Tracking Ghost Particles high performance computing for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory Tyce DeYoung Department of Physics and Astronomy Michigan State University Outline • Neutrinos and the IceCube Neutrino Observatory • Tracking Neutrinos Through Ice • Tracking Neutrinos Through the Earth 2 Tyce DeYoung Neutrinos – Nature’s “Ghost Particles” • Neutrinos are fundamental particles, but very strange • A million times lighter than any other known particle • Barely interact with other matter • “Oscillate” between the three different types – an electron neutrino will spontaneously change into a tau neutrino 4 Tyce DeYoung The Science of IceCube I NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS CERNCOURIER WELCOME V OLUME 54 NUMBER 10 D ECEMBER 2014 • Learning about our Universe CERN Courier – digital edition Welcome to the digital edition of the December 2014 issue of CERN Courier. 4HE%UROPEAN0HYSICAL*OURNAL#As CERN’s 60th-anniversary year comes to an end, CERN Courier gives a voice to some of the organization’s4HE%UROPEAN0HYSICAL*OURNAL pioneers who are no longer with us. WPMVNFrOVNCFSrKVMZr Extracts from audio recordings5IF&VSPQFBO1IZTJDBM+PVSOBM$ in CERN’s archives bring to life the spirit WPMVNFrOVNCFSrKVMZrof adventure of the early CERN. One of the studies that CERN pioneered • The Earth is constantly bombarded was the measurement of the “g-2” parameter of the muon – an experiment that in its latest incarnation is setting up in Fermilab. The year also saw the 50th anniversary of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, and an interview with the centre’s%0* current director reveals interesting# 3FDPHOJ[FECZ&VSPQFBO1IZTJDBM4PDJFUZ "*!7ATT 0-OTYLINSKIAND234HORNE -3HARIFAND23ALEEM similarities and contrasts between the two organizations. The end of the year 5IFFõFDUPG-)$KFUEBUBPO.4581%'T 4UVEZPGJOnBUJPOBSZHFOFSBMJ[FEDPTNJD also offers the traditional seasonal Bookshelf. Happy reading! by relativistic particles from2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS beyond$IBQMZHJOHBTGPSTUBOEBSEBOEUBDIZPO TDBMBSmFMET -3CHOTTAND-$UNFORD 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS 3FWJFXPGTJOHMFWFDUPSCPTPOQSPEVDUJPO To sign up to the new-issue alert, please visit: 1BSUJDMFTBOE'JFMET JOQQDPMMJTJPOTBU√ʲT 5F7 *%LLIS +!/LIVEAND*:HENG http://cerncourier.com/cws/sign-up. 2EVIEW 5IFFYUFOUPGUIFTUPQDPBOOJIJMBUJPOTUSJQ 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS *,%VANSETAL To subscribe to the magazine, the e-mail new-issue alert, please visit: our solar system – where do1FDDFJo2VJOOTZNNFUSJDQVSFHSBWJUZNFEJBUJPO they !&OWLIEAND-2AIDAL 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS 1SPTQFDUTGPSDPOTUSBJOFETVQFSTZNNFUSZBUhttp://cerncourier.com/cws/how-to-subscribe. √ʲT 5F7BOE√ʲT 5F7QSPUPOoQSPUPO '!ADETAL TVQFSDPMMJEFST 4HE!4,!3#OLLABORATION 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS 5IFEJõFSFOUJBMQSPEVDUJPODSPTTTFDUJPO PGUIFf NFTPOJO√ʲT 5F7QQ 9.YONYI 3$-AHARAJAND+3'OVINDER come from? DPMMJTJPOTNFBTVSFEXJUIUIF"5-"4EFUFDUPS )JHIFSEJNFOTJPOBMDIBSHFETIFBSGSFF 2EGULAR!RTICLE %XPERIMENTAL0HYSICS SFMBUJWJTUJDNPEFMTXJUIIFBUnVY 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS NEWSPAPER -'!ARTSENETAL )CE#UBE#OLLABORATION !*"URAS &$E&AZIOAND*'IRRBACH - Observation of a high-energy particle IceCube: neutrinos and more 4FBSDIGPSOPOSFMBUJWJTUJDNBHOFUJDNPOPQPMFT * SVMF ε ε BOE , πνν JO ; ; D = ¡ ® ¡ shower event from August 2011, 111 XJUI*DF$VCF BOE(¡ NPEFMTXJUI'$/$RVBSLDPVQMJOHT identified as a PeV-energy neutrino. Each WPMVNF HYSICAL 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS sphere represents a digital optical module P sensor in the IceCube detector. Sphere size is a measure of the recorded .!GAFONOVAETAL 2'ONZÕLEZ&ELIPEETAL number of photoelectrons. Colors 4OTHEMEMORYOF0ROF''IACOMELLI $POTUSBJOJOHNVMUJ)JHHTnBWPVSNPEFMT represent arrival times of photons (red, DETECTORS PEOPLE .FBTVSFNFOUPGUIF5F7BUNPTQIFSJDNVPODIBSHF 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS early; blue, late). Selected for a Synopsis THE ICTP in Physics and an Editors’∙ Suggestion. OVNCFS EVIEW SBUJPXJUIUIFDPNQMFUF01&3"EBUBTFU [M. G. Aartsen et al., IceCube CUORE: the coldest CERN Council R 6'UZEY -3TRIKMANAND-:HALOV Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 2EGULAR!RTICLE %XPERIMENTAL0HYSICS AT 50 %JTFOUBOHMJOHDPIFSFOUBOEJODPIFSFOU 021103 (2013)] heart in the selects the next -"RAMBILLA &$I2ENZOAND-(ASEGAWA RVBTJFMBTUJD+ψQIPUPQSPEVDUJPOPOOVDMFJEDITOR: CHRISTINE PHYSICALSUTTON, CERN REVIEW LETTERS known universe director-general An interview with ∙ )JHIMPPQQFSUVSCBUJWFSFOPSNBMJ[BUJPODPOTUBOUT CZOFVUSPOUBHHJOHJOVMUSBQFSJQIFSBMJPO DIGITAL EDITION CREATED BY JESSE KARJALAINEN/IOP PUBLISHING, UK™ ™ KVMZ p5 p5 ETTERSFernando Quevedo p37 PRL 111 (2), 020401– 029902, 12 July 2013 (416 total L • Understanding the natureGPS-BUUJDF2$% *** UISFFMPPQRVBSLDVSSFOUTGPS of matterDPMMJTJPOTBUUIF-)$ Contents ∙ *XBTBLJHBVHFBDUJPOBOEO 8JMTPOGFSNJPOT 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS G Articles published 6 July–12 July 2013 Articles published week ending 12 J ULY 2013 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS -FGU&WFOUEJTQMBZPGBTJNVMBUFENPOPQPMFXJUITVQFSJNQPTFECBDLHSPVOEOPJTFUIFCMBDLMJOFSFQSFTFOUTUIF 3$ESCOTES 'ENONAND"-OUSSALLAM VOLUME 111, NUMBER 2 NPOPQPMFUSBDL UIFEJHJUBMPQUJDBMNPEVMFTBSFTIPXOBTUJOZCMBDLEPUTBOE12 July 2013 UIFDPMPSDPEFJMMVTUSBUFTUIFUJNF WWW. "OBMZUJDJUZPGηπ JTPTQJOWJPMBUJOHGPSNGBDUPST TDBMFGSPNSFEGPSFBSMZUJNFTUPCMVFGPSMBUFSUJNFT5IFSBEJJPGUIFDPMPSFETQIFSFTTDBMFXJUIUIFOVNCFS CERNGeneral Physics: Statistical andCOURIERQuantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc. BOEUIFτ ® ηπν TFDPOEDMBTTEFDBZ PGSFDPSEFEQIPUPFMFDUSPOT3JHIU6QQFSlimits on the fVYPGOPOSFMBUJWJTUJDNBHOFUJDNPOPQPMFTEFQFOEJOH Scalable Reconstruction of Density Matrices .......................................................................... 020401 2EGULAR!RTICLE 4HEORETICAL0HYSICS #ONTINUATIONONTHEREVERSEPAGE T.VBaumgratz,OLUME D.54Gross, NM.UMBERCramer, 10and M. D B.ECEMBERPlenio 2014POUIFTQFFEbBOEDBUBMZTJTDSPTTTFDUJPOsDBUPGUIF*$BOBMZTJTBOE*$%FFQ$PSFBOBMZTJT5IFEBTIFEMJOFT Particles, Holes, and Solitons: A Matrix Product State Approach .....................................................BSFMJNJUTQVCMJTIFECZUIF."$30FYQFSJNFOU"020402 EEJUJPOBMMZ UIF*DF$VCFMJNJUTBSFTIPXOBTBGVODUJPO Damian Draxler, Jutho Haegeman, Tobias J. Osborne, Vid Stojevic,PG~MLaurens XIJDIJTQSVanderstraeten,PQPSUJPOBMUPUIFBWFSBHFE$IFSFOLPWQIPUPOZJFMEQFSOVDMFPOEFDBZand Frank Verstraete 'SPN*DF$VCF$PMMBCPSBUJPO4FBSDIGPSOPOSFMBUJWJTUJDNBHOFUJDNPOPQPMFTXJUI*DF$VCF • How do neutrinos behave? Why are Bounding Temporal Quantum Correlations ............................................................................ 020403 Costantino Budroni, Tobias Moroder, Matthias Kleinmann, and Otfried Gu¨hne Quantum Teleportation of Dynamics and Effective Interactions between Remote Systems ............................ 020501 Christine A. Muschik, Klemens Hammerer, Eugene S. Polzik, and Ignacio J. Cirac Secure Entanglement Distillation for Double-Server Blind Quantum Computation .................................... 020502 Tomoyuki Morimae and Keisuke Fujii Faithful Solid State Optical Memory with Dynamically Decoupled Spin Wave Storage .............................. 020503 Marko Lovric´, Dieter Suter, Alban Ferrier, and Philippe Goldner they so different from other particles, Quantum Frameness for CPT Symmetry .............................................................................. 020504 Michael Skotiniotis, Borzu Toloui, Ian T. Durham, and Barry C. Sanders Nonadditivity in Quasiequilibrium States of Spin Systems with Lattice Distortion .................................... 020601 Takashi Mori Gravitation and Astrophysics Observables of a Test Mass along an Inclined Orbit in a Post-Newtonian-Approximated Kerr Spacetime Including the Linear and Quadratic Spin Terms ............................................................................. 021101 like the electrons and quarks that Steven Hergt, Abhay Shah, and Gerhard Scha¨fer pages) Three-Dimensional Model of Cosmic-Ray Lepton Propagation Reproduces Data from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station ................................................................... 021102 Daniele Gaggero, Luca Maccione, Giuseppe Di Bernardo, Carmelo Evoli, and Dario Grasso First Observation of PeV-Energy Neutrinos with IceCube ............................................................. 021103 M. G. Aartsen et al. (IceCube Collaboration) Limits on Spin-Dependent WIMP-Nucleon Cross Sections from 225 Live Days of XENON100 Data ................ 021301 E. Aprile et al. (XENON100 Collaboration) make up atoms? Effective Field Theory Approach to Gravitationally Induced Decoherence ............................................ 021302 M. P. Blencowe (Continued Inside) Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics. Please visit http://physics.aps.org/. By suggesting a few manuscripts each week, we hope to promote reading across fields. Please see our Announcement Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 010001 (2007). 2 Copyright 2013 American Physical Society Published by Volume 111, Number 2 • What is the “dark matter” that makes American Physical Society™ 0031-9007(20130712)111:2;1-I up a quarter of the Universe? … for science and for the experimental accomplishment of building IceCube … 7 Tyce DeYoung Neutrino Astronomy cosmic rays + neutrinos p π± ν 0 π γ p cosmic rays + gamma-rays Cosmic rays deflected γ by magnetic fields ν VHE gamma rays are absorbed by background radiation p execution threads :!5$'1;1+$'*5'-'()*&*"' propagation steps !"#$%&'()*&*"' (between scatterings) photon absorbed +$",&)'&*'-.#*%(/*"' 0!#&-"1$'&*'"$2&'#1-3$%' new photon created (taken from the pool)
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