POPULISM ON THE LOOSE NYKYKULTTUURIN TUTKIMUSKESKUKSEN JULKAISUJA 122 JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO 2018 Copyright © tekijät ja Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskus Urpo Kovala (vastaava toimittaja, Jyväskylän yliopisto) Pekka Hassinen (kustannustoimittaja, Jyväskylän yliopisto) Laura Piippo (kustannustoimittaja, Jyväskylän yliopisto) Eoin Devereux (University of Limerick, Irlanti) Irma Hirsjärvi (Jyväskylän yliopisto) Sanna Karkulehto (Jyväskylän yliopisto) Raine Koskimaa (Jyväskylän yliopisto) Hanna Kuusela (Tampereen yliopisto) Katariina Kyrölä (Åbo akademi) Maaria Linko (Helsingin yliopisto) Olli Löytty (Turun yliopisto) Jim McGuigan (Loughborough University, Iso-Britannia) Jussi Ojajärvi (Oulun yliopisto) Tarja Pääjoki (Jyväskylän yliopisto) Leena-Maija Rossi (Lapin yliopisto) Tuija Saresma (Jyväskylän yliopisto) Piia Varis (Universiteit Tilburg, Alankomaat) Juhana Venäläinen (Itä-Suomen yliopisto) Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisusarja perustettiin vuonna 1986. Sarja on monitieteinen ja tieteidenvälinen. Siinä ilmestyy tutkimuksia nykykulttuurista ja kulttuuriteoriasta. Myös modernin kulttuurin vaiheisiin liittyvät kulttuuri- ja sosiaalihistorialliset tutkimukset kuuluvat kustannuslistalle. Sarjassa julkaistavat käsikirjoitukset valitaan asiantuntija-arvioiden perusteella. Julkaisusarjan kirjat ilmestyvät joko painettuina kirjoina ja myöhemmin sähköisinä rinnakkaisjulkaisuina tai suoraan verkkokirjoina. Painettuja julkaisuja voi tilata osoitteesta Jyväskylän yliopisto, Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskus, PL 35, 40014 Jyväskylän yliopisto. Gsm. 040 805 45 87, Email: [email protected], http://www.jyu. fi/nykykulttuuri/. Julkaisuja voi ostaa myös Yliopistokauppa Sopista (Jyväskylä) sekä muista hyvin varustetuista kirjakaupoista. Julkaisun taitto: Pekka Hassinen Painoasun suunnittelu: Sami Saresma Kansi: Sami Saresma Jyväskylän yliopistopaino Jyväskylä 2018 ISBN 978-951-39-7401-5 ISSN 1457-6899 CONTENTS I ON BEING ON THE LOOSE 9 FOREWORD 11 Emilia Palonen & Urpo Kovala: POPULISM ON THE LOOSE: SEMINAL PREFLECTIONS on thE condition of diffErEntiality 13 II CONCEPTUALISING POPULISMS IN national CONTEXTS 27 Björn Fryklund: POPULISM IN THE NORDIC COUNTRIES 1965–2015: thE SwEdiSh caSE aS an idEal tYpE or comparativE YardStick for thE dEvElopmEnt OF POPULISM 29 halil Gürhanlı: populiSm on StEroidS: ErdoğaniStS and thEir EnEmiES in turkEY 53 Virpi Salojärvi: TOGETHER WITH THE PEOPLE: FRAMING POPULISM IN GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION NEWspapers IN PRESIDENT Chavez’S VENEZUELA 81 Mihnea-Simion Stoica: ROMANIAN POPULISM: BETWEEN RADICAL nationalism AND COMMUNIST nostalgia 99 III INTERSECTING POPULISMS 117 Elisa Bellè & Barbara Poggio: NEW faces OF POPULISM: THE Italian ‘ANTI-GENDER’ MOBILIZation 119 Jiri Nieminen: POPULISM AND THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT IN FINLAND: THE POLITICAL rhetoric OF THE Patmos foundation FOR WORLD MISSIONS 143 Urpo Kovala & Jyrki Pöysä: thE ‘JYtkY’ of thE finnS partY: or, how to takE advantaGE of maSculinitY in populiSt POLITICS 161 Tuija Saresma: GEndEr populiSm: thrEE caSES of finnS partY actors’ TRADITIONALIST ANTI-FEMINISM 177 IV POPULISM AS A floating SIGNIFIER? 201 Tuula Vaarakallio: THE CONCEPT OF POPULISM IN THE FINNISH NEWspaper HELSINGIN Sanomat 203 Maria Ruotsalainen: TRACING THE CONCEPT OF hate SPEECH IN FINLAND 213 Nykykulttuuri 122 6 Emilia Palonen: Cultural POPULISM: THE CASE OF GUGGENHEIM HELSINKI 231 LIST OF AUTHORS 261 LIST OF PICTURES, FIGURES, AND tables 267 7 Populism on the Loose I ON BEING ON THE LOOSE FOREWORD Rapid social change, multicultural challenges, social inequality, and the way different kinds of threat are disseminated by the media for public imagination, have given rise to populist protests and appeals to cultural values, usually combining anti-elite and anti-immigrant nationalism with nationally and locally bounded demands for social justice. Several theorists and empirical researchers have attempted to capture this phenomenon under the notion of populism. The title of this volume, ‘populism on the loose’ thus refers to two different tendencies at the same time - to the fact that populism has become ubiquitous and to how it is being defined in many different ways. instead of establishing a single vision, we seek to outline the multifaceted phenomenon through several approaches from cultur- al, gender, and communication studies as well as political science: this yields new insights to the phenomenon. while the book as a whole explores populism in countries including venezuela to italy, romania, and turkey, many of these papers reflect onf inland espe- cially in relation to the Finns Party and its emergence in the 2000s and 2010s, and makes a significant contribution in this less studied phenomenon. The origin of the articles in this volume is in the conference ‘populism as rhetoric and movement’ which was organised in Jy- väskylä, finland, 17–19 march 2016 and which was based on the academy of finland research project (Grant Sa251730) with the same name. Speakers were invited to write for the volume, further elaborating on the papers delivered at the conference. While much of present-day populism studies have focussed on identifying features shared by populist movements or on populism as a social logic, this volume looks at the variability and intersec- tionality of populism. First, populist phenomena vary according to cultural context. Stock accounts of populism, more often than not, fail to pay due attention to the culture-specific features of populist movements. Second, populism gets entangled with gender, class and religion among other things. It therefore requires an intersec- tional study paying attention to the web of potentially relevant fac- tors. And third, the very concept of populism tends to get loose – it is both without clear limits and its content is object of cultural and political negotiation and struggle – to the extent of justifying the term ‘floating signifier’, familiar from Ernesto laclau’s approach to populism. the authors are academics from a variety of fields such as po- litical science, cultural studies, and gender studies. (See List of Au- thors in the end of the manuscript.) we want to extend our thanks to the federation of finnish Learned Societies and Kone Foundation for their support for the conference ‘Populism as Rhetoric and Movement’ (Jyväskylä 17- 19 march 2016) in which the first drafts for the chapters of this vol- ume were presented. we are grateful to the department of music, Art, and Culture for supporting the conference and this publication and to pirkko luoma for her invaluable help in finishing the manu- script. last but definitely not least, we thank prof. Emeritus Erkki vainikkala, whose interest in Ernesto laclau and idea of using his approach to study the emerging populist movements led to this re- search project. Jyväskylä and Helsinki 29 January 2018 The editors POPULISM ON THE LOOSE: SEMINAL PREFLECTIONS ON THE CONDITION OF DIFFERENTIALITY Urpo Kovala & Emilia Palonen The term is on everyone’s lips these days: shortcomings and limi- nality of traditional politics are blamed on it. The proliferation of the phenomenon commonly referred to as ‘populism’ is interest- ing because of its multifaceted character. Exploring instances of populism we can find similarities but contend that ‘populism’ ex- ists in variations rather than as a specific form, demand or family of political parties. Hence, this multidisciplinary edited volume, Pop- ulism on the Loose, discusses and develops a range of definitions and concepts of populism. A central aim of our volume is to dem- onstrate the variety of the definitions and contexts of populism, and to give space for the process of defining populism.i n this introduc- tory chapter we pay attention to these defining processes that take place and to the differentiation between understandings and prax- is of populism. By claiming that populism is ‘on the loose’, we draw attention to the ways in which populism is articulated with varying contents. Populism as a punchline of our contemporary era turns it into a floating or an empty signifier – to borrow terminology from one of the political theorists of populism Ernesto Laclau’s (2005). These key concepts of his understanding of both politics and populism are not static forms but logics and have related effects. When its meanings are being contested, populism appears as object of strife, a floating signifier. it plays a role in the articulation of meaning on the two sides of the contestation. when it works as a reference point for meanings, it turns into an empty signifier, overwhelmed by the variety in meaning making it loses specificity once afforded to it. this is when we no longer know exactly what populism is, even if we find it a common point of engagement. When conferences set their focus on populism, colleagues use the occasion to extend the term. others write books covering an- thologies or aspects of it, or simply set out to define what populism is and anchor it with specific content, logic or style (e.g. müller 2016; moffitt 2016). recently whole handbooks of populism have been published (e.g. rovira kaltwasser et al. 2017). in his field of political analysis, set definitions are necessary as one needs to know what to compare. also different forms (e.g. de raadt, hol- landers, and krouwel 2004), types and degrees (deegan-krause & Haughton 2009) of populism have been discussed over the years. there is a recent trend is to try to tighten further the over-flowing usages and definitions of populism.i n the field of comparative pol- itics, particularly cas mudde
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