384. CONGRESSION_AL RECORD-SENATE. excise taxes on sales of automobiles; to the Committee on Ways SENOR JULIO MIRA Y BOLIVAR (S. DOC. NO. 16). and Means. .. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate a Also, ·-getition of Minneapoli ~ Fur 1\1~rchants' As~oc1ahon, pe~ communication froin the Acting Secretary of State, which will G. H. Lugsdin, president, Minneapolis; E. Albrecht & Son, be read and appropriately referred. · Bischoff, Johnson & Lundgren; Joseph Ull~ann (Inc.); Gor­ ~'he communication '\\as read, and, with the accompanying don & Fer<ruson · J. Geiger; McKibben, Driscoll & Dorsey, fur papers, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, as. dealers ol' St. Paul, all in the State of Minnesota, protesting follows: against 10 per cent luxury tax on furs and urging its repeal; DEPART1.IENT OF STATE, to the Committee on Ways and Means. Washington, May 28, 1919. By Mr. O'CONNELL: Petition of Association of Collegiate To the Senate: Alumna in St. Louis, Mo., urging . the establishment of the The undersigned, the Acting Secretary of State, in the ab­ School Board Service Division as permanent division in Bureau sence of the President from the country, has the honor, in com­ of Education; to the Committee on Education. pliance with the request of the Government of Cuba; made· By Mr. HENRY T. RAINEY: Petition of Methodist Church through its minister at Washington, and with the assent of the and citizens of Athens, Ill., opposing repeal of prohibition law; Secretary of War, to transmit for consideration by the Senate to the Committee on the· Judiciary. a copy of a note from the Cuban minister at this Capital, da~ecl By 1\fr. RHODES: Petition of Lodge No. 117, Brotherhood of April 30, 1919, and· a copy of a letter from the Secretary of War; B. I. S. D. B. and H. of A., of De Soto, Mo., for Government also a draft of a joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of ownership of railroads; to the Committee on Interstate and War to permit Senor Julio Mira y Bolivar, a citizen of Cuba, Foreign Commerce. to receive instruction at the United States Military AcademY. By Mr. ROWAN: Petition of the National. Retail Dry Goods at West Point at the expense of the Government of Cuba. The Association of New York City, urging the immediate repeal of the passage of the resolution would be regarded as an act of cour­ luxury tax, and of Mr. Herman Rosenberg, of 23 West One hun­ tesy by the Government of Cuba, and it would be in accordance dred and nineteenth Street, New York, urging the repeal of the with established precedents. 10 per cent tax on furs; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Respectfully submitted. Also petition of the Minute Men, urging the deportation of FRANK L. PoLK, aliens 'who will not become citizens or declare their intentions Acting Secretat·y of State. of becoming citizens; to the Coriunittee on Immigration and Naturalization. Inclosures : From minister of Cuba, April 30, 1919 ; from Also resolution by the Association of Collegiate Alumna at Secretary of War, May 13, 1919; and draft of joint resolution. St. Lo~s, Mo., urging the permanent establishment of the United LIST OF JUDGMENTS (S. DOC. NO. 12). States Employment Service; to the Committee on Labor. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Also petition of Porges & Levy, of New York City, wine and tion ftom the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant liquor 'ctealers, protesting against prohibition; to the Committee to law a list of judgments rendered by· the Court of Claims on Agriculture. · amounting to $219,476.26, which have been presented to the Also petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the United Treasm·y Department and require an appropriation for their States' of America, and of the Merchants' Association of New payment, etc., which, with the accompanying paper, was referred York City, protesting against the repeal of the daylight-saving to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. law; to the Committee on Agriculture. SCHEDULES OF CLAIMS. By Mr. SANDERS of New York: Petition of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Fowlerville, N. Y., with a congregation of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ 45, unan.i)nously protesting against the repeal of the war-time tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant prohibition law; to the Committee on Agriculture. to law, schedules of claims amounting to $377,838.31 allowed by Also, petition of five churches in Perry, N.Y., with a member­ the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department ship of 1,600, protesting against the repeal of the war-time under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted prohibition law; to the Committee on Agriculture. or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section Also, petition of the Rochester (N.Y.) Chamber of Commerce, 5 of the act of June 20, 1874, etc., which, with the accompany­ protesting against the repeal of the so-called daylight-saving ing paper, was referred to tile Committee on Appropriations and bill ; to the Committee on Agriculture. ordered to be printed. Also, petition of East Shelby (N. Y.) Methodist Episcopal ST. ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE (S. DOC. NO. 15). Church, protesting against the repeal of the war prohibition law; The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ to the Committee on Agriculture. tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter By Mr. SIEGEL: Resolutions adopted by the Federal Council from the Secretary of the Interior submitting supplemental of Churches of Christ in America, relating to league of nations; estimates of appropriation in the sum of $105,000 required for to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the support of patients at the St. Elizaqeths Hospital for the Also, petition of Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in Insane for the fiscal year 1919, which, with the accompanying America, for suppression of lynching; to the Committee on the paper, was referred to the Committee on Appropriations and Judiciary. ordere~ to be printed. By Mr. WHITE of Maine: Petition of citizens of Andover and Canton, Me., asking for repeal of the daylight-saving law; to ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATION ( S. DOC. NO. 17). the Committee on Agriculture. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Also, peotion of citizens of South Hiram, 1\fe., asking for there­ tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter peal of the day light-saving law; to the Committee on Agriculture. from the Secretary of War submitting deficiency estimates of appropriation in the sum of $252,285.65 required by the War De­ partment, which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. SENATE. llUllEAU OF MINES (S. DOC. NO. 14). The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ THURSDAY, May ~9, 1919. tion from the Director of the Bureau of Mines, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the expenditures and disbursements The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the from the fund allotted to the bureau by the President, which, following prayer : with the accompanying paper, was ~:eferred to the Committee Almighty God, by our reverence for the majesty of the law, on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. by our passionate devotion to the high ideals of our national WAR TRADE BOARD ( S. DOC. NO. 1 3 ). life, by our deep and abiding sense of brotherhood, we desire not only to promote the interests of our people, but to commend The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate communica­ ourselves to the conscience of the world. We pray that as we tions from the Director of the War Trade Board, transmitting, move forward upon the lines of duty, following the truth as pursuant to a resolution of December 15, 1918, lists showing the Thou dost give us the power to see the truth, we may know that number of employees in that department at specified dates and we are following God's own guidance and that Thou hast a the number discharged dm·ing the two weeks previous to that great mission for us as a Nation. Bless us in the discharge date, whlch, with the accompanying papers, were referred to of tbe duoes of this day. For Christ's sake. Amen. the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's DISPOSITION OF USELESS PAPERS. proceedings, w·hen, on r equest of Mr. CURTIS and by unanimous The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate con ent, tlle further reading "\Yas dispensed with and the Journal a communication from the United States Civil Service Commis­ was approYell. sion, transmitting schedules of useless papers devoid of his- 1919. ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SEN ATE. 385 toric ntlue on the files of the Civil Service Commission in the upon such terms and conditions as may be advan~geous to the Territor y of Hawaii : Provided, however That the lower Kekaha cane lands, various district offices, and requesting action looking to th~ir containing an area of about 3,000 acres, and four-fifths of the Waimanalo disposition. The communication and accompanying. papers will cane lands shall be left out of the provision of this resolution ; and be referred to the Joint Select Committee on the Disposition of 2. So that in the case of arid lands which are capable of being con­ verted into agricultural lands by the development of underlying- and/ or Useless Papers in the Executive Departments, and the Chair contiguous water s for irrigation purposes, the governor and the land appoints the Senator from Maryland [l\!r.
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