By , J. B. BOWMAN OF THE INDIhN C~V.:rL SERVICE, BOMBAY J 315.4792 AT THE GOVERNl\I!.ENT CENTRAL PRESS vernment Publications Sales /Depot. :Institute of Science "'(95'" =: lCklJAbbay (:for purchasers in Bombay City); :from the ~ ~ot. Charni Road Gardens, Bombay 4 (for orders from the the High Commissioner for India, India House A1.d~ych. :---~~~~~~t:iI~~:::i:;:~~~t;~hro~ ugh any recognized Bookseller. r Price-Rs_ 3 As_ 13 or 6s. 6d. 1955 - PREFACE 'After -the 1~j31 - C'2n3U&, figures lor. v.d:lagco> ax:d l;Oy\;ns were _ pctbli:::hcd. :in, the District Census ri~nd booi,;:s. The population of "Each: village and to"\>,;n \,-vas e:::::hibited -unde.r eight broad livell1100d classes_:' '0',,£1<:::1 deaa :l':=lCil:ing 1-0' mOLnel-c9nguc,- rel!glo-r.l., .C1Vl,i condition etc., 'N€re not soreed and l.80Ulated by v"llages and to\,ovns nut oy larger Uluts called Tracts, ".'.-hich consisted generally oi the rural or urban areas 01: several talukas. Indeed, in the ~tate P.epo1:ts, the .L)istl'ict was the ;Slnalle::;t unit for which figures "vel'e (-exhibited. The result of this ""vas that iigures 01 rnot11er-tongue were llvt Rvailable according to villages. I f1 1954 t:1.t' G0~':el'nrYH::'lTL oi india dt:c:ici.(.;d LO (JD Lalli laIJguage data according to viiJages 101 all llluhi-Hngual talukas ;.}. Ind~a by rI'leans 0.':: a spL'cial SOl 'Ling of the 1951 census slip;:;, The Government of Eornbay <,<greed LO share the cost of thi~ operation for Bombay - State equally· '\vith l:he Central GOYel.cnnent. and a temporary 0JilCe ",,'as organised in BOl'ubay City to handle the opt::·c·atioa::.L _ 1 was apPOllll",J SUperintendent of Census Operations for BOlubay State in addition to UlY nannal ,vork as Collector of BOlHbay, and the services of Shri K. F. Patel, '\.vho had been .in charge or tbe Tabulation Office set up at BU1'Oda aiter the I-f.51 Census, 'were r:oade Rvailable ior apPolntr.oent ~as Deputy Superiu1::(;;>udent in C}-l~,:cge of the linguiSTic sorting office at HOl.ubay. .t'>.fter the termination of the 1951 Census Sorting Operation, lb.e census enun'lera­ 'Lon slips had been arranged. not according to Yillages but ac:_'ording to livellfiood elasse:::; a:.-::.d tracts. The 'present l~llgU.LSL1C sGrLing opel'aLion involved the ,ictajled sorting by villages and mother-tongues of approximately 40 lakhs of slips pertaining to ;31 muiti-Jingual talukas. but to obtain tllese .:to lakhs of slips 56 lakhs of slips had 1 (} be sorted. These slips "Wen,' obtained 1':-OIl"1. 'the Collectors of Baroda, Ahn-:lednagar and EelgauTll, in "Whose charge the census .slips v"ere placed at the concluS1.on or the 1951' census sorting and tabulation at these centres. The ",,,"ark of linguistic ;sorting was handled by six supervisors and thirt_}; so:::tel's, 'who v.lorked faT a period of four months. Thereafter the services of supervisors, typists and calculating lnachine oper,,'1tors ~,vere required fOl' approximately three months rnore to prepare the data fOi- publication. The coloured maps v,'h.lch accompany ti'lis booklet evere prepared under the supervision of Saxi B. V-1. r;:_hadilkar, l\/Ianagel' of t.he Pho-!:c­ zincographic Press, Poona, v,lith the ~,ssistance of the staff of the Settlement COHnnis­ sioncr ~nd tho"" 0:,[-,>":""" of 1 "'-"-:l :-'.~~ur-l", FOO'tel ·-'s '.,- "-"_ p "",c, 11-1·'" the se1 )ara'cp bOlmdal=ies of -euch ~;i'i'l'~ge h~:;~"bC'!_"l '-;:;ho~;~; b~~' in the -~'a~e of u~~~lr"v;ycci are~s this "V8f' not possible and such vill",.g(~o: have been Indjeated by dots. Th~ boundaries oJ i'he villages and tov,Tns lllay not be exactly to .scale; but they 'will serve ricdeq'-l'_:'-tely ~c':nough to indicate the location of the .,-illages, The m2ps ~-He self-2xp1anatory, Cololl."r·s repre~'~- -;1.'~)!""l..~ ::l--::"GthE~r-to-1g1_:~_':; ll_ave r)\~~-='n app;icd tC) areas ~"'here th_e sf)pa1~er5 constitnted an absolute majority i.e .. exceeded 50 pe::.' cent. of tile p0pulation. Every village or to'wn \vas assigned a Location Code number at the 1951 census; and these LC)CD.tiuTl Cod(:~ ~-)l..lli;bers \'lere ,\-.;.rrjtiE:"r~ c}n all tl .... c Cen5L1,:-; S~;l,:)::'. 111. g€!lf_~l·al. the instructions in regard to tbe Location Code nurnbers '\.vere fully understood and follo'\ved in 1951. th,_>urrh i.neviL81:>lv cases did occur \lvher,_:; enurl1e1'<,,,-'~or .._; had omitted to write the Locat ;on - Code n\'uYlb~rs and this caused trouble at the time of the linguistic sorting. Hov,,-ever, .refe1.:ence . to thp NaVonal I'~e;:1,ister:, and .. omp~risDn of' the handwriting on the slips enabled most of the puzzles to be solved. \Jllhere the enumerators h~ld failed to ind~-cate taG .rnother-tonQUC ~ --and . LlCl1. elsc.s ",'ere not numerous--the slips are no,v sho'\vn in the category of ., 1.; :l.speci-fied ". In this b08klet-, the absolute figures of PrJpu1ation lHT.iv<.?d nt ac; -" result of the reS'ortin_~ of the slips have. been shoVl[.D·": In sume cases these fif(ilc'cS cUffe r sligh ":Jy from- ·the:- figures·' given in the District Census Hand b00ks .. 'iVhE'c~V0.1· the diff~~r-ence Yc 2895---a has been 0ther than slight, attention to ~hc: fact has been drav.'n in a foot,note. According to the District Census Hand books the populu1 :O.ll of the al:eas dealt "l.vith in this Hand book was 771.700_ According to the present linguistic sorting operation, th~ population v.ras 770,711. a difference of -0'13 per cent. Inevitably as a result of packing. transporting. unpacking and resorting slips some slips do get misplaced or destroyed; but the propor:ion of such cases is so minute as not 10 aneC~ tIle auln.enti­ city of th<2 linguistic pattern that ernerges from the present resortLag operation. The lingul'otic data aiL<'r the 1951 CEnsus ~-ere extract,,'d «ccorciing to Tracts. At the' present linguistic sOl·ting the areas sorted usually di.d not coincide '.'\'ith \IJe~;e Tracts_ 11 is not possible therefore, to con"l.pare the pel.';::(.enlflges of per~on's spcak.ing different ]I)uguages that enlerged from the 1951 and 1955 sc)rUng fot' languages_ In the case of Belgaum District. hov;,'ever, the ;Clreas sorted did coincide vvit.h the 1951 tracts. The tv.ro sets of figures can therefore. be compared. The- satisfactoL'Y nature u [ the so:;-ting done :for tracts jn 1951 and no'\v io.i' individual villages and to'>vns ".'j]] be vbvjol.:s from the follo.ving results:- BELGAUlM: DISTRICT_ Percentages to total population of the Tnothe1--tongue speakers of.:- hannadn. " tarathi. Others_ UnspecH'led. According t.o 1951 Censu ... C4·:,; ~G'6 9·1 According to present sorting G3·g :W'4 9·7 0·1 Difference -0"'5 ·-0·2 -+- 0-6 +0'1 The District of" Dan~s \,vas also a single tract. aTe as under:- D.\NGS DrSTRTCT. Pel-cent-age speak-..ng us P!other·-tongu€ ~J:u·athi. Gujarati_ Others. Unspeciflcd. 1951 95·2 :3·8 1'0 1955 ~5·0 3·7 I-I 0·2 Difference - 0-;2 -C :! +0-1 +0,2 The result is satisfactory because in 1951 unspf2'cltipd 51 iI~$ ,,-ere trcT,~·d as perlainin:::: to the language of the District. I should like to express my thanks to the staff VI ~'orter5 and supel'vjsors ... "ho \Norked v-Tith great devotion at a task that l-equired a(.'cun~cy and un£iagging attention. The fact that the cost of the linguistic sorting operation. €"xclusive of the cos':; o:! pub­ Jicatir,n of the data_ has been k(.~pt as 1o"",- as Rs. 22.462-6-6 or Rs. ;">·,(1-9 per 1,000 slips is largely due to the good vvork of !..hc >·orters. Shri l~_ l"_ Patel, ,be Depu~.'" Superin­ tendent, dese1.·ve" great cr,_,ij~ fot, tbe "'-ay in \vhich hehandh:d the sorters, n,any of ,-,,,hUIH had never had a job befoi:e, lYlEtintaining discipli ne ,vith tact and synlpathy, and getting theil- -v.-illin,g best c>ut of the hal'd-...vorking teanlS 'Jf ~orters. T should also like' to thaak Shri 3. W. Khadilkar, lVlanager. Photozincographic Press, Foona. Shri S. A. Sapre. Assistant Director. Governu'l'C·"t Printing and Stationery, Bombay, Shri J. W_ D'Souza, lVlanager. and Shri S. R. Desai . .l""~sistar..t :J'.1anager, Govern­ rnent Central Press. Bombay, for their va1LIuble ad,'ice and co-operation in the production of these booklets. L,3'-'tly I shouJd like to express Hl.'· gratitude to Shri Rajesh"vari Prasad, I.A_S .. Deputy Registrar GeneraL India. ,vh.. visited BDmbay a'1.d inspected the '\vork in progres:3, and '\vhose sonnd advice and guidance ....vas lnade availablp th:"oughout the course of the linguistic sorting operation_ J. B_ BOWMAN, Superintendent of Census Operations, Bombay_ 17th July 1955. Bombay State. Bombay. RffERfNCE eN~~:-:- -:~: :~ : -:: --- - - ::: :----: --- :- : ~ Uninhabited . ____ - - - - --- ---- -- - - - --- - ------ _- u [ Matathi (MotherTonque) Spelt kers Exceed 50.1. c==::J. ...; ( do ) - - do-- ~ NeitherMorath norGc!iaratt - - d o-- [:-:---:;·.-::.-1 R , T c( z I --t~. ­ +- i NOT£ ~ - DANGS TALUKA ~~~="'~ ''"-->.. A Gi~ ; a. 2!i3 ;,o.,,'Jot1 Do AAt UMl'N.HABIT'ED.
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