XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted under exemption(s) to7e~ h7 with no segregable material available for release to you. D Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request W Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. D Document(s) originating with the following government agency(ies) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies), as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s) 7 For your information: The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: ,4 %,-s-- r , - , - 'PE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X DELETED PAGE(S) X NO DUPLICATION FEE x xyxxgg X FOR THIS PAGE X xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx FBI/DOJ PAGE THREE I w M0NTGOMERY ADVERTISER, NOV. FOURTEEN, FIFTYSIX, CARRYING IEWS OF SUPREMEE COURT DECISION, NOV. THIRTEEN, INCLUDES STATEMENT BY C. C. -JACK- OWEN, PRESIDENT OF ALA. PUBLIC RIVCE COMMISSION, THAT SEGREGATION MUST BE MAINTAINED TO KEEP WN VIOLENCE AND BLOODSHED. THIS ARTICLE QUOTES LUTHER INGALLS LEADER OF MONTGOMERY CO. CITIZENS COUNCIL AS SAYING Q9E AND ATTEMPT TO ENFORCE THIS DECISSION WILL INEVITABLY LEAD END PAGE THREE... MEMEMM em.. FACE FOUR... :14 TO RIOT AND BLOODSHED -60 ._ ADVISED THAT HE HAD HEARD RUMORS FROM 'c UNIDENTIFIED SOURCES THAT GROUPS OF CLANSMEN WERE EXPECTED TO PROCEED FROM BIRMINGHAM AND VICINITY TO MONTGOMERY SOMETIME DURING NOV. FOURTEEN, FIFTYSIX X. THESE RUMORS APPEARED UNFOUNDED AND THAT NO CONFIRMATION WAS RECEIVED FROM ANY SOURCE. JREAU VILL BE KEPT ADVISED OF PERTINENT DEVELOPMENTS. HALL FT0 RD *0~i EDD d % A 00 M. KIoK 0 'jC.'em O Wgj lcLAL Rr Oi Ir .,,. , 'EjI SID R ATIL A ONERA I Direc tor 0 PBI RACIAL SITUATION MONTOOMALBM ~ :~'~ ~ C"- b.f' ..... 1-v c - .j '4 he had hiRrumore frem anitentified souro** W groVppe of Klansmen wee ested topr **4from Birminshw Alabema, sn viinian omtimef a November %e1956. erumored a ' J to be untounded and t ustion vaa -- - ; - - ~'A -. ~ - -~ L - -~~-~-- ~- Ltter to the Attasy eSelt VP, asv 13. 196 am ited states 'F Supreme Court u1a4 thtMIstIIein baass la mnatsomer vielaUtes the ewsCl tatis. Rst uesart to this heeJaa emoar? MyerteS*, asusppr s t AmtaSam "* mse seais a statmt C. Jak uap**s et he Abs Pblie ** Coissiom to tte that ies mat be metatain to ,=e viaeM a o this" s**12**aqupts11, eerorths Xontsamrr. couatitis as. f! sense *AI att, to afor thisdetaeein tertal ed triet eat . The Deprtet wIl be kept ate6s et al aditiom1 prtnant ternation re*Av.. ** *r . W iann. P. a .wr Deputy Attoraq Genuel Assistant Attoraq enal W~blia?. ?gapkias SAssistant Attoa Seneral Warren olner In NOTE ON YELLWs Information in Mobile teletye 11/15/56 injunction issued to halt car pools other int relative to the boycott of buses as dissemi the Department and intelligence agencies by lette: "Cl 11/1A/56. The Department vas reviously advised if ER. BUREAU 0(FWSTGATION U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUICE CICOMMUNICATIONS SECTION ALL INFORFYTN COTi LE 1,02s6 HERE TELETYPE- FBI M BILE 11-14-56 30 PM VFP Nease Tele. Root- URGENT 1T0 I RE PREVIOUS TEL T ACTION, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA. BUREAU INSTANT AND MYTEL TO BUREAU AND NEW YORK NINTH ALABAMA, INSTANTosUSDC MONTGOMERY, os.bisrie-ravs.bE 9 ADVISED SA LATE AFTERNOON INSTANT USDJ FRANT M. 7 JOHNSON, JR. HAS DENIED PLEA FOR INJUNCTION FILED IN USDC, MONTGOMERY, IN BEHALF OF MONTGOMERY IMPROVEMENT ASSOC ATION- r&t) AND OTHERS REQUESTING CIT4'* TRAINED FROM INTERFERON: WITH OPERATION CAR POOL BY MIA AND OTHER NEGROES 9N ASIS . FEDERAL COURT WITHOUT JURISDICTION AND NO EVIDENCE -ANI OTHERS WOULD SUFFER IRREPARABLE DAMAGE IF UC INJUNCTION NOT ISSUED. ar. HALLFORDAL 58 sa6va04ss0/ OmlmWzIR W"'2RWRr - ~ -- - ~--~ ~~-4t FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATiON U. S, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMMUNICATIONS SECTION -r. e ALL INFOR!T1ION CONTAINED NOV 141956 RKRE11 !I-'ETELETYPE ; RIN SSIFIE aTLETP SDATEW Y t '4-NiL SAC MOBILE 11-14-56 11-17AM T. RECTOR, FI URGENT RACIASl7STUA ION, MONTGOMERY, ALA. THE 009E MOBILE EGIST p% t DAILY AT MOBILE, ALA.,F OURTEEN INSTANT CARRIES FAGE ONE HEADLINE 465M INJUNCTION BANS CAR POOLS DURING MDNTGOMERY BOYCOTT DESPITE COURT- S BUS RULING. ON . THIS ARTICLE REFLECTS THAT LATE ON NOV. THIRTEEN LAST CIRCUIT JUDGE EUGENE CARTER GRANTED A TEMPORARY INJUNCTION TO STOP MONTGOMERY NEGROES FROM USING A CAR POOL FOR TRANSPORTATION DURING THEIR BOYCOTT CF CITY BUSES, BUT THAT THE INDICATIONS VERE THAT THIS RULING, EFFECTIVE MIDNIGHT NOV. THIRTEEN LAST, WOULD HAVE LITTLE EFFECT IN VIEW OF THE SUPREME COURT- S NOVEMBER THIRTEEN DECISIgt4 OUTLAWING CITY BUS SEGREGATION. RUFUS LEVIS, HEAD OF THE CAR POOL COMMITTEE OF THE MONTGOMERY IMPROVEMENT ASSN(.?S REPESENTED RE 0~U AS SAYING THAT THE CAR POOL OPERATIONS ILL CONTINUE UNTLk RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE SERVEfb PARTICIPANTS. TN j YA I95 SAYS THAT REV. MARTIN LUTHER KIa, JR., MIA PRESIDja PREDMTD THAT THE BOYCOTT WILL END AT A NEGRO MASS MEETING TONIGHT, Nov. FOURTEEN. IIE ARTICLE CONTINUES THAT JUDGE CARTER GRANTED THE .u d'Y RESTRAING ORDER ON THE GROUNDS THAT THE CITY OF MONTCOM HAD PRESENTED ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO SHOW THAT THE NEGROES / e-)~~" b0Sfti *******rw-. o vlt -- z '*2* FAGE TWO WGHT BE OPERATING A PRIVATE ENTERPRISE WITHOUT A LICENSE ALTHOUGH HE SAID THAT QUESTION WILL HAVE TO BE DETERMINED ULTIMATELY ON THE ISSUE OF A PERMINENT INJUNCTION. THIS ARTICLE POINTS OUT THAT HEARINGS BEGIN TODAY NOV. FOURTEEN ON THE MIA- S PETITION IN USDC, MONTCOMERY, ASKING THE DISTRICT COURT FOR AN ORDER TO PREVENT THE CITY FROM INTERFERING WITH THE CAR POOL. BUREAU WILL BE PROMPTLY ADVISED OF DEVELOPMENTS. HALLFORD TKE-SECOND LINE FON-TOP--AFTERT VUORDA., THE WORD NOV. SHOULD M-THE SECONNA LINE FROM BOTTOM -THE SECOND WORD -SIt9-S~TEMPUART- 12-31 PM OK FBI WA JS TUN *I1JN 4-750 (2-7-79) XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted under exemption(s) h 1i 7Le_ with no segregable material available for release to you. E Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request D Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. D Document(s) originating with the following government agency(ies) -_, was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies), as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the maternal to the FBI. Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s) LI For your information The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELETED PAGE(S) xX NO DUPLICATION FEE x xxxxxx X FOR THIS PAGE X xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx FBg/DOJ OficeMemoIEndum TED STATES GOVERNMENT TO A. H. Belmonfr' DAT: November 9, 1956 Tolson Nichols T. J. Baumgardner Boardman- Belmont .~ ' i 9%1.~feh Mor___ SUDBET c Parsons- ** 'C TPAd'Yp SAV Rosen - Tam-- NEGRO QUESTION Trotter INTERNAL SECURITY - C Neas. Winterrowd .Room- loman - andy - ~ j.f.~c - I contacted SAC Hallford Po owpOffice regarding the above New York teletype. Mr. Hallford advised that he was acquainted with the contents of that teletype having already received it from New rork. He was instructed to have his informants in Montgomery .4 zin promptly contacted to determine what the current situation ~ .4 is in Montgomery. He was instructed to promptly advise the Bureau what the Mobile Office knows about the current Oct -a. situation and to submit its views as to whether the situation is "explosive" as indicated In the New Tork teletype. He was instructed that these informants should be contacted tonight and the detailed teletype submitted to the Bureau by 9 a.m., November 10, 1956. 1 Upon receip!# of this information from the Mobile Office dissemination will be made to appropriate agencies in Washington. ACTION: N Submitted for your information. Dissemination of the above information will be handled November 10, 1956, upon receipt of information from Mobile*.A114 cc Mr. Belmont cc Mr. Baum a'dnerf"" cc Mr. 14 V iNo (4) 6~1 2~.~5& 0Mr. FEERAL BURE.AUJOF r.T164.....Tol Of JUSTICES r INichlNichols-..... U. S DEPARMENT Boardma frM.rsons- on r sJUUN q-,- % - t Ud Mr. Rosen 4!-. P tMr. Tamm Mr. Trotter - Mr. Nease Tele. Room Mr. Holl man Th MOBILE 5612-35 VTMiss Gandy 1REICTOR FBI q4N1s~EW YORK URGENT RACIAL SITUATi9 tTC ~YILA. RETEL FROM NY TO BUREAU AND THIS OFFICE ON NINTH INSTANT CAPTIONED QUOTE CPUSA- NEG QUESTION. CINAL. UNQUOTE, AND TELCON FROM BUREAU TO THIS OFFICE SAME DATE. BY LETTER TO BUREAU FIFTH INSTANT BUREAU . AS FURNISHED INFO CITY OF MONTGOMERY- S PLEA FOR INJUCTION TO HALT CAR POOL OPERATION- S BY MONTGOMERY IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION AND A NUMBER OF NEGRO CHURCHES WAS TO BE HEARD IN STATE CIRCUIT COURT AT MONTGOMERY ON THIRTEENTH INSTANT AND HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR AN ORDER TO RESTRAIN CITY FROM INTERFERRING WITH NEGRO CAR POOL OPERATIONS IN USDC AT MONTGOMERY SET FOR FOURTEENTH INSTANT*/ HE URLET TO BUREAU IT WAS POINTED OUT THAT p~i .:r~ 1;J fl END PAGE ONE ( ql, - W17 Lltr4-Be~5#j 4-750 (2-7-79) xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET -I-- Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file.
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