(9"1G" Grasmc(Roooi Mcfel Ojlgene

(9"1G" Grasmc(Roooi Mcfel Ojlgene

-1- .J(D'I(I)CelC" c6o9 (I)'l@ofiDe dGE)Co dDOGlE(Ilo cpds@ Jlomailscoto 05.03.2018-(d c-.rcc!o (r)o1l(a - 901 oqoldlqqt oacooo(',elo osmDelmtl(i otl.oD6nlgl'aD1 aocrulaeos (I)on665mo cdc€tro 9clooo q4il.<cqc05rD1 cec5r6 q&il. dl. crgcucoooE (oorgo.dco@o @dlccrg.oco. ola,.Jo@il) (oO) €6c(o)oo(')eb o6rnDeroldflci (oO) qorc8.'Je n-rjlojl.gro a;ldld Jtor.rnlErun qooq.de rujloilnsco G6cG)ooU)Alo rnlOoto" gor &1Cld o6c6)4),o0)Elo mr6nl ojlecatoluflm d;ldld ol.6(m o-tilollcocrilrif GdC@AoOElo' cac(Ooou)eJo, GoJColoc(ril@Cd G(lrccntcciloos' om)dsffoaEileJc(o)l om)aefioaglejc(aJl ooco4d'qos cocruJaqos cnolla(o6rD(urol(r)c(ot cnollero6morDlmc(ojl SLTF 2016-17 prc cru66c{6 og}@) 9e ctl61 d euEo.Sgoril 39 qtcJ<oto16uA6" o4llo6rBfiro" (Bro(ol ooo(osco 216 ercso @olgo' SLTF 2017-18 cf @c1J(d|ojl6si6 Gc)l6njl(aJcosmcndo gsEo.S€(d'oi 43 @cJotu auA6' cl[€furococG@c; 421.6 eldeo @org"' 7 6ntru-bd @cJor6jl6(,E6c(ot 849.60e6so (9"1g" Grasmc(roooi mcfel oJlgene-. olltnoollo@o (sr0(rd6m(rtlj oc(o, c-oJd@cna. (6njl) p€J. o6nAaU6nA (6nD @a8(o @c!(6lofl6,uA "Oflc" dl @cJo|ojl6oi .,Jd6r6il6c1dl€e6rncr olluoBoc@ccoc, ooflco c,Jd(oloileroliJ. GorcQf a6r6cru5nA @c!(dlo.)leEld 63 @qo|(,tauA .'J6(dl6ile(olqil€6r8". I @cJo|dilsuE .Jc(oc(')Oil!.| o6c6nckd1ema. 11 @qololeeos os6rBcilotd cDs.lldldua ff)sffo c}t(6firo. 6rxorbd ol666gil(d 4 @cJ(o|oileu0 a,Jerocoldl4 o6c6nikd16ma. 2 @cJolufleqos "6tcglcag crdoc/tl6,c.dolotlocQt -2- cruad.Jl4. uQolotqos os5neoloctl (r)s.rdlouE oJc@coojl4 c!(Gma. o0ma(6lo@' (ffUl) o6)flc (rDo(o) (mt) "Oflc @cJo'ojl6eo AicJ(droleq" .grEorotlorcoc)lcnE cruc(j)l@o oo(m- 6r)lfiujl(ooc(ot 'd6ofttl6(a16c c!|!6(6r0c6ccoc? oc6m" po€(nl@(m(o". SLTF-oc0 63(o!(UrD1cd d,(acq6c6 ossrBq 6,uE ofto8€6(motfil (oc@m). c)'|(G(ro6n{. 6r)le. sm @oilnil0"il6uE poc(o!(UYo1ci qoAood .O€65mo. SLTF cld@eogHco 2018 oo(at GrooffucmcolDcggdl .graoutlaol mcrcci oClqoorm- qolladlano ".."rW,-. -3- 6F(D5ltl(frDo Estimate No. & date of Presert sl. Name ofwork amount sanctioning status of No (in lakhsl AS/SS/TS work Pte Vo*tt work 2016 - 17 Clearing blocked up CE/R&B/TF/ culverts and drains- Removing wat€r stagination and MVPA-1/2016- work rainy season ln 2.50 I Urgent Rectification works during 17 dated completed to Kothamangalam Perumpankuthu Road Ch 0/000 30.05.2016 121000 and Adiecent Roads 3 Monsool work 2016 - 17 Clearing blocked up CBR&B/TF/ lverts and drains- Removing water stagination and lvf\?A- l /2016- work 2 genl R€ctilication work dwing lainy s€ason in I / dateo completed uva Murmar Road and adiecent Roads 30.05.2016 Pre Monsoon work 2016 - l7 Clearing blocked up CE/R&B/TF/ culverts and drains- Removing water stagftEtion and MVPA-l/2016- work rainy season in 2.51, 3 Urgent Rectification works during 17 dated completed 17000 to Kothamangalam p€nunparkuthu Roads Ch 30.05.2016 20/000 and adieceol Roads Pre Monsoon work 2016-17 Clearing blocked up CE/R&B/TF/ culverts and drains- Removing water stagination and MVPA-1/2016- work 4 3.00 Urgent RecLihcation work during rainy season in 17 dated completed various roads under roads section Pothanicadu 30.05.2016 CE/R&B/TF/ Patch rcpairs to O/R - 2016-17 - Ulgenr BT MYP A-420t6- work Ch.0/000 to 6.00 5 Kothamangalam Perumpankuthu road. l7 dated completed 1t1300 08.09.2016 CE/R&B/TF/ Patch repairs to O/R - 2016-17 - Urgent BT MVP A-2t20t6- work Perumpankuthu road Ch 11/300 to 8.0c 6 Kothamangalam l'1 dard completed l91000 08.09.2016 CElR&B/TF/ O/R 2016-17 Urgent BT Patch repairs to Puthuppady MVP A-212016- work 7 5.00 oothanikkad road 6/900 to I 1/000 17 dated completed 08.09.2016 CElR&B/TF/ Urgent Patch repairs to MVP A-212016- work O/R - 2016-17 - BT 6.00 Substation Cheluvattoor road.Ch.0/000 to 2/000 l7 dated completed 08.09.2016 CVR&B/TF/ olR 2016-17 - Providing 20mm bit chipping caryet }'dVP A-2n0t6- work 9 and raising the road near SNDP Temple in 8.00 l7 dated completed Kothamangalam MA College 08.09.2016 CE/R&B/TF/ palch to OR 2016-17 - Urgent BT repain MVPA-2D0r6- work Chathamattom Oonml-uzhy road Km. 6200 to 9.0c l0 - 17 dated completed 8/200 08.09.2016 CE/R&B/TF/ patch to O,& 2016-17 Urgent BT rcpairs llyP A-42016- work - Kulangathrkuzhy road 10.00 ll Thdkkariyoor - Vettilappara l7 dated completed Ch: 2/000 to 4/150 08.09.2016 CER&B/TF/ work OIF. 2016'1'7 Urgent BT patch rcpairs to Paipn - lvfvPA-2/201 6- t2 8.00 completed Nellikuzhy road Km. 5/000 to 9/600 17 dated 08.09.2016 CE/R&B,/TF/ Puthuppady O,R. 2016-17 Urgent BT patah repairs to MVP A-2/2016- work (except Ch: 9.00 - Pothanicad road Km. 0/000 to 2/350 17 dated completed U400 to l/500) 08.09.2016 CE/R&B/TF/ to OlR - 2016-l'l - Urgent BT Patch reparrs lvf,lP A-2/2016- work Vettilapara 6.00 l4 Nadodipalam Mudiyara Malippara l7 dated completed to13/000. vadakkumbhagum road. ch. l11000 08.09.2016 CRR&B/TF/ O/R 2016-17 - Urgent BT Patch repairs to NNP A-2/2016- work l5 - 10.00 Kruuppumpady Koottickal road l7 dated completed 08.09.2016 CElR&B/TF/ repaircs to OIR 2016-17 Urgent BT patch lvM A-2/2016- work road 6/200 to 9.0c l6 Chathamttom - Ooramkuzhy Km. l7 dated completed 8/200 08.09.2016 cElR&Bm/ to O/R - 2016-17 - Uryent BT Patch repairs NwPA-2D016- work Pareekami - Thenkode - Uppukuzhy 8.00 t'l Kuthukuzhy - 17 dated completed road 08.09.2016 CE/R&B/TF/ -Reconstruction Culvert in S/R 2016-17 of lvfVPA-2n 016- work 18 Perumbarkuth Road (Ramalloor) 5.00 Kothamangalam 17 dated completed cH l/100 08.09.2016 CBR&B,TF/ S/R 2016-17 wgent rcconstruction ofdamaged culver MvPA-U20r6- work l9 2.0N at Chathamattom - Oonrftuzhy road ch. 7/000 I / OaIeO completed 08.09.2016 CEIR&B/TF/ O/R 2016-17 Urgent B.T patch repairs to Sut MPAJS&S- work 20 - 5.00 Station - Cheruvattoor road Km. 2/000 to 4/530 2/2016-17 dated Completed 08.02.20t7 CE/R&B/TF/ patch rcpaiN to O/R 2016-17 - Urgent B.T MPA"/S&S. work Adivad Market road Km. 0/000 to 4.00 2l Kozhippilly - 212016-17 dated Completed 4D00 08.02.2017 CVR&B/TF/ patch repairs to O/R 2016-17 - Ury€nt B.T MPA/S&S- work 22 Vazhakulam - Kothamangalam road Km. 13/000 to 3.00 2DOl6-17 dald,d Completed t'|/400 08.02.2017 CElR&B/TF/ patch repaires to O/R 2016-17 Urgent BT MyP Ns1201,6- work Neriyamangalam - Neendapara road Km. 0/000 to 5.00 23 l7 dated completed 5/000 r8.02.20t'7 CER&B/TF/ O/R 2016-17 Uryent BT patch repaires to Ramalloor MVP N5l20l6- work 24 6.00 Pindimana road Km. 0/000 to 2/400 17 dated completed r8.02.2017 CE/R&B/TF/ patch to O/R 2016-l? Urgent BT rcpaircs MVPA/5/20 I 6- work Km. 7.00 25 Nangalipady 314 Elambra Beevipady road l7 dated completed 0/000 to 3/000 & 7/200 to 8100 r8.02.201'l CE/R&B,/TF/ O,R 2016-17 Urgent BT patch repaires to MVPAJ5/2016- work 26 5.00 Puthuppady- Pothanicadu road Km. 3/1 00 to 6/900 l7 dated completed t8.02.2017 CBR&B,IIF/ Society OIR 2016-17 Urgent BT patch repaires to MVPAJ5/2016- work Azhormolam 5.00 27 pady Canalpalam Methalapady 17 daled completed to 3/000 Kottachim road Km. 0/000 18.02.2017 CE/R&B/TF/ to O,& 2016-17 Urgent BT Patch rcpaires MVPA"/5i2016- work to 4.50 28 Chathamttom - Oorarnkuztty road ( Inchoor 17 dated completed Mathirappilly Portion) Km. 9/000 to 1 l/000 r8.02.20t7 CE/R&B,/TF/ OIR' 20lGl'1 Urgent BT patch reparres to MVPN5t20l6- work road 35/000 to 5.0( 29 Nedumbassery Kodaikanal Km. 17 dated completed 37t000 18.02.2017 CElR&B/TF/ O/R 2016-17 Urgent BT patch repaires to Thalakodu r\{wA./5/20 I 6- work 30 4.00 - Mullarincad road Km. 4/000 to 6/050 l7 dated completed 18.02.2017 CE/R&B/TF/ 2016-17 Urgent BT patch repaircs to Parcekanni MVPN5/2016- work O/R 3.50 - Uppukuzhy - Mavudy road Km. 3/600 to 4/800 l7 dated completed 18.02.2017 CElR&B/TF/ O/R 2016-17 Uryent BT patch repaires to Odackaly I\{\?A/520 I 6- work 5.00 Naganchery road Km. 1/850 to 3/880 17 dated completed r8.02.20t'l CE/R&B/TF/ 2016-17 Providing 20 mm close graded Mctal WP - - MVP N712016- premixed surfacing Nedumbassery Kodaikanal 2(, supply in to l7 dated to 33/500 progress road Km. 31000 22.03.2017 Tender CVR&B/TF/ graded op€ned no RIP - 2016-17 - Providing 20 mm close MVPN72016- 34 qernixed surfacing Nedumbassery Kodaikanal 20 response.

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