------------------------------------------------------- a i and they're concerned aboiibout p e o p le “W ell passB ith a t l»ef ore this >-ear is OT-er. r--r — imdefeated Tampa 1 reversed, ByJennp«iitive with other W esternn ssi u to s t w i n FALLS--: ■- Magic V ailcy la^^•mak■ -lea\ins.''-Jaqi»ei said. -----------------------------------{expect th e pfp resid en t will sign it." Anne>-y ^vith the Ttoes-f; become a priority for collegei admrn-ad <,is tc e l m ixcil about^1] whether the state “I personally lend to quesluestion (pay said. ators, who have learned CSI ins raises) becausc I’m oot suren iure should Senate actiodon on an IRS bill diis >'car is Three shy: Sl Louis instruc- should increasesc college employees’ ^ B s-have fallen below average or be wonicd about cntnpe^Qgwiifaotber i ksscenain,bub u t K errey, appearing on CBS'? Super Bowl = “ salnrics. ’atian,” he thinls his coi-li- Mark McGuire finis f scale. “I think theyf sshould have gotten a higher1“ education institutiocB."ns." said SerL “Face the Nat imes behind pass le^slation as wcH‘Theree son uith 58 homeis, STs starting salary remains com” 7 ^ ° " ra is e la s t year,”saifl sa Rep. W endy Ja q u e t, Dean»> C a m e ro n , R -R upen. vicerice<fa3innan leagueswillpa ro do so ," K errey said, faBay-PageD3 ..comp.i, b u t its annual faculty p a y h a“ s ^f 7 D .K e tc h u m . “ I thinktl when you don’t of th e J o in t F in an c e a n d Appr■pp«m)ria Ports is an urgency d Roger Maris’s recon rs h a s>ut b< $1,100 below th e a v e ra g e oJfwcot- f Si keepupwththehe cost of living, people Committee.Ci “I realiie we endend up losing In the heararings last week, ta^aycrs aployees recited a litany of)f ;es in ihel^ocky M ountain‘ St begin to look c\siIseivherc and you pay a FteaseseeUWHAXSU(StS.P3geA2 andlRSemp Tmiunity College Association, examples ofr LIRS harassment and abuse,e, Hi:u;ni & nishedF the sea- paylalt sc Lake Community College’s’s 0Office ' including tai;argeting for audits lower-r- IS, just shy of CSIBusiness Affairs prepared thec sisalary Tlie report showj^ved the av erag e facultj- w:u-aniedtoieachinasmaB Wesn'cstem ttmn income citizezens who lack resources to:o ord. PageD4 vey, but CSI released only infoinforma- salary at the coliclleges «as S36.534, com- anand found a n oppon«nii>- ina TwT in Falls. fight claims, 1 atmut itself and group averagrages to pared with S35,S2522 at CSI. Average fac- TlThe c alib e r o f C ^ s t n c d ^r dedepartmeni .\ime>- earnrried that a step further. Ite!e ^ le g? e Ttmcs-Ncws. s The report, and its data ulty tenure at theth 52 colleges is 10.7 faifaciliues a n d A cu ity im pressecssed ber. and said he “wouould not be surprised” if it 1 that the administiatiuu hasIS F.-VSHION )ut Olher schools, is considered^ cconfi- y e a rs; a t CSI th eaverage ai is 13.4 y e a rs . CiCSPs salary was neither ihe best nor were pro\-en t ntial, CSI President JJerry Janice Simpkii<in, a new CSI biologj- _ usedthelRSti> to a tta c k an d -d in to n groups>s H R Bad* ofBiLyerhoeffersaid. Instructor whoi cacame from Reno, Nev., Pease s esCSihgeA2 e d 'and individuallals. ■ weather . o o n a for the winter. Q H biking: n c T , You don’t ury selecti(ioni begin?IS in 2nd bbombing ttrial Studdy: Much O l ’INION D efense to cr:mpha.sizc Nichols was•as with family ac bombiiibingrimc cheaating on No problem: Montan lO^peed T Knlght-RlddefNew8S<Service____________ M u n a h F e d e ra l BuDding Uewe w ui p . , just fine uithout a n PageBl l u The defense has a more-r speed limit, a guest D E N V E R — No»low for A a Two. legalIc; team. Lead anoroey Mid naticonal tests s ^ Three months afteral Timothy McVeigh isis M-idely r e g a r d e d a s o n e ofol tbe best 'v a s se n ten c ed to> ddeadi for th e O kla h o m a crimcr inal^ense lawj-os inQ dithe couniry ^ _ r case with TiKteodattdP :ana is doing City bombing, hisis alleged partner. Ten^- —— which was not the c: IS^jN Lynn Nichols goesies on trial M onday, start- .M-M c V d ^ ’s le a d ation»e>-. Stepfaepheo Jooes. C o m i c s im ^vc the NEW YOR)RK — The Educationalil a niunerical m g v n tli wliat is exexpeaed to bc a lengthy And Tigar and his team %-ice, w h ic h ad m in isters thle e £t editorial I f l jui^-seleaion prociocess. invaluable>n advantage of( h:havine sat Testing &r.n. Ha, ha, ha: Start the nship tests and professianal I ■ N ic h o ls, 42, face;ces the sam e m u r d e r a n d throughth McVejgb's triak pvinjring them the S.\Ts, anzens a laugh.
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